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Dark Master Dark Servant
Zine | |
Title: | Dark Master Dark Servant |
Publisher: | |
Editor(s): | Cheryl Pryor and Belea Keeney |
Date(s): | 1997-2000 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Star Wars |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
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Dark Master Dark Servant is a Star Wars adult gen zine, with an emphasis on Vader and the Emperor. It ran for four issues.
On a 1999 flyer for issue #3, the editor notes that issues #1 and #2 are "sold out and available through the Corellian Archives lending library."
The Star Wars Zine Bibliography notes that issues #2-#4 contains "some slash."
Issue 1
Dark Master Dark Servant 1 was published in 1997 and contains 50 pages. The editor refers to it as a "mini-zine." Its front cover is by Nancy Stasulis, the back by Z.P. Florian. Interior art is by Z.P. Florian.
The front cover by Nancy Stasulis got a honorable mention in the 1997 Star aWards.
From the editorial by Belea:
Yes, it's a mini-zine, and in retrospect that's a good thing. A huge 200 page project would have overwhelmed us. We're hoping to grow, so please do send contributions.
We are looking for all types of stories, filks, poems, etc and we welcome new ideas, perspectives and writers and artists. And do send your LOC's as well. The editors and authors enjoy the feedback they get from their readers. With the resurgence in fandom due to the re-release of the trilogy, there's no telling what kind of new and intriguing ideas might pop up in the future. We have two stories already accepted for next issue, one of two popular Vader genres; Vader Lite (the more humorous type of stories) and Cheryl's personal favorite: Vader Lives (meaning alternate universe, post ROTJ.) Please send more!
Interestingly, most of the stories for this issue were focused on the Anakin Skywalker personae of this character. Why do you suppose that was so? Perhaps the psychology majors out there in fandom would care to comment on this phenomenon?
From the editorial by Cheryl Pryor:
"We are honored that you could join us." Okay, you knew I was going to say that. But it is an honor for both Belea and myself to put out this zine all about our favorite Dark Lord. For myself, I was captivated by his Sithness from that first marvelous entrance on the blockade runner. From the Death Star to the carbon freeze chamber on Bespin to the pyre on Endor, I was along for the journey.
And I think that's one of the things that has held my attention. Vader makes perhaps the longest journey in the saga. Oh sure, Luke goes from a farm boy to a Jedi Knight. And the other characters struggle with their own changing lives. But it is Darth who has the ultimate transformation to make, and of course the largest sacrifice to Luke's destiny. He is endlessly fascinating, whether in his still-nebulous incarnation as Anakin Skywalker or the more familiar tall, dark and evil Sith Lord.
Many thanks to co-editrix Belea for slavishly typing these offerings. She kept saying, "you should do a zine." Well babe, are you up for another round?
Thanks go out as well to Judy Yuenger and Marti Schuller for much advice on everything from proof-reading to how to handle the nuts and bolts. You guys should teach a course! And special thanks to Master Yoda, 1 mean Z.P. Florian who has an amazing ability to master all things- editing, writing, art and being a friend.
Hope you enjoy this volume. Please let us know. Contribute early - and often!
From the dark side.
- I Take All by Deborah Kittle (1)
- To Bespin by Marti Schuller (2)
- Discipline by Z.P. Florian (4)
- Alliance by Cheryl Pryor (9)
- Phoenix, poem by Veronica Wilson (12)
- Almost by Z.P. Florian (14)
- At the Looking Glass, fiction by Belea T. Keeney (19)
- Fade to Black by Deborah Kittle (22)
- His Young Apprentice, fiction by Z.P. Florian (24)* Father Figure, filk by Belea Keeney (30)
- A Matter of Life and Death; also was also here by M.J. Mink (Anakin fights another Jedi student.) (32)
- Sweet Victory by Veronica Wilson (35)
- Strange Encounter by Marti Schuller (40)
- Cartoons by Snapper Carr (50)
flyer for the first issue, published in Revenge of the Garbage
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
Wow, what a gorgeous cover by Nancy Stasulis! I don't believe I've ever seen a cover that so perfectly matches a zine's title. Great work. Loved Z.P. Florian's is-he-or-isn't-he blond backcover as well.
