Rocket's Blast Comicollector/Issues 51-75
Zine | |
Title: | Rocket's Blast Comicollector |
Publisher: | Science Fiction and Comics Association (1964–1974) James Van Hise (1974–1981) New Media Publishing (1981-1983) James Van Hise (2002–2003) |
Editor(s): | G.B. Love (1964–1974) James Van Hise (1974–1982; 2002–2003) |
Organizer(s): | |
Author(s): | |
Cover Artist(s): | |
Illustrator(s): | |
Type: | adzine |
Date(s): | April 1964-1982, 2002-03 |
Topic: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | 18/2 x 11" (magazine) |
Frequency: | |
Fandom: | comics, science fiction |
Rating(s): | |
Warning(s): | |
Language: | English |
External Links: | see more at Wikipedia |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Issue #51[1]
April 1967. 44 pages, print run: 1300. Editor: G.B. Love. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Buddy Saunders- Tribute to Walt Disney (1901-1966).
- “THE ODDITY PAGE” by Raymond Miller.
- "Dr. Weird Meets the Demon" written and illustrated by Buddy Saunders.
- Space Ghost by Jim Jones - 1/2 page article on the Hanna-Barbera character, Space Ghost.
- Piece on collector George Schwartz reprinted from the Milwaukee Journal.
- "I Like Comics" article by Russell V. Cochran (reprinted from Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact - Teacher’s Edition).
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Bill Parente and Mark Dorn.
- Zine ads: Admiral Publications #1, Alter Ego #7, #8, Amazing Masters Presentations #4, Bombshell #7, #8, Collector’s Corner, Comic Corner, Comic Lore, Comicology #1, Fan-Ad-Ic #8, Fan Scene #2, Fandom Calling, Fandom Speaks, Fantasy Illustrated #7, Fantasy Film Journal #7, Graphic Showcase #1, Incredible Fantasy #3, In Depth #1, June 25, 1876 — Custer’s Last Stand, Lux, Master of Light #2, Masquerader #6, Nova #1-3, Pow Comics #21 and reprints of # 11 & #12, Rocket’s Blast Special #1, Sense of Wonder #1, Sooner Comics #4, Spa Fon #2, #3, Star-Studded Comics #11 (full page ad), Super Hero Fantasy, Uno!, Witzend #1-4, Wonderment #2
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #52
June 1967. Editor: G.B. Love. 52 pages, print run: 1700. Published bi-monthly.
- Cover art by Dick Mosso - horror, fantasy and sci-fi comic collage.
- "The Oddity Page" by Raymond Miller
- "Comic Books: A Study in Reality?" by Bill Parente - article
- “Superman is Still Super” (reprinted from New York Sunday News dated June 6, 1965).
- "Comicdom's Cult of Collectors" - an article about fan and dealer Dave Kaler, featuring a photo of Roy Thomas and Dennis O'Neil (reprinted from Newsday, November 4, 1965)
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from Gordon Flagg Jr.
- Ad for Academy Con 1967.
- Zine ads: Adzine #1 (Pg 46), Alter Ego # 7 And 8, Comic Vendor #4 & 5, Concussion #1, Fandom-Onium #1 , Fantasm #1 , Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantasy Illustrated #7, Guts #2, Incredible Fantasy #3, Marvel Mania, Masquerader #6, Quantum #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 And 7, Saturday’s World #1, #2 and #3, Star-Studded Comics #11, The Collector #1 & 2, The Comic Emporium #2, The Comic Examiner #5, The Comic Weekly (Craig Yoe), Tri-Fan #1 and #2. Plus Edwin Aprill, Jr.’s reprints of comic strips: Johnny Comet, Tarzan, Buck Rogers, The Spirit, and Sky Roads.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #53
August 1967. Editor: G.B. Love. 52 pages, print run: 1700. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - The Shadow (1930s Street & Smith and 1967 MLJ Comics versions)
- “A Howl is Heard Through the Heavens” by Tom Fagan - article on Sky Wolf (Hillman Periodicals)
- “Rich Lode in Old Comics” - Article reprinted from Tucson Daily Citizen, Feb. 25, 1967.
- “Comic Strip Character Being Created Here” - Article reprinted from Richmond Times Dispatch about fan-published comic zine Graphic Showcase, publisher Tom Long, and artists Mike Kaluta, Steve Harper, Steve Hickman, and Mike Cody.
- “THE ODDITY PAGE” by Raymond Miller.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from Duffy Vohland.
- Zine ads: Adzine, Alter Ego #7 and #8, Antares, Bombshell #9 and #10, Bulletin #4, Collector’s Corner, Comic Fantasy #1, Comic Showcase #1 (published?), Comic Vendor #5, Comics Unlimited, Concussion #1 and #2, Costumed Hero Bonanza, Erb-Dom #20 and #21, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Calling #5, Fandom-Onium #2 , Fantastic Fan Fiction #1, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Flash Comics Special (Raymond Miller), Forbush #1, Gosh Wow #1, Masquerader #6, On The Drawing Board #62, Quantum #1, 2, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 and #7, Screen Facts Magazine, Sense of Wonder #1, Serial Quarterly, Serial Pictorial, Star-Studded Comics #6, and 11, The Collector #1 and 2, The Comic Blasts #1-4, The Eye #1, The Innovator #1, Tri-Fan #2, #3, Ultra Vires (published?), Wonderment #3
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #54
October 1967. Editor: G.B. Love. 52 pages, print run: 1700. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Wally Wood - Tarzan
- “THE ODDITY PAGE” by Raymond Miller.
- "Of Hogarth, Manning, and Giolitti" by D.D. Ensign - A short article about Tarzan artists Burne Hogarth, Russ Manning, and Albert Giolitti.
- “Batman, Superman, and All That Comic Crowd Coming of Age.” - reprinted newspaper article.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Steve Parker, Gordon Flagg Jr., Alan Jadro, and Lars Erickson.
- Zine ads: Adventure Heroes’ Hide-A-Way #13, Alter Ego # 7 and #8, Apex #2, Blood and Thunder #7, Bombshell #9-11, Bulletin #3, Circle of Valor #1, Comic Canada #1, Comic Fan’s Guide To Periodical Literature, Comic Lore #2, Comic-Mart, Comic News #4 , Concussion #3 and