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Title: Syzygy
Publisher: S.T.A.R. Press (San Diego, CA)
Editor(s): Pearl Stickler
Date(s): 1987-1993
Medium: print
Fandom: multimedia
Language: English
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Syzygy is a gen multifandom anthology that contains original science fiction stories as well as fanfic from Star Trek TOS, .Man from UNCLE, Blake's 7, and several other fandoms, mostly science-fiction and paranormal TV shows. Original fiction is the majority of each issue.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1
flyer for issue #1

Syzygy 1 was published in May 1987 and contains 158 pages.

The art is by Kreutzberger, Terrell, Kirby, Lafreniere, Swycaffer, Noel, Banzhof, Brazdil, Stickler and Snyder.

  • "The Price of Honor" by Jean Graham ("The Romulans have Kirk and someone must save both him and the Enterprise.") (Star Trek: TOS) (8 pages)
  • "The Deadly Weasels of Dr. Deverill" by Jefferson Putnam Swycafferi ("Dr. Deverill, archeologist, has discovered two men from different times while roaming the Mississippi River caves.") (original science fiction) (16 pages)
  • "Things That Go Bump in the Night Affair" by Charlene Kirby ("Illya and Napoleon find themselves in a very mysterious house.") (Man from UNCLE) (12 pages)
  • "Sanguine Dream" by Alan Kellogg ("Jonathan Hays attempts to adjust to his life as a vampire.") (original science fiction) (12 pages)
  • "A Day in the Life of the Enterprise" by Pearl Stickler ("A satirical look at one day in the goings on of the Enterprise crew.") (Star Trek: TOS) (2 pages)
  • "At the Well of the Rhanno-Pacifists" by Susan Lanoue, a fan writes a satire of this in the next issue ("An Emersword holder debates the pros and cons of becoming a pacifist.") (original science fiction) (8 pages)
  • "Set Up" by Kathy Kipper ("Crowley suffers personal tragedy, then is accused of perpetrating it.") (The Professionals) (10 pages)
  • "Nobody’s Home" by Charlene Kirby ("The final war has come and gone, but who won? Not who'd you'd expect.") (original science fiction) (3 pages)
  • "The Tea-for-Two Affair" by Jo Mulvey ("While retrieving some stolen documents, things tend to not quite right for Illya and Napoleon.") (Man from UNCLE) (33 pages)
  • "Faces" by Ed Gota ("The story behind a racy, old photo.") (original science fiction) (10 pages)
  • "Shadow of the Trojan Horse" by Jean Graham ("Avon makes another stab at the Federation Banking Cartel.") Blake's 7 (reprinted in Horizon #15)
  • "K'Dor the Valley" by Alan Kellogg, sequel in the next issue (original science fiction) (4 pages)
  • "Dreams" (2 pages) (original science fiction)
  • "A Life for a Life" (2 pages) (original science fiction)
  • "Future" (2 pages) (original science fiction)
  • "Shadow Play" (2 pages) (original science fiction)
  • "How Unjust" (Blake's 7) (12 pages)
  • other fandoms: Dark Shadows, Battlestar Galactica, Voyagers

Issue 2

cover of issue #2

Syzygy 2 was published in November 1987 and contains 162 pages.

The art is by Dawn Kruetzberger, Rita Terrell, Mel Henshaw, Gail Mihara, Jefferson P. Swycaffer, Charlene Kirby, Atanielle Annyn Rowland Noel, Lisa Brazdil, Jean Graham, Wolf Klauschie. A lot of the illos are Alf ones.

