No Disintegrations

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Title: No Disintegrations
Publisher: Rhydderch Wilson, out of Wales
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1996
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Wars
Language: English
External Links:
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

No Disintegrations is a 20-page Star Wars zine created by Rhydderch Wilson. All of the content is by Wilson.

front cover
back cover

The zine's content is articles, comic strips, and cartoons.

From the flyer: "Fantastic artwork! Brilliant features! Guaranteed no role playing games stuff!"

From the zine:

Welcome to the first issue of "No Disintegrations." Firstly, let me just say that it's taken me bloody ages to finish it because I had to do it all myself! Secondly, "No Disintegrations" wants to hear from YOU! So send your letters/comments/ideas/suggestions/criticisms to the address below. And thirdly...enjoy it.


  • A Tribute to Marvel Comics' STAR WARS (2)
  • The Hard Chart (Who you don't want to mess with in the Star Wars universe.") (4)
  • Mildly Amusing Cartoon (5)
  • The Glittering Career of Boba Fett (6)
  • Let's Hear It for The Ewoks! (8)
  • Star Birds ("The hottest birds in Star Wars. Here it is! Your thoroughly politically incorrect guide to the hottest babes in the Star Wars galaxy.") (11)
  • Some Little Known Facts About Harrison Ford (12)
  • Star Letters (imagined letters written by the characters.) (13)
  • The Six Sexiest Spaceships in STAR WARS (16)
  • 10 Reasons Why STAR WARS Is So Much Cooler Than All Other Sci Fi Movies/TV Shows Etc In The Whole World Ever (18)

Inside Sample