I Leave This at Your Ear

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Title: I Leave This at Your Ear
Author(s): Jane St. Clair
Date(s): 2000
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: I Leave This at Your Ear via Wayback, Side by Side Collection on AO3

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I Leave This at Your Ear is a Kirk/Spock story by Jane St. Clair which was published in Side by Side #7.


"After Sam Kirk's death, Spock tracks Jim down on Earth. Takes place shortly after the episode "Operation -- Annihilate!"

Author's Comments

Sex disclaimer: Yes Virginia, there is sex in this story. It's m/m, it's explicit, and if you're under 18, you aren't supposed to read this. If you otherwise can't deal, get a reality check. If you'd just rather be elsewhere, take a random bookmark and I hope I'll see you again someday.

Notes: This takes place in the same universe as my other K/S stories, about a year after "At My Most Beautiful."

It's been pointed out to me that some of the cultural details in this story don't match canon. To which I can only say that these stories do tend that way. I rely as much on my conceptions of how the world will look in three or four hundred years as I do on show precedent.

This is the "first-time" story for this series. Odd that I should leave it so long. Many thanks toMary Ellen Curtin for Spock advice and help with other details.

Title snitched from W.S. Graham. (Poem at the end for the curious.) [1]


Reactions and Reviews: The Entire Series

I HAVE RECCED THESE TWICE BEFORE AND I WILL KEEP RECCING THEM TILL THE END OF TIME. Stories like these make me wonder why I'm even planning the attempt; I could get lost in these and just let it be the way things went. For ever and ever, amen.[2]

Reactions and Reviews: I Leave This at Your Ear


  1. ^ from the author's website
  2. ^ from irisbleufic, posted May 28, 2009, accessed June 19, 2013