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This category lists individual fannish awards, as well as general discussion on award-giving in fandom.
Articles in this category can use the award template.
This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
- Awards Banners (360 F)
- Multifandom Awards (51 P, 3 F)
- Slash Awards (29 P)
- Vidding Awards (65 P, 18 F)
- Anime Awards (2 P, 6 F)
- Backstreet Boys Awards (9 P)
- Buffyverse Awards (16 P, 2 F)
- Hanson Awards (38 P, 46 F)
- Harry Potter Awards (11 P, 4 F)
- Newsies Awards (6 P, 1 F)
- Science Fiction Awards (14 P, 21 F)
- Sentinel Awards (16 P)
- Star Trek Awards (32 P, 39 F)
- Stargate Atlantis Awards (11 P, 195 F)
- Stargate SG-1 Awards (16 P, 1 F)
- Tolkien Awards (15 P, 17 F)
- X-Files Awards (17 P, 1 F)
Pages in category "Awards"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 283 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Backstreet Boys Fan Fiction Awards
- Backstreet Elite Fan Fiction Awards
- Backstreet Lite Fan Fic Awards
- The Bad, Bad Man Awards
- Bashful Awards
- Beautiful Tragedy (vidding awards)
- Beauty and the Beast Fan Quality Awards
- Bellarke Fanfiction Awards
- Bellarke Fanwork Awards
- Best KiGo Story
- The Big Anonymous Fanfiction Tales Awards
- Bittersweet Awards
- Black Key Sugar'd Locket Awards
- Blank Page Awards
- Blue Alert
- Blue Moon Awards
- Bookie and Martini's Fanfic Metropolis Contest 2002
- Broken Angel Awards
- The Buffinator Awards
- Buttmonkey Awards
- Capeside Creek Fan Fiction Awards
- Careless Whisper Awards
- Caryl Fanfiction Awards
- Cascade Awards
- Cascade Times Awards
- Cauldron Awards
- Chaos Into Art Awards
- Chaz Awards
- Chicken Ball Awards
- Clexa Fanfiction Awards
- The Come Undone Fan Fiction Awards
- Comic Book Fan-Fiction Awards
- Comic Fan Art Awards
- Crazy Girls Awards
- The Creative Junkyard Awards
- Crossing Over Awards
- Crunchyroll Anime Awards
- Crystalline Rose Award
- Halo Awards
- Hanfic Awards
- Hanfic Christmas Awards
- Hanfic Oscars 2001
- Hanfic Pullitzers
- Hanson Fan Fiction Awards
- Hanson Only Awards
- Hanson Story Awards
- Hanson Web Awards
- Hanspirational Fan Fiction Awards
- Hawaii Five-0 Ohana Favorite Awards
- The Highclere Fan Awards
- HNG Awards
- Hogwarts Library's Harry Potter Slash Awards
- The Holmsies Awards
- Hourglass Awards
- The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards
- HP Journos
- Huggy Award
- The Hugo Award
- The Hugo Award/Best Fan Artist
- The Hugo Award/Best Fan Writer
- The Hugo Award/Best Fancast
- The Hugo Award/Best Fanzine
- The Hugo Award/Best Related Work
- The Hugo Award/Discontinued Fannish Awards
- Mac Attack Fanfic Awards
- Mad Max Fanfic Awards
- Maggie Awards
- Major Oak Awards
- Manga de Oro
- Mauve and dangerous
- McKay/Sheppard Fan Awards
- Merlin Slash Awards
- Merlin/Arthur Fanfic Awards
- Middle-Earth Fanfiction Awards
- Mithril Awards
- Moonshine Awards
- More Than Words Awards
- Morley Awards
- Multifaceted Awards
- Pain is Just Pleasure Fanfiction Awards
- The Paintball Awards
- Path of the Heart Vidding Awards
- Paula Wilshe Award
- The Pearl Awards
- Pegasus Award
- Pegasus Award/2000s
- Pegasus Award/2010s
- Pegasus Award/2020s
- Philon Awards
- The Pretender Fan Fiction Awards
- The Prosh Awards
- Pure Magnetism's Harry Potter Slash Awards
- The Purple Comet - A J/C Fanfic Contest
- Purple Heart Awards
Media in category "Awards"
The following 174 files are in this category, out of 174 total.
- 1983fanqwinners.jpg 997 × 638; 489 KB
- 1986nominationballot.jpg 1,760 × 2,528; 611 KB
- 1992 Ditmar Award.jpeg 273 × 522; 22 KB
- 1995 Stiffie Awards pg 2small.jpeg 999 × 1,070; 234 KB
- 1995 Stiffie Awards pg1 smalljpeg.jpeg 844 × 984; 198 KB
- 1995huggyballot-1.jpg 473 × 619; 74 KB
- 1995huggyballot-2.jpg 472 × 616; 85 KB
- 1995huggyballot-3.jpg 471 × 618; 63 KB
- 1995siffieballot-1.jpg 1,108 × 1,460; 1.36 MB
- 1995siffieballot-2.jpg 1,116 × 1,452; 1.21 MB
- 1995siffieballot-3.jpg 1,114 × 1,458; 1.02 MB
- 1996 Stiffie Awards small.jpeg 1,238 × 923; 266 KB
- 1997 Whammy Winners.jpg 880 × 1,914; 756 KB
- 1997fanqnominees.jpg 851 × 654; 600 KB
- 2000fanqhonorable-1.jpg 671 × 635; 240 KB
- 2000fanqhonorable-2.jpg 490 × 659; 212 KB
- 2001 fanQ Zawiah.jpg 163 × 125; 27 KB
- 2004spookyaward.jpg 1,226 × 630; 374 KB
- 2004ssawinner.jpg 195 × 146; 14 KB
- 2008fanq-1.jpg 942 × 565; 638 KB
- 2008fanq-2.jpg 941 × 657; 395 KB
- 2008fanq-3.jpg 942 × 578; 340 KB
- 2008fanq-4.jpg 949 × 612; 476 KB
- 2008fanq-5.jpg 945 × 429; 350 KB
- 2008fanq-6.jpg 943 × 468; 442 KB
- Animated leaf.gif 78 × 78; 5 KB
- Asc1997.jpg 434 × 572; 172 KB
- ASFMAtrophy.jpg 2,028 × 1,451; 800 KB
- Award eif.jpg 198 × 226; 11 KB
- Award99.jpg 393 × 250; 73 KB
- Bannerbase3.jpg 443 × 287; 14 KB
- Bluefanq.jpg 403 × 517; 29 KB
- Bright3dedication.jpg 471 × 617; 152 KB
- Broken mirror award 2.PNG 539 × 320; 85 KB
- Broken mirrors award.PNG 538 × 320; 83 KB
- Button234x60.jpg 234 × 60; 15 KB
- Caryl Fanfiction Award.png 747 × 445; 135 KB
- CBFFAs.png 600 × 493; 92 KB
- Christine's Award Page.png 1,263 × 1,760; 520 KB
- Crossover awards.gif 486 × 385; 63 KB
- Cystalballot.jpg 682 × 1,544; 1.19 MB
- Dfa00dram.gif 400 × 244; 44 KB
- Doublegammaballot.jpg 486 × 636; 188 KB
- Encoreawardtemplate.jpg 515 × 622; 169 KB
- Fanficarchive2001.jpg 242 × 328; 64 KB
- Fanfictionwebsite.jpg 225 × 300; 73 KB
- Fanq1981.jpg 1,942 × 1,744; 1.29 MB
- Fanq1987.jpg 473 × 611; 72 KB
- Fanq1991ST.jpg 503 × 654; 230 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-1 .jpg 940 × 659; 275 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-11.jpg 702 × 657; 129 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-12.jpg 709 × 519; 190 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-13.jpg 703 × 196; 90 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-14.jpg 709 × 645; 194 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-15.jpg 710 × 550; 205 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-16.jpg 699 × 481; 111 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-17.jpg 708 × 507; 178 