Humble appreciation for your overly generous comments in the editorials, gals, but you both deserve all the credit for your new zine. I look forward to many, many more issues!
I loved the poem "Phoenix" by Veronica Wilson, but then she always captures Vader so ideally.
"At the Looking Glass" by Belea Keeney gave a rare look at Vader's final recognition of age. I think anyone over forty has experienced something similar, though to a far lesser degree, I'm sure. I especially liked the dreams and visions Vader had of what was to come as I've always felt the Emperor was the one to reveal the truth regarding Luke to Vader. Nice work.
The filks and other stories showed unique views on our favorite Dark Lord as well. Thanks for producing a forum for further exploration of this fascinating character.[1]
There are some good stories in the zine. I especially like "His Young Apprentice" by Z.P. Florian. However, I missed stories about Vader and Luke Skywalker. Most of the stuff was about Anakin Skywalker.
The stories were also a little bit short, but they can be good too. Longer stories have more action. But when you consider that it was your first fanzine, it was not so bad at all. It can only get better.
Once again, thanks for the zine. I am looking forward to hearing from you again, with new stories from the Dark Side and its servants.[1]
Just finished reading DMDS and it's a nice first effort. Belea's filk "Father Figure" is actually one of the few pop songs I knew and enjoyed her interpretation of it. I really enjoyed the stories, well done and thought provoking. And I must say the cover by Nancy Stasulis was "Most Impressive."
Continued success for upcoming issues.[1]
Issue 2
Dark Master Dark Servant 2 was published in 1998 and contains 160 pages.
The art is by Nancy Stasulis (front cover, interior), A.G. Steyn (back cover), and Z.P. Florian.
From the first editorial:
Limericks! I'm hearing their cadence in my sleep now. If I have to edit one more limerick from the Mad Limericist I'll go...to Nantucket. Seriously I'm so proud of this issue and so honored that we could present such wonderful stories about our favorite Sith.
For as one of our contributors Z.P Florian said, with Yoda-like wisdom, after the prequels open he isn't "our" Darth anymore. One of the greatest joys of reading fan fiction is that we can be introduced to everyone's Darth, or Anakin—from sensual prince or rough Tatooin. And I think there are some great Darths here waiting to make your acquaintance.
As always--a dark chocolate treat to our contributors. Without whom... A tip of the helmet to co-ed Belea for her tireless typing and editing. And especially a swift kick to that crazy limericist- -you can stop now!
From the second editorial:
Just a brief note from me to say hello and thank you, dear readers, for buying the zine and THANK YOU, dear contributors, for writing the zinel We have been thrilled at the positive response we have recieved from the Star Wars fan community.
The stories in this issue have wide-ranging viewpoints and perspectives. Most have a Vader-sympathetic tone and that's to be expected. They range from Maggie Nowakowska's realistic and canonical piece, "Conversations, Too" to Z.P. Florian's witty and lighthearted take on Vader as Anakin. Whether the authors write Vader as dead or alive, all took the time to explore this character in a variety of ways.
We will continue to be as inclusive as possible and encourage submissions from new writers, as well as contributions from the proverbial "old guard". It has been wonderful to hear from different points of view on something as mundane as the question, "What IF Vader had lived?" Some of the stories on these pages answer that question...
Enjoy the stories and artwork and please, write to let us know what you think.
