You Could Use a Good Kiss

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Title: You Could Use A Good Kiss
Publisher: Evil Twin Press
Editor(s): Susan Zahn & Marjorie Joyce (issues #1 and #2), Susan Zahn (issue #3)
Date(s): 1999-2000, 2016
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Wars
External Links: Evil Twin Press (see note below on alternative links to use to access the fanfic)
website promoting the zine
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

You Could Use a Good Kiss is a series of het Star Wars zines that focus on the Han Solo/Princess Leia relationship. The first two issues were eventually both zines were posted online. The third issue was published sixteen years later and contains the collected works of Susan Zahn’s Kismet series previously published in other zines.

The editors cited the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States as the reason for their (at the time) decision to stop publishing this zine.

"You could use a good kiss" is a quote from The Empire Strikes Back.

The Editor Posted About this Zine

September 3, 1999 – May 13, 2000: Kiss Journal/WebCite; Wayback
May 19, 2000 – May 4, 2002: Kiss Journal/WebCite; Wayback link, includes comments about her changing views on fandom after the events of September 11, 2001


In 2001, the Editor Canceled the Third Issue, Blaming Changing Priorities and the September 11 Attacks on the United States

On September 9, 2001, Zahn wrote:

...there might be a SLIGHT delay in the ultimate release date of Kiss 3. It will all depend on how long it takes to find my new home, close on it, and move, etc. I should still be able to answer my e-mails, however, if you have any questions. I've received a number of fantastic stories so far for the upcoming issue of Kiss, so I think it will be well-worth the wait.

Two days later, the series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States the third issue and explained why:

This decision was not easy for me, and I can only assume it's not easy to hear. Due in part to the recent events and current economic atmosphere in the Washington DC metro area where I live, I simply cannot dedicate the time and effort I feel would be required to produce a quality zine the likes of the previous two issues. Between my work hours being cut back—and hiring freezes everywhere—and the increased living costs I now face with a new home of my own, the disposable cash and time is no longer available.

This says nothing of the lack of enthusiasm and the very real shift in personal priorities that I've felt in the past two months. I feel that my free time would be better used volunteering for more worthy causes, and I would encourage everyone reading this to likewise consider volunteering if you aren't already...

Fandom is a fun and indulgent distraction, but it is NOT real life, and it should never be a substitute for real life. Part of the reason for my diminished enthusiasm has been because I've watched so many fans over the years allow this distraction to control and influence their lives and relationships. I've seen so many motivated by revenge or ego or the pure need to be accepted by others. Nothing made this fact sink home more than when I read comments from fans immediately following the terrorist attacks. One announced that she now understood how Princess Leia felt. Others immediately began relating these horrific and REAL events with the fantasy of Star Wars, etc., as if they were unable to relate in any other way. I can't begin to describe how much this disturbed me. I feel sorry for them and their apparent inability to understand or acknowledge the real world around them.[1]

A fan's comments in 2020:

You Could Use a Good Kiss, sometimes abbreviated to useakiss, was the earliest exclusively Han/Leia fanzine. It was unique in that it didn’t allow for long, ranting letters of comment, and it was never intended to really be a discussion board. It was a collection of Han/Leia fan fiction, art, and “filks” (basically pop songs edited so that their lyrics better match the characters and setting—do not google them unless you are prepared for cringe, they have aged very poorly.) And it was a large collection at that: the first edition totaled at a whopping 215 pages. As was to be expected, You Could Use a Good Kiss was incredibly popular-almost dangerously popular, in fact. Yes, this zine sparked some more stupid Luke/Han fighting, but that wasn’t even the main problem. The real issue was that fans had a tendency to become obsessively dedicated to You Could Use a Good Kiss, to the point where they forgot that the real world existed. You may not think this sounds like such a bad thing, and you’d be partially right—it wasn’t that bad at first. The authors and artists were flattered, fans were generally supportive, and though I imagine constant pestering for more content could become irritating, it was nothing compared to the violent fan wars of old. So what was the problem?

9/11. 9/11 was the problem.

No, seriously. Fans were so obsessed with You Could Use a Good Kiss that they just kind of forgot to care about actual important things, like the death of nearly three thousand people. After the events of 9/11, fans of the zine responded in a rather bizarre way, and creator Susan Zahn quickly realized that her readers literally could not conceptualize anything in the real world if it didn’t have a relatable Star Wars-y equivalent. Rather than respond to 9/11 with horror and sympathy for all affected, fans instead focused on using the news as inspiration for angsty Leia fanfiction. Some people acted bizarrely grateful for the entire thing, posting happy comments about how they could finally push through their writer’s block now that they had a real-life event to compare the destruction of Alderaan to. Meanwhile, others continued to pester writers and artists for more and more content and updates, with pleads for more fan fiction scattered between posts about how, like, "9/11 didn’t even matter probably, and, like, when’s the next release coming out?" "Hey, doesn’t America’s new foreign policy totally mimic [some random faction from Star Wars?]" "Wow, [random politician] is totally like Mon Mothma/Princess Leia/literally any other Star Wars politician!" "Woah, all these planes crashing are giving me some real inspo for cool space dogfights." "I hope the anthrax attacks don’t make mailing fanzines harder…" and so on.

Of course, this horrified the zine’s creators, who were very disturbed by the fact that their readers were so dedicated to the zine that they could not even stop and think for one second about why writing 9/11 AUs would be a bad idea. (Not to mention that some of the authors lived in areas directly impacted by the attacks, and instead of asking if they were okay, fans just begged them for more content.) Keep in mind, too, that this was immediately after the attacks happened—like, the day of, and the weeks afterwards. This wasn’t a bunch of kids who’d heard about 9/11 in stories from their parents or the news. Hell, they weren’t even kids—this was an adult zine. This was a group of people who saw the Twin Towers fall on live TV, and thought “holy shit! This would make a GREAT fanfiction.”

Thus, it came as no surprise that creator Susan Zahn felt very uncomfortable about the whole thing, particularly once 9/11-themed memorial fan fiction started making an appearance. She and many others found that their readers were so dedicated to the zine that they had zero ability to even think about anything that happened outside of it. People viewed reality through Star-War-colored glasses, which transformed tanks in Afghanistan to AT-ATs on Hoth and turned terrorist attacks to relatable fanfic inspo. This disturbed Zahn so much that she just pulled the plug on the third issue. She published a post on her website explaining why, and the reasons basically boiled down to her having less time and money to dedicate to fanfiction, her priorities drastically shifting after a plane crashed into the Pentagon a few miles from her home, and her fanbase being completely fucking insane to the point where it was starting to freak everyone out.