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-18.jpg 702 × 608; 175 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-19.jpg 701 × 554; 212 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-2.jpg 939 × 464; 193 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-3.jpg 941 × 266; 127 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-4.jpg 935 × 623; 284 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-5.jpg 943 × 582; 237 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-6.jpg 924 × 622; 256 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-7.jpg 933 × 263; 113 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-8.jpg 931 × 564; 209 KB
- Fanq2001ballot-9.jpg 469 × 524; 153 KB
- Fanq2003-1.jpg 699 × 597; 196 KB
- Fanq2003-10.jpg 704 × 334; 111 KB
- Fanq2003-11.jpg 700 × 452; 107 KB
- Fanq2003-12.jpg 944 × 672; 326 KB
- Fanq2003-13.jpg 939 × 658; 226 KB
- Fanq2003-14.jpg 939 × 668; 275 KB
- Fanq2003-2.jpg 705 × 626; 207 KB
- Fanq2003-3.jpg 710 × 381; 125 KB
- Fanq2003-4.jpg 709 × 561; 138 KB
- Fanq2003-5.jpg 705 × 329; 160 KB
- Fanq2003-6.jpg 709 × 617; 209 KB
- Fanq2003-7.jpg 710 × 668; 233 KB
- Fanq2003-8.jpg 703 × 330; 104 KB
- Fanq2003-9.jpg 700 × 562; 198 KB
- Fanq2004.jpg 400 × 310; 27 KB
- Fanq2009nominations.jpg 939 × 602; 486 KB
- Fanqform.jpg 746 × 651; 345 KB
- Fic-gen-episode.jpg 230 × 140; 65 KB
- Forbidden awards.jpg 800 × 480; 400 KB
- Fox awards.jpg 150 × 64; 9 KB
- Gatefic.png 330 × 90; 6 KB
- Golden flounce.jpg 315 × 288; 40 KB
- Goldeno2001.jpg 130 × 130; 6 KB
- Goldeno2002.jpg 130 × 130; 8 KB
- Goldeno2003.jpg 229 × 140; 12 KB
- Goldeno2004.jpg 229 × 140; 13 KB
- Goldeno2005.jpg 230 × 172; 42 KB
- Goldeno2006.jpg 229 × 172; 37 KB
- Goldficsite.jpg 210 × 325; 19 KB
- Gollum2.jpg 175 × 304; 54 KB
- Hanficawards2000.gif 402 × 121; 8 KB
- Huggy Awards Ballot 1982.jpg 2,571 × 2,123; 838 KB
- Huggy1995-1.jpg 690 × 661; 412 KB
- Huggy1995-2.jpg 460 × 613; 269 KB
- Huggy1999ballot1.jpg 1,126 × 1,452; 669 KB
- Huggy1999ballot2.jpg 1,120 × 1,452; 610 KB
- Huggy1999ballot3.jpg 1,116 × 1,456; 662 KB
- Huggy1999ballot4.jpg 1,120 × 1,452; 681 KB
- Jh-award2.jpg 234 × 530; 24 KB
- Katetragedy.jpg 301 × 143; 17 KB
- Kstar1984-1.jpg 1,398 × 1,686; 416 KB
- Kstar1984-2.jpg 473 × 557; 115 KB
- Kstar1986.jpg 588 × 635; 88 KB
- LawrenceAeardsFic-other-beta.jpg 230 × 140; 62 KB
- LawrenceAwards-Fic-gen-au.jpg 230 × 140; 70 KB
- LawrenceAwards-Fic-gen-author.jpg 230 × 140; 79 KB
- LawrenceAwards-Fic-gen-overall.jpg 230 × 140; 75 KB
- LawrenceAwards-Site-archive.jpg 230 × 140; 69 KB
