Abode of Strife #9 |
1987 |
gen |
novel: The Reluctant Jedi
Against the Sith |
1978-1980 |
? |
Alderaan (Star Wars zine) |
1978-1981 |
? |
Alderaani Imperative |
1983 |
gen |
anthology with an emphasis on Princess Leia
Alliance & Empire |
1993-1994 |
gen |
Alliance (Star Wars zine) |
1994-1997 |
? |
Alliance Archives |
1978 |
unknown |
The Alternative Universe of Star Wars |
? |
gen |
anthology, AUs and Star Trek crossover
Anakin (Star Wars zine) |
1991 |
adult gen |
two stories, character-specific
Another Sky |
1991-Present |
gen |
Luke Skywalker stories
Apprentice (aka "Lifestar") |
1987 |
? |
Apathy |
1981 |
gen |
Aren't You a Little Short for a Stormtrooper? |
1998 |
? |
Bad Karma & Other Fallacies |
? |
? |
Baselines |
1981-1986 |
gen |
multimedia anthology
Better Idea Zine |
1987-1996 |
gen |
Harrion Ford zine, letterzine and fanfic
Bloodstripe |
2000-Present |
gen |
anthology, #1 Han Solo-specific
Bound by the Force |
1982-1997 |
? |
Blue Harvest (Star Wars zine) |
1993-2000 |
? |
Blue Milk |
1983-1984 |
? |
actor-centric zine
Blue Morning, Blue Day |
? |
het |
novel zine
Bright Center of the Universe |
1991-2001 |
gen |
one Han/Luke story in #1
Bounty Hunter |
1992-1999 |
? |
Burning Skies |
1991 |
? |
Luke Skywalker story series, first three appeared in Syndicated Images
Calheeraan |
1981 |
gen |
Cantina Workshop |
1980-1983 (?) |
nonfiction |
Carbonite Maneuver |
1981 |
gen |
Catalyst |
1985 |
gen |
single author zine
Catalyst! Collected |
1986 |
gen |
single author anthology, reprints
The Celestial Toybox |
1986-? |
gen |
Child of Darkness, Child of Light |
1995-1997 |
? |
Children of the Sith |
1980 |
? |
Chronicles of the House of Alderaan |
1991-1993 |
gen |
anthology, Han and Leia, AU for book canon.
Circle of Light |
1984-1987 |
gen |
Cloud City Freezing Chamber |
1993 |
? |
fiction, articles, cartoons, and art
Clumsy Master Hyper |
? |
gen |
Collected Circle of Fire |
1985 |
? |
single author antholgy, reprints
Combining Forces |
1981-1982 |
gen |
Comlink |
1981-1992 |
? |
multimedia review and letterzine
The Complete Zeek |
1986 |
? |
single author anthology, also Star Trek and Indiana Jones
Concupiscence |
1991-1997 |
slash |
Conflicting Impulses |
1985 |
? |
anthology, Star Wars and Indiana Jones
Convergence |
1983 |
gen |
The Corellian Jedi |
1982 |
? |
Contraband |
1983-1984 |
gen |
Corellian Chronicles |
?-1981 |
? |
German clubzine
Corvette Press |
1980s |
? |
Japanese actor-centric zine about Mark Hamill
Cosmic Landscapes |
1980s |
? |
multimedia anthology
Cosmic Shooting Star |
2006 |
slash |
doujinshi, prequel trilogy
Crossfire Zone |
1993-1995 |
? |
Crossed Sabers |
1980-1983 |
? |
anthology, formally called "Millennium"
Dagobah: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever |
1985-1995 |
gen |
Danna's Song |
1995 |
? |
The Dark Fire Saga |
2001 |
gen |
Dark Interlude |
1978 |
? |
Dark Jedi (US Star Wars zine) |
1994 |
Dark Jedi (UK Star Wars zine) |
?-1999 |
Dark Lord (Star Wars Swedish zine) |
1979-1981 |
Dark Lord (Star Wars US zine) |
1982 |
Dark Master, Dark Servant |
1997-2000 |
gen |
Darkshine Rising |
1998 |
gen |
Darkside |
1994-1997 |
Darkwalker |
1980 |
Deceptive Journey |
1984 |
Delta Source |
2000-2003 |
Delusions of Grandeur |
2000-2003 |
gen |
Diverse Dimensions |
1982-1984 |
gen |
Docking Bay |
1981-1984 |
gen |
Dormant Empire |
2003 |
gen |
Dragon's Teeth |
1986 |
gen |
Dreamship |
1980 |
gen |
Echo Base |
1997-2002 |
gen |
anthology in Hungarian
Echo Three |
1994-1995 |
gen |
Echo Seven |
1984 |
Eclipse (Star Wars zine) |
1987 |
gen |
Elan Vital |
1978-1980 |
non-fiction |
Elusive Lover |
1996-2001 |
slash |
Elusive Lover - Alternate Visions |
1999 |
slash |
Empire Review |
1980-1982 |
gen |
Empire Star |
1978-1981 |
The Enemies |
1985 |
gen |
Enemy Territory |
1987 |
gen |
Enterprising Falcon |
1983 |
Equal Space |
1980 |
Errantry |
1983-1984 |
gen |
Esper! |
1983 |
Evolution of a Rebel |
1981 |
Facets |
1980-1983 |
Face to Face (Star Wars zine) |
1998 |
The Faith |
1979 |
Fanfaring |
late 1970s |
gen & het |
Falcon's Flight |
1978-1980 |
gen |
Falcon's Lair (Star Trek: TOS and Star Wars zine published in 1978) |
1978 |
Falcon's Lair (Star Wars zine published in 2006) |
2006 |
gen |
Falcon's Landing |
1983 or before |
gen |
Far From the Home I Love |
2001 |
gen |
Far Horizons |
1981 |
Far Realms |
1981-1987 |
gen |
Farthest Horizons |
1983 or before |
Fesarius |
1976-? |
gen |
Fikcje (Polish) |
1988? |
gen |
Flash-in-the-Pan |
1982 |
gen |
Flip of a Coin |
1983-1996 |
gen & het |
The Force of Fate (Star Wars zine) |
1996 |
Force Sensitive |
1990-1995 |
? |
Force's Light |
1994 |
gen |
Force Whisperer |
1997 |
gen |
Force Yourself |
1990s |
gen |
From a Certain Point of View |
1985-1990 |
gen & het |
Future Wings |
1978 |
gen |
Galactic Falcon |
1981 |
Galactic Flight |
1979-1980 |
gen |
A Galaxy In Flames |
1982 |
A Galaxy Far Away |
1983-1987 |
Galaxy Travellers |
1996-? |
Green Harvest |
1980s |
adzine |
Grip |
1978-1988 |
gen |
Guardian |
1978-1988 |
gen |
Han Solo |
? |
gen |
Han Solo: Musings of a Corellian |
Harrison Ford Filmography |
1982 |
The Healer's Revenge |
1993 |
Heroine's Showcase |
1981-1984 |
Hi-Gain |
1979 |
newsletter |
Harrison Ford zine
Hibernation Sickness |
1987-1992 |
Hoth or Bust |
1985 |
Hydrospanner Zero |
1981 |
gen |
Hyper Space |
1977-1978 |
gen |
I Care |
2000-2002 |
I Don't Care What You Smell |
1995-2003 |
gen |
I Have a Bad Feeling About This |
1994-1996 |
Illuminations |
1984 |
gen |
Imperial Entanglements |
1982 |
gen & slash |
Imperial Joke Book |
1984 |
gen |
Imperium |
1983-1997 |
gen |
Incident on Ardnor |
1980 |
gen |
Innocent Blood (Star Wars zine) |
slash |
Integrity (multimedia zine) |
1991 |
Interspace |
1981 |
Jandra |
1993 |
Jedi (Star Wars zine) |
1981-1982 |
Jedi Dawning |
1986 |
A Jedi in King Arthur’s Court |
1981 |
crossover |
Jedi Princess |
1997-1981 |
The Jedi Journal |
1986 |
Jedi Journeys |
?-2004 |
gen |
Jedi Riddle: Tale 10 of the MacShannon Chronicles |
1983 |
JediStarDarkFalconKnight |
1984 |
gen |
Kessel Run |
1981-1984 |
gen |
Kessel Slave |
1984 |
gen |
The Key |
1988 |
Kingdom of Shadows |
1996-1999 |
slash |
Knight of Shadows |
1982 |
gen |
The Lair of the Blue Falcon |
1995 |
gen |
Landspeeder |
1977-1983 |
Lasergram |
1977-1978 |
gen |
Legacy (Star Wars zine) |
1986 |
Legends of Light |
1982-1984 |
gen |
Life Was Not Meant to Be Easy |
1980 |
A Light from the Dark |
1984 |
Lighter Side of the Force |
1980 |
gen |
The Lighter Side Strikes Back |
1983 |
gen |
The Light Sabre |
1977-1997 |
Like Father, Like Son |
gen |
cartoons, also BSG
The Lost Jedis |
1981-1982 |
gen |
The Lost Trail
Luminous Beings |
1981 |
gen |
The MacShannon Chronicles |
1983 |
gen |
Marginal Error |
1987 |
gen |
May the Farce Be With You |
1982 |
gen |
Melange |
1983-1986 |
gen |
Metamorphosis |
1998 |
gen |
Memoirs of the Jedi
Millennium (Star Wars fanzine) |
1980 |
gen |
Millennium (multifandom zine) |
2001-2007 |
gen |
The Millennium Deal |
2001 |
slash |
Millions of Voices Cried Out |
poetry |
Mobius Theatre Presents: Stage Wars, or Who's Biggs? |
gen |
Moonbeam |
1978 |
Mos Eisley Chronicle |
1978-1984 |
The Mos Eisley Tribune |
1978-1979 |
Motley Archives |
1978-1984 |
Multiverse (fanzine) |
1979-1999 |
gen |
Nerfherder's Companion |
1981-1982 |
Never Say Die |
2000-Present |
gen |
A New Force to be Reckoned With |
2010? |
slash |
News of the Rebellion |
1978-1982 |
A New Challenge |
1985 |
New Dimensions in Star Wars |
?1982 or before |
gen |
A New Hope (Star Wars zine) |
1986-1989 |
No Disintegrations |
1996 |
Nodes in the Web of Time |
1993 |
gen & het |
Nowhere to Run |
1986 |
The Old Republic Reader |
gen newsletter |
On a Clear Day You Can See Dagobah |
1985-1995 |
Once Upon a Galaxy |
1984 |
Only A Wookiee |
1988 |
Only Hope |
1994-1997 |
Organia |
1982 |
gen & het |
The Ormand Factor |
1994-1996 |
Osiris Files |
1988- |
gen |
Outlands Chronicles |
1983-1987 |
gen |
Pantechnikon |
1979 |
gen |
Partisans |
1987 |
Passage to Arms |
1982 |
Pegasus (Star Trek: TOS and Star Wars zine) |
1976-1987 |
Perceptions |
1984 |
Phoenix (multimedia zine) |
1980-1989 |
Planet of the Sith
The Princess Tapes |
1981-1982 |
gen |
Prisoners of Palentar |
1982 |
gen |
Pursuit of the Nashtah |
1994 |
Quest (Star Wars zine) |
1980 |
A Question of Honor |
1984 |
gen |
The Rancor's Tooth
Rebel Alliance (Star Wars zine) |
1993-1994 |
Rebel Alliance Cookbook |
1982 or before |
? |
The Rebel Standard |
1984 |
The Rebellious Reader
The Reluctant Rebel |
1982 |
The Reluctant Renegade |
1992 |
The Renegade and the Rogue |
1994 |
Renaissance (Star Wars zine) |
1997 |
Resolutions/Freedom's Fare |
1999 |
Resolutions: Solo |
het |
The Rest of the Garbage |
1999-2001 |
het & slash |
The Revenge of the Rest of the Garbage #2 |