- A Bitter Reminder by Mary Jo Fox (5)
- Cartoon by Z.P. Florian (6)
- Memories by Marti Schuller (7)
- Dark Jedi by Mark Richards (17)
- Incident at Nijmegen by Joyce Yasner (Piett tries to help Vader.) (29)
- Beneath the Darkness by Melissa Mastoris (43)
- Skywalkers by Tara Ludmer, art by Z.P. Florian (44)
- Bright Lord/Dark Lord by Cheryl Pryor (45)
- Invitation by Melissa Mastoris (59)
- Twilight by Belea T. Keeney (60)
- A Man Formally Known as Vader by Z.P. Florian (61)
- Touching the Light by Amy Fisher (80)
- Conversations, Too by Maggie Nowakowska (83)
- The Stranger by Marti Schuller (95)
- Breaking Free by Melissa Mastoris (103)
- Advertisement by A.G. Steyn (104)
- Heart of Darkness by Joyce Yasner (reprinted from Time Warp #6/7 v.2) (This story is notable as when it was originally printed, it was a first foray into Ewok culture.) (107)
- The Road Home, Part 1 by MJ Mink. Luke meets his father under difficult circumstances. (Alternate universe, mild slash.) (offline) online here, Archived version (123)
- Ads (really) (153)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
Congratulations ladies, on your second issue of Dark Master Dark Servant. I will look forward to more issues for some time to come now that you've established yourselves, you know. The cover by Nancy Stasulis was another nice one and I love that clever cartoon back cover by A.G. Steyn. The illos were all nice as well, especially Z.P. Florian's on pages 6 and 106 and Nancy's on pages 26, 28, and 41. Great work!
The cartoon on page 42 was hilarious. Hmm, I think I recognize that "little something" of Lord Vader's, too.
Cheiyl, you may have been on your way "to Nantucket" over the limericks scattered throughout the zine, but I for one, loved them, especially the one on page 16. Why no credit for this obvious wit, however?
I also like the ad for the "Darth Vader School of Personnel Management." Very funny.
"Conversations, Too" by Maggie Nowakowska was, as usual, very well-written. I like her way of describing the mental collision of a trained Force user vs. a Force neo. Not sure that I can accept Wedge as that neo, but it's not impossible. I like Leia's resistance to her heritage, as well as the way the thought of Han affected her. Good story.
A.G. Steyn's ad for "Groupies to the Empire" was adorably funny. Love the press name, too. Shame on you. More! More!
"The Road Home" by M.J. Mink was an interesting piece. A lot of philosophical views and issues in this, some of which I share, while questioning others. Though my personal view of Luke's upbringing and birth circumstances differs dramatically from this author's, she presents intriguing alternatives well. I was a tad disappointed with the open end to the story, however. Might we readers ever know more of "Home"?
Again, thanks to you two, Cheryl and Belea, for a good zine with unique slants on a fascinating character. I anticipate issue three eagerly.[2]
You have a great zine! The art for Issue #1 was appropriate for both roles of master and servant, but I especially loved the cover for Issue #2- it's the way they both would have wanted it to be. I am more a fan of Anakin than Vader. From Issue #1, I especially enjoyed "Sweet Victory" by Veronica Wilson .and "Strange Encounter" by Marti Schuller.
Your second issue was "most impressive." "Bitter Reminder" was good and "Memories" was well done. I enjoyed "Incident at Njjmegen"- that was fun. Admiral Piett was my favorite Imperial. "Beneath the Darkness" and "Skywalkers" was good. "Dark Jedi" was interesting. Z. P., your "A Man Formerly Known as Vader" was also well done - especially Anakin's and Leia's discussion. Yes, Luke is "magnificent, strong, good, gentle, compassionate." That's why love him. "Heart of Darkness" was good- sounded very similar to Native American rituals. I liked "The Road Home" but I was disturbed that Vader would use Luke's desperate need for love and acceptance and twist that into a way of seducing Luke to the Dark side. I loved that were so many stories dealing with the love between father and son and that they were so well written. More, more![3]
I liked your zine very much. The stories were very inventive and the artwork was very detailed. I especially enjoyed Nancy Stasulis' work! Wow! That lady can draw! Nice over, too. Overall, very well made fanzine (the best I've seen yet.) Also, nice touch to the spiral binding. Well, you get the picture, right? I loved it! [4]
Another marvelous Stasulis cover! And limericks all over like little jewels in the zine. Loved SchuUer's "Memories" , Vader and Leia at their deepest, and her "Stranger", another admirable Anakin. Enjoyed Mark Richards' "Dark Jedi", a very good account of what had probably happened between the Emperor and Vader before Endor. Pryor's "Bright Lord, Dark Lord", was a splendidly entertaining tale (yesssss, Sk3rwalkers do look good in black.) Nowakowska's "Conversations, Too", was a wonderful approach to a very bright Luke and Leia. Yasner's "Heart of Darkess" is definitely the best of her stories in my opinion. This kind of reprint is invaluable for the younger readers. Mink's 'The Road Home" with her vulnerable Luke and her complex Vader is always a pleasure to behold. Mastoris' poem, "Breaking Free" was very, very good and also very elegantly presented on the page.
