's Q Site

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Name: Alara's Q Site
Date(s): 2002-2017[1]
Archivist: Alara Rogers
Founder: Alara Rogers
Type: fanfiction archive
Fandom: Q (Star Trek); Star Trek TNG, Star Trek VOY and Star Trek DS9
(via Wayback Mar 25/23)
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Alara's Q Site is a multi-author fanfiction archive created in 2002 and maintained by Alara Rogers. It was a 'by-invitation' archive, where Alara chose the stories she wanted to include; like her other archives, it contained fic of a particular standard that interested or amused her. The latest update appears to have been in 2017 - the site is still online, however there have been no updates since then.

At the time she started the archive, Alara explained why she was creating "another Q archive" when others already existed:

Expect a spiffier name soon (hey, sometimes I can come up with decent names.) The Q Continuum's been taken by, well, everyone, and Qniverse is the name I've given my mailing list.

What's this? A new Q archive? Why does the world need a new Q archive? There are two major ones-- the archive and Vash's Q site, so why do we need any more?

Well, here's why. The site is rarely updated lately, and even when it is, it aims to be an all-inclusive site; all Q fanfic, whether good or bad, is eligible for inclusion there. And man, there is a lot of bad out there. Weeding through it can be quite an effort at times. This impacts the speed with which the archivist can maintain the site, and the usefulness of what's on it. It's great for completists, but not a good starting place.

Vash's Q archive is a much more selective site, and the quality is higher as a result. But Vash doesn't archive adult fic, and some of the best Q fic on the net was written for adults (not necessarily erotica so much as stories that don't shy away from dealing with sex, if required by the plot. And, well, there is a lot of good erotica out there too.)

So I decided it was more than about time to launch my own site. I've begun by loading all the stories I remember being at least halfway decent from the archive, and linking to them, or to Trekiverse copies of them when required. As time goes on, I'll be adding more of the more recent stuff, things that don't suck from (if I can find something that doesn't suck on, stories from the PiQuante archive, fresh new stuff that I may be archiving personally...

Alara's Q Archive - Wayback capture Jan 10/06

In an update to the main page (between January 10 and January 28, 2006), Alara further explained:

Okay, I lied. I can't come up with a spiffier name. The Q Continuum's been taken by, well, everyone, and Qniverse is the name I've given my mailing list.

As of this writing, Vash's Q site is defunct, and the archive is now frozen as a historical archive. I am not sure there are any other Q fan fiction archives out there. So I decided it was about time I updated this one.

This is not an all-inclusive archive. The stories on here are ones I consider to be reasonably good -- there are uncountable bad Q stories out there on the Internet. I am no perfectionist -- there's stuff on here with what I consider to be large flaws -- but everything on this site is something I considered a sufficiently enjoyable read that it was worth reading even if flawed.


At the moment I am linking to all the stories, and only archiving (that is, housing on my own site) the ones I have written or which I've requested permission to archive, because there's a difficulty with getting archival permissions when so many people have left the fandom or changed their email address or both since their story was initially archived to Trekiverse. I will only house on my own site stories I either have permission to house, stories whose archives went down and I had to rescue the story off the Internet Wayback Machine, or stories whose authors seem unreachable, and it will take some time to gather the permissions I need. Besides, archiving is hard work. Links are much easier. :-)

Alara's Q Archive - Wayback capture Jan 28/06



119 stories by 42 authors[2], including Andraste, The Anon Sisters, JJ Arrow, Jeanita Danzik, Terrie Drummonds, The Enigmatic Miss Sunbeam, Ruth Gifford, Mandy Gordon, Julia Houston, JM, Tiggy Malvern, Mercutio, Queriana, Alara Rogers, Shalott, Laura Taylor and Varoneeka.

Q interacts with the cast of TNG. The largest section for obvious reasons, you'll find all the P/Q stories I have in here, as well as any other stories where Q has dealings with the crew of the Enterprise-D or E.


31 stories by 19 authors, including Liz Barr, Ruth Gifford, Robin Lawrie, Mercutio, NovaD, Alara Rogers and Emma Woodhouse.

Q interacts with the cast of Voyager. The second largest section, also for obvious reasons.


6 stories by Christine F, Tiggy Malvern, Mercutio, Alara Rogers and Laura Taylor.

Q interacts with the cast of Deep Space Nine. Not many of these.

Combined Trek:

6 stories by Ellen Fremedon, President Luthor, Alara Rogers and Laura Taylor.

Multiple Trek series represented in a single story or story arc. (Not all multi-Trek stories are in this category; I've only recently added it, so some stories just appear in multiple indexes.)

Original Characters:

27 stories by 11 authors, including Arachne, Jeanita Danzik, Nicky D, Ruth Gifford, Bonnie H, Mercutio, Alara Rogers, Janet Coleman Sides, Queriana and Joanne S.

Q interacts with mostly original casts. You'll find most of the "Deja Q spinoff" genre here-- "Only Human", "PropinQuity", "The Q Who Fell To Earth"-- as well as some stories featuring Q, or a Q, interacting with all-new ships and crews. I decided in the end to store "Q falls in love with a female member of the Enterprise crew that the author made up" type stories in here too, although most of them also turn up in TNG.

Crossing Over With Q:

Q in non-Trek universes.

Other Qs:

26 stories by 14 authors, including Ariane, Terrie Drummonds, Hildwyn, MizJoely, Alara Rogers, Sforzie and Laura Taylor.

Stories which feature as main characters other members of the Continuum besides Our Bad Boy Hero. The Q played by John de Lancie may be a major character in these stories too, but there's also a primary role played by a non-JDL-Q. Includes (potentially) Amanda Rogers, Q2 (Corbin Bernson, Deja Q), Q's mate (Suzie Plakson, Q and the Grey), the suicidal Q (Gerritt Graham, Death Wish), Q's son (Keegan de Lancie, Q2), other versions of Q's son, Trelane (William Campbell, Squire of Gothos), and original Q characters. (Trelane's in there because fans, and Peter David, have been speculating for years that Trelane was a Q, so a lot of fanfic exists on the topic.)


  1. ^ According to the Wayback Machine, the last update was to the TNG section between December 23, 2016 and June 23, 2017
  2. ^ Due to the use of writers' real names on the archive, they will not be posted here for privacy reasons.