ORAC's 7 Awards

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Name: ORAC's 7 Awards
Date(s): 1989
Associated Community: Blake's 7
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ORAC's 7 Awards were a Blake's 7 fanwork award given for the first (and only?) time in 1989 at ORAC convention.

the 1989 ballot, printed in the first progress report for ORAC con

Other titles: "ORAC's 7 Fanfiction Awards" and "ORAC Awards."

Only fans who'd registered for the ORAC con were eligible to vote, so the scope of this award was small and very likely short-lived.

A similar award were Zen Awards, which were announced at Scorpio, a con that took place in Illinois, U.S.A.

From the first progress report for the 1989 con:

The first West Coast B7 fanzine awards ("Enclosed in this PR, you will find a sheet on which to make your nominations in our first ever, soon to be annual, ORAC's 7 awards. Choose your favorites in the following categories: Best U.S. B7 Zine, Best Foreign Zine, Best Artist (Caricature), Best Artist (Portraiture/Illustration), Best Short Story (Comedy), Best Short Story (Drama) and Best Fan Novel. Nominations must be received by December 31st [1989] and finalists will be announced in PR #2.

Known Winners

  • Best U.S. B7 Zine: ?
  • Best Foreign Zine: ?
  • Best Artist (Caricature): ?
  • Best Artist (Portraiture/Illustration): ?
  • Best Short Story (Comedy): Susan Macdonald for "S.S.C." in Syzygy (Blake's 7/Star Trek: TNG)
  • Best Short Story (Drama): ?
  • Best Fan Novel: ?