- LawrenceAwards-Vids-overall.jpg 230 × 140; 13 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-gen-epic.jpg 230 × 140; 81 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-het-overall.jpg 230 × 140; 74 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-other-john.jpg 230 × 140; 13 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-other-villain.jpg 230 × 140; 76 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-slash-au.jpg 230 × 140; 59 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-slash-dean.jpg 230 × 140; 84 KB
- LawrenceAwardsFic-slash-epic.jpg 230 × 140; 66 KB
- Literarymerit1.JPG 400 × 218; 106 KB
- Litmerit.gif 302 × 36; 7 KB
- Lmfa-ban2.jpg 450 × 100; 40 KB
- MAFA2009.png 500 × 200; 180 KB
- MPANominated2003.jpeg 370 × 150; 14 KB
- MPANominated2004.jpg 375 × 150; 64 KB
- Novatrekcash.jpg 1,002 × 1,706; 555 KB
- Official Whammy Headquarters.jpg 1,263 × 1,602; 613 KB
- Paul muni encore awards.jpg 1,103 × 749; 147 KB
- Paul muni encore awards2.jpg 1,301 × 944; 134 KB
- Prosh Awards-Trophy.jpg 250 × 275; 21 KB
- Reenajenkinsamplificathontoppoints2011.png 350 × 350; 45 KB
- Sample 1999gg.jpg 200 × 256; 18 KB
- Screwz 2003 winner.jpg 200 × 47; 4 KB
- Screwz 2005 SG.1gif.gif 200 × 47; 5 KB
- Screwz2004 sentinel.jpg 200 × 47; 5 KB
- Sg fan awards 2008 header.jpg 650 × 255; 138 KB
- Sizzler2003.jpg 200 × 55; 6 KB
- Sizzler2004.jpg 200 × 47; 5 KB
- SizzlerWinner2002.jpg 457 × 135; 32 KB
- Skiffynom07.png 200 × 125; 44 KB
- Spooky2002page.jpg 1,191 × 641; 585 KB
- Staraward2000.jpg 366 × 273; 94 KB
- Starawards1991.jpg 468 × 613; 151 KB
- Stiffie1994form.jpg 454 × 494; 158 KB
- Stiffie1995-1.jpg 845 × 570; 489 KB
- Stiffie1995-2.jpg 844 × 518; 429 KB
- Stiffie1999.jpg 510 × 668; 118 KB
- Stiffieballot.jpg 477 × 593; 301 KB
- Stiffies1993flyer.jpg 456 × 566; 330 KB
- Subreality Cafe- The 1998 CBFFA Round Robin (20091012).png 800 × 921; 212 KB
- Surak1988-1.jpg 2,552 × 3,408; 1.42 MB
- Surak1988-2.jpg 2,552 × 3,352; 1.46 MB
- Surak1988-3.jpg 2,552 × 3,352; 1.58 MB
- Swollenbudawards1.jpg 629 × 833; 147 KB
- The Lawrence Awards.png 1,280 × 748; 461 KB
- The Prosh Awards-front page.png 1,160 × 1,313; 178 KB
- Torinoaward.jpg 400 × 212; 21 KB
- Trekstar1982.jpg 591 × 586; 497 KB
- Trekstar3.jpg 583 × 552; 327 KB
- Trekstarannouncement .jpg 449 × 597; 300 KB
- Trekstarbrass.jpg 825 × 608; 241 KB
- Vaawards.png 468 × 660; 266 KB
- Vqtform.jpg 2,222 × 1,360; 953 KB
- WBH-Borderline.jpg 260 × 260; 21 KB
- Websitegoldfanfic.jpg 200 × 380; 60 KB
- Whamnom1.gif 50 × 100; 4 KB
- Whamwin1.gif 50 × 100; 4 KB
- Zcon1995-8.jpg 469 × 615; 62 KB
- Zebracon1991-7.jpg 469 × 618; 59 KB
- Zebracon2-5.jpg 471 × 615; 87 KB