Wizard Crackers

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Name: Wizard Crackers
Owner/Maintainer: Linn Standal (artist), Ali (webmaster)
Dates: 2003–2005 (last update)
Type: Fanart gallery
Fandom: Harry Potter, Elfquest, Good Omens, others
URL: notquiteroyal.net/linnpuzzle
flatface.net/~selluinlaer/wizardcrackers (2003)
wizardcrackers.wo2m.com (2004)
wo2m.com/wizardcrackers (2004)
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Wizard Crackers is Linnpuzzle's fanart site. It is run by selluinlaer and hosted by Aja at notquiteroyal but has not been updated since 2005. Linn's current website is linnpuzzle.com.

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