As It Should Be

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Title: As It Should Be
Author(s): Charlotte Frost
Date(s): 1987
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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As It Should Be is a Kirk/Spock story by Charlotte Frost.

It was published in the print zine Daring Attempt #8.

first page of the story

Reactions and Reviews


AS IT SHOULD BE, by Charlotte Frost, is an uninspired post-ST 4 story about Kirk and Spock resettling back into their relationship after Spock's death and resurrection. While lacking in fire, this is a nice, warm story, an easy read. [1]


Set post STIV and detailing how Kirk and Spock become lovers again. Short but erotic. [2]


A nice little post-movie story is spoiled by a couple of inconsistencies. We know that Spock is wealthy, he therefore shouldn't be concerned about money. I also found it jarring to be told that Spock felt that Kirk was truly his after fucking him. That is a human attitude. To a Vulcan there are far more intimate acts. Spock is much more likely to feel that Kirk was truly his after he had taken his mind in a meld. In brief, "As It Should Be" wasn't exactly as it should be. The author could take more care. [3]


One of the most compelling scenes in filmed Trek is when, at the close of Kirk’s trial for destroying the ENTERPRISE, Spock walks away from his father. Kirk, waiting expectantly, joins him and they stride down the hall together into their future. Now I know what that immediate future held. And nobody could ask for a better reunion. Love and sex. Nothing sloppy, no flowery words or columns of polished jade. Just two seamless awe-inspiring lovemaking sessions.

This is hot. Bodies too long separated, too long tense with fear and uncertainty come together at last. Suddenly all the pent-up emotions are released. Ms. Frost didn’t mention it, but they had to see fireworks. Something sent sparks my way!

Great job. Let’s watch them make eye contact once more as Kirk pushes himself off the railing and falls rhythmically into step with his other half! It has a whole new meaning now. [4]


Though this story is only seven pages long, there are four orgasms! Now that's what I call bang for my buck....

Seriously, though, Charlotte Frost writes the most distinctive K/S stories, and I appreciate almost all of them. Sexy and sensuous with a touch of the realistic that appeals greatly to my practical soul. You can hardly go wrong with anything she's written.

Here it is immediately after the events of the trial at the end of Star Trek IV, and a rejuvenated Spock goes with his long-time lover back to their apartment. There they renew their sexual relationship, for naturally they haven't had a chance to be together again since Spock has regained most of his memories. ("Your libido has gained strength since my absence," Spock comments. "You mean since you've returned," Kirk corrected. "I haven't thought about sex since—")

A few moments I appreciate in this story: when they first fall into bed together, Kirk keeps his eyes closed, so we are treated to very touch-sensitive descriptions. Nice! After they achieve their first orgasms, their apres-sex conversation is interrupted by a message from a lieutenant calling Kirk to tell him that he has four days of leave before he needs to report to Nogura for orders. Kirk tells the young officer that he doesn't need to contact Captain Spock with the same orders, he would tell the Vulcan. Cute! It's not hard to relay that message, since they are laying sweaty in bed together at the moment. (Hey, how many times have you been interrupted by the telephone or a ringing doorbell at a critical moment? I rest my case.) I also like their talk about how they won't have so much money to spend anymore, since Kirk will be getting reduced pay since he's been demoted from admiral to captain. Hey, it's practical and true, and not something I think I've ever encountered in any other K/S story. And finally, I like the way Spock strokes Kirk's prostate in the next to last sex act, and the comment that they'd done that sometimes when Kirk had felt himself hopelessly impotent. While I don't like the term "hopelessly," nevertheless it's a tiny peek into a problem they might have encountered in their sex life, and a solution they've come up with to overcome it. Life is not all peaces and cream and roses and angels singing in the sky, I think. Real life, real solutions.

I'm happy reading this story. [5]


  1. ^ from Datazine #49
  2. ^ from On the Double #9
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #2
  4. ^ from The K/S Press #39
  5. ^ from The K/S Press #73