Til Human Voices Wake Us

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Title: Til Human Voices Wake Us
Author(s): Jane St. Clair
Date(s): 1999
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: Til Human Voices Wake Us at Archive of Our Own & Til Human Voices Wake Us via Wayback

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Til Human Voices Wake Us is a Kirk/Spock story by Jane St. Clair.


"After Kirk's death (in "Generations"), Spock is still on Romulus. But there are more things in heaven and earth..."

Author's Comments

Sex disclaimer: I wish there was sex in this. I really, really do. And I'm really, really sorry that there isn't any. So. Anyone who can't deal with m/m affection on this level needs therapy and readjustment badly, 'cause there isn't anything much here that I'd stop my grandma from reading.

Words in Vulcan and Romulan, and certain key concepts, are borrowed from Diane Duane's magnificent novels The Romulan Way and Spock's World.

Title respectfully stolen from T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. It's a great poem. And if you haven't read it, you should. (Sorry, professorial moment.) [1]


Reactions and Reviews: The Entire Series

I HAVE RECCED THESE TWICE BEFORE AND I WILL KEEP RECCING THEM TILL THE END OF TIME. Stories like these make me wonder why I'm even planning the attempt; I could get lost in these and just let it be the way things went. For ever and ever, amen.[2]

Reactions and Reviews: Til Human Voices Wake Us

This tiny story packs in more tenderness and longing than many stories ten times its size. It's got lovely imagery. A beautiful, bittersweet five-minute read. [3]


  1. ^ the author's website
  2. ^ from irisbleufic, posted May 28, 2009, accessed June 19, 2013
  3. ^ YMMV