Now that the prequel is out, DMDS is going to be a zine fulfilling a great purpose of presenting a feast from a variety of Vaders. [5]
DMDS #2 was my very first fanzine. It certainly won't be my last, there goes all my spare cash for the rest of my life. 1 have long been a Vader fan and there wasn't a story in this issue that I didn't enjoy. Four stories in particular earned a second look.
Cheryl Pryor's "Dark Lord, right Lord" was just terrific. This piece showed us a considerably more complex man with a more involved existence than we ordinarily see. "A Man Formerly Known as Vader" was also excellent. I have had a mad crush Z.P. Florian's sexy, sociopathic Heathcliff of an Anakin ever since I first read one of her stories on a website! This story showed tremendous growth in this character while managing to retain his essential self-centered, but charming wickedness.
I can't wait to read the next installment of M. J. Mink's "The Road Home." I had read a few of her other tales on the web, but this is my favorite so far.
The story that surprised me was Joyce Yasner's "Incident at Nijmegen." As a rule, I hate stories about Imperial soldiers who are not primary Sw characters. This one changed my mind. "Nothing like getting slobbered on by a dog to make you seem like regular folk", indeed. It was uncommonly amused by this self-involved, but oddly likable Vader.
I can't wait to get the next issue. Hurry, hurry![6]
Issue 3
Dark Master Dark Servant 3 was published in 1999, and has 128 pages. It won the Star aWards "BEST 1999 SW ZINE 100-200 PAGES" award.
"Featuring stories on the infamous Dark Lord, his previous incarnation as Anakin Skywalker and his relationship with his son. Also includes slash. Contributing are well-known fanfic writers and artists Z.P. Florian, M J Mink, Nancy Stasulis, Sandra Scholes, Cheryl Pryor and Mark Richards."
- Cartoon by Sandra Scholes (12)
- Special Operations by Cheryl Pryor ("An Alliance operative gets into trouble with a certain Dark Lord, even when they're both "on vacation.")(13)
- Cartoon by Nancy Stasulis (20)
- The Road Home, Part 2 by MJ Mink. The bond between Luke Skywalker and his father is strengthened when the pair return to Sith together for healing. (Alternate universe, mild slash.) (offline) (21)
- Cartoon by Sandra Scholes (46)
- The Flip Side by Marci Schuller (47)
- Wounded Time by Veronica Wilson ("This controversial story takes Veronica’s universe to it's "logical" conclusion. Or is it finished at all??")(Alternate universe, slash, rated R.) (53)
- The Visitor, Part 1 & 2 by Z. P. Florian ("Two Vaders and two Palpatines, two universes. Can Palpatine save Vader from his own terrible grief? ")(Alternate universe, "strong slash", rated R.) (93)
- Invasion by Design by Joyce Ann Allen (101)
- Dark Servants by Mark Richards (109)
- The Bridge by Tina Bentrup (122)
- The Dark Lord in Our Bathtub by Nancy Stasulis ("Her first written material ever published in fandom.") (124)
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 3
I enjoyed reading the last issue-I thought the stories were excellently written. I especially loved Z. P. Florian's work and, I thought it was a nice touch to have the Vado/Palpatine ink picture together for "The Visitor".
