At My Most Beautiful

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Title: At My Most Beautiful
Author(s): Jane St. Clair
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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At My Most Beautiful is a Kirk/Mitchell, K/S pre-slash story by Jane St. Clair.


"Kirk is haunted by Gary Mitchell's death and has a strange encounter with his first officer. Takes place some months after 'Where No Man Has Gone Before.'"

Author's Comments

"Sex disclaimer: There be suggestions of m/m relationships herein. I refuse to apologize for them.

Notes: Title respectfully snitched from REM. I love those guys.

I'm playing in waters I don't fully understand (ie, early canon for TOS), so I've probably made some errors in timeline and whatnot. I hereby apologize for them." [1]


Reactions and Reviews: The Entire Series

I HAVE RECCED THESE TWICE BEFORE AND I WILL KEEP RECCING THEM TILL THE END OF TIME. Stories like these make me wonder why I'm even planning the attempt; I could get lost in these and just let it be the way things went. For ever and ever, amen.[2]

Reactions and Reviews: At My Most Beautiful


  1. ^ "author's website". Archived from the original on 2002-08-16.
  2. ^ from irisbleufic, posted May 28, 2009, accessed June 19, 2013