Sadly, this was not the only example of people taking fandom way too far, to the detriment of their own sanity and that of others. The Han/Leia community was extraordinarily large and extraordinarily dramatic at times, and its response to things like stupid EU books and ships they didn’t agree with were oftentimes violent and over-the-top. More fanzines were created in response to increasingly dumb canon installments, but they suffered from the same problems You Could Use A Good Kiss had—readers would get ridiculously dependent on the zine for their niche fan fiction fix, and it would eventually result in creators being harassed by self-entitled fans desperate for more content. Fans would ignore real-life tragedies, write completely insensitive and inappropriate alternate universe stories, and just generally act like terrible people until anyone with half a brain cell was driven out of the community, and then the process would repeat itself until all the good writers and artists had left for better things.

This mentality eventually contributed to the slow but steady breakdown of the Han/Leia community. Big name fans trickled out more and more as fanzines closed down and readers’ behavior got worse, and it created a sort of positive feedback loop because one BNF leaving would trigger the departure of others. As content creators joined fandoms like The X-Files and, eventually, Harry Potter, the Han/Leia fandom found themselves without any good contributors. With nobody to maintain websites and host forums, archives of fan fiction were lost as URLs expired, and the whole community turned into a sort of digital graveyard. You could scroll through sites and see the remnants of a once-thriving group of shippers, but every other link was dead, and almost every story had been abandoned for years. This did nothing to encourage more people to join, so the ship faded into relative obscurity (well, not too much obscurity—this is Star Wars, where every background character has a three-page Wookieepedia article—but compared to other fandoms, it became pretty dead.)

Some would consider this a good thing—after all, it was annoying having to deal with Han/Leia smut being shoved in your face all the time if you were just looking for some action figures—while others were upset, partially because they enjoyed the ship and partially because the sheer nastiness of the community disgusted them. Regardless of public opinion, though, Han/Leia as a miniature fandom did not re-emerge for a very long time. It lied dormant for about two decades, sleeping underneath layer after layer of forum posts and decaying webrings, while the few people who had stayed popped up occasionally on Tumblr to complain about the lack of activity. But why would anyone even care about Han/Leia in the mid-2000s, anyway? It wasn’t like there were going to be any more movies or anything.

Then, in around 2014-ish, a miracle happened. Disney spent four billion dollars on Star Wars, and they promised to turn it into something fun and cool again. After years of stupid EU books that boiled down to glorified fan fiction, kiddie shows and cartoons that never quite lived up to their potential, and Christmas Specials created by people who were clearly high throughout the entire production, fans were very happy to hear that a big multimedia entertainment company would take control and stop George Lucas from putting out more unnecessary Special Editions. That on its own made the fandom rejoice. But Disney was anxious to make even more money off content-starved fans, and the Star Wars universe was big enough that there was ample room for sequels of all kinds, so they quickly announced that everyone’s dreams had come true: they were making another movie. Actually, not just another movie—another trilogy.

All the big name fans from before—authors and artists, writers and editors—popped out of the woodworks again, like nothing had ever changed. The old fandom debates started up, this time not in zines, but on Tumblr and Twitter. The old zine creators made accounts and trampled over each other for Archive of our Own invites. You Could Use A Good Kiss #3 finally came out, ending its’ fans decade-and-a-half long Star Wars Rehab.[2]

This issue ended up being published fifteen years later.

Issue 1

You Could Use a Good Kiss was published in May 1999 and has 215 pages.

front cover issue #1, Kristin Brown
back cover of issue #1, Wanda Lybarger

For dead links, try the Contributing Authors, Archived version page as an alternate source for the fan fiction.

Letters of comment for issue #1 are below, and they are also archived here.

From the editorial by Zahn:

Believe it or not, I've just learned that the most difficult part of putting together this zine is the composing xt/of this message. Well, no, I lied, but here at the end I do find myself at a loss. Perhaps it's because I've been maintaining a running commentary of the progress of this zine on the Kiss website and I've run out of adjectives to accurately describe the past 1 1/2 years since this zine's inception. As the song goes, "What a long strange strange trip it's been."

In any case, I'm quite proud of this first effort. We've gained a new respect for those editors that came before us (particularly before the days of "cheap" computers); the time, money, and sheer energy that was necessary to produce this zine was frightening. We've learned some hard lessons; had more than our share of thrills and disappointments; managed to attain—we hope!—the rather lofty goals we'd originally set; and we've still kept a majority of our sanity and preserved our friendship. That's quite a feat!

It still amazes me that it's taken a mere twenty-two years (since the initial release of Star Wars: A New Hope) for someone to produce a SW zine dedicated solely to Han and Leia. Considering the literally hundreds of fanzines that have been published over those years, this seems such an obvious oversight. Just ask any female SW fan what they want most and the vast majority will tell you "More Han and Leia!" I'll admit that in a way I'm glad we're the first to fill this gap. We hope to set a trend not only for quality in printing but also for content. We all want more Han and Leia!

Our number of pre-print sales (more than half of our original print run) seems a testament to this desperate and until now unanswered need for romantic SW fiction. I want to offer a special thanks to those who had the guts faith to send in deposits and pre-print orders; without your early financial support this zine probably could not have happened.

We put a lot of time and consideration into how we wanted this to look, what effect we wanted to achieve. Both of us are huge fans of the old B/W movies of the 1930's and '40's, and in particular the Thin Man series starring William Powell and Myna Loy. We love the smart, sassy, sophisticated, and sexy interplay; the crisp art deco atmosphere; and the sense that love, romance, and just having fun aren't dead yet. Ultimately we decided that simpler was better. We liked the art deco feel to the title font, as well as the more rounded feel of the main body text font. I hope this effort and forethought shows.

[acknowledgements snipped]

I don't have much else to add, other than that there is still at least one more issue in the works. We already have the reprinted sequel to Kate Birkel's "Member of the Guild," as well as two other wonderful stories backlogged. That means we're currently accepting submissions for the second issue! Check for more details toward the back of this zine, or check our website.

Whew! I think I'm done here. Time for a beer!

From the editorial by Brown:

[conversation at a Hard Rock Cafe]

That was over a year ago, and in that time I've learned exactly how much work, and how enjoyable, working on a fanzine can be. "You Could Use a Good Kiss" has turned out to be exactly what Sue and I talked about: a collection of high quality Han and Leia stories that we ourselves are delighted to read, illustrated by some of the best artists in Star Wars fandom. I would like to say "thank you!" to the talented people who have allowed us to publish their stories, artwork, vignettes, and filks. Additionally, I thank each of you for your patience with a couple of novice editors, and your understanding of the relationship between editor and writer. I am proud of each work in this publication, as well should be our contributors. I would also like to express my gratitude to my partner. Since we began this project. Sue has continuously amazed me with her editing abilities, her organization, and her persistence, and I am not exaggerating when I state that Kiss would not have seen the light of day if not for Sue. I sincerely hope you enjoy our efforts.

The art is by Aryn, Kristin Brown, Rebecca Carey, Gerald Crotty, Dani, Liz, and Laura Sherman.

