Almost Legends

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Title: Almost Legends
Author(s): Morgan Sheen
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Almost Legends is a Kirk/Spock story by Morgan Sheen.

It was published in Charisma #19.


"A sequel to "Generations" in which Kirk doesn't really die, Kirk is brought back from death after the fight with Soran and reunited with Spock so they can finally work out the problems that kept them from reuniting as lovers after Spockʼs fal tor pan."

Reactions and Reviews


This brand-new author succeeds really well with this refreshing "what really happened" after the movie "Generations".

This is an older Kirk (a little too older, however—it seems to me that sixty-something is not so old now, and in the 23rd century, well, positively middle-aged. Besides, who wouldn't want to look like that at sixty-plus?) I do think "old oak" is a bit much!

Way, way too many references to "seventy-six years". We got the point the first time. And "They were not careful this time—perhaps they were too old to be careful." What?

There were many nice moments of Kirk's thoughts and feelings as he joins the Next Gen crowd. I so appreciated the author showing us a strong Kirk who can deal with his situation instead of a wimpy character who emerges in the future feeling like an obsolete, useless, whining do-nothing, sorry for himself kind of guy. Who could I be talking about? Beats me, Scotty.

What a lovely passage this is:" 'It feels so good to hold you,' he said, as a joy he had almost forgotten surged through him like the warmth of a spring sun after a very long winter."

I also thoroughly enjoyed the ingenuous way they spoke of "getting married". [1]


This is one of the most satisfying endings or “Generations”. Or should I say that it picks up where “Generations” ended and concludes it the right way?

One of the many possible right ways and a hell of a lot better done, too. <ref> from The K/S Press #15 </ref.


  1. ^ from Come Together #16