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Title: Concupiscence
Publisher: Manacles Press
Editor(s): Megan Kent and Charlotte C. Hill
Date(s): 1991 - 1997
Medium: print
Fandom: multimedia
Language: English
External Links: Manacles Press LJ
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a 1991 flyer

Concupiscence is the multimedia slash zine published by Manacles Press between 1991 and 1997. Like their other zines, they were cleanly laid out, with simple covers and little or no interior illustration. There were five issues produced.

From Sandy Herrold in 1994:

... heavy doses of Pros (*minimum* of 30%) with an odd mix from there on out. Wiseguy, Next Gen, Batman, B&B, stuff I don't even remember. I have no professional opinion on the relative quality of these three zines, though one of my favorite-of-all-time M Fae Glasgow stories is in #1: Mental Traveller (Pickard/Data [sic]; beautiful, and thanks again and forever, M Fae. [1]

Regarding the Title

From the title page of the first issue: "Concupiscence: (kon-kyoo-pi-sense) n. 1. ardent sexual desire: LUST 2. multimedia slash fanzine. 3. a great read."

Proposed Sister Zines

In 1994, a fan commented on a sister zine proposal:

As I understand it, the Concupiscence zines are intended to illustrate the title in any case. Is there something wrong with including stories therein that illustrate it more, ah, indulgently than usual? If you want to distinguish it from the slightly darker and more together (this sounds rather like making good chocolate pudding) stories that you prefer as your main output, you could call the issue Concupiscence Light and Sweet or Cum Cupid's Sense or something similarly frivolous. [2]

In 1995, this zine had a name, "Innuendo." [3]

According to a 1996 edition of On the Double, the same or another sister zine was proposed:

Concupiscence 3.14159286 - (M/M)- Media fandom goes cyberpunk! Put your favorite characters into a dark, futuristic, techie world of virtual reality and cyberspace.

Issue 1

Concupiscence 1 was published in May 1991, 144 pages, is subtitled, "Professionals and Gifted Amateurs". Aside from a bit of clip art, it contains no interior illos.

cover of issue #1

From the editorial: "

Welcome to Concupiscence, the first ever multimedia ("be serious, the first, period."-"shut up!") zine produced by Manacles Press; we hope you experience a bit of it in these pages. When we decided to produce this little gem, it was with a great deal of overconfidence and certainty that hey, this would be e-a-s-y. We're computer Pro's, we do this kinda thing all the time, so what can be difficult? Actually, "difficult" doesn't describe it. But painstaking? Time consuming? Energy-zapping? To every person who has published and kept on publishing, we thank you wholeheartedly. We understand, now!

It was our intention to provide, in this zine, at least a little something that would appeal to almost everybody. It has a touch of kink, it has a bit more passion, and it has lots of romance; it has closed bedroom doors, it has graphic detail. It makes Julienne Fries. And that's not all....

LOC's - We're actively soliciting LOC's (letters of comment), and we want them bad enough to give you half off on your next purchase to get them! And this is the way it goes.... You write us a serious LOC, telling us in some kind of detail what you liked, what you hated, which stories you preferred and why, how you used the zine for kindling, whatever. We put those comments/ criticisms into a hat and draw out a name or two. If we draw out yours, bingo! Half off your next zine purchase from Manacles Press. (More than one sentence on typos automatically disqualifies you from the drawing! Even though we do our level best, we know we probably have 'em. If you like to point them out then do so, but don't expect it to make a difference in the long run.) At your request, we'll pass your name and comments on to authors, who love to getfeedback. If you're affected by an author's work, consider your LOC a carrot to dangle in front of their keyboard!

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

[The Smallest Room]: This is the first of several stories by Sebastian that I'm going to rec this week. She's one of the Pros authors who seems to be either loved or hated; I happen to love her fiction... In The Smallest Room, she shows us Bodie and Doyle near the beginning of their partnership, a time when each is still trying to figure the other out. In a job that requires a high degree of trust between partners, they've struck a balance that lets them work effectively together - though neither is precisely satisfied with the situation as it stands - until a tense op and one impulsive act threaten to throw off their carefully constructed equilibrium. [4]

[zine]: Three of the Pros stories are already online; a fourth is on the Proslib CD.

