Actions Speak Louder

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Actions Speak Louder
Author(s): Sarah Leonard
Date(s): 1987
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Actions Speak Louder is a K/S story by Sarah Leonard.

It was published in the print zine First Time #11.


"Spock is upset by Kirk and Areel Shawʼs kiss on the bridge."


"Something would have to be done. And soon. Spock moved to his meditation area to gaze into the flame held by the fire shrine. However, he was well aware that meditation would not help. He had tried meditating over the problem many times. His lack of success only agitated him further. Spock dropped onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling. Something would have to be done. Something. But what? he wondered. Perhaps the only logical thing to do is request a transfer. But I would need a reason, a serious, logical, believable reason. After all, I could not say that I have become insanely jealous whenever anyone especially anyone female has his attention."

Reactions and Reviews

A very absorbing and intense story; I felt that she got into Spock's character particularly well. His refusal to discuss the subject until he absolutely had to, making Kirk read the thought-report aloud because he could not say it even though they both knew what it was were very typical for someone who avoids facing their emotions. The part at the end - "He didn't laugh at my groan but..." - was very revealing.[1]

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER and FRIEND, BROTHER, LOVER both use old-standard plot lines and they sadly do no do justice to the lustier side of K/S (which, let's be honest, is the main reason we enjoy this stuff!) [2]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #52
  2. ^ from Datazine #49