Thank you for your time. Keep up the great work. [7]
I'm really enjoying the zine and everyone's own take on Vader and his personality and feelings. I'm especially interested in how his unique appearance (and other's reactions to him) has shaped his life and relationships, and there's plenty of theories on that in these stories! I've also been laughing a lot at all the humor, which is respectful to the Dark Lord while still funny. I appreciate that!
Getting back to the stories, I liked the first person aspect of Z. P. Florian's "The Visitor". I'd love to see more stories with authors putting themselves into Vader's point of view.
The cover art was really wonderful! Hope I can join your artwork contributors! [8]
Got DM/DS #3 safely last week. I loved it! I wish an issue came out every month instead of yearly. This zine and Garbage remain my favorites. "Wounded Time" blew me away. Veronica amazes me. I worship at her feet. I cant wait to see how this series plays out. There can never be too many Vader stories for me.
I know that you will miss Belea's help very much. Perhaps you'll find a new Dark Apprentice soon.
Already breathlessly looking forward to the new issue![9]
I thought it was extremely well done! First the front and back covers were quite impressive. My compliments to Z. P. Florian and A. G. Steyn. Both artists did great representations of Vader.
My two favorite stories in the zine were "The Road Home, pt. 2" and "Dark Servants". I found both of these stories to be not only well done, but entertaining and fulfilling too. This is probably due to the fact that Luke/Vader stories are my favorite kind!
I also enjoyed the cartoons throughout the zine, but my favorite was the "Diploma" presented to Belea. I laughed out loud at that - especially the motto.
"The Flip Side" was the short story that I found very interesting, especially the end!
"The Bridge" was a special read for me too. I have always enjoyed the writings of Melville, so reading this was a treat "Invasion By Design" was another engrossing read, while "The Dark Lord In Our Bathtub" was an amusing one.
"Wounded Time" and "The Visitor Pts 1 & 2" were also very well done. I have not read a lot of slash, but these were by far two of the best, with the greater focus being on characters, which is what I like.
The only stories I would say that I did not really enjoy were "The Sith Is Out There" and "Special Operations". "Special Ops" only because I really don't like stories that don't focus on a main character in the SW universe. "Sith" I have read three times now, and I understand that Z. P. is taking a stand against commercialism and greed in the world, it's just that using characters/real life from the SW galaxy complicates what Florian is trying to say.
Overall I found this to be a great zine. My hat is off to you and Belea. Good luck with #4! [10]
I loved the covers of the latest issue of "Dark Master, Dark Servant". Z. P. Florian always does an excellent job and I've always adored A. G. Steyn's cartoons. Well done, ladies.
Nancy Stasulis' artwork for her story was superbly done. I thought Sandra Scholes's cartoon was really cute. Z. P. Forian's "The Sith Is Out There" had me nearly rolling on the floor laughing. Only Z.P.!
Nancy Stasulis' tale "The Dark Lord In Our Bathtub" of the con and the blaster party was extremely well written. Knowing the participants as well as the circumstances make it a trip down memory lane. Nancy should write more. She has a delicious sense of humor.
I also greatly enjoyed Marti Schuller's "The Hip Side" and Tina Bentrup's "The Bridge". Well done editors. I'm looking forward to the next one.[11]
I purchased DM/DS this year -- my first issue! - and thoroughly enjoyed it. Great front and back covers, interesting stories, clever artwork and a clean, easy-to-read layout.
Your "Special Operations" offered an unusual perspective on Vader's personal life, and made it easy to believe in his personal sense of honor.
"The Road Home" by M.J. Mink provided an interesting depiction of Sith society and a very intriguing view of the father and son relationship between Vader and Luke. I must admit I don't see Luke as quite as naive as he is shown here, but in the end he had the strength and wisdom to make his own choices.
Marti Schuller's "The Hip Side" was a nice inversion of our favorite galaxy -- don't think I've ever read a story quite like this one. The introduction of Han as Vader's guide was positively wicked!
