As Much as Love Asks

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Title: As Much as Love Asks
Author(s): Khiori
Date(s): 2006
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: online here

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As Much as Love Asks is a Kirk/Spock story by Khiori.

It was published in Beyond Dreams #9 and later online.


"Kirk holds vigil at Spockʼs bedside as the Vulcan fights for his life after being bitten by a snake."

Reactions and Reviews

A sweet short story. Spock gets bitten by a snake, Kirk worries. That’s almost all there is to this. But short as it is, it paints a nice tender picture of the genuine love between Kirk and Spock. A lovely image to end on too – “Long fingers immediately curled round his...” Aaaww.... [1]

Boy, these stories [in this zine] are certainly putting Spock and Kirk through their paces--in a wonderful, moving way. Another sickbay vigil--Spock is snake-bitten during one of their paradisical shoreleaves. Kirk is keeping vigil beside Spock's bed. But there's much more to it than that: the depth, sureness and affection in this author's prose. I loved it! This is one of the most tender, sweet, loving examples of these two mens' devotion, loyalty and just plain togetherness I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I absorbed it gratefully. It is beautiful! Thanks to Khiori![2]

A very short but nonetheless enjoyable mood piece. It starts with Kirk and Spock enjoying shore leave when Spock is unexpectedly bitten by a poisonous snake. Kirk’s character in particular is very well described, even in the first moments of panic when he realises what has happened, he is able to focus his thoughts on getting Spock medical assistance as quickly as possible, and his command persona takes over as we would expect in spite of his very real worry about Spock. As Kirk sits by Spock’s bedside back on the ship while McCoy and the rest of the medical team fight desperately to save him, he ponders how precious Spock is to him and realises that he has to accept the fact that their careers in Starfleet involve a certain degree of risk which he must come to terms with, since neither of them is ready to abandon their careers in Starfleet. Although nothing particularly new, this is an enjoyable snippet all the same. [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #120
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #128
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #123