New England B&B Hotline

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New England B&B Hotline was a hotline run by the Lyn Musacchio under the auspices of DreamSeekers, a Virginia fan club.

a 1994 flyer

The focus of the hotline was fanzines, but it also included information about other things related to the show.

It began in 1994. It is unknown how long it lasted.

The cost was that of a long-distance phone call, so not cheap.


Have you wondered how you can find out more about the availability of fanzines (ones already in print in addition to ones coming out)?

There is a hotline that provides this service. The number is 213-664-2624. The hotline has information of breaking news and a buyers guide to fanzines, both of which are updated weekly. I do not rate the zines, but simply make you aware of which ones are available. The information provides descriptions of fanzines, including writers, artists, number of pages, and if the publications have classic or third season stories and art.

I report breaking news, when it happens, including what projects the actors are doing, if there is information on the album, movie, or convention news, etc.

So call now to find out what new and exciting things are happening in fandom.

Beauty and the Beast Hotlines