het & slash |
The Return of the Rest of the Garbage #3 |
het & slash |
The Menace of the Rest of the Garbage #4 |
het & slash |
Resurrection |
2004 |
gen |
The Return (Star Wars zine) |
1984 |
Revenge of the Jedi (Star Wars zine) |
1986 |
Revenge of the Sith (Star Wars zine) |
1986 |
Revisions (multimedia zine) |
1979 |
The Sacrifice (Star Wars zine) |
1996 |
Sanctuary (zine) |
1988 |
Sanctuary Moon |
2003 |
slash |
Savage Trade |
1988-1989 |
gen |
Sarlacc |
1996-1997 |
Scott's Superspectacular |
late 1970s |
Scoundrel Sheets |
1984 |
Scum & Villainy |
1979 |
gen |
Secret of the Sith |
1977 |
gen |
The Secret Sharer |
1997 |
slash |
A Season of Darkness |
1984 |
gen |
Shadow Dance |
1983 |
Shadow Jedi |
1994 |
gen |
Shadowstar |
1980-1994 |
Shooting Star |
1982 |
Showcase Presents |
1979 |
Signs of Wisdom |
1985 |
The Silent Knight |
1985 |
slash |
Silent Victory |
1982 |
Size Matters Not |
2001-2004 |
The Sith Yearbook |
1983 |
gen & slash |
Skyhook |
1998 |
Skyhopper |
1988-1989 |
nonfiction, gen |
Skywalker (Star Wars zine) |
1978-1982 |
1980-1982 |
Snowfire |
1995-1998 |
gen |
Solo (Australian Star Wars zine) |
1979 |
Solo (US Star Wars zine) |
1986 |
Sons and Daughters of the Force |
1980-1997 |
gen |
Southern Enclave |
1983-1997 |
Southern Knights |
1985-1986 |
Southern Lights |
1985-1993 |
Star Journeys |
1979 |
Starnodes |
1993 |
StarQuest |
1988 |
Starshadow |
1979-? |
gen |
The Star Wars Bibliography of Stories |
1994 |
lists of SW zines |
Star Wars Encyclopedia |
1981 |
Star Wars: For the Republic |
1991-? |
gen |
fic series
Star Wars Probe |
1991-? |
nonfiction |
articles, photos
Star Wars Vision |
1994-1996 |
gen |
Starwalking |
1989-1994 |
newsletter |
Starwings |
1982-1984 |
gen |
Storm (Star Wars zine) |
1979 |
A Storm in Every Port |
1990 |
gen |
Tales from the Cantina |
1992-1996 |
Tales of the Empire |
1998-2000 |
Tales of a New Republic |
1995-1997 |
Tauntaun Express |
1984 |
The Teachings of the Force
Technological Terror |
1994 |
Through the Force
Thousandworlds Collected |
1986 |
Thunderbolt: the Adventures of Young Han Solo |
1986 |
gen |
Time Warp (multifandom zine) |
1979-1984 |
Timeframe |
1977-1985 |
The Toll of Power |
1993 |
gen |
To Raise the Jedi |
1983 |
Trackless Voids |
1981 |
Trek Force |
1979 |
A Tremor in the Force |
1987-2007 |
gen |
Trust |
1980 |
Turnabout (Star Wars zine) |
1986 |
Tusken Farms |
1993-? |
Twin Suns |
1980-1982 |
Tyderium |
1993-1997 |
Vendetta |
1978 |
Visions (Star Trek & Star Wars zine) |
1982-1983 |
gen |
Voices (Star Wars zine) |
1994 |
gen poetry |
Voices of the Force
Warped Space (some issues) |
1970s-1985 |
gen |
Warrior's Justice |
1999 |
The Whills |
1981 & 1984 |
Who's Scruffy Looking? |
1994 |
gen |
The Wookiee Book of Fun |
1980? |
jokes |
The Wookiee Commode |
1984-1990 |
gen |
Wookiee Rendezvous |
1999 |
You Could Use a Good Kiss |
1999 |
You Could Use Another Good Kiss |
2000 |