The cover is a plain blue cover, and there are no interior illustrations. The print is large and clear and in two columns per page. The final line to one of the stories has been written by hand: looks like a line of type fell off the page. A two or three sentence teaser is set into the middle of the first page of each story, and this often shows you who the pairing is. I didn't see many typos, although one repeated one was in one author's name in the header on each recto page, unfortunately enough. Overall, it's really easy to read.

There's a foreword at the start and adverts at the back: adverts for a Wiseguy slash novel, Oblique Publications, Homosapien (a zine) and Escapade II (a con); and requests for stories for Concupiscence II and Nudge Nudge Wink Wink.

Pros content: about 40 pages.

The Smallest Room, by Sebastian. 10 pp. Bodie and Doyle in one small room; idle talk turns to daring... It's online in several locations (eg, The Smallest Room at Sebastian's website) so you can make up your own mind, but I like this. I like Sebastian's style and the way her stories snake and change direction.

To The Victor... by Snow White. 2pp. Not quite B/D yet, but Doyle has designs. Spoils of War is the sequel. Can't say too much about it without spoiling it - it's so short - but I like Doyle's thoughts at the end very much - competitive and quite vindictive, and I don't blame him. Bodie's a bit too open with his emotions for me. Available online.

Someone Special, by Meg Garrett, 6pp. Again, not B/D, but more than that would spoil it. Doyle listens as Bodie chats to old army mates, who turn out to include characters from other shows. From the names given, I guessed one show correctly (New Avengers), and had no idea about the other (Sandbaggers). I didn't need to know anything about them to enjoy it (which is just as well), as the various old mates complain about the constraints their current work puts upon them and the difficulties of finding that someone special. This is light-hearted fun, and none the worse for that. It's on the Proslib CD.

...The Spoils of War, by Snow White. 8pp. Sequel to To The Victor... Aha, this story is B/D actually getting down to it (finally, only the second in the zine!), but it's taken them a long time to get there, and a posthumous letter from Cowley explains why. I don't find it entirely credible - although I am personally always prepared to believe the worst of one character, who is portrayed here as cynical and manipulative. I don't see Doyle weeping with rage, for example, and parts are too romantic for me. I enjoyed it nevertheless. Admittedly, I think that was partly because I want them to make it into the bedroom (alley, whatever) at least once, and I was getting a bit concerned that it wasn't going to happen more than once in the entire zine. Shallow, me? Available online.

Undercover, by Stew. 14 pp. The only Pros content not online or on the CD. Again, B/D (oh, the relief). Told in the first person, from Bodie's point of view. It's set during In The Public Interest, and circumstances are getting to both men ("You ever thought about it?" "I haven't run out of women yet.") Nice weaving of episode and outside-the-episode scenes. I like the idea that Doyle might suggest to Bodie that he might be starting to be entertain thoughts about men generally, trusting Bodie with that information, but that he also might suggest he has no interest in Bodie himself ("Why should you think you qualify?") - there's quite a level of trust there. I had read a couple of Stew stories and wanted to read some more, and this story was one of the reasons to get the zine. So I was glad it didn't disappoint.

Enjoyed all the Pros stories.

Non-Pros content:

The Iceman Cometh, by M. Fae Glasgow. Blakes 7, Avon/Vila, 7 pp. Vila propositions Avon. Successfully. I don't really imagine Vila talking like this, but Avon, yes. Entertaining ending.

Rich Man, Poor Man, [MRK], Starsky and Hutch. 3 pp. They're playing Monopoly, and Starsky owes Hutch millions. Hutch suggests a way to pay off the debt.

To Those Who Wait, by Melody C. Wiseguy. Frank/Vinnie. 21pp. I know nothing about this show. I had never even heard of it. It made me wonder if I had missed out. Two characters in a cabin. Frank has admitted a lot about his feelings in a psych evaluation, the report of which Vinnie has managed to get hold of. Vinnie pushes Frank to admit the same to his face. Available online

Mental Traveller, M Fae Glasgow ST:TNG. Picard/Data. 19pp. Inspired by a Blake poem, though I don't quite see it myself. Picard and Data discuss life, death, love, possession and submission. Matters progress. Another fandom I know nothing of, though at least I've seen the programme. I really enjoyed M Fae's take on Picard and Data's thoughts here. Like her Pros writing, the train of thought is quite unsettling at times.