  • "Dragonnet" by Steve Qualline ("Step one reality over and meet its version Joe Friday and Frank Ramino.") (Dragnet) (4)
  • "The Round Files" by Ed Goto (original science fiction) (10)
  • "Research" by Nancy Klauschie ("Avon and Orac get to find the Ancient One.") (Blake's 7) (17)
  • "Ninja Dude" by Seth Stevens (original science fiction) (19)
  • "Volsteading" by Susan Murrie Eoff, an excerpt from "The Wolf's Tale," a work-in-progress (original science fiction) (20)
  • "Mirrors" by Leslie Williams (original science fiction) (23)
  • "Who's Future is it, Anyway?" by Jefferson P. Swycaffer (original science fiction) (24)
  • "Rest and Recreation" by April Giordano & Mary Gerstner ("The dangers of R&R when you really didn't want to go in the first place.") (This story inspired "Avon's Word, or, The Price of Friendship" in Network: A Blake's 7 Zine of Sorts.) (Blake's 7) (32)
  • "Hawaii Trek-O" by Jean Graham (Star Trek/Hawaii Five-O) (40)
  • "The Goblins and the Lemon Tree" by Alan Kellogg (original science fiction) (42)
  • "The Devora Solution" by Jean Graham ("Starbuck must find a way to be rid of a Cylon brain implant.") (Battlestar Galactica) (46)
  • "Whim of Avon," poem by Michael Williams (Blake's 7) (53)
  • "The Tale of a True Sports Hero" by B.J. Weiss (original science fiction)(54)
  • "You and Me Against the Feds," filk by Nancy Klauschie (Blake's 7) (57)
  • "When the Village" by Jefferson P. Swycaffer ("The founding of the village.") (The Prisoner) (58)
  • "A Dreamer's Lament" by Leslie Williams (original science fiction) (62)
  • "At the Well of the Rhino Partiers" by Alan Kellogg, satire of "At the Well of the Rhiannon-Pacificts" (original science fiction) (63)
  • "Brangor's Spear" by Atanielle Annyn Rowland Noel (original science fiction) (67)
  • "A Perception of the Night" by Leslie Williams (original science fiction) (79)
  • "Sky Warned" by P.J. Richardson ("One radio amateur's journey into the twilight zone.") (Twilight Zone) (80)
  • "Quick Draw McKirk" by Jefferson P. Swycaffer ("Sulu shows Kirk a real gun.") (Star Trek: TOS) (63)
  • "The Pool and the Well" by Jean Graham (Man from UNCLE, also in 11 & 2 #2 and The Kuryakin File #14) (64)
  • "The Adventure" by Pearl Stickler (original science fiction) (88)
  • "News from Home" by Susan Murrie Eoff/Susan Macdonald ("A message for Darth Vader.") (Star Wars) (91)
  • "The 747 Affair" by Charlene Kirby ("Illya and Napoleon take a quiet plane trip.") (Man from U.N.C.L.E.) (92)
  • "K'Dor/K'Re Fishersdaughter" by Alan Kellogg, sequel to "K'Dor the Valley" (original science fiction) (94)
  • "Theatre Absurd" by Leslie Williams (original science fiction) (113)
  • "Development" by Nancy Klauschie and Craig Kozelwh ("Life with the Ancient One.") (sequel to "Research") (Blake's 7) (118)
  • "Elevenses" by Charlene Kirby (original science fiction)(121)
  • "Smart Bombs" by Ed Goto (original science fiction) (122)
  • "SF Crossword" by Jean Graham (mixed) (125)
  • "On Icarus' Wings" by J.S. Mulvey ("Avon experiences dreams relating to Blake's newest venture.") (Blake's 7) (126)
  • "The Rather Simple Case of the China Box by Atanielle Annyn Rowland Noel (original science fiction) (140)
  • "The Howling Pirate" by Wolf Klauschie (original science fiction) (142)

Issue 3

cover of issue #3

Syzygy 3 was published in April 1988 and contains 142 pages. Authors/Artists: Jean Graham, Nancy Klauschie, Ed Goto, Pearl Stickler, J.S. Mulvey, CarolMel Ambassador, Steve Oualline, and more.

  • "Star Drek," fiction by David W. Martin (Star Trek: TNG)
  • "L'Tor," fiction by J.G. Weiss (Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan)
  • "The Cameo," fiction by Jean Graham (Dark Shadows)
  • "The Spotted Serpent Affair," fiction by J.S. Mulvey (Man from UNCLE)
  • "S.S.C. (Silly Stupid Crossover)," fiction by Susan Murray Eoff (winner of a ORAC's 7 Award) (Blake's 7/Star Trek: TNG)
  • "The Frustrations of Space," fiction by Nancy Klauschie, Jean Graham, J. S. Mulvey, and Karyn O'Rear (Blake's 7)
  • "The Haunting of Vila," fiction by Pearl Stickler (Blake's 7)
  • "Some Dreams Are Worth Having," fiction by Nancy Klauschie (Blake's 7)
  • other fandom content: Dark Shadows, Original Fiction, Star Trek: TOS, Man from UNCLE, Knight Rider, Dragnet

Issue 4

cover of issue #4
flyer for issue #4

Syzygy 4 was published in January 1991 and has 140 pages. This is a collection of 31 stories, poems and puzzles.

The art is by Dawn Kreutenbeger, Jefferson Swycaffer, Mel Henshaw, Robin Doig, Craig Kozeluh, Michael Williams, Susan Landerman, Daniel Bromley, and Mary Gerstner.

  • Spaceman Spiff and Blake, fiction by Russell Hedges (graphic story; Calvin and Hobbes/Blake's 7)
  • A Long Way Home, fiction by Sandy Lyons (Blake's 7)
  • The Sweets of Peace, fiction by Irene Stubbs (Blake's 7)
  • A Star Beyond Tomorrow, fiction by Jean Graham (Star Trek: TOS)
  • Night Games, fiction by Alex Burnstein (original science fiction)
  • Boarding Inspection, fiction by Susan Murrie Eoff and Katherine A. Ring (original science fiction)
  • An Auntie Pearl's Star Trek Story, fiction by Jefferson P. Swycaffer (Star Trek: TNG)
  • Dragon Net III: The Drug Smugglers, party by Steve Oualline (Dragnet)
  • To Revise the Future, fiction by Jefferson P. Swycaffer (original science fiction)
  • The Alliance Gambit, fiction by David W. Martin (original science fiction)
  • Romulan Ale, fiction by Daniel Bromley (Star Trek: III)
  • The Case of Alan Post, fiction by Ed Goto (original science fiction)
  • Price of Entry, fiction by G. Rene Colls (original science fiction)
  • A Thorn Between Two Thorns, fiction by Barbara Adams (Tales of the Gold Monkey)
  • Sympathy Pains, fiction by G. Rene Colls (original science fiction)
  • Passage, fiction by Alan Kellogg (original science fiction)
  • Logic Problem: The Death of President Servalan, puzzle by Sandy Lyons (Blake's 7)
  • Logic Problem: Roj's School for Rebellion, puzzle by Sandy Lyons (Blake's 7)
  • 'Blake's 7' Kriss Kross, puzzle by Sandy Lyons (Blake's 7)
  • puzzle by Jean Graham
  • filk songs by Rodney Ruff
  • poetry by J.A. Barbe

Issue 5

Syzygy 5 was published in February 1991.

Issue 6

cover of issue #6

Syzygy 6 was published in July 1993 and contains 108 pages.

  • Vampire Puzzle by G. Rene Colls (3)
  • Star Trek Trivia Dot to Dot by Jean Graham (11)
  • Got to Get You Back to Your Village, filk by Teri Sarick (The Prisoner) (12)
  • I Want Prisoner, filk by Teri Sarick (12)
  • Numbers in the Village, poem by Teri Sarick (12)
  • The Frog Beauty by Atanielle Annyn Rowland Noel (Original Fiction) (14)
  • How Things Are Done by Jefferson P. Swycaffer (Indiana Jones (Last Crusade)]] (18)
  • Sun III, poem by Teri Sarich (Original Fiction) (23)
  • A Lamb to Guide the Lion by Jean Graham (Blake's 7) (24) (also in Magnificent Seven #4 and Avon's Seven)
  • One Scream in the Same, poem by Paul V. DeDirce (Original Fiction) (38)
  • Solution Possibility #43, poem by Paul V. DeDirce (Original Fiction) (38)
  • Demons of Erasure, poem by Paul V. DeDirce (Original Fiction) (38)
  • Auntie Pearl's Star Trek Story by Jefferson P. Swycaffer (Star Trek: TOS) (40)
  • Priorities by Ed Goto (Original Fiction) (42)
  • Disney Crossword by Jean Graham (puzzle) (48)
  • You Belong to the Night, filk by Teri Sarick (Batman)
  • The Rajah's Eye by Atanielle Annyn Rowland Noel (Original Fiction) (50)
  • In the Hospital Ward, poem by John Grey (Original Fiction) (56)
  • Walking in Space, poem by John Grey (Original Fiction) (56)
  • Thank You, Whoever You Were, poem by John Grey (Original Fiction) (57)
  • On Czarano, poem by John Grey (Original Fiction) (57)
  • The Proposition, poem by Melissa Mastoris (Kill the Dead) (58)
  • Threats, poem by Melissa Mastoris (Kill the Dead) (58)
  • Realization, poem by Melissa Mastoris (Kill the Dead) (57)
  • Mary Sue by Pearl Stickler (Blake's 7/RPF) (60) (reprinted from Gambit #9 and Crossroads #3)
  • Due to Unforeseen, poem by Teri Sarick (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) (72)
  • The Scent of Roses, poem by Teri Sarick, fandom not stated (72)
  • Lightning Wing, poem by Teri Sarick (Batman) 72)
  • Classic Bennu, poem by Teri Sarick (The Phoenix) (73)
  • I Want Chocky, filk, fandom not stated by Teri Sarick (73)
  • Paying the Piper by Janet P. Reedman (Original Fiction) (74)
  • On Barras Nose, poem by Janet P. Reedman (Original Fiction) (80)
  • The Walker, poem by Janet P. Reedman (Original Fiction) (80)
  • Son of the Elder Gods, poem by Janet P. Reedman (Original Fiction) (81)
  • May Dance, poem by Janet P. Reedman (Original Fiction) (81)
  • Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation by Rodney Ruff (Star Trek: TNG) 82)