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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Alteration
Author(s): Billie Phillips
Date(s): 1981
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Alteration is a K/S story by Billie Phillips.

It was published in the print zine Out of Bounds.

Reactions and Reviews


'Alteration' by Billie Phillips has basically the same plot as the first story in the zine: Where Dreams Come True, which is a pity because they distract from each other. Spock goes back in time, from alternate universe to change his Kirk into 'our' Kirk, got it? You will, if you read the story. I found it, a memorable one. [snipped]

Overall, I recommend this zine. The stories are of a high standard, it's basically a fun-read. However, and it's a big however -- I do have strong doubts about the subject matter of some of the stories. 'Where Dreams Come True' and 'Alteration' have K/S sex with, a younger Kirk of the past. If this ia a trend from which K/S is going to develop I am very dubious for the future. The theme could become sickening if continued. [1]


  1. ^ from Communicator #3 (March 1982)