AGS Award

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Name: AGS Award (occasionally "A.G.S. Award")
Date(s): 1969-1980
Frequency: annual
Format: announced in issues of Despatch
Associated Community: Mark Leonard International Fan Club
Fandom: Mark Lenard, Here Come the Brides, Star Trek: TOS, Planet of the Apes, The Secret Empire
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The AGS Awards were awarded to fans who were members of the Mark Leonard International Fan Club and who had donated time, money, and energy to the club itself, and to the club zine, Despatch.

"AGS" stands for Aaron George Stempel, Mark Lenard's character in Here Come the Brides. Because of this, early discussion utilized totem poles, a nod to the symbol in that show. Mentions of totem poles pretty much disappeared after a few years, as Mark Lenard's other roles became more varied.

The last "AGS Award" was announced in Despatch but formally awarded at NonCon, the club's con in 1980. The club folded after that convention, with the club presidents issuing a resentful flounce in the form of the open letter, You are holding in your hands the final issue of DESPATCH.

1969 Description of the Physical Award: The Totem Pole

The winner of the First Annual AGS Award, presented in September, is Sheryl McNevin, our Staff Aide. Runner-up — and only other nominee — is Sam Cole, our Publicity Director. While we must thank Sam for her unflagging enthusiasm and nefarious schemes, we had to feel that Sheryl's contribution to the fan club — putting out several of the publications, and trying to keep things going while the Pres. was sick for months — was the greatest this year.

Sheryl received a six-inch black totem pole, mounted with a plaque reading "MLIFC FIRST ANNUAL AGS AWARD SHERYL MCNEVIN." The pole has a beaver (the most industrious of animals) supporting 'a whale (the "much-feared ruler of the deep") and over all, a thunderbird (the most powerful and respected creature). [1]

The Aaron George Stempl [sic] award is given to the MLIFC member (not an officer) who has contributed most to the club. This year it goes to SHARON EMILY — who not only took over a good-sized portion of of the work of putting out the Despatch by typing vast quantities ofstencil, but also publicized ML's talents throughout fandom generally by putting out a zine of her own, Showcase 1, devoted to Sarek.

And she has been active in "You Said It." Last year I broke with tradition and gave Maureen Wilson a Saul Bellow book instead of the totem pole honoring (?) the monstrosity in the "Brides" Seattle square which she had established as the form of the AGS award. This year, however, having found a local totem pole source, I've sent Sharon the traditional totem pole. Er ... MLIFC traditional. I make no guarantees as to the traditional accuracy of the totem pole. Previous winners have been: Sheryl McNevin, Sam Cole, Mary Ellen Rabogliatti, and Maureen Wilson. [2]

A 1978 Description of the Awards


  • 1969: Sheryl McNevin
  • 1970: Sam Cole
  • 1971: Mary Ellen Rebogliattti
  • 1972: Maureen Wilson
  • 1973: Sharon Emily
  • 1974: Norma Smith
  • 1975: ?
  • 1976: ?
  • 1977: Ruth Berman
  • 1978: Elaine Norwood and Susan Wyllie tie for first place, Mary Stacy-MacDonald second place, Elsa de Vera third place, Meg Fouty fourth place, Maria Wolf fifth place, and lastly, June Greene
  • 1979: Mary Stacy-MacDonald first place, June Greene second place, Elaine Norwood third place, tie between Susan Wyllie and Margot Klein fourth place, Karen Mitchell fiction place, honorable mentions to Jeanne Webster, Helen Padgett, Linda Sawicki, Becky Morton, and Meg Fouty


  1. ^ from Despatch #7
  2. ^ from Despatch #21