Kay Anderson

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Name: Kay Anderson
Fandoms: Star Trek: TOS, Beauty and the Beast (TV), Starsky & Hutch
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Kay Anderson is a fan of Star Trek: TOS and Beauty and the Beast (TV).

In 1968, Kay, along with Juanita Coulson, published the second-ever Star Trek: TOS zine (Spockanalia was the first Star Trek: TOS zine published).

Star Trek Zines

Despatch | Galileo | Inside Star Trek | Spockanalia | ST-Phile

Two 1968 essays: The Roddenberry Maneuver and Sic Transit...

Beauty and the Beast Zines


Comments by Kay: Beauty and the Beast

I saw my first episode [of Beauty and the Beast] in November 1988 when I was home [personal info redacted]. Over the next few weeks I was drawn to a return to a more chaste relationship and the fact that different was accepted and honored instead of shunned or reviled. After returning to work. I missed the show so much that I went out and bought my first VCR with my income tax return.

When the show was cancelled I talked to the local newspaper entertainment editor who had written about a fan group that seemed to know things before they were announced. He gave the name of their contact, Dianne Hellerling, who was one of three founders of Supporters of Beauty and the Beast. Dianne was warm and friendly and always willing answer questions. Kay Simon, another founder, is the person who encouraged me to write when I said I had a story idea and invited me to a science fiction convention to hear two of the writers from the show. [1]

The rest, as they say. is history. I had the opportunity to write stories for a number of zincs and in the process made wonderful friends not only here in Colorado but across the US and the world. It’s been like discovering a w hole bunch of cousins you never knew. I was determined to go to the first convention and no one who was there w ill ever forget the Friday feeding frenzy in the Tunnel Con Dealers Room. Some favorite memories from various cons—the “pillowed and Ici-ed” comment from Robert Gutke. the madrigal singers, the heat of Orlando, signing to Terrylene in Austin, seeing so many cast members in LA and sorting M&Ms to net out the blue ones which we gave to Myhr. [2]


  1. ^ One of these writers was very likely George R.R. Martin.
  2. ^ from one of the fan testimonials in Remember the Magic (2006)