Category:Star Trek TOS K/S Fanfiction
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For articles documenting individual Kirk/Spock stories based on original Star Trek canon.
Note: The distinction between K/S slash and K&S gen friendship stories in media fanzines was sometimes fuzzy. Stories listed here are either clearly labeled as K/S, appeared in self-described slash zines or were referenced in slash-only letterzines.
Articles in this category can use the FanfictionStarTrekTOSKS template.
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Pages in category "Star Trek TOS K/S Fanfiction"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,326 total.
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- A la récherche de l'avenir
- A Priori
- About Last Night
- About Time (Star Trek: TOS story by JS Cavalcante)
- About Time (Star Trek: TOS story by Lynn Shomei)
- Academy Aftermath
- Acceptable Losses
- Acceptance (Star Trek: TOS poem)
- Acceptance (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Accidents Do Happen (Star Trek: TOS story by D.A. Marsh & J.A. Barnett)
- Accidents Do Happen (Star Trek: TOS story by Edwina Addison)
- Acquainted with the Night (Star Trek: TOS story)
- An Act of Salvation
- Actions Speak Louder
- Actions Speak Louder Than Words
- Acts of a Criminal Nature
- Addiction (Star Trek: TOS story by Anna S. Greener)
- Adrift
- Advice and Consent
- Advice from an Old Friend
- Affections Dark as Erbus
- After Effects
- After the Fall
- After the Rain (Star Trek: TOS story)
- After the Tahiti Syndrome
- After Vulcan
- Love at Last
- The Aftermath (Star Trek: TOS story by Debbie Cummins)
- Aftermath (Star Trek: TOS story by Frankie Jemison)
- Aftermath of the Intruder
- Age of Gold
- The Agent
- The Air is the Air
- Alien (Star Trek: TOS story)
- The Alien in My Heart
- All Forms of Love
- All That I Have to Give
- All That We See or Seem
- All That We Shall Be
- All the Right Moves
- All This Sweet Work
- All This Time
- All Ye Who Enter Here
- Alliance Born
- Allusions (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Almost Legends
- Alone (Star Trek: TOS story by C.A. Pierce)
- Alone (Star Trek: TOS story by Gena Moretti)
- Along Came a Spider (Star Trek TOS story)
- Along the Way
- Alteration
- Alterations
- Altered Perceptions (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Altered Views
- Alternate Babel
- Alternatives (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Always (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Always in Mourning
- Always Something There to Remind Me
- Always Tomorrow
- Amber Lanterns
- Ampersand (Star Trek: TOS story)
- An Evening's Escapade
- Anchorage
- Anchored
- And a Bottle of Rum
- And All the Dreams Have Turned to Dust...And Back to Dreams Again
- And Dust to Dust
- And Everyone in Their Time
- And Everything Is
- And I Am Also Quite Blind
- And in the Darkness Bind You
- And Its Business Is Joy
- And Mate in One
- And Never Parted
- And On the Sixth Day
- And the Sailor Home from the Sea
- And Truth is a Bitter Wind
- And We Fall in Love
- And Will Go Free
- And Yet Afraid
- Andorian Interlude
- Angel Tongues
- Angel Unaware (Star Trek: TOS story by Mary Lowe)
- Angel Unaware (Star Trek: TOS story by Pat Charles)
- The Angry Heart
- An Anguish to Pay
- Animal Magnetism (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Animal Passion (Star Trek: TOS story by Ellen O'Neil)
- Animal Passions (Star Trek: TOS story by Emily Adams)
- Anniversary (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Anniversary Gift
- Anniversary Waltz
- Another Alternate World Rip-Off Fairy Tale
- Another Country Beckons
- Another K/S Zine
- Another Saturday Night on the Enterprise
- Another Side of the Mirror