The Corellian Point of View, by Felicity Granger, Star Wars, Han/Luke 22pp, After the first film, Luke is getting used to rebels who are denizens of a galaxy rather more cosmopolitan than Tattooine, and starting to look at Han in a different way. It occurs to me that this is possibly a really common trope in Star Wars, but since I haven't read any before, it's new to me. Perhaps that's why I liked it. I liked a lot about this story, from the irony of the rebel pilot who is still maintaining boring machinery - it's not all swooping around in fighters! - to Han's casual reassurance and Luke's confusion about the practicalities. Neither Bodie nor Doyle were ever this naïve...

A Matter of Trust, T.H.E. Manx, General Hospital, Robert Scorpio/ Sean Donnelly. Straight over my head, this one, despite summaries at the start which should have helped. I got the idea of the plot and theme, but it didn't do anything for me because I didn't know the characters.

Goodbye, Mike McPike, Maggie Hall, Wiseguy, Frankie/Vinnie pp. Still know nothing about this show (see above), but again enjoyed this. Frank has to work out what he wants in life and whether he'll succumb to Vince's temptation, and then they both need to work out what they want in bed. The latter part reminds me a lot of Maggie Hall's Pros fic, All Talk: not everyone is the same. Very much about character, but even without knowing the programme, it was nice.

So yes. I enjoyed this, and I enjoyed much more of the non-Pros stuff than I expected. But if you only want the Pros stuff, I would definitely just buy the Proslib CD. [5]

[zine]: My very first introduction to Pros fanfic was in multimedia zines, borrowed at Connotations from the con library. I already loved the show when it first aired and was thrilled to find fanfic but quickly sought it online. I don't much enjoy reading anything in A4 format, or in double columns. These stories sound interesting and you've told us just enough to send me looking for the ones that are online! As for the multimedia - I'll read happily outside 'my' fandoms but the author has to do a good job of explaining the characters/set-up - something I think is important in fanfic as a whole, because there are always going to be 'newbies' reading. [6]

[zine]: This has been one of my favorite zines for some time, mainly because it has two of my favorite WG stories in it. But all in all, there are no clunkers in the zine at all, even if the technical editing isn't as good as some of the later issues. This is really one of those zines that now has a warm and fuzzy place in my heart, in many ways. An old reliable.

"The Smallest Room" by Sebastian (Pros)--It's Sebastian. Take three guess on whether it's good or not! Even so, this is far from my favorite story by her, even if it is also far from the weakest story in the zine.

"The Iceman Cometh" by M Fae Glasgow (B7-A/V)--Okay, so it's aPWP, but it's one of my favorite PWPs. I love the Avon/Vila relationship and the way they're both portrayed in this story. And, okay, I like the pun...

"Rich Man, Poor Man" by MRK (S/H)--This is even more an unabashed PWP and while I always snicker at the sudden appearance of the pan o f melted, unsalted butter, it is still a pretty good story about Monopoly and sex.

"To Those Who Wait" by Melody C. (WG-F/V)--As I said, one of my favorite WG stories. And while we may debate about Melody's prose, I've never heard anyone dissent to the idea that she doesn't so some of the best WG dialogue out there. (Anybody?) This one's about a certain FBI handler, a psych report and enmeshment. I also liked the way Sonny was brought into the conversation.

"To the Victor..." by Snow White (Pros)--Probably my least favorite of all the stories in the zine, including the sequel which is printed here as well. I just don't like the whole idea of Bodie being passed from Cowley to Doyle.

"Someone Special" by Meg Garrett (Pros)--It's poker night for CI5. And I believe the moral is, never assume.

"Mental Traveller" by M Fae Glasgow (ST:TNG)--This is a Data/Picard story and I must admit that I've never done much more than skim it, though I know some people really love it. Myself, I'd recommend the one Q/Picard story in one of the Paen to Priapuses (Priapi?) if you want some good TNG slash.

"...The Spoils of War" by Snow White (Pros)--This is the sequel to "To the Victor..." This fleshes out the story more, but even though it's about Bodie being the past lover of Cowley and the current lover of Doyle, I would not recommend this to any Bodie-fan. He's really just the bone of contention between Doyle and Cowley.

"The Corellian Point of View" by Felicity Granger (STAR WARS-Han/Luke)--Set directly after SW, this is really the only slash story I've ever read in this universe and I really like it as an au.(Where Han isn't meant to be with Leia.) But Leia is still not totally ignored in this story, or at least her effect on the two men isn't.

