The Arms of a Friend

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Arms of a Friend
Author(s): Jean Gabriel
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Arms of a Friend is a Kirk/Spock story by Jean Gabriel.

It was published in the print zine Within the Mirror #5.


"After Kirk calls off their affair, Mitchell plots Spockʼs death, sure that the Vulcan is the reason for the breakup."

Reactions and Reviews

The first thing I noticed was the smoothness of the writing and wording. Next the logic of the story, the way it explained without lecturing and eased into situations without undue verbalizing but still keeping things completely clear to le. Next came my interest in the plot, which I found effortless to maintain. Having determined all that, I relaxed and enjoyed the story, which turned out to be my kind of story. Upbeat and loving. You can't ask more of an author and her work than that. [1]

I felt the writing, plot and characterization were a bit uneven in this story. The characters seemed to jump back and forth between what I would expect of the Mainline Kirk and Spock and what I would expect of the mirror counterparts. This was, perhaps, intentional as they were in a flux state of their lives, being what they are and yet attempting to change. I was left rather curious by the "why" of several decisions of Kirk's: Why did he break off his on again, off again relationship with Mitchell? Was it because of his feelings for Spock? Why did he agree to go down to Vulcan to serve Spock? [2]
