Alternate Babel

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Alternate Babel
Author(s): Karla Kelly
Date(s): 1991
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Alternate Babel is a K/S story by Karla Kelly.

It was published in the print zine As I Do Thee #17.


"Captain Kirk is not looking forward to ferrying a boat-load of diplomats to Babel... until he sees the Vulcan ambassador's assistant."

Reactions and Reviews

I have often wished this author wrote longer stories, and finally she has done a short story instead of a vignette. However, despite the fact this was smooth reading throughout, I had a few problems with it. The first (and certainly no fault of the writer) is that I find it difficult to enjoy stories where Kirk and Spock fall in love with each other literally at first sight. That takes the relationship seen like one of lust, not love. Second, I was bored with the section that more are less retold parts of the episode 'Journey to Babel", albeit in a slightly altered fashion. (My patience it always stressed when a story depends so heavily on the re-telling of episodes.) Third, I found it difficult to believe that Spock was so naive as to think that humans experienced pon farr. If Spock is an ambassador's aide, he's surely aware of the differences in other cultures from that of Vulcans, and I don't think he would automatically assume Kirk's sexual feelings were pon farr. Finally, I thought the ending too rushed for the length of the story, which gave me the impression the author got tired of the whole thing and wanted to hurry up and end it. Despite the above complaints, I am encouraged by this effort and hope Karla Kelly attempts more lengthy stories in the future.[1]

Karla gave an interesting twist to a familiar story which introduced Spock's parents for the first time, making Spock a Junior Ambassador rather than Kirk's first officer. She did manage to get Spock a spot on the ship, however. A nice read.[2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #32 (1991)
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #34 (1991)