"A Matter of Trust" by T.H.E. Manx (General Hospital)--Don't watch GH and I didn't read the story.

"Undercover" by Stew (Pros)--Set during "In the Public Interest," this is my favorite Pros story in the zine. Stew does (or did) a lot of stories like this where two characters gear up for sex and deal with sex--but we never actually see the sex! Not a problem for me since the emphasis is on the relationship, the emotions, but if that's what you want this isn't the story.

"Goodbye, Mike McPike" by Maggie Hall (WG, F/V)--Another favorite. Frank's father dies and Vinnie helps him try to deal with it. While I never completely buy the 'crisis-sex' thing between Frank and Vinnie, Vince's mother-henning and Frank's resistance is spot on. And Maggie Hall is the only one who comes even close to Melody's ability to do WG dialogue and I think surpasses her at times.

That's it for the zine. Overall, well worth the $15-$18 and then some. A classic.  :-) [7]

Issue 2

cover of issue #2

Concupiscence 2 was published in May 1992, 148 pages, is subtitled, "Off the Wall."

  • In the Afterglow, editorial (ii)
  • Bonding by Stew (Professionals) (the myth of male bonding) (1)
  • Transgression by Maggie Hall (Wiseguy) (F/V, two straight guys walk in to a gay bar...) (40)
  • Midnight in Moscow by Felicity G. (Man from UNCLE) (56) (reprinted in Reclassified Affairs #2)
  • Teleport!!! by Jacquie B. (Blake's 7) (74)
  • Southern Cross by Nancy Arena (Tris & Alex) (interlude set in New Zealand) (79)
  • Some Say the World will End in Fire, Some in Ice by Jane Mailander (Professionals) (95)(companion to "The Sisters of No Mercy" by Jane Mailander in Nudge Nudge Wink Wink 2) (First Doyle dies, so Bodie becomes Cowley's aide. Then Cowley dies. Then Neil Burnside shows up.)
  • Why it Hurt by Jane Mailander (Blake's 7) (a story set around the idea of "Orbit") (105)
  • For Thou Art with Me by K. Kinnon (Twin Peaks) (106)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2

See reactions and reviews for Bonding.

[zine]: Reviewer's disclaimer--The following are my opinions and mine alone. If you happen to agree with me, great! And if you disagree, please feel free to say so. I love to hear alternate views of zines. No telephone psychics, professional or otherwise were used in the forming of these opinions. End of disclaimer.

[zine info omitted]

Another solid outing from Manacles. This doesn't have to same warm and fuzzy, old terricloth robe kind of feel I get from Concup. 1, but it's a well put together zine with a wide variety of fandoms represented.

"Bonding" by Stew (Pros)--Really nice story that follows along with the episodes, though I believe the airing order is fiddled with. I liked the whole thing about the myth of male bonding.

"Transgressions" by Maggie Hall (WG)--The whole "Two straight guys walk into a gay bar..." has become a cliche in fandom, but this story takes that idea in a totally different direction. This is also for those who think that most F/V pieces are a little too nice and sappy.

"Midnight in Moscow" by Felicity Granger (MUNCLE)--A Napoleon I actually like! Also very low on the Illya-wussification scale and a fair stab at an actual plot. Who could ask for more from a MUNCLE story?

"Teleport!" by Jacquie Baham (B7)--Silly A/B. Sounds like a misnomer, I know, but there you are. And I'd pay good money to see Vila in a nappy! Or not.  :-)

"Southern Cross" by Nancy Arena (Tris and Alex)--This is actually the first Tris and Alex story I read and I don't think it's really the best one to start out with. It's a quite interlude set in New Zealand.

"Some Say the World Will In Fire, Some Say In Ice" by Jane Mailander (Pros)--First Doyle dies, so Bodie becomes Cowley's aide. Then Cowley dies. Then Neil Burnside shows up.

"Why It Hurt" by Jane Mailander (B7)--Shortest story in the zine and one of the weakest. It's still not bad, though, even as an idea I've seen flirted with before in B7. It's set around the idea of "Orbit".

"For Thou Art With Me" by K. Kinnon (TWIN PEAKS)--The best story in the zine and by far the best TP story I've ever read. (I am getting my proofing copy of L Gray's novel this week, though.  :-) ) I just wish the author would do more of these.