  • Kiss! -- Editor's Comments (iv)
  • Garbage, fiction by Elaine Risley (1)
  • Games, fiction by Cheree Cargill, art by Laura Sherman ("Han and Leia struggle with their feelings for each other. Love triangles can be entertaining — until you learn you're one of the corners.") (3)
  • The Immoveable [sic] Object and the Irresistible Force, or A Visit to Ord Mantell, fiction by Kate Birkel, art by Liz and Rebecca Carey (17)
  • Not That Different, filk by Deborah Kittle (to the tune of "Not That Different" by Colin Raye) (44)
  • Just a Little Fun, fiction by Aryn/Blair Culbreth (45)
  • Full Circle, fiction by Susan Zahn, art by Laura Sherman ("Leia's birthday brings about an unexpected by welcome quiet moment for her and Han Solo.") (49)
  • Royal Academy Class Update, humor by Monique Robertson (55)
  • Flying with Your Love with Me, filk by Wendy Schwartz (to the tune of "Carrying Your Love with Me" by George Strait) (56)
  • A Day in the Life of Hoth Base, fiction by Mary Jo Fox (57)
  • Force Touch, fiction by Judy Ebberley (61)
  • Boy! What Love Has Done to Me!, filk by Susan Zahn (George & Ira Gershwin as sung by Ella Fitzgerald)) (68)
  • Unrest, fiction by Dianora ("While on a mission to seek out an eccentric scientist whose work could help the Rebellion, Leia's adversarial relationship with Han continues—but her damaged psyche may be the greatest adversary she's faced yet.") (69)
  • Untitled Han Poem, by Ken Keisel (90)
  • School of the Heart, fiction by Industria, art by Laura Sherman ("An impromptu "language" lesson during a secret mission turns into a more heartfelt session for Captain Solo and Princess Leia.") (91)
  • Time out of Mind, fiction by Martie O'Brien, art by Laura Sherman ("A reluctant trip to a fortune teller leads Liea to some unanticipated but fateful decisions.") (97)
  • All the Stars That Burn, poem by Martie O'Brien (reprinted from Alderaani Imperative) (105)
  • Thoughts While Dressing for Dinner, poem by Pat Nussman, art by Liz (reprinted from Skywalker #6) (106)
  • Meditation on a Lady, poem by Pat Nussman, art by Liz (reprinted from Skywalker #6) (110)
  • Meeting Your Match, fiction by Mary Jo Fox (113)
  • Day and Night, fiction by Cindy Olsen, art by Liz (NC-17) (This story also won the StarAward for Best Short Story for 1999.) ("Haunted by vivid memories of stolen moments with the missing Han, Leia realizes too late how much her life has become intertwined with his.") (115)
  • A Consummation Devoutly to Be Wished, fiction by Martie O'Brien (reprinted from Melange #4) (125)
  • Decisions, fiction Marie, art by Kristin Brown (Choosing between fate and duty, Leia faces the most difficult decision of her life.) (127)
  • Cartoon by Kristin Brown (132)
  • Corruption, fiction by Marti Schuller, art by Liz ("Just when things seem to settle down to a "happily ever after" for Han and Leia, a "stranger" from Han's past arrives to complicate matters.") (133)
  • A Corellian Love Poem, poem by Ken Keisel (150)
  • Haircut, fiction by Elaine Risley and B. Bennet, art by Aryn (151)
  • What I'd Do for Love, fiction by Becky Sims (153)
  • New Beginnings, fiction by Monique Robertson (NC-17) (157)
  • Brand New Han, filk by Wendy Schwartz (to the tune "Brand New Man" by Brooks & Dunn) (162)
  • A Matter of Ganks, fiction by Pat Nussman ("Hareboun's back, and he's brought his "friends" with him. Han and Leia find themselves in a very squishy situation as they face of one of their arch-enemies in this alternate universe classic." Author's note: "The RimWorlds Cycle is a lighter-hearted heir to my "Lady of the Rebellion" series, so it contains many of the same characters and exactly the same backgrounds for the main SW characters I used in that series. The main difference is that while I'm occasionally serious in the "Lady" series, this one's just for fun.") (reprinted from Visions #2) (163)
  • The Taming of the Nerfherder, or Shakespearean Star Wars, humor by The Eminent JoJo Hasenpfeffer, B.S. (185)
  • Perception, fiction by Marie (186)
  • Odium, fiction by Marie (187)
  • Candle in the Wind (Star Wars), filk by Ken Keisel ("During the Battle at Lansing Station in May, 1998 (a.k.a. MediaWest*Con), Princess Leia turned to the Dark Side. In her memory, and to honor her accomplishments, I created this version of "Candle in the Wind," which will be performed at the "Not Dead But Dark" memorial service at Lansing Station in May, 1999.") (188)
  • Member of the Guild, fiction by Kate Birkel, art by Dani ("In this alternate universe classic, written before the release of Return of the Jedi, Han's tendency to run from responsibility comes back to haunt him yet again, this time in a conflict of interests that could jeopardize his relationship with Leia and the Rebellion.") (reprinted in Guardian #6) (189)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1

Sue and Kristin the zine looks beautiful! Excellently organized (no pun intended). Thank you so much! [3]

I still can't believe it's my good fortune to be able to read one H&L; story and the next one is H&L;,too! Wonderful zine! Congratulations and thanks. You should be very proud of the zine.

Well, I thought Cindy Olsen's Day and Night was extremely well-written. And I liked Marie's Odium because I thought the small twist at the end was just tres interessant. :)

I haven't really read the entire zine, though. But those were pieces that jumped out at me.

Oh, and the drawing of Han kissing Leia which resembled the post-WWII picture of the sailor kissing a girl was cute!

The only thing I can't stand about the zine is that annoying plastic hinge that keeps coming out of the pages. But that's true of almost any zine so I digress. [Unfortunately the plastic binding is the most economical and easiest way to bind zines. I'm more concerned about the condition they're in when they arrive. I had one of our copies returned by the Post Office (a new copy has already been reshipped to the proper address), and it had evidently been through the ringer and was slightly damanged. I'd like feedback if anybody else's copies got damanged in the mailing process. Believe me, these were pristine when they were sent out. Kristin and I kept the mistakes for ourselves. SZ] [4]

I just wanted to thank you for YCUAGK. I received my copy yesterday and have enjoyed the first few stories already. Thanks for your efforts--which I'm sure were considerable. You've done great.

I'll pass on my recommendation to friends as well. Please let me know when YCUAGK II comes out too. ...

Thanks again. Cheers,[5]

Thank you, ladies, for such a fabulous zine. Your hard work shows -- it's very tight and well-ordered. I really really hope you do a second issue. Till then I will read this one till it falls apart. Take care! [6]

Just thought you'd like to know that YCUAGK has already made it to its first con. My copy arrived on Friday as I was getting ready to leave for Marcon 34, and somehow found its way to the front seat of the Falcon. Haley (one time Leia, MWC 16) glanced through it on the way to the con and as I recall exclaimed something like "ooooooooooooh!" In much the same way one responds to (really good) chocolate. There was entirely too much to be done at the con for me to get all the way through it, (the Jar-Jar burning party was perticularly successful) but Christine...and I did stay up late friday night reading through it in our room. Reminds me of those early days (nights) at MW, but then I believe that was the idea...

