Beauty and the Beast Fan Quality Awards

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Name: Beauty and the Beast Fan Quality Awards, also known as the 'quality zine awards'
Date(s): 1990-
Frequency: annual
Format: vote
Type: fanzine award
Associated Community:
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast
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from Once Upon a Time... Is Now #25, three winners in 1990

Beauty and the Beast Fan Quality Awards were awards that were given to fanzine writers, publishers and artists.

They were sponsored by the Beauty and the Beast International Fan Club‎ and facilitated by Deb Hense and Jackie Paciello. Kay Anderson is listed in the first conzine as being in charge (at least in that year).

Any Beauty and the Beast with a copy of the voting form could vote. Awards were given at various annual conventions, beginning at TunnelCon I in July 1990.

Fan Q Connection

an example of a fan's use of the name Fan Q, from a flyer for Once Upon a Time...Is Now

Despite the use of "Fan Quality Award" in the title, these awards have no official connection to the MediaWest Fan Quality Awards.

However, there appears to be a connection with the Fan Qs as the original Fan Qs ceased giving awards for Beauty and the Beast (TV) fanworks in 1991. This is where "Beauty and the Beast Fan Quality Awards" diverged and stepped in, choosing to continue unofficially using the name, often without explaining how this divergence came about.

Procedures and Commentary


From a flyer sent to zine editors:

Enclosed are documents pertaining to the Fan Quality Awards. We would like as many people as possible to know about and become involved with these awards. In plain speaking: We truly want them to be FAN awards. Voted on by all of B&tB fandom and not just an active few.

Please try to find some space in your next publication for these pages. If you only have room for two pages: We would prefer the Official Ballot and the Voting Procedures be published. If you only have room for one - then the Official Ballot should be the one published.

The awards are being sponsored by the International Fanclub. Please note the word SPONSORED. The club does not have control over voting or the counting of the ballots. The international club is just getting the ball rolling with respect to getting a yearly awards procedure in place. Their only responsibility is to have the awards ready to present at TUNNEL CON I this year. Next year another group may take over the responsibility - this too, will be determined at Tunnelcon I.

Please give us your support in this. Thank You


From the first year:

Fan Quality Awards Voting Procedures:

1. You do not have to be a registered member of Tunnel Con I or the B&B International Fanclub in order to vote.
2. You may vote only once for each category.
3. You may cast your vote by mailing the official ballot to Jackie Paciello [address redacted] NO LATER than June 30, 1990 or You may cast your ballot in person at Tunnel Con I.
4. All ballots must be signed in order to be valid.
5. Winners will be by simple majority. In the case of a tie, an immediate secret ballot will be taken of those members attending Tunnel Con , with the majority of votes determining the winner.
6. Results will be tallied by two persons to be selected by the Tunnel Con I Con Committee and will not include anyone already held in nomination in any category.
7. Results will be announced and awards presented at Tunnel Con I at a time to be specified.


The awards were handed out at Tunnelcon I in 1990. A convention report, listing a few of the award winners can be found here.

The nominees were:

Novel: Kim Prosser for "A Child is Born" and A.V. Wilde for The Promise
Short story: Kathy Cox for "Echo" and Kathy Cox for "Visions of the Heart," both in Destiny #2
Filksong: S.D. Nym for "Jungle Vincent" in B & B Lite, there were no other nominations
Crossover story: Sheryl Tribble for "Shadows of Light," there were no other nominations
Letterzine: Pat Almadine for Promises of Yesterday [sic] and Jeanne Cloud for Once Upon a Time... Is Now
Overall fanzine: Lori Bartlett for Above and Below #1, Kathy Cox for Destiny #2, and Kay Simon for Heartsounds
Novella: Kathy Cox for "Love & Light: The Fable" in Destiny #2 and Cynthia Hatch for The Bridge in Kaleidoscope
Vignette: Karen Bates for "Shadow" in Faery Tale #3 and Kay Simon for "Vina's Story" in Heartsounds
Poetry: Cynthia Hatch for "Words" in Kaleidoscope and Jackie Paciello for "To Catherine" in Rerun #6
Artwork: Beth Blighton for the cover of Destiny #2, Dragon for page 175 in Light and Cloudshadows #3, and Pat Horowitz for the cover of Tunnels #1
Newsletter: Vicki Burke for Whispering Gallery, Deb Hense for Beauty and the Beast International Fan Club Newsletter, and Stephanie Wiltse for Pipeline
Overall artist: Beth Blighton and Lynne Gutshall