So, all in all, again another recommendation, even if you only see one or two fandoms you're interested in. Some solid writing and great characterization in all the fandoms. [8]

Issue 3

cover of issue #3

Concupiscence 3 was published 1993 and contains 155 pages, 90,400+ words.

The Concup editors were loudly proud of keeping expenses down to 10 cents a page, and packing the text in, as opposed to other zines of the era.

Letter from the editor mentioned the recent wealth of slash-like or slash-friendly professional books, or books with gay protagonists, in sf and fantasy, a couple of which may have even filed the serial numbers off. Authors listed: Storm Constantine; Catherine Cooke; Heather Gladney; Tanya Huff; Mercedes Lackey; Ellen Kushner; Lois McMaster Bujold and Maureen F McHugh.

  • In the Afterglow (ii)
  • Review of Teot's War (Part review, part plug -- basically setting up readers who hadn't seen Teot's War to try the following piece of fanfic.) (iii)
  • Wolf of the Goddess by Erica St Jeanne (a story that is set in the universe of Heather Gladney's two pro-books.) (Teot's War) (1)
  • All Talk by Maggie Hall ("Addresses the whole concept that not everyone likes the same thing equally in sex. And that submission and domination is often whatever a particular person imbues a certain act with.") (Professionals) (46)
  • Suite of Hours by Colette Bolech (Eroica) (57)
  • Terranova's Adventures Underground by Jane Mailander (Wiseguy/Beauty and the Beast) (80)
  • No Middle Ground by Maggie Hall (Professionals) (120)
  • First Steps... by Dawn Woods ("Among other things, find out why he's named Robin.") (Batman) (132)
  • As My Whimsey Takes Me: Mervyn Bunter by Erica St Jeanne (Wimsey/Bunter) (153)
  • an ad for Escapade #4

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3

[Wolf of the Goddness]: I have read TEOT'S WAR and liked it a lot. But I found myself frustrated because I couldn't understand the nature of the relationship. I guess my lustful soul really wanted to see the two main characters in bed, or else about to engage thereof. I'm glad that Heather Gladney has been introduced to slash, and I'll have to order CONCUPISCENCE iii so I can see Heather's slash version of her characters. I don't normally require that characters in a close friendship wind up in bed. [9]

[Wolf of the Goddess]: The Teof s War story. I really wish this author would write more. That story is one of die best ever written. It grabbed me and never let go.[10]

[All Talk]: The lads have been lovers for 3 months. In all that time only Bodie has topped. One day Doyle wants to top and B agrees. He has never told D he hates it. He grits his teeth and endures but afterwards D realizes that B hated it; D is angry that B never told him. After much talk it comes out that B is worried D will think B has more power in the relationship. D tells him nothing makes him feel more powerful than when B sucks him; both are happy. [11]

[All Talk]: I agree that the equal=ideal issue comes up a lot in slash. There was even a joke about that in Threesome, the straight guy and the gay guy both agreed that lesbian sex was 'better' for women, while the woman looked on, somewhat confused looking. One of my fav recent treatments of the theme was a Maggie Hall's Pros story in Concupiscence 3: It's early in their relationship, Doyle learns that he loves being fucked, and finally wants to try doing it. Bodie doesn't tell him that he already knows that he hates being done. Bodie feels he must submit to it though, or Doyle will eventually feel unequal, and leave him. Doyle breaks it to him, that there is nothing that mates him (Doyle) feel more topdog, king of the hill, etc., than having Bodie kneeling in front of him giving him a blow job. At the end of the story it is clear that Doyle is still going to get fucked, and that Bodie isn't, and that is fine for their relationship. [12]

[No Middle Ground]: In the car on obbo duty Doyle keeps hounding Bodie about the one time they had sex. He wonders why B has become so standoffish ever since. B becomes so angry he almost strangles D, shouting "Men don't love men!". D realizes B thinks if he tells D he loves him D will eventually dump him like he does every girl. D now knows B loves him, so he doesn't press the issue. He settles down to wait but finally confronts B and tells him the feeling won't go away no matter what B says or does. B agrees to try a relationship but doesn't promise to be faithful. D is ok with that for now. [13]

[zine]: The cover is a plain blue cover, almost indistinguishable from the first in the series, and there are no interior illustrations. The print is large and clear and in two columns per page. The first Concupiscence had little boxes containing teasers on the front page of each story, but this didn't, and I missed them. Didn't notice any typos, but I haven't read all of this zine.