Veronica Wilson's lengthy "Wounded Time" has to be the most intimate and revealing portrait of Palpatine ever. What a powerful portrayal of two brilliant and strong men who are masters of manipulation but emotional cripples. Veronica explores the many facets of power and its ultimate futility, with both men locked into patterns of fear, control, piously, and pride, resulting in an endless cycle of bitter vulnerability. Z, P. Florian continues this story arc in a different direction, and I must admit I'm looking forward to seeing all these threads drawn together in further chapters. Only I hope Luke fares better in future installments! Z. P. Florian's stark black and white illustrations were the perfect companions to these tales of futility and loss.
Thanks for hours of reading pleasure![12]
Greetings. I received my zine today, thank you. I found it incredibly enjoyable. First off, the covers were nicely done, the front surreal and dreamlike, the tiack a nicely rendered Vader, reassuringly, delightfully solid and irritated, his commentary very true indeed.
As for stories, Marti Schuller's "The Flip Side" was a very interesting view into how things could be. I particulatiy enjoyed the view of the Rebels as tyrants masking themselves in beievoienrs, as it very much mirrors my view of how they would act should they rule tire galaxy. Hypocrisy excused by destructive democracy. Her Han Sdo, though, used entirely too many contractions in his words.
Without a doubt the occupying picture of Vader and Palpatine on page 50 is my very favorite piece of art in this zine, inside and out. Z. P. Florian's "The Sith Is Out There" was delightful. I myself believe that stories are not fictions, but rather true events picked up by minds sensitive to events taking place in other minds and places, and this fic worked well in giving that sort of perspective. The gross corruption's of the true story that Vader deplored emphasizes this because of course, for those picked up such events, they would twist certain aspects to their own advantage and profit. The only part of the story I cringed at was in saying that the Ewoks were the perfect race! Ugh, how could she?!
Your own "Special Operations" was enjoyable, a delightful little story. I always like tales that portray Vader as being whole and healthy beneath the armor, however wonderful it is to the eyes. After all, having both versions at once, the warlord and the man, is best of all.
Part II of The Road Home" was an interesting take upon things. Sith did become more than a bit stifling even to the reader for a while, but I think that was the intent, at least somewhat. Look forward to seeing the reactions that Luke's Rebel friends take to the 'new' Skywalker, and his incessantly chattering Lightshiner companion.
"Invasion By Design" was interesting, though I usually don't like stories that focus upon dements from the so-called 'pro-fic.' Of course, Yuriza deserved all that she got in the end, and far more. Presumptuous Fallen!
"Dark Servants" actually reminds me of a comment that I heard once, I can't quite recall where, that Lucas considered having Luke fall to the Dark, and then having Leia come after both he and Vader. I don't however, enjoy the perspective that the Dark is not a choice, that it can be inflicted without consent. Everything is a choice in life, no matter whether it seem like it is, or not. I also don't like the view that some people foster, of Anakin and Vader as separate people, because he is one person, and some of the scenes seemed to forward this view.
"The Bridge" and "The Dark Lord In Our Bathtub" were both absolutely bewildering. "Bathtub" however was far more so than the former. Rather amusing, but still bewildering.
Well, I always save the best for last, and it isnt any different here. I was absolutely blown away by "Wounded Time." Veronica Wilson is, without a doubt, my absolute favorite fanfic author. Her Vader and Palpatine stories take my breath away, every single one of them. "Wounded Time" takes the cake in this zine. So powerful, so sad, so absolutely futile and grasping. Its characters desperate for each other's emotions, starving, and yet not realizing that the other is as well. The bitter irony of the entire tale was tragic and makes me hunger desperately for more.
Of course, "The Visitor" parts I & II gave this, and were enjoyable, but did not resolve anything for the reality that matters most I did read the follow up in "Garbage" as well, which was very enjoyable, but all I say in closing is, "More, more, more!"