...Anyway, as far as YCUAGK goes, loved what I 've read so far. Great illos (espically Wanda's). Looks very clean and professional for a first time zine. Only gripe--it's spelled KEISEL. [Oh goddamn! I'm so sorry, Ken! My latent German was kicking in and I spelled it the way everybody pronouces it! So much for a perfect zine, huh? ;^P SZ] As far as the contribution, "glad to be of service", and yes, I counted thirty three Han Leia poems I'd written in just one journal alone. (Some I think are better than what I'd sent you). I just have to decide how personal they are, and if I really want the world to see something that was originally written for just two people.

So anyway, good work, fly casual, and um all that other stuff. "Come on Chewie, lets get outta here." [7]

I received my issue on Friday, May 7 in excellent condition. I have read it thoroughly several times and have enjoyed it immensely. Since it is only the second zine I've ever gotten (I'm new at this, OK?) I have a sneaky feeling that you've set a high standard for my future reading to be measured against. I can't wait for the sequel!

Yours in the Force.[8]

Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know the zine arrived safe and sound--and much appreciated! It looks to be an excellent product, with lots of good stuff for everyone to enjoy. Crisp, clean...layout's great, a really worthy effort. I hope you sell plenty at the Con!

Just an aside, a little footnote: I don't know if you were aware of this, but when I wrote "A Consummation Devoutly to be Wished," I sent it to Wanda (as I always did) to illo. But the zine it ran in was one of those Shumsky-Fister-Liltz productions that Barbara did all the art for, so Wanda's original artwork never went anywhere--until now! Here it is, paired (properly) with the story that inspired it. This just seems so fitting, so "right", that I wanted to be sure you knew what serendipity was afoot. And how pleased I was to see the story and the art together, as they were meant to be. Thanks much. [While chating on the phone with Wanda and begging for some illos, I happened to mention that I'd gotten your permission to reprint that story--and she suddenly remembered the illo she'd done which had never been printed. But still, talk about luck! If I hadn't off-handedly mentioned the story...The Force works in mysterious ways. SZ] And please convey my congratulations and thanks to your "evil twin" Kristin.[9]

I wanted to say how great YCUAGK looks, and how good the fanfic inside is. Art is great, too, and I absolutely love the filks...[10]

Well, here at last are a few quick thoughts about the zine.

First of all: Congratulations on your success. Between the profic and the boyfic, we Han/Leia fans never seem to have enough to go around. The near-sellout (already!) of YCUAGK demonstrates pretty conclusively that an all-H/L zine is more than a good niche-marketing idea, it's damn near a distinguished public service. Thank you all!

Good news: The design is clean and handsome, and the Art Deco lettering was a nice touch. (Might I suggest, for next time, that you list a story's artist along with its author on its opening page? It would save a certain amount of wear and tear from flipping back and forth to the Table of Contents each time I wanted to find out who drew the great portrait!) Nice balance of new material and reprints, and the haikus filling the Aesthetic White Spaces were a great value-added bonus.

Having missed Kate Birkel's Guildmaster series the first time around, it's a pleasure to get to read it now. Marie Flanigan is one of my favorite fan authors in any arena, and the dark-edged, nuanced intensity she brings to her protrayal of Han and Leia is thrilling. The two short pieces stand out for me this time, especially "Odium." The idea that the SW universe at large may take a fairly uncharitable view of H/L's pairing has occurred to me as well, but it seems a relatively unexplored theme among people who actually write fic instead of just blabbering about it (Cat Anson being the only other author I know of who has really delved into the idea). It's good to see another good writer messing around with that theme. I read Pat Nussman's "A Matter of Ganks" back in the day, in a zine borrowed from someone else. I have long wished I had a copy of my own. Now I do. Thanks again! All this being said, the showpiece for me was Cindy Olsen's "Day and Night." Cindy's princess is almost more Leia than Leia; she invests the story with tremendous sadness without once slipping into bathos, a trick that almost boggles the mind. Encore, diva!

Let's-call-it-learning-experience news: I have the issue of "Skywalker" in which Pat Nussman's poems originally appeared, and I regret to inform that there is a line missing from each of them in your reprints. (YeeOWWWTCH!) There are several orthographical glitches that could have been caught be an electronic spell-check--the greatest advantage of doing zines in the desktop publishing age!--plus a number of meaning-changing typos ("reeking" instead of "wreaking" in the Death Star haiku leaps immediately to mind), though I guess no zine would be complete without one or two or ten or twenty of those. There's also some apostrophe abuse and neglect, most notably in a slew of it's/its errors (which might be THE most maddening common mistake available anywhere, for any amount of money, and for which I keep a special aluminum baseball bat under my desk...). Watch like a hawk for those usages (including your/you're, their/they're, et al.)--keeping contractive vs. possessive mistakes to a minimum is one of the quickest, easiest ways I know of to set yourself ahead of the pack. [Ouch! I did ask for brutal honesty, didn't I? While it pains me to hear these things--many of them I spotted on my own after printing--I can't do a better job next time if I don't know what I did wrong this time. The most important lesson is to keep tighter deadlines so that I'm not madly rushing around at the last minute and missing things like this. I also owe a sincere apology to Pat for the omissions in her poems. SZ]

But anyway. Once again: I don't think I can begin to convey my gratitude for the idea, and reality, of this zine. Can't wait for the next issue! [11]

Just wanted to thank you for all your hard work in putting "Kiss" together. I read it in two days and enjoyed it very much. I am eagerly awaiting more and hope you are able to publish #2. One thing I would like is more romance and less conflict but I realize you don't control the submissions. [I know, I was a bit surprised by how little saucey romance was submitted this first time around. Part of it probably has to do with our guidelines. It's hard to get saucey without getting graphic. But please keep trying--we'll let you know!SZ] Keep up the good work.

Han Solo Lives.[12]

I got it!! (And in record time, I might add.) I think it is just wonderful. I'm about half way finished and I'm already looking forward to YCUAnotherGK. Some of the artwork is just incredible and all of the stories I've read have been of the highest quality.

We really should get a discussion going once most people have their copy. I assume that's after this weekend. [Hey, I'm all for it! We can have a Kiss-only discussion on the bulletin board on my General Junk page. SZ] [13]

...Sue, Kristin gave me my copy of YCUAGK and it is beautific! Everything was wonderful and it was great to read your story, Jen's and Marie's story again. Marie, I'm glad your short reflective works went in as they were fantastic. I do wish that my story wasn't quite so cheesy but ah well.[14]

The zine is very nice, I think. Very tight, you know? No loose ends or sloppiness. That is something I don't like about some fan fiction--a cruddy look and misspellings. And I liked all the stories (of course, they are about two fabulous characters :D). Seriously, I liked that the stories were mature and well-developed. The zine definitely fills a much-felt gap, I'd say (or starts to fill it.....)...[15]

A brief line to thank you for all your efforts in getting the above edited and presented. I thoroughly enjoyed the zine. It was well presented and had some excellent stories in it.