There are no adverts at the back of this one, but I don't know whether there should be, because at least one page of the frontispiece is missing: mine starts at page (iii). I bought the zine second-hand but it had obviously been looked after, so perhaps it came like that. Page iii summarises a universe that one of the stories bases its characters in.

I bought this zine despite the smaller Pros content, because both Pros stories were by Maggie Hall, and I loved both Facets II and Blue Skies, which I found online, and then I was lent 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' (also Maggie Hall), which I also enjoyed. So I had been keeping an eye out for more.

Pros content:

All Talk, Maggie Hall, 11pp. Starts with Bodie and Doyle in bed, but a long way from PWP. Doyle realises that Bodie is not enjoying something, and is furious that Bodie wasn't honest, and determined to thrash it out. We get Bodie's POV: he can't believe that Doyle doesn't want to do something that Bodie likes doing very much. Doyle, by contrast, absolutely glories in something else. All tied in with issues of masculinity and dominance and confidence in sexuality and how people view things differently. Loved the two different takes on the same acts.

No Middle Ground, Maggie Hall, 12 pp. This is one with the pair of them not talking, despite some dogged effort on Doyle's part. One night together has affected their day to day relationship disastrously. Doyle wants to talk, Bodie really doesn't want to, and shows it. Doyle wants to continue where they left off, Bodie doesn't. There's more to this than just 'two of them in a room until they thrash it out': several months go by before it is resolved.

Enjoyed both of these a lot.

Non-Pros content:

Wolf of the Goddess, Erica St. Jeanne, 45pp. First, and by far the longest, story in the zine. It's set in the universe of books by Heather Gladney, which I do not know. Very sword and sorceror, with dreams and visions and hereditary enemies. I got about two pages into this the first time, then skipped ahead looking for the Pros stories. The second time, I got six pages in, encountered descriptions of 'sliding into him as if he was female' and 'vulnerable as a girl' (he's already small enough to come up to other guy's shoulder, with long long hair), and skipped ahead looking for the Pros stories. I shall finish it one day - unread reading material is not to be borne in this house - but not today. I had another look before writing this, and this time I got to prophetic dreams and skipped ahead looking for-- oh, you get the idea.

Suite of Hours, Colette T Bolech. Eroica, 23 pp. I don't know anything about this show. Apparently, Eroica is unabashedly sensual and in love with a buttoned-up general who works for NATO and who doesn't want to admit his interest in Eroica. Lots of lonely masturbation and then even more lots of rather less lonely mutual masturbation.

Terranova's Adventures Underground, Jane Mailander, Wiseguy/Beauty and the Beast, 40 pp. Originally I put 'Wiseguy/some monster in the sewers crossover (but still Frank/Vinnie)', but now I know who the monster is. (I am astonished at the sheer volume of telly I have never watched.) It's also bound up with the words of a Leslie Fish song. I really got into this - which I didn't expect - but I have absolutely no idea how close it is to either show (and I totally skipped the song. Ahem). Jane Mailander often seems to be going off in odd directions in her Pros fic, so perhaps she is here too, but I wouldn't know. Wiseguy fans should probably be warned that it may be 40 pages long, but Frank and Vince are apart for 35 of them...

First Steps, Dawn Woods, Batman, 21pp. No idea whether this is film, TV or comic Batman, but there's a lot of 'the bat inside' which seems to be a barely-repressed id. Bruce Wayne has recently kicked out a teenager called Richard, can't stop thinking about him, and finds him again. Wayne knows what he wants; much waiting for Richard to work out what he wants. I enjoyed this, but could have done without the Robin explanation: it didn't seem to fit with the rest. First Steps, by Dawn Woods.

As My Whimsey Takes Me: Erica St Jeanne, 3pp Peter Wimsey and Bunter considering how to extract a relation of Bunter's from an undesirable liaison. First few paragraphs were a fair imitation of Dorothy Sayers' style, but then it seemed to me to tail off.

