The Agent

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You may be looking for Zine Agent or the Xena uber story The Agent.

K/S Fanfiction
Title: The Agent
Author(s): Fleur du Mal
Date(s): 2004
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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The Agent is a Kirk/Spock story by Fleur du Mal.

It was published in the print zine Dark Fire #1.


"A/U: A bounty hunter waits for the criminal, Spock."

Reactions and Reviews

I read all types of K/S, but I find I‘m very intrigued by AU‘s. It amazes me how inventive the writers are considering the various lifestyles, time zones, and universes. What‘s even more amazing is when you still recognize Jim Kirk and Spock in these scenarios. "The Agent" is one of these, and one of my personal favorites.

It is a short story, so I can‘t get into details without spoiling it for the reader. But basically, think of the old black and white cartoons of Spy vs. Spy, and you have a beginning of who you think they are. Neither is good, nor bad, even though Kirk thinks he‘s good and Spock is bad. So, Kirk is tracking down Spock for "The Agency." Trouble is, Kirk isn‘t all that good a guy himself. And Spock isn‘t quite the enemy Kirk is convinced he is. Jim becomes more determined to capture Spock, when the Vulcan leaves him proof that there is more to their relationship than he recalls. Confused? So is Jim. But you won‘t be after savoring this gem. Read the story and you‘ll walk away wanting more of these two. I do.

When I first read it I thought, "Too short." Read it again and thought, "Perfect for that adventure!" Read it last night and thought "Perfect... but please let there be another segment." I‘m dying to read more about this Kirk and Spock. They are rough, exciting, sexy, and romantic, in a time when their lives are at crossroads that clash with each other. I really want to know how the chase works out. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #137