At Night All Cats are Gray

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: At Night All Cats are Gray
Author(s): Carolyn McTarrell
Date(s): 1984
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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At Night All Cats are Gray is a K/S story by Carolyn McTarrell.

It was published in First Time #1.


"After the Babel Conference, Kirk forces Spock to explain what he would value over his fatherʼs life."

Reactions and Reviews

The aftermath of McCoy's surgery on Sarek (Journey to Babel). Again, for my taste, the characterization is way off. Kirk DEMANDS to know what took place in a private conversation between Spock & Amanda (specifically, the scene in which Amanda slaps Spock), even threatening to ask Amanda directly when Spock refuses to tell him. This obnoxious, bullying, insensitive Kirk oversteps not only the boundaries of friendship but of civilized behavior as well. I fervently wished Spock would give this blundering boor the right cross he so richly deserved. Alas, the author thought otherwise! [1]