I have long wanted to read "Member of the Guild" and wasn't disappointed. Then a real bonus, "A Visit to Ord Mantell."

Other favorites included Marti Schuller's "Corruption" and of course Pat Nussman's "A Matter of Ganks."

Once again, many thanks for such an excellent zine. Look forward to the next one.[16]

First let me say thank you. I received my copy of "You Could Use a Good Kiss" yesterday and I must say I'm truly impressed. When I opened up the package I went wow! I have to be honest with you, I didn't know what to expect when I ordered a copy, but now I'm glad I did. I stayed up until 1:30am reading. I was carried away. Everything about it is just great. Your stories are much better than the novels; finally I get to read about Han and Leia--my favorite characters. Thanks to you all. Well, I for one can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the good work.[17]

Congratulations on a very nice debut issue of your new zine. I enjoyed it very much and commend the job you did. I hope you had fun with it and that you'll continue to do so.

I'd also like to thank Liz for the great illo she did for my little story.

Now to the contents. While I liked nearly all the stories, a few stood out as favorites, so you'll pardon me if I only refer to those here. However, kudos to all your contributors.

"Games" by Cheree Cargill was well-written and a nice piece with a realistic depiction of Leia.

"What I'd Do for Love" by Becky Sims was really cute. I got a good chuckle out of this one. The Gerald Crotty drawing at the end was lovely as well.

I also adored the cartoon by Kristin Brown on page 132.

"The Immoveable Object and the Irresistible Force or A Visit to Ord Mantell" by Kate Birkel was a very well-written version of this event that had evoked so many fanfic stories. I especially liked the repartee between Han and Leia. It "felt" real.

Likewise, the reprint of "Member of the Guild" also by Kate Birkel was a very enjoyable read, despite its slightly alternate p.o.v.

"Unrest" by Dianora was well done, keying in on a subject not dealt with enough in fanfic, IMO. The characters rang true but more dimensional than in the films as well. Nicely written.

And my favorite, "Time Out of Mind" by Martie O'Brien wonderfully filled the gap in TESB and captured Leia beautifully. I especially liked the glimpse into a very realistic past for the princess.

Once again, congratulations. Keep up the good work, everyone.[18]

I received the fanzine in the mail yesterday. Thank you! It's awesome, for lack of better words! I am truly impressed and love reading all the new and old stories and the illustrations are breathtaking! Everyone involved has done a wonderful job and the finished product is a masterpiece.

When's the next one?[19]

Just wanted to say thanks for the fanzine. I absolutely loved it!!! When is the next one? I especially loved Dianora's story. I've read some of her other writings and I just wanted to say she has become my new favorite fanfic writer. All the rest of the stories were very well written too. The writers are absolutely amazing.

Well, thanks again.[20]

Congratulations on such a wonderful and entertaining debut to the printzine world! A Han and Leia zine has been definitely overdue. This was one of the only fannish publications that I can honestly say I read the entire thing! Cindy Olsen's story "Day and Night" really grabbed me. She did a fantastic job getting into Leia's head and brought the emotion to life. I still get chills reading the scene where Han and Leia are in the cell awaiting their fate. Her Leia is a tough one with a really delicate interior.

Dianora's "Unrest" and Marie Flanigan's "Decisions" were two great example of delightful angstfic! I have always admired the way she highlights Leia's strengths through her own human frailties. Too many times people are tempted to make the princess the flawless, emotionless character driven by a sense of duty. It was refreshing to see the inner conflict. A story that makes the reader squirm has hit its mark well—^it makes the reader really think about her character in a new light.

And what can I say about Kate Birkel? She always has clever twists and original alternatives for Han's enigmatic past. Nothing is what it seems in her universe, and the surprises are always welcome. I can't wait to read "Sabacc" this year!

I love the humor that was infused throughout the zine. I still can't believe that JoJo wrote the Shakespeare vignette off the cuff. It still makes me laugh. In addition, Risley and Bennet captured the wonderful tension and bantering in "Garbage."

Finally, the artwork was superb and breathtaking. Liz seemed to catch the intimacy that really is the spark of the Han and Leia relationship, and that back cover by Wanda—the actions speak louder than any words ever could!

My only complaint was that Kiss 1 was too small! But I know I will eat my words this year. Congratulations!!! I look forward to the second issue as I know it will be a knock out!! [21]

Congratulations on a very nice debut issue of your new zine. I enjoyed it very much and commend the job you did. I hope you had fun with it and that you'll continue to do so.

I'd also like to thank Liz for the great illo she did for my little story. Now to the contents. While I liked nearly all the stories, a few stood out as favorites, so you'll pardon me if I only refer to those here. However, kudos to all your contributors.

"Games" by Cheree Cargill was well-written and a nice piece with a realistic depiction of Leia.

"What I'd Do for Love" by Becky Sims was really cute. I got a good chuckle out of this one. The Gerald Crotty drawing at the end was lovely as well.

I also adored the cartoon by Kristin Brown on page 132.

"The Immovable Object and the Irresistible Force or A Visit to Ord Mantell" by Kate Birkel was a very well-written version of this event that had evoked so many fanfic stories. I especially liked the repartee between Han and Leia. It "felt" real. Likewise, the reprint of "Member of the Guild" also by Kate Birkel was a very enjoyable read, despite its slightly alternate p.o.v.

"Unrest" by Dianora was well done, keying in on a subject not dealt with enough in fanfic, IMO. The characters rang true but more dimensional than in the films as well. Nicely written.

And my favorite, "Time Out of Mind" by Martie O'Brien wonderfully filled the gap in TFSB and captured Leia beautifully. I especially liked the glimpse into a very realistic past for the princess.

Once again, congratulations. Keep up the good work, everyone.[22]

I have finally managed to tear myself away from the 'zine to tell you how incredible it is! I congratulate both you and Kristin on the high quality of stories and artwork—and for providing me with every piece of Han/Leia fic I could ever dream of. I have died and gone to heaven!!

I loved the story by Cindy Olsen and the "Royal Academy Update" by Monique Robertson. The mix of humour, romance and conflict worked extremely well—my favourite couple are in good hands. I can't wait for the next one!

P.S. The one recurring problem I found was that of "loose" being mistaken for "lose" when something is lost. But these niggles are minor when compared to the overall quality of the material.;-) [23]

Like Kiss? *Like* Kiss?? I damn well love it!!! I know you've heard it be fore, but it can't be said too many times—why hasn't any body else ever done this before?! We all *know* there isn't enough Han and Leia fanfic out there. Fantastic that you two had the courage and gumption (dare I say, insanity?!) to tackle this huge project and finally meet our dreams!

