Antidote (Star Trek: TOS story)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Antidote
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1990
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Antidote is a K/S story by Kay Wells.

It was published in the print zine First Time #25.

art by Kay Wells for "Antidote"


"On a landing party Kirk inhales a drug that makes people believe their greatest wish is true, so he returns thinking he and Spock are lovers."

Reactions and Reviews

I had trouble with the background in this. We are never quite told why the Enterprise is in orbit around the planet; only that Kirk, Spock, and Jobert participated in a ceremony there and collected science samples. Since there is no further discussion about remaining on the planet, I had assumed the Enterprise left orbit. This assumption is supported by the revelation on page 85 that Jobert was "calmly ordering a course change". Yet, on page 87-88, Spock beams himself down to the planet for an herb sample, indicating that the Enterprise had retained in orbit all along. Why would they remain there when there was no further contact with the natives? Otherwise, this was an enjoyable story. I especially liked the casual way that Kirk acted on his belief and the shocked/casual manner in which Spock responded. McCoy was also in good form, almost to the point where this was perhaps more his story (considering all his involvement) than Kirk or Spock's. The last scene was a bit weak, with the two still dancing about each other and using rather shallow dialogue. What the story lacked in drama, it made up for with gentle humor. [1]