- Another Time, Another Place (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Another Trip to Babel
- Another Vulcan Fantasy
- Answer in the Past
- Answers (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Anti Deus Ex Machina
- Antidote (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Antinome
- Apartheid in Green
- Apologies
- Apotheosis
- Appearances
- Appointment on Vulcan
- Apsides
- The Arms of a Friend
- Around Any Corner
- Arrows (Star Trek: TOS story)
- The Artist Within
- As It Should Be
- As Much as Love Asks
- As Others See Us (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Ask and You Shall Receive
- Ask Me Tomorrow
- The Assessment
- Assumptions (Star Trek: TOS story by Jessica Daigneault)
- Assumptions (Star Trek: TOS story by Kay Wells)
- Assumptions (Star Trek: TOS story by Mary Suskind Lansing)
- At First Sight
- At My Most Beautiful
- At Night All Cats are Gray
- Atlantis Stars
- Attraction
- The Auction (Star Trek: TOS story)
- The Author
- War Games (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Autumn Longing
- Avalon (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Awakening (Star Trek: TOS story by Anna Parrish)
- The Awakening (Star Trek: TOS story by Ellen Fletcher)
- The Awakening (Star Trek: TOS story by Terri Anders)
- The Awakening (Star Trek: TOS story by Bethany Hawke)
- The Awakening Past
- Away Down Yonder
- Babes in the Woods (Star Trek: TOS story by Dana Austin Marsh)
- Babes in the Woods (Star Trek: TOS story by Ellen L. Kobrin)
- Baby
- Backrub
- Bailout
- Bait (Star Trek: TOS story by A.T. Bush)
- Balance (Star Trek: TOS story)
- The Ballad of the Rival Lord's Son
- The Bare Truth
- Barely Blue
- Bargains (Star Trek: TOS story)
- The Baths of Tizar
- A Beach to Walk On (Star Trek: TOS story by Mara-Lyn Cade)
- A Beach to Walk On (Star Trek: TOS story by JS Cavalcante)
- Beautiful Truth
- Bed of Silence
- Before Ever the Sea
- Before I Die
- Before I Sleep
- Before the Dawn
- Beg the Lightning to Strike
- Begin and Begin Again
- Beginnings (Star Trek: TOS story by CatalenaMara)
- Beginnings: In Retrospect
- Belial (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Beloved Relatives
- Beneath the Sands of Gri'Alon
- Beneath the Stars
- Benefit of Clergy
- Bequeathed
- Berengaria Seven
- Beside Myself I
- Beside Myself III
- Beside the Wells
- The Best Ass in Starfleet
- The Best is Yet to Come
- The Best Laid Plans (Star Trek: TOS story by Dana Austin Marsh)
- The Best Man
- Best of Innocence
- The Best of Me
- Best of Times (Star Trek: TOS story)
- The Best-Laid Plans (Star Trek: TOS story by Doreen C. Dubois)
- The Bet (Star Trek: TOS story by Drea Leigh)
- Bet (Star Trek: TOS story by JS Cavalcante)
- The Bet (Star Trek: TOS story by Karla Kelly)
- Between the Dark and the Daylight
- Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Betwixt Man and Angell
- Beyond Eden
- Beyond Setarcos
- Beyond the Barrier
- Beyond the Dark Forgetting
- Beyond the Pale (Star Trek: TOS story)
- Beyond the Sea
- Beyond Trust
Media in category "Star Trek TOS K/S Fanfiction"
The following 163 files are in this category, out of 163 total.
- Alienbrothersone.jpg 455 × 584; 255 KB
- Alienbrotherssix.jpg 454 × 579; 216 KB
- Alienbrothersthree.jpg 452 × 581; 78 KB
- Alienbrotherstwo.jpg 456 × 578; 83 KB
- Alteredtitle.jpg 471 × 618; 136 KB
- Amberlightcga.jpg 633 × 635; 98 KB
- Asc1997.jpg 434 × 572; 172 KB
- Asidothee3art1.jpg 474 × 619; 154 KB
- Askandyou.jpg 468 × 616; 130 KB
- Atlantisstarsdolls.jpg 641 × 394; 75 KB
- Betweenfriendsredacted.jpg 469 × 612; 148 KB
- Beyondsec-1.jpg 1,120 × 1,450; 528 KB
- Beyondsec-2.jpg 1,114 × 1,440; 613 KB
- Beyondsec-3.jpg 1,120 × 1,440; 452 KB
- Birthdaypresent-1.jpg 1,118 × 1,440; 657 KB
- Birthdaypresent-2.jpg 1,116 × 1,444; 651 KB
- Birthdaypresent-3.jpg 1,128 × 1,446; 669 KB
- Calendarboysdolls.jpg 695 × 515; 99 KB
- Crossingthelinedolls.jpg 601 × 456; 101 KB
- Desertheatroughdraft-1.jpg 1,116 × 1,436; 493 KB
- Desertheatroughdraft.jpg 1,106 × 1,444; 492 KB
- Desertwind.jpg 468 × 609; 95 KB
- Dragonnight-1.jpg 1,116 × 1,444; 560 KB
- Dragonnight-2.jpg 1,116 × 1,448; 658 KB
- Dragonnight-3.jpg 1,116 × 1,444; 707 KB
- Fantasiesart1.jpg 593 × 461; 131 KB
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- Fewlaurel.jpg 470 × 620; 77 KB
- Fieldimage.jpg 442 × 635; 128 KB
- Follytitle.jpg 471 × 621; 130 KB
- Fullcircledolls.jpg 716 × 518; 106 KB
- Galacticdiscourse3insidepage.jpg 378 × 490; 103 KB
- Gaylefsksquartet.jpg 1,138 × 1,532; 477 KB
- Ghostinthemachine.jpg 500 × 674; 104 KB
- Harborcga.jpg 882 × 647; 80 KB
- Hourofgold.jpg 617 × 469; 151 KB
- Incheckreview.jpg 1,270 × 1,452; 496 KB
- Inparadise.jpg 472 × 615; 142 KB
- Inthewilderness3.jpg 350 × 470; 71 KB
- Journeyto.jpg 467 × 596; 131 KB
- Journeyto2.jpg 594 × 468; 102 KB
- Journeytotheday.jpg 465 × 592; 112 KB
- Journeytothedaymap.jpg 469 × 589; 155 KB
- Kalplayersinthegame.jpg 478 × 617; 59 KB
- Ksrelay4art5.jpg 470 × 657; 90 KB
- Ksrelay4art6.jpg 464 × 638; 124 KB
- Ksrelay4art7.jpg 651 × 468; 139 KB
- Ksrelay4art8.jpg 652 × 466; 132 KB
- Ksrelay4art9.jpg 465 × 652; 79 KB
- Ksstorynotes.jpg 2,628 × 3,478; 847 KB
- Ksx2art1.jpg 469 × 613; 151 KB
- Ksx2art10.jpg 451 × 593; 117 KB
- Ksx2art2.jpg 468 × 615; 178 KB
- Ksx2art3.jpg 470 × 617; 73 KB
- Ksx2art5.jpg 474 × 617; 187 KB
- Ksx2art6.jpg 469 × 618; 125 KB
- Ksx2art7.jpg 467 × 614; 165 KB
- Ksx2art8.jpg 617 × 467; 126 KB
- Ksx2art9.jpg 469 × 619; 128 KB
- Ksx2begin1.jpg 471 × 617; 163 KB
- Ksx2begin2.jpg 466 × 619; 227 KB
- Ksx2bondage.jpg 466 × 620; 150 KB
- Ksx2dear.jpg 470 × 617; 158 KB
- Ksx2faces.jpg 469 × 614; 166 KB
- Ksx2humanthing.jpg 469 × 616; 124 KB
- Ksx2leopard.jpg 470 × 605; 182 KB
- Ksx2micro.jpg 467 × 619; 205 KB
- Ksx2outofeden.jpg 476 × 620; 140 KB
- Ksxprivateobsession.jpg 466 × 617; 140 KB
- Lightinthedarkenssslash.jpg 481 × 627; 487 KB
- Logicaldecisions.jpg 474 × 618; 112 KB
- Longwayhomets.jpg 478 × 634; 104 KB
- Loveslave-1.jpg 452 × 582; 117 KB
- Loveslave-2.jpg 453 × 576; 61 KB
- Loveslave-3.jpg 453 × 578; 156 KB
- Loveslave-4.jpg 455 × 580; 83 KB
- Loveslave-5.jpg 452 × 580; 75 KB
- Mahko2page1.jpg 459 × 654; 129 KB
- Mahko2page2.jpg 460 × 656; 121 KB
- Manyatear.jpg 471 × 620; 88 KB
- Mazeroughdraft-1.jpg 1,126 × 1,448; 580 KB
- Mazeroughdraft-2.jpg 1,124 × 1,472; 620 KB
- Mazeroughdraft-4.jpg 1,108 × 1,460; 575 KB
- Mazeroughdraft-5.jpg 1,122 × 1,460; 527 KB
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- Mirrorantag2.jpg 467 × 592; 113 KB
- Mirrorante1.jpg 466 × 587; 75 KB
- Mirrorante2.jpg 465 × 590; 92 KB
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- Mirrorconspiracy.jpg 1,118 × 1,458; 358 KB
- Mish.jpg 469 × 617; 123 KB
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- Nakedtimesdeadly-4.jpg 471 × 612; 123 KB
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- Neverandalways4.jpg 470 × 570; 145 KB
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- Neverpartedart2.jpg 467 × 589; 140 KB
- Neverpartedart3.jpg 918 × 591; 145 KB
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- Strangestthing.jpg 511 × 662; 244 KB
- Thyla21art7.jpg 472 × 622; 140 KB
- Thyla6art6.jpg 472 × 619; 114 KB
- Thyla6art9.jpg 473 × 617; 127 KB
- Thylabondmates.jpg 469 × 620; 178 KB
- Thylaparted.jpg 469 × 619; 135 KB
- Vulcansand.jpg 471 × 614; 96 KB
- Walltipton.jpg 476 × 614; 120 KB
- Wednesdaydolls.jpg 598 × 485; 125 KB
- Whenraincomesdolls.jpg 786 × 589; 190 KB
- Wildershoreszine-1.jpg 1,070 × 1,516; 568 KB
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- Withoutbenefitdolls.jpg 782 × 645; 161 KB
- Yeapage.jpg 463 × 651; 150 KB