And, I have really meaning to drop you both a line and let you know how much I love it! (But, you know how work and life gets!) So, what do I love about id* The artwork is consistently excellent. The stories bright and vibrant. And also so "true to life"— you know what I mean.:-) Although I'm only a new comer to fanfics, what other fanfic has such consistently talented authors and artists? Special mention should go to you, for "Full Circle" (another true Zahn fanfic if ever I saw it); Dianora, for "Unrest"; Martie O'Brien, for "Time Out of Mind"; Pat Nussman, for "Thoughts While Dressing for Dinner" and "Meditation on a Lady"; Marie Flanigan, for "Perception" and "Odium"; and of course all the wonderful filks and poems!...

..Again, congratulations to both you and Kristin, and thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful sharing experience.


First off, I really truly loved the zine. I am the planet's most adoring, sappy, gushing fool when it comes to Leia and Han. I love those characters individually and think both of them are interesting and complex people, and when you put them together, it amounts to one incredibly compelling (and ultimately wonderful) relationship. Through the bad and good, from their first meeting until far past ROTJ when they've been married for fifteen years with three kids,

they are a great couple to watch. Consequently, this zine (along with the Leia — "Snowfire" zine) is heaven-sent for me, and there was no story I outright disliked. 'YCUAGK" did have a ton I loved, so I have some comments about specific pieces that were among my favorites, in no particular order:

Kristin Brown's front cover was very nicely done. Looks closely like the scene in TESB.

Liked the nice touch of adding a still on L/H from TESB to the first page. It would be even better if you could use more such stills of them together from all three movies, and scatter them throughout the zine, fitting them in with whatever story takes place in approximately the same time period. (And thank you for having almost no unfilled white space. I have a major pet peeve with zines that contain too many pages with too little on them. Even if artwork is in short supply, there should be something available to fill up the page.)

The most beautiful artwork, consistently through the zine, was by Liz, specifically the dead-on renderings of L & H on pages VI, 34,107, 111, 114, and 135. And other artwork that must be mentioned is Gerald Crotty's perfect ROTJ Han (page 60), and the gorgeous pic of L/H together (page 155). There were several stories that were similar in nature, teasing the reader with romantic possibility between L/H. I greatly enjoyed all of them:

1) "Games" by Cheree Cargill — Good story and title with twists and turns I didn't object but was pleased to see. I reaUy appreciated the dead-on dialogue for Leia, Han, and Luke as I don't think enough fans (including myself) get it right often enough to match the characters. (Sure glad Luke didn't sleep with her after what we eventually found out.)

2) "A Visit to Ord Mantell" by Kate Birkel — Loved it! Superb writing, perfect dialogue for all concerned, and a lot more enjoyable (and likely) than the official ????) version of Ord Mantell that came out on record many years back. The only thing I could have done without was the "spiritual" Solo stuff at the end which was a little confusing. I know it is part of Kate's "GuildMaster" storyline, but it was unnecessary to this story. By the way, the L/H interaction in the second half matched their behavior in TESB perfectly. I adore Leia, but I see her clearly — not through rose-colored glasses—and the way the two of them acted in this story, as in TESB, was completely childish at times. I think both of them needed a good slap to drive away all the unnecessary coldness, stubbornness, and denials, and hopefully wake them up.

3) "Just a Little Fun" by Blair Culbreth — Fun, original idea with just the right amount of subtle flirt ing taking the reader to the perfect point without creeping over into an actual relationship. It left me hanging there wanting more.

4) The same pertains to your short story "Full Circle"; good writing taking the reader along to a nice middle ground between friendship and the obvious interest they are forming for each other, keeping us hanging onto every word and movement to see what would happen next.

Lastly, 5) "A Day in the Life of Hoth Base" was another one I loved. Mary Jo Fox is usually absolutely on the mark with L & H anyway, and as with a few other fanfic writers, I am totally on the same line in my mind with her relationship material as if I wrote it myself. "Base" had a perfect amount of sexual tension (and frustration) and (almost) a dash of fulfillment, and I could easily see this story in my mind as if it were pre-TESB canon. Mary Jo's "Meeting Your Match" vignette was cute; it sounded like the sort of marriage vow Leia would write to say to Han on their wedding day.

"Unrest" by Dianora wasn't a favorite, but I liked the simmering romantic and sexual tension between L/H throughout, and the "grandfather" revelation, along with his ultimate fate, was a stunning, unexpected plot point. I didn't care for the psychobabble; I thought that was totally out of character for Leia. It just seems to me that Leia is uniquely Leia—unlike in America 1999 where seemingly everyone is in counseling or on some kind of drug so they don't have to feel pain or disappointment in life—because she has an incredible strength of character and stability to just keep bearing everything that comes. She deals with it.

That's what all of the descriptions of her remind us, remember? She's not the kind to whine or outwardly break down or need to seek out other people to get her through hard times. Yes, she probably would cry into her pillow at night if memories of Alderaan be came too much, or would've confided in Luke post- SW/post-TESB, because they had a very close friend ship. But that's a far way from being in therapy for God knows how long. She isn't a needy, fiail, or emotional person that runs to find help for her problems. In the Ewok village, after shocking news enough to devastate a person (that Vader is her father), she at first even refuses to tum to Han — the guy that she loves—and only after a little while finally wants to be comforted by him. So, I can't agree with Dianora on the psychobabble. This is just the way I see it, but Leia is not a basket case.

Very cute filk in "Boy! What Love Has Done to Me!" and a good choice of song.

Really nice "Untitled Han Poem" by Ken Keisel. "Meditation on a Lady" by Pat Nussman — Wonderful vignette; it had some really original and revealing thoughts that the tender side of Solo definitely would be thinking.

"Time Out of Mind" by Martie O'Brien — Not one of my favorites, as there could've been some real connection between the beginning and the ending, like having the "seer" foretelling decisions she would have to make in her romantic life as well, but that was missed. However, Martie did a great job with the sec ond half detailing L&H's time in the cell in Cloud City and their being led to the carbon-freezing chamber. The actions and emotions were absolutely perfect in fitting with TESB. It felt as if this filler scene was part of the movie, and I could see it clearly. Also enjoyed Martie's poem of "All the Stars That Burn."