Tunnelcon I Awards

Novel A.V.Wilde for The Promise
Short story Kathy Cox for "Visions of the Heart"
Filksong S.D. Nym for "Jingle Vincent
Crossover story Sheryl Tribble for "Shadows of Light"
Letterzine Jeanne Cloud for Once Upon a Time... Is Now
Overall Fanzine Kathy Cox for Destiny II
Novella Cynthia Hatch for "The Bridge"
Vignette Kay Simon for "Vina's Story"
Poetry Cynthia Hatch for "Words"
Artwork Beth Blighton for cover of Destiny II
Newsletter Stephanie Wiltsie for "Pipeline"
Overall Artist Beth Blighton

1990 Ballot


The awards were scheduled to be handed out at Tunnelcon II in 1992. A nominee list was printed in the back of The Beauty & the Beast Buyer's Guide to Fanzines‎.

1992 Ballot

1992 Controversy

From Stephanie A. Wiltse:

Liz Helm of the 'International' sent along a lengthy comment that could not be reprinted [in Pipeline] except in its entirety per her request. At 2 full pages that was not possible. At any rate, Ms. Helm did have her say in issue #39 of the letterzine "Once Upon a Time Is Now." In her letter to Pipeline, Liz of course suspected this editor's facts and motivations. But I'm afraid her admission that only an approximate few hundred fans actually cast nominating ballots [for Beauty and the Beast Fan Quality Awards] in the first place (less than half those that attended Tunnelcon itself) speaks for itself about the credibility of these 'awards.' The nominees' excellence, however, needs no defense. I continue to dispute Liz' comments published in "Out, In." I'd like to go on record as the person who suggested Cynthia Hatch to Ed Gross when he had first started looking for fan writers for his B&B series. I consider Jeanne Cloud and Beth Blighton friends of mine; I voted without hesitation for Sue Krinard's work during a stint as art contest judge last year. 'Nuff Said.

I hope the awards tiff doesn't escalate. I had voted for "Pipeline" on the 1st nomination ballot but per your request, did not do so on the final awards ballot.
What a cowardly act! You should be ashamed at such an attempt to minimize & even vilify the hard work of so many people.
Your courage in once again speaking your mind gave me the courage I was looking for to speak mine. It made me feel a lot better about myself that I al least put my feelings down on paper and sent them off to those responsible instead of just bitching to my friends.[1]

Wiltse replied:

A few months ago this editor received a copy of a letter that basically called the recipient a well-known fan writer- a coward, malicious, criminal, and in need of professional mental help because of that writer's "vicious attack on fans she didn't agree with." Since that writer had left fandom nearly a year ago, it was obvious the fan was acting on an erroneous rumour. The writer's reaction to this injustice is just as harsh, but I think understandable: "You pay until the end of time for anything you write or even what you don't write! I will regret to the end of time, anything I ever contributed to feed this disease called Beauty and the Beast Fandom." (Editor's Note: This, unfortunately, is not just an isolated incident, and I can't say that I don't sometimes share this revulsion. But I think it must be remembered that many came to B&B not out of love but out of need. They took a particular refuge in the series which, unless you've come from an abusive childhood or some other debilitating emotional injury, can never be fully understood. After herculean efforts to save it, that refuge changed abruptly and without satisfactory explanation ... that refuge became threatening. The fan community supporting that refuge was awash with controversy and it too became threatening. These people felt, and in some cases still feel, that threat keenly enough to lash out at others over it. Horrified, I once told them in an editorial to "turn the TV set off" if they didn't like what was already a fait accompli. I have realized since then that they cannot. for those that do have that choice available to them I urge understanding and tolerance.) [2]


As reported in June/July 1994 issue of The Helpers Network Gazette and handed out at Tunnelcon III.