I bought this secondhand and it had to come across the Atlantic, and I would say that if I had paid the same price and bought it in person (thus avoiding postage), I would have thought it a lot better value. The postage from the US practically doubled it. (If the seller sees these reviews: I am not complaining about the price. I am complaining about post offices.) I did know when I bought it that there were only two Pros stories, and I was relieved to enjoy them, All Talk particularly. I really like Maggie Hall's way of handling tense dialogue: there is no weeping, and there is just enough breaking off, swearing and starting to explain again to emphasise that these are not characters who routinely bare their souls without getting annoying and obtruding into your awareness of 'how the author is doing it'. The Jane Mailander story was very readable without knowing the programmes, and was sort of a bonus, since I hadn't expected to like it at all. First Steps was an interesting run through someone's thoughts, even though I am not terribly interested in the someone. And, um, I still haven't finished Wolf of the Goddess. I keep skipping ahead to... well, you're probably ahead of me by now. [14]

Issue 4

Concupiscence 4 was published in May 1995 and has 129 pages.

cover of issue #4

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 4

See reactions and reviews for Blue Skies.

[Calamity is Virtue's Opportunity]: I like this Dorian, and I especially like that the ending is satisfying even without a concrete "happily ever after." [15]

[zine]: "The Mourning After" by Maggie Hall--This is a Buckaroo Banzai story set right after the movie takes place. It's a nice little idea about Perfect Tommy and Buckaroo comforting each other over the death of Rawhide with a little surprise at the end. She never quite explains a few things integral to the surprise, but it's a nice little peak at the characters, especially Perfect Tommy.

"Many Coloured Glass" by Maggie Hall (B7)--This is a proposed ending to Mfae's series "The Dome Cycle". It's an excellent attempt at not only resolving the many conflicts presented by the series, but also at capturing Mfae's distinctive writing style. Perhaps it's not quite as sharp as our resident Scot would write it, but it's certainly a very close approximation. The fact that she also manages to wrap the thing up with a much happier ending than I think Mfae would have written, just manages to put a smile on my face. (Pardon me while I stop for an instant worshiping at the alter of the Sacred Scot long enough to curtsey at Ms. Hall. :-) )

"Snapshots" by Morgan Dawn(S/H)--Actually, I can't comment on this story seeing as how I haven't read it yet. It looks to be very intense and when my mother started reading it she had to stop. My grandmother is very ill at the moment and she just couldn't deal with it, so I think I'll have to pass on it awhile myself. Someone else can take a crack at it.

"The Voyage Home" by Maggie Hall (WG)--It's an extremely silly bit of Frank/Vinnie fluff and while it's kinda a nice diversion, it's far from my favorite story. And I still can't see Frank refering to himself as Vinnie's "boyfriend", Chris...

[See this fan's comments about Blue Skies.]

"Calamity is Virtue's Opportunity" by Sandy Herrold (Eroica)--A first attempt in this universe, as I understand, and a very good one it is too. A good job in showing how Klaus would deal/not deal with finally having sex with Eroica. I particualarly liked the ending which illustrated this the most.

All in all a very good zine which managed to hit several of my favorite fandoms. Not a single story really let me down, although, I was most disappointed with the WISEGUY story, though not to the point I won't read it again." [16]

Issue 5

cover of issue #5

Concupiscence 5 was published April 1997 and contains 124 pages. It contains no interior art.


  1. ^ from Strange Bedfellows #5 (1994)
  2. ^ from Barbara T in Strange Bedfellows (APA) #6
  3. ^ "... Innuendo (yes, the name we finally chose for the multi-media zine that's not Concupiscence." - Strange Bedfellows (APA) #8
  4. ^ Sorry! Lost the link for this rec, it might be Crack Van.
  5. ^ by moonlightmead on December 7, 2011 at Discovered in a Livejournal, Archived version
  6. ^ by moth2fic on December 7, 2011 at Discovered in a Livejournal, Archived version
  7. ^ In 1995, Michelle Christian posted this review to the Virgule-L mailing list. It is reposted here with permission:
  8. ^ In 1995, Michelle Christian posted this review to the Virgule-L mailing list. It is reposted here with permission:
  9. ^ from a fan in Strange Bedfellows APA #4
  10. ^ from a fan in Strange Bedfellows APA #8 (1995)
  11. ^ by Metabolick at The Hatstand
  12. ^ from Strange Bedfellows APA #5
  13. ^ by Metabolick at The Hatstand
  14. ^ by moonlightmead on December 7, 2011 on Discovered in a Livejournal, Archived version
  15. ^ Crack Van (Jan 19, 2007)
  16. ^ In 1995, Michelle Christian posted this review to the Virgule-L mailing list. It is reposted here with permission: