Name/s: | Rossi |
Fandom/s: | X-Men Comics, X-Men Movieverse, Vertigo, Hellblazer, Firefly, LotR, Top Cow, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Subreality Cafe, The Common People, X-Project |
You can find me at: |; AO3; Dreamwidth |
On Fanlore: | My contributions / email me |
Former member of the Comics Fandom from 1996-2002, with a background in research (I work as a legal assistant/law clerk) and a desire not to let things disappear. I have a tendency to forget to leave notes on things, so poke me if that's needed.
Currently I'm one of the modteam for X-Project and maintainer of the XP Wiki, so I know a fair bit of wiki coding already. I'm also taking note of some new tricks I learn here to bring back with me!
I'm crazy retentive about sorting things, so you'll see great swathes of category adding/amending from me as I go through various categories "cleaning up" the various contents. I occasionally get carried away and forget to explain my logic for certain decisions - please feel free to email me if there's something you don't understand (I react better to private pings than public call-outs) and I'll be happy to explain/discuss. I'm currently in the middle of sorting the contents of the year categories into relevant sub-categories, as well as the same for the Star Trek category. I also check the Orphaned Pages, Uncategorized Files and Uncategorized Pages/Dead End Pages links daily to avoid stuff piling up, plus certain Special Pages items like red-linked categories and unused files. It fills the days when I don't have a lot of work to do!
- 1997-2004
- 2004-present
Notable Fanworks
- Suffer the Children (Hellblazer)
- Death and the Art of Pyramid Selling (Hellblazer)
- Collective Mutants (TCP series)
- Hole in the River (Vertigo)
Writing Partners
Round Robins and Subreality:
- Outside the Lines
- Moderator - The House of Strange Dimensions RR Messageboard - 1999-2002
- Founder and moderator - Gates of Horn and Ivory
- Moderator - X-Project - 2007-2010; 2012-current
Fanlore Events
January: Lunacon, Worldcon/1967, MARCon, Disclave, added
threefour example fanworksFebruary: Where are the femslash epics?
Handy Templates
(gleaned from User: Seperis)
- Template:AbbrevAcronym - Template for Adding a Redirect With Acronym - For example, ASC redirects to Alt_Startrek_Creative but also is added to the acronym and glossary categories when you use this template. Use this when adding acronym redirects.
- Template:ArchiveProfile - Template for an article on Archives - Template includes categories.
- Template:CharacterProfile - Template for an article about a Character - Template does not include categories. You will need to add those manually.
- Template:CommunityProfile - Template for an article about a Community - Template includes categories. However, for a Challenge, add Category:Challenge.
- Template:FanProfile - Template for an article about a Fan - Template includes categories.
- Template:Fanwork - Template for an article about a Fanwork - Template does not contain categories. You will need to add those manually.
{{SeeAlso |See also=[[Subreality Central]], [[Kielle]], [[Subreality Cafe]], [[Common People Warehouse]], [[Outside The Lines]], [[CBFFA]], [[CFAB]] }}
Help:Fanfiction Pages/Template
Help:People pages/Fan Template
Help:Dead Links#Archive Citation Template
Reference Materials (add links page as subpage to Jedi Discipline) - refs The Time Traveller (1932 zine) and The Fantasy Fan (1935) international zines Book of Zines Zine Resources - comics fanzines - comics fanzines - Ed Pinsent - comics fanzines - British horror pulp zines - comics fanzine history - Phillip K Dick fanclub - Comic Mart history UKCAC 1987 comics convention opinions and history Ka-Pow article Galactic Central - zine nirvana! - Golden Age Fanzine John Fantucchio Cartoonist's Journal 1940s 'zine comic zine artists (US), especially Robert Kline Witchcraft and Sorcery Convention 1973 and 1972 World of Horror #6 has various fanzine reviews on page 59. Mutant Handbook Mike Zeck
chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ various convention info, including Fan funds
To Do List
Timeline of Women in Comics Fandom - added CFAN, the Big Three Archives, Alicia, Lise and QB.
Charles Xavier - expand
Excalibur (X-Men) - expand from stub
X-Men - increase fanworks section
Australian Science Fiction Review - complete page
Classic Comics U.K. Zines - add pages for linked zines
Echo des Savanes (L') Special USA - French magazine reprinting comics, zines and underground material.
Mailing Lists to add?
dc-fanfic-fanart -- DC characters participatory fanfic list
Comicslash -- all comic characters slash
DCcomicslash -- DC characters slash
NC17ToonFiction -- Cartoon and comics adult fic
secondbananas -- DC secondary characters fanfic list
tempest_talk -- Tempest-centric list
Arsenal/Nightwing slash -- Arsenal/Nightwing slash list
Batman And Superman -- Batman/Superman slash list
Golden Age Comic Smut -- older characters adult fic list
Robin Slash -- Robin slash fic list
Vision Comics Interview with Samy
Comic Fan History site - needs Wayback
Pages Added
- 28 Days Later
- Aces
- Acetal
- A Certain Mystique
- After Image / Metamorph / Fantasy Express
- A is A
- Alan Hanley
- Allen Koszowski
- The Official Alternate Marvel Website
- Alykat's World
- An Adzine / Aftermath
- Ancient Forest Publications
- Angela - disambiguation page
- A Short Stop at the Transylvanian Brain Surgery
- Aussiecon
- Australian Movie & Comic Expo
- Australian Science Fiction Convention
- Australian Science Fiction Review
- !Batman!
- !Batman!/Fanfic
- Beauty and the Beast (fairy-tale)
- BEM (Bemusing Magazine)/Issue 7-21
- BEM (Bemusing Magazine)/Issue 22-36
- Biljo White
- Blake's 7 Resources
- Bludhaven (community)
- Bones (fanwriter)
- British Comic Art Convention
- Bruce W. Timm
- Buddy Saunders
- Call of Cthulhu
- A Certain Mystique
- CFAN/Comics Fanfiction Challenges
- Chandler's Beauty and the Beast Page
- Chengdu WorldCon
- Chicken Ball Awards
- The Collinsport Call (fan club)
- Comic Con Experience
- Comic Fan Art Awards
- Comic Festival
- The Comic Reader/Issues 26-75
- The Comic Reader/Issues 76-100
- Comic Strip
- Comics Unlimited
- Convergence (Australian convention)
- Corn Pone Flicks
- Dancing With the Stars
- DarkMark's Domain
- Ditmar Award/Fan Winners
- Don Newton
- Dragin Game On
- East Coast Comic Expo
- Elizabeth Marshall
- The Endless (Vertigo)
- E.N.G.
- ERB-dom
- The Essence (comic zine)
- Everybody's Free (To Be Fannish)
- Fanscene
- Fantasy Unlimited
- FanX Salt Lake
- Fire & Blood
- Future Pluperfect
- Gareth Thomas
- Gatchaman
- Gates of Horn and Ivory
- Gayle Stever
- G.B. Love
- The Gestalt Arc
- Goldfish Press
- Grand Balloon
- Grand Theft Auto
- Hal Clement
- The Handmaid's Tale
- The Hellmouth Alliance
- Heroes Unlimited
- The Hugo Award/Best Fan Artist
- The Hugo Award/Best Fancast
- The Hugo Award/Best Fan Writer
- The Hugo Award/Best Fanzine
- The Hugo Award/Best Related Work
- The Hugo Award/Discontinued Fannish Awards
- Ian Crozier
- Idylls of the Cat
- An Illustrated History of Heidi Saha
- Image Comics
- IMHO (rec_column)
- Independent Comics
- Insane Musings/Anime Archive
- Insane Musings/Other Archive
- Insane Musings/X-Men Archive
- In The Midnight Hour
- Iris Wilde
- The Itty Bitty Archives/Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Anime & Manga Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Highlander Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Human Nature Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Sentinel
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Stargate SG-1 Links
- Jason C. Eckhardt
- Jennifer Walters
- Josan
- The Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology
- Karen Fleming
- Ken Gooch
- Kikkimax
- Lindsey Shelton
- List of Star Trek Fan Clubs
- Mac & Anna's Place/Links
- Mackie
- MAD Magazine
- !Magneto!
- !Magneto!/Fanfic
- Martin Lock
- Marvel Collector's Handbook
- Marvel Volume One
- Marvel-X
- Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
- Mary Rosalind Oberdieck-Ludwig
- MerLyn
- Miamicon
- Mike Cole
- Mitch Hudson
- My Little Pony (franchise)
- Nancys soul
- Natlan
- New Horizons (Blake's 7 fan club)
- Oliver Twist
- The Ordinary Archive
- Outside The Lines/Monthly Features
- Paddy Green
- Paul Rivoche
- Paula (Sentinel fan)
- PbEM
- Pegasus Award/1990s
- Pegasus Awards/2000s
- Pegasus Awards/2010s
- Pegasus Awards/2020s
- Pete Wisdom
- Phoenix, Jean Grey: The First X-woman/Links
- Phoenix, Jean Grey: The First X-woman/Fanfiction
- Piggy
- The_Plague_Dogs
- Pokémon/Types of Pokémon
- The Pokemorphs
- Rachel Martin
- The Ranma Fanfiction Awards
- Rather
- Rec.arts.comic.creative
- Red Soprano
- Rhyo
- Rita Hazlett
- R.J. Anderson
- Rocket's Blast
- Rocket's Blast Comicollector/Issues 51-75
- Rocket's Blast Comicollector/Issues 76-100
- Rocket's Blast Comicollector/Issues 101-125
- Rocket's Blast Comicollector/Issues 126-153
- Sandman (DCU character)
- Sara Kraft
- Saoirse
- Science Fiction and Comics Association
- Sea and Sky/The Stories
- The Sentry Box
- Seraphim (comic zine)
- Shifting Sands (X-Men archive)/Fanfiction Links
- Shifting Sands (X-Men archive)/Subreality Cafe Stories
- Simply Sentinel (Holly Lyn)
- Sis
- Sixbeforelunch
- Snezhnaya
- Spawn's Kid
- Speculation (zine)
- Spies and Secret Agents
- Split (TV series)
- Star Fox 64
- Star Citizen and Squadron 42
- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
- Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
- Star Trek: First Contact
- Star Trek: Insurrection
- Star Trek: Nemesis
- Star Wars/Disney Era
- Star Wars/Original Trilogy
- Star Wars/Prequel Trilogy
- Star Wars/Sequel Trilogy
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
- Stephen Fabian
- Strange Encounter
- Subreality Cafe/Locations
- Subreality Cafe/Muses
- Subreality Cafe/SCRRs
- Subreality Central
- Sy Sable
- Terok Nor (books)
- Test Tubes, Dragon Spawn and Demi Gods
- Tholian
- Tonjiru
- Top Cow Productions
- Torino Awards/2009
- Torra Kimbul
- Wildstorm
- Worldcon/Index of Locations
- Worldcon/1967
- World War Z
- Xasphie
- X-Fan
- X-Project
- X-Vision
- X-Writers
- Zine Mod
- Zenith (science fiction zine)
Pages Finished
- 28 Days Later
- A Short Stop at the Transylvanian Brain Surgery
- A Certain Mystique
- Abyss (fanwriter)
- Abyssnet
- Aces
- Allen Koszowski
- The Official Alternate Marvel Website
- An Adzine / Aftermath
- Anti Matter Fragments
- Arkensword
- At the Helm (filkbook)
- Australian Science Fiction Convention
- !Batman!
- BCW's Home_Page
- The Beholder
- Ben Church
- Blake's 7 Resources
- Buddy Saunders
- CFAN/Comics Fanfiction Challenges
- Chain Reaction (Comics zine)
- Claire Mason
- The Comet (1930s zine)
- Comic Strip
- Continuum (Australian convention)
- Dagon (fanzine)
- DarkMark
- DarkMark's Domain
- David Tai
- Deleted Expletive Press
- Desert Nomad
- Ditmar Award
- Dreamer
- Duet Central
- The Dungeoneer
- Dyce
- Elizabeth Marshall
- Falling Into Place
- Future Pluperfect
- Gates of Horn and Ivory
- G.B. Love
- Glimpse
- The Gestalt Arc
- Grand Balloon
- Granfalloon
- Hal Clement
- The Hellmouth Alliance
- Hellfire (Comics zine)
- Heroes Unlimited
- Horror
- The Hugo Award/Best Fan Writer
- The Hugo Award/Best Fan Artist
- The Hugo Award/Best Related Work
- The Hugo Award/Discontinued Fannish Awards
- The Hugo Award/Best Fanzine
- Idylls of the Cat
- An Illustrated History of Heidi Saha
- IMHO (rec_column)
- In The Midnight Hour
- Insane Musings
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Anime & Manga Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Highlander Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Human Nature Links
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Sentinel
- Jaguarundi's Lairs/Stargate SG-1 Links
- The Journal of Omphalistic Epistemology
- Konami
- Leah Adezio
- List of Star Trek Fan Clubs
- Mac & Anna's Place/Links
- !Magneto!
- Marvel Collector's Handbook
- Marvel Volume One
- Marvel-X
- Mary's Forever Knight Fiction
- Melody Pirates
- MerLyn
- Nova Award
- Paul Rivoche
- PbEM
- Pegasus Award
- Pete Wisdom
- Pinesalad Productions
- The Ranma 1/2 Crossover And Alternate Ring
- Rec.arts.comic.creative
- Ro's Treasury of Fanfiction
- Rocket's Blast
- Rocket's Blast Comicollector
- Sandman (DCU character)
- The Scarlet Witch Home Page
- See-through
- Star Wars/Disney Era
- Star Wars/Original Trilogy
- Star Wars/Prequel Trilogy
- Star Wars/Sequel Trilogy
- Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
- Subreality Central
- Subreality Cafe/Locations
- Subreality Cafe/Muses
- Subreality Cafe/SCRRs
- Sunnydale Writers
- Susan Wyllie
- Terok Nor (books)
- Tim Kirk
- Timeline of the MCU
- Tholian
- Top Cow Productions
- to the tune of
- Torra Kimbul
- The Traveller Songbook
- Watership Down
- X-Project
- The X-S Series
- X-Verse
- X-Writers
Category Clean Up
All items (pages and images) sorted into their specific year and type categories. Categories sorted so that the decades appear first in the "By Year" container category and everything else by specific year in chronological order. Strikethrough indicates the category has been reviewed, sorted and completed.
1900s- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1940s
- 1950s
- 1960s
1970s- 1980s
- 1980s Awards
- 1980s Communities
- 1980s Conventions
- 1980s Cosplay
- 1980s Doujinshi
- 1980s Events
- 1980s Fan Clubs
- 1980s Fan Films
- 1980s Fan Interviews
- 1980s Fanart
- 1980s Fanfiction
- 1980s Fanworks
- 1980s Filk Songs
- 1980s Mailing Lists
- 1980s Meta
- 1980s Newsgroups
- 1980s Plays & Skits
- 1980s Songbooks
- 1980s Vids
- 1980s Zines
- 1980 - images only
- 1981 - images only
- 1982- images only
- 1983 - images only
- 1984 - images only
- 1985- images only
- 1986 - images only
- 1987- images only
- 1988- images only
- 1989 - images only
- 1990s
- 1990s Archives
- 1990s Author Pages
- 1990s Awards
- 1990s Communities
- 1990s Conventions
- 1990s Events
- 1990s Fan Clubs
- 1990s Fan Films
- 1990s Fan Interviews
- 1990s Fanart
- 1990s Fanfiction
- 1990s Fanworks
- 1990s Forums
- 1990s Mailing Lists
- 1990s Meta
- 1990s Newsgroups
- 1990s Plays & Skits
- 1990s Vids
- 1990s Websites
- 1990s Zines
- 1990 - images only
- 1991- images only
- 1992 - images only
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1998
- 1999
- 2000s
- 2000s Archives
- 2000s Author Pages
- 2000s Awards
- 2000s Challenges
- 2000s Communities
- 2000s Conventions
- 2000s Doujinshi Circles
- 2000s Events
- 2000s Fan Clubs
- 2000s Fan Interviews
- 2000s Fanart
- 2000s Fanfiction
- 2000s Fanworks
- 2000s Filk Songs
- 2000s Forums
- 2000s Mailing Lists
- 2000s Memes
- 2000s Meta
- 2000s Newsgroups
- 2000s Plays & Skits
- 2000s Podcasts
- 2000s Recommendation Sites
- 2000s Vids
- 2000s Web Series
- 2000s Websites
- 2000s Wikis
- 2000s Zines
- 2000
- 2001
- 2002
- 2003
- 2004
- 2005
- 2006
- 2007 - images only
- 2008
- 2009
- 2010s
- 2010s Archives
- 2010s Auctions
- 2010s Author Pages
- 2010s Awards
- 2010s Challenges
- 2010s Communities
- 2010s Conventions
- 2010s Discord
- 2010s Doujinshi Circles
- 2010s Events
- 2010s Fan Clubs
