HP Journos

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Name: HP Journos
Date(s): 27 November 2004 – 1 February 2005
Frequency: Once (intended to be annual)
Format: Popular vote
Type: Fanfiction and fanart on LiveJournal
Associated Community:
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: hp_journos on LiveJournal
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

The HP Journos were fanfiction and art awards for works posted to LiveJournal in 2004. It was run by deirdre_riordan and inthesewalls and originally conceived by ausmac.

There were 21 award categories. switchknife and amanuensis1 won three awards each. maeglinyedi, copperbadge, and linnpuzzle were also repeat winners.


External Links


  1. ^ Probably Wolfsbane (uploaded to DeviantArt 20 August 2004). Based on the hp_journos URL compared to links at hpart, the winning art was posted to linnpuzzle's LJ between "Young Lupin" and "Roman Remus": compare art in Linn's Harry Potter Gallery on Wizard Crackers.