My last comments are about Cindy Olsen's "Day and Night" and Monique Robertson's "New Beginnings." I have similar comments about both, but I want the authors to know that no matter what else I say, above all, I really liked each story. "Day and Night" was undeniably incredibly sensual and excellent writing. The thoughts, feelings, atmosphere, what Leia was thinking and feeling, were so vivid—really too vivid —that's how superb the writing was. Before, I had a strong opinion in my mind of when I thought L&H's "first time together" would have been, which was not nearly as early as TESB time period of this story. But it was so well-written and real, and emotional in its point-of-view hat it caused me to reconsider my own personal L&H timeline. (For those that think TESB is too early for their "first time together," the story works just as well if you read it as if it's a dream Leia is having, while he is in carbonite, of what she wanted/wants to have happen.) Cindy clearly totally knows Leia and Han, and I want to see more of her work about the couple. Okay, now the down side. Remember, I was honest in saying I really liked it. Yes, "Day and Night" was sexy, in fact erotic—very much so. Too much. And that was my problem. I just thought it was too explicit; frankly, between the several descriptive love scenes, it was probably the most explicit SW fanfic piece I've ever read. Now, I admittedly only receive a handful of SW zines each year, so maybe this kind of story is appearing regularly all over the place and it just never reached me before. But I thought it went way too far; I mean, it covered pretty much everything but length and girth. This is PG-Star Wars, not a Jackie Collins sizzling novel. I read the whole story a couple of times since I received it, but after that, I suddenly felt as if I could no longer read much of it, feeling like a pervert or voyeur who watches through the bedroom window as their best friend has sex. I know the market is flooded with Harlequin paperbacks, etc. But to SW fans who have been in it most of their life, and writing about it, Leia and Han have become like people we know, like friends so to speak. I never desired to carry around with me an image of them at the peak of orgasm or having doggie-position relations. I absolutely avoided writing sex scenes for 16 years because it felt smarmy, as if I was invading the characters' privacy and degrading them. (Read this story with its lines such as him "running towards the bed naked with body parts jangling comically," and then just try watching TESB or ROTJ afterwards. See if you can actually watch Han on screen without turning three shades of red.) What's worse is, it seems as if fanfiction has gotten more explicit over the past half dozen years or so and fans are now in competition with each other for who could write a sexier L/H love scene. Now, I am not a prude and have no problem with limited love scenes—and I already said I enjoyed the story — as I am a L/H nut that likes the thought of them, post-Endor, having everything in the galaxy that's fun and happy and sexy, including intimacy together. But, this is George Lucas's baby and we are all merely borrowing his world with fanfic; there are his family standards that are supposed to be upheld. All four SW movies are PG; even if that was stretched to PG-13 to allow the fans a little more leeway in writing love scenes, you still are not going to come close to the explicitness of "Day and Night" fitting into the chaste SW vision Lucas has presented us with. So, that's my only problem with it. Sure, a lot [of! fans (including myselO want to read L&H getting it on, but unfortunately, to adhere to certain SW limits, we'd have to settle for the "fade to black" kind of thing before the act. Some of what I've just said pertains also to parts of "New Beginnings," but to a much lesser extent. Aside from that, this was my absolute favorite piece in the whole zine; it covered a lot of important milestones in L/Han's life, showed married passion for a change, and was very loving between all concerned. Sweet.

Only one more thing—I swear this is it. I have an observation that I won't drag out, as I'm sure there are fans on both sides of the fence of this issue that could argue all day. But, I appreciated the courage it took for the authors of "Day and Night" and "New Beginnings" to imply that Han was Leia's "first time." Actually, I noticed that suggested in a couple of other pieces in this zine, and I've seen it mentioned more and more in recent years. I think this is a cool thing. Only George knows for sure what he intended for the character, but it would fit with his desire to create heroes that were also moral role models for children (specifically Leia and Luke, as Han had a shady past). Leia probably had dates and interested men, but the ROTJ novelization says she was never in love before Han because she was completely consumed by duty and responsibility. So, unless one thinks Leia is the type to sleep around without love just for the sake of crossing the "v" word off her "to-do" list, it makes sense for Han to be her first. (It needn't be a moral or religious thing, either; it could be a "princess thing," or an "Alderaanian/cultural thing," or more likely, she focused on her cause and work so obsessively, put ting personal fulfillment aside, that she just didn't have that as a priority and simply didn't get to it). So, to the fanfic writers that have the courage to be politically incorrect and dare to suggest the "v" word for a modern woman only 23 years old (in ROTJ), even though in our society it's practically a shameful high crime to be one past the age of 15 — I salute you!!! (And I actually think that makes Leia more compelling, as someone completely accomplished in her professional life counterbalanced with inexperience in he personal life makes a more interesting charaaer.)

I'm terribly sorry my LoC was way too long. Don't get my motormouth started with Leia/Han to begin with, or I'll talk your ears off all day, and second, I just had certain things I wanted and needed to say pertaining to the great material and writers in "YCUAGK." I figure that if there are any comments in this letter you want to use, you'll probably chop it way down. That's up to you.

Thank you for an excel lent zine. I'm looking forward to hearing from you about the material I sent, no matter what your answer is, and I'm looking forward anxiously to the next zine. Good luck and MTFBWY.[25]

Issue 2

front cover of issue #2, by Gerald Crotty
inside front cover, from issue #2, by Rebecca Carey, reprinted from The Wookiee Commode #4
inside back cover, from issue #2, Liz
from issue #2, back cover, Kate McCredie

You Could Use Another Good Kiss was published in May 2000 and contains 340 pages.

Gerald Crotty won the 2002 FanQ Award for 'Best Star Wars Gen Artist.'

The art is by Kristin Brown, Rebecca Carey, Gerald Crotty, Dani, JoJo, Liz, Kate Birkel, and Laura Sherman.

For dead links, try this website as an alternate source for the fan fiction.

Summaries below are from various fanzine publisher flyers.

  • Editor's Comments (2)
  • Kiss Back, Letters of Comment (3)
  • Romance of the Century, vignette by JoJo/art by Kate McCredie ("What's fiction and what's real, and does anyone really care? Han and Leia aren't quite sure, but they do learn that sex sells.") (9)
  • Light, poem by Barbara (11)
  • Sexual Politics, story by Patricia D'Orazio/art by Laura Sherman (originally appeared in StarQuest, 1988). Leia learns some hard lessons about sacrifice during her brief tenure in the Senate. Just how much is she willing to give for the good of the rebellion?") (13)
  • Change My Mind, filk by Wendy Schwartz, to the tune of "Change My Mind" by John Berry (28)
  • A Matter of Commitment, story and art by Dani ("The rebel agent on Ord Mantell has disappeared without a trace and it's Leia's job to find out why and fill in until they can get a replacement. Luckily for her, Han and Chewie were already headed in that direction.") (reprinted from Flip of a Coin #4/5, 1984) (29)
  • Leia Dear, filk by Allison Shaw, to the tune of "Wendy Clear" by Hoppus/DeLonge, as performed by Blink 182 (73)
  • That Don't Impress Me Much, filk by Cat Smith-Haynes, to the tune of "That Don't Impress Me Much" by Shania Twain 74)
  • Grounded, short story by Judy Ebberley/art by Liz ("While grounded on an Alliance base, Han unintentionally stirs up some trouble for Leia. Another summary: Han's worst nightmare, to be grounded from flying, comes true, and the rebels are faced with their most challenging task to date-keeping Solo busy"). (75)
  • The Kiss, poem by Rabeya Khandaker (85)
  • Head over Feet, filk by Allison Shaw, to the tune of "Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morissette (86)
  • Last Resort, story by Industria/art by Kate ("Everyone needs a touchstone to ground them to reality. Han realizes that more often than not, he's Leia's last resort.") (89)
  • Princess, filk by Susan Zahnto the tune of Cross Patch" by Fats Waller (93)
  • Head over Feet, filk by Rosalind Sulaiman, to the tune of "Head Over Feet" by Alanis Morissette (94)
  • Dreaming, short story NC-17 by Cindy Olsen/art by Liz (What do dreams reveal about our thoughts, wishes and desires? If two people share the same desires, is it possible for them to share the same dream? Han and Leia find out one warm summer night.... Received a 2000 Star aWards Honorable Mention for Best Short Story.) ("Maybe it was the food or just a full moon, but Han and Leia weren't getting much sleep that night. And who can blame them?") (95)
  • Sweet Corellian Wine, filk by Wendy Schwartz, to the tune of "Strawberry Wine" by Deanna Carter (104)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions by Susan Zahn/art by Kristin Brown and Kate McCredie ("What would you do on an all-expenses-paid business trip to the playground of the rich and famous? Leia finds out for herself as she and Han head for a rendezvous on Ord Mantell.") (105)
  • Han's All I Think About These Days, filk by Wendy Schwartz, to the tune of "You're All I Think About These Days" by Patty Loveless (162)
  • Ice, story by Leela Starsky/art by Kate McCredie (Han and Leia are trapped in an ice cave on Hoth.) ("When the ceiling of a stockroom on Hoth comes crashing down, it's up to Han and Leia to keep themselves occupied and alive until help arrives.") (163)
  • Princess, It's Cold Outside, filk by Susan Zahn, to the tune of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" by Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald (184)
  • Only Night, story NC-17 by Cindy Olsen/art by Kate? Or Liz? (A companion piece to "Day and Night" in issue #1. Imprisoned in carbonite, Han's mind struggles with a confusing mess of nightmares, memories and regrets.) ("Confined to carbonite imprisonment with nothing but his memories, Han struggles to make sense of it all.") (187)
  • Love: Now and Forever, poem by Nadja Lee (193)
  • Homecoming, poem by Rebecca Wolking/art by Rebecca Carey (220)
  • A Shuffle of the Deck, story by Deb Durkee/art by Liz ("Han's out of carbonite and things just aren't the same anymore-including his desire to keep his secrets to himself. But how much are Leia and the others ready to hear?") (195)
  • In Limbo, vignette by JoJo/art by Liz (In the uncertainty that comes after war, Han and Leia contemplate the vague futures of a couple of ex-war heroes.) (223)
  • Men Are from Corellia, Women Are from Alderaan, story by Helen Potter/art by Kristin Brown (Han and Leia have a very unusual problem to solve.) ("Can lightning strike twice? If not, Han and Leia may never be the same again. If nothing else, they've certainly gained new insight into one another!") (227)
  • The Dreams, vignette by Z.B./art by Kate ("What if events had been different on Bespin? Han returns after meeting with Jabba, just as he'd promised.") (243)
  • Solo, poem by Nadja Lee (247)
  • How You Make Me Feel, filk by Wendy Schwartz, to the tune of "Natural Woman" by Aretha Franklin (248)
  • Sabacc, story by Kate Birkel/art by Dani ("In this gripping climax to "Member of the Guild," Han's duties as the official liaison between Corell and the Rebel Alliance reaffirm Han's opinion regarding responsibilities-especially when Yoda arrives on base to mastermind the offensive. Can Han preserve his relationship with Leia and save the galaxy at the same time when the Empire makes its move to wipe out the rebellion once and for all?") ("originally appeared in Guardian #7, 1986) (249)

Issue 3

You Could Use a Good Kiss 3 has the subtitle: "This Time It's Personal." The zine has 390 pages and was published in May 2016 in time for MediaWest*Con, 15 years after it was first planned. See more about that here.

front cover of issue #3
flyer for issue #3

From a flyer: This issue represents the collected works of Susan Zahn’s award-winning Kismet series, newly revised into one volume. The book is 390 pages, spiral-bound, with laminated color covers, and color artwork inserts. Featuring new and classic illustrations by Kristin Brown, Rebecca Carey, Mark Fisher, Jean Kluge, Laura Quiles, Liz, Wanda Lybarger, Kate McCredie, Karen River, Stephanie Swanger, and Joni Wagner."

  • A Finite Distance (reprinted from Dagobah #7) (1)
  • Just Rewards (co-written with Erin Darroch). "'If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive'." (2)
  • 100 Words--Pretty (29)
  • Alliance Avant-Garde. "Leia struggles to find her niche now that her role and life in general has changed. Han offers an option that leaves a mark. Original version won STAR aWARdS Best Short Story 1994." (reprinted from A Tremor in the Force #8) (31)
  • Two Steps Forward. "As things grow rocky for Han, Leia, and Chewbacca while out on a mission, it's difficult to tell whether or not they're making progress." (42)
  • Full Circle. "Coming of age is never easy, even for a princess. Leia takes time out to reflect, despite a rather handsome distraction." (46)
  • I'd Rather Call You Sweetheart (52)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions. "What happens on Ord Mantell stays on Ord Mantell. Original version won STAR aWARdS Best Long Story 2000." (53)
  • Between the Lines. "The fallout from Han & Leia's mission to Ord Mantell spills over on Hath. Original version won STAR aWARdS Best Long Story 1995." (reprinted from Dagobah #8) (119)
  • Boy! What Love Has Done to Me! (148)
  • Into the Fire. "Whether things are getting better or worse after the disaster on Hoth really depends on one's point of view." (153)
  • 100 Words—Fall (270)
  • Beyond Rendezvous. "Following events on Bespin, Leia faces tough decisions while working to rescue Han." (272)
  • Fortune's Fool. "Han is feeling out of place and out of time as the events of Return of the Jedi overtake him." (299)
  • Checkmate. "Han faces both his evil demons and shifting events just before the Battle of Endor." (338) (reprinted from Flip of a Coin #16)
  • Nobility's Price (344)
  • Full Disclosure (co-written with Erin Darroch). "In the aftermath of the destruction of the second Death Star, Han and Leia have some catching up to do." (346)
  • 100 Words—Twins (364)
  • Fine (367)
  • The Announcement. Han and Leia find a little peace. (368)
  • 100 Words—Sneak (371)
  • A Shift in Paradigm. Nearly a year after events on Endor's moon, Leia ponders why she's not satisfied. (372)
  • Where the Heart Is. It's not so much the end as the beginning. (387)
  • 100 Words—Survive (387)


  1. ^ You Could Use Another Good Kiss Journal, Archived version Kiss Journal
  2. ^ The fan wars, character bashing, and general toxicity of early Star Wars fan zines by iwasafangirl (2020)
  3. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  4. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  5. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  6. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  7. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  8. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  9. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  10. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  11. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  12. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  13. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (May 1999)
  14. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  15. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  16. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  17. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  18. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  19. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  20. ^ from Your Letters of Comment! (June 1999)
  21. ^ from the letters of comment section in the print zine, issue #2
  22. ^ from the letters of comment section in the print zine, issue #2
  23. ^ from the letters of comment section in the print zine, issue #2
  24. ^ from the letters of comment section in the print zine, issue #2
  25. ^ from the letters of comment section in the print zine, issue #2