- 2010s Fan Interviews
- 2010s Fanart
- 2010s Fancomics
- 2010s Fanfiction
- 2010s Fanworks
- 2010s Forums
- 2010s Mailing Lists
- 2010s Meta
- 2010s Newsgroups
- 2010s Plays & Skits
- 2010s Podcasts
- 2010s Podfics
- 2010s Recommendation Sites
- 2010s Subreddits
- 2010s Tumblr
- 2010s Vids
- 2010s Web Series
- 2010s Websites
- 2010s Wikis
- 2010s Zines
- 2010
- 2011
- 2012
- 2013
2014- 2015
- 2016 - images only
- 2017 - images only
- 2018 - images only
Category: Star Trek Academic Commentary- Category: Star Trek Actors
- Category: Star Trek Art
- Category: Star Trek Awards
- Category:Star Trek Challenges
- Category:Star Trek Concepts
- Category:Star Trek Fan Films
- Category: Star Trek Fan Surveys
- Category: Star Trek Fanworks
- Category: Star Trek Fandom Glossary
- Category: Star Trek Journal Communities
- Category:Star Trek Memes
- Category: Star Trek Newsgroups
- Category: Star Trek Open Letters
- Category:Star Trek Plays & Skits
- Category: Star Trek Podcasts
- Category:Star Trek Professional Works
- Category:Star Trek RPF
- Category:Star Trek Species
- Category:Star Trek Tropes & Genres
- Category: Star Trek Webrings
- Category: Star Trek Conventions
- Category: Star Trek Fan Clubs
Category: Star Trek FanfictionCategory: Star Trek Meta- Category: Star Trek Fan Interviews
Category: Star Trek News MediaCategory: Star Trek Websites- Category: Star Trek Zines
- Category: Star Trek AOS
- Category: Star Trek DS9
Category: Star Trek DSC- Category: Star Trek ENT
- Category: Star Trek LD
- Category: Star Trek PIC
- Category: Star Trek PRO
- Category: Star Trek SNW
Category: Star Trek TAS- Category: Star Trek TNG
- Category: Star Trek VOY
- Category: Star Trek TOS
Category: Star Trek TOS Academic CommentaryCategory: Star Trek TOS Albums- Category: Star Trek TOS Art
- Category: Star Trek TOS K/S Art
- Category: Star Trek TOS Calendars
- Category: Star Trek TOS Doujinshi
- Category: Star Trek TOS Characters
- Category: Star Trek TOS Communities
- Category: Star Trek TOS Conventions
Category: Star Trek TOS Filk SongsCategory: Star Trek TOS Songbooks- Category: Star Trek TOS Plays & Skits
Category: Star Trek TOS Events- Category: Star Trek TOS Fan Clubs
Category: Star Trek TOS Fan Films- Category: Star Trek TOS Fan Interviews
Category: Star Trek TOS Fan Surveys- Category: Star Trek TOS Fandom Glossary
- Category: Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
- Category: Star Trek TOS K/S/Mc Fanfiction
- Category: Star Trek TOS K/S Fanfiction
- Category: Star Trek TOS Spock/Chapel Fanfiction
- Category: Star Trek TOS Fanworks
Category: Star Trek TOS MetaCategory: Star Trek TOS K/S Meta- Category: Star Trek TOS News Media
- Category: Star Trek TOS Professional Works
- Category: Star Trek TOS Relationships
- Category: Star Trek TOS Vids
- Category: Star Trek TOS Websites
- Category: Star Trek TOS Archives
- Category: Star Trek TOS Author Pages
- Category: Star Trek TOS Mailing Lists
- Category: Star Trek TOS Zines
- Category: Star Trek TOS Actor-centric Zines
- Category: Star Trek TOS Gen and Het Anthology Zines
- Category: Star Trek TOS Gen and Het Novel Zines
- Category: Star Trek TOS Non-fiction Zines
- Category: Star Trek TOS Slash Zines