Overall, DM, DS #3 was wonderful, packed full of enjoyable tales. I truly lock forward to next year's Issue, and I am very glad that you have decided to continue with this wonderful zine.[13]
Just finished reading your story in DM/DS and wanted to comment directly to you on it. First off, it was very well-written. I liked the slang since it lent credence to the military. I also like the idea of Vader able-bodied, but I'm not surprised you'd write that. All in all it was a fun story with lots of good action. Well done, lady.[14]
Hi! I received it, and I read it, and I liked it! The most of all I liked your story and the Mink's one. And the cartoons are hilarious!
But there is one thing...You see, in my opinion the zine was not balanced. I mean three slash stories and one of them major in one zine. The impression I've got is that the zine is slash and since I don't like slash in general, and I don't like it especially with Vader involved (in my opinion, it's not in his character) the general impression was lesser than I expected. I missed the Vader-Luke (and/or Leia), Vader-changed-to-good, Vader-is-alive stories, the character development, complex emotions. I have nothing against slash, but I think a zine like this must have the stories in all categories, and no one must be dominant, so anybody can find somethhig that he likes. I hope you will continue the editing, and will wait for the next zine!
Good luck and will the Force be with you! [15]
Issue 4
Dark Master Dark Servant 4 was published in May 2000 and has 102 pages.
The front cover is by Nancy Stasulis. The zine does not have a back cover. The interior art is by Z.P. Florian, Carrie Ellen Williams, Snapper Carr, Nancy Stasulis, and Shelley Childs.
The editorial:
Hello again! It feels weird not having to follow Belea's editorial but as most of you know she decided to step down as coeditor following issue #3, to devote more time to her own writing. And as most of you know as well, she's enjoying great success at it.
So, as far as I was concerned #3 was going to be the last issue. After all, Belea was the computer whiz in the partnership. Then a chance letter brought a story to my door. Well, as a devoted Sith Minion I couldn't let the only current fanzine dedicated to our favorite Dark Lord go down while there were still stories to be told.
It also seems weird that last year just before MediaWest, The Phantom Menace was still looming on the horizon, an unknown quantity. And in some ways it's changed Star Wars fandom forever. As Z.P 'Master Yoda' Florian put it, "He's no longer ours anymore." Some of us can accept the filmed version of Anakin's background; some of us can't. But that's essentially what fan fiction is all about. To me, TPM is just one fan's versions of How The Whole Thing Began.
I'd like to thank good friend Robin Lott for showing me that the computer can be your friend. I'd also like to thank the invaluable Judy Yuenger for still more computer advice when I really needed it. Many blessings to this year's contributors-some familiar names and some exciting new talent. Art kudos to Nancy Stasulis for her gorgeous cover-quite a departure from our usual Dark Lord, and many, many thanks to the ubiquitous Z.P for last minute art help.
This has been fun, though I don't know if I'd chose to continue on every year! I do hope you all find something to enjoy in these tales of dark masters and dark servants.
- Letters of Comment (1)
- Sold Destiny by Mary Jo Fox (4)
- Only Two by Z.P. Florian (5)
- The Guttering Candle by Shelley Childs (11)
- Top Ten #1 by Penny Black (18)
- Dark Dove, Gray Hawk by Belea T. Keeney (19)
- You Already Have by Carrie Ellen Williams (25)
- Top Ten #2 by Penny Black (34)
- Beliefs and Deceits by Mark Richard (35)
- A Rebel by Any Other Name by Selinthia Avenchesca (41)
- Trophies by Cheryl Pryor (53)
- Darkness by Shelley Childs (57)
- The Road Home by M.J. Mink (69)
- ^ Jump up to: a b c a LoC in "Dark Master Dark Servant" #2
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Lord, Dark Servant" #3
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Lord, Dark Servant" #3
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Lord, Dark Servant" #3
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Lord, Dark Servant" #3
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Lord, Dark Servant" #3
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4
- ^ an LoC in "Dark Master, Dark Servant" #4