The zine awards:

  • Best misc. item: Rebecca Marcus for "Unspoken Guardians" in the Great Expectations zine
  • Best newsletter: Once Upon a Time is Now edited by Jeanne Cloud & Loreen VanderKraats
  • Best interior illus.: Sandy Chandler Shelton for Dancing Lights GE zine
  • Best zine cover: Sue Glasgow for When the Phoenix Sings
  • Best dramatic story: Rosemarie Hauer for "The Wish" in White Cover ed. by Trish Kehoe *Best Humorous story: a tie: Lucy Green "Female of the Species" in Circle of Light Adele Turner "To Dream" in Perchance to Dream
  • Best Poem: Lynette Combs, "Dear Mr. Koslow" in the Great Expectations Zine
  • Best anthology: Perchance to Dream by the DreamSeekers ed. Adele Turner
  • Best digest zine: a tie: Lynette Combs, O Sweetest Song II; Linda Mooney, Lucy Green Old Souls
  • Best zine: Great Expectations, A world of Dancing Lights. ed. by Roxanne Shearer Koogler

The art awards:

  • Journeyman Division Wearable: Karen Wuattlebaum for a cape;
  • Sandy Shelton, "Wanted";
  • JoAnn Grant, Crystal Rose Logo.
  • 3D: Sandy Shelton, etched goblet;
  • Jean Tranum, "Together Below";
  • Renee Long, Vincent's Window B/W: Sandy Shelton, "No Fear";
  • Sally Perkins, "Contemplation";
  • Inez Brown, #25 Color: Sally Perkins, "Dreams of Beauty";
  • Inez Brown, #1; Dragon, "Innocent Eyes"

Masters' Division

  • 3D: Kerin Houseburg "And Do We Not Live in Dreams?"; Bill Seltzer, necklace, Vincent 'n Roses; Kerin Houseburg, "Father"
  • B/W: Barbara Gipson, "Ozymandius"; Barbara Gipson, "All The Men I've Loved Before";

Dragon "Wishes and Dreams II"

  • Color: Claire Siefert, "Someone to Watch Over Me"; *Beth Blighton, "Acquainted with the Night"; Jamie Murray, "Triangle"
  • People's Choice: Claire Siefert, "Someone to Watch Over Me"

Honorable Mention:

  • Jamie Murray, "Triangle";
  • Beth Blighton, "In Truth a Heart of Gold."

A special award was granted to Lyn Musacchio, of the New England B&B Hotline, and to Nan Dibble for The Helpers' Network Gazette. The framed certificate reads, "Certificate of Appreciation for Keeping the Dream Alive awarded to Nan Dibble of the Helpers' Network Hotline In thanks for extraordinary service to the Beauty and the Beast Fandom. In the presence of fans, friends, and stars of Beauty and the Beast, you are commended for faithfully providing weekly information updates since 1991. May your good work continue for many years to come. Presented at TunnelCon III, Las Vegas, Nevada July 9, 1994."

1994 Ballot


The nominees and winners as printed in The Helper's Network Gazette. They were given out in 1995 at A Distant Shore (Beauty and the Beast convention).

Another source: Bluebird.

Helpers' Network congratulates the nominees and winners of this year's Fan Q awards. This year, any zine was eligible, no matter when it was written or published, so long as it had never won an award before. So don't be surprised that some of these are older zines. Winners are indicated by the numbers preceding the listing.[3]

Best newsletter:

1 The Helper's Network Gazette
2 Soulmates, a Never-Ending Dream by Barbara Hill and Teri Milliman
3 Classic Connection by Joyce Fuller Kleikamp
The B&B Newsletter by Pat Jackson
Chatterbox by Rita Davies
The Helper's Network UK newsletter by Gwen Lord and Jacqui Clarke

Best short story (under 20 pages):

1 "It Lasts for Always" by Lynette Combs
2 "Sweet Surrender" by Linda Barth
3 "The First Time" by Michele Sayles
"Matchmaker" by Jesse Gurner and Linda Barth
"To Bee or Not to Bee" by Lynette Combs

Best Poem:

1 "Dream Seeker" by Lynette Combs
2 "Chamber Child" by Lynette Combs
3 "Tis Such a Sweet Pain" by Peggy Garvin
"Below" by Peggy McNabb
"Clothes Minded" by Peggy McNabb

Best Anthology:

1 BondStories 8 ed. by Joyce Fuller Kleikamp and Leslie Hunten
2 Embrace the Night ed. by Debbie Ristick and Anita Hooson
3 Huntress 2 ed. by Roxanne Shearer Koogler
O Sweetest Song Verse 1 ed. by Lynette Combs
Sensual Candlelight ed. by Anita Bowles

Best Novella (story over 20 pages, contained in zine with multiple stories):

1 "Down in the Dark" by Roxanne Shearer Koogler
2 "Someone to Watch Over Me" by Adele Turner
3 "Your Pain Is My Pain" by Teresa Teppe
"Soulmates, Part IV" by Barbara Hill and Teri Milliman
"Checkmate" by Teresa Teppe

Best Novel:

1 One Day, a Rapture by Pamela Garrett
2 Beyond Beginnings by Linda Barth
3 When the Phoenix Sings by Sue Glasgow
Beginnings by Pauline Marshall
Circles by Adele Turner
Detours by M. Sue Waugh and Teri Milliman
Parallel Worlds Within the City by Peggy Garvin

Best Cover Art:

1 Rosemarie Hauer for Sensual Candlelight (also nominated for White Cover)
2 Teri Milliman for Soulmates, a Never-Ending Dream 4 (also nominated for Demons at the Gate)
3 Jan Durr for Huntress 2
Lawrence Walker for Beyond Dreams
Inez Brown for Beyond Beginnings I and II, A Heart to Hold, and Passion
Mary Ellen Nicosia for O Sweetest Song (the one ed. by Carolyn Kleinsorge)
Michelle Scott for Parallel Worlds Within the City
Lynette Combs for Promises Fulfilled
Anna Deavers Kelley for TunnelCon III
Pam Tuck for Vincent's World 10
Lynette Combs for What Light Through Yonder Window


These awards were given out at A Kingdom by the Sea convention.

Favorite Single Story Zine:

  • Beyond Beginnings Book 2 - Linda Barth
  • The Quickening - Teri
  • In Search Of Angels - Trish Kehoe

Favorite Anthology Zine:

  • All Things Are Possible Volume VII - Sandy Chandler Shelton
  • Bondstories: IX - Joyce Kleikamp
  • A Distant Shore Con Zine - Carousels & Caverns Community

Favorite Single Story:

  • Everything To Lose - Sandy Chandler Shelton - All Things Are Possible VII
  • Counterpoint - Linda Barth - Soulmates - A Neverending Dream
  • Safe Haven - Teri - Bondstories: IX

Favorite Poem:

  • Wave Of Passion - Pat Leslie - 1996 Calendar
  • The Haven - Ben Bock - The Mirror Pool
  • Father's Grace - Peg McNabb - Beyond Beginnings Book 2

Favorite Fan Publication:

  • The Crystal Rose - JoAnn Grant & Vicki Thomas
  • Soulmates - A Neverending Dream - Barbara Hill
  • Classic Connection - Joyce Kleikamp

Favorite Foreign Zine:

  • Two of a Kind - Rosemarie Hauer
  • Thanks to the Human Heart - Rosemarie Hauer
  • One Moment in Time - Marilyn Preston

Favorite Work In Other Media:

  • 1996 Wave of Passion Calendar - Sandy C. Shelton & Pat Leslie
  • 1995 V/C Calendar - Rosemarie Hauer
  • Songs of the Blue Bird Web Page - Eric Tullis

Favorite Cover Art:

  • Passion of the Moment - All Things Are Possible VII - Sandy C. Shelton
  • Cover of Soulmate - Soulmates - A Neverending Dream - Terri
  • Cover of Demons at the Gate - Vincent's World Novel 8 � Terri

Favorite Art:

  • Vincent (Eyes of Love) - All Things Are Possible VII - Sandy C. Shelton
  • Vincent - Beyond Beginnings 2 - Terri
  • Vincent (Dreamer) - Love Songs - Mickey Sayles



  1. ^ from Stephanie A. Wiltse, and then three other fans in Pipeline Summer 1992
  2. ^ from Stephanie A. Wiltse in Pipeline Summer 1992
  3. ^ Helpers' Network Gazette - September 1995, Archived version