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This week's featured article

Example of an X-Files inspired sig

A .sig (short for "signature block") is a personalized block of text set to be automatically added at the bottom of a fan's email messages, Usenet articles, or forum posts.

A .sig can contain the fan's name, their fannish affiliations, political and personal statements, in-jokes and shout-outs, keeper duties, and quotes.

In 1993, the president of SEFEB suggested: "What say we all just put it in our .sigs so we can identify ourselves?" <

.sigs sometimes included ASCII art, something that could lead to discord, as modems and dial-ups meant that space and time was money, and plumping one's messages with lengthy .sigs was poor etiquette. From rec.arts.drwho in the late 1980s: "Trim your sig. file."

.sigs were also a place to promote fan's own websites and other fanworks.

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News and updates

February 10, 2025

"International Fanworks Day 2025. Drawn on lined paper in a crayon style, trope-ey decorations, including Crack, Enemies to lovers, Hurt/Comfort, and there's only one bed. Fanlore logo in the top center"
Banner by Hiely

Join us in celebration of International Fanworks Day with our annual week-long challenge, the IFD Fanlore Challenge! From February 10th-16th, come celebrate fandom with us by completing fun editing challenges and earning our fun trope-themed badges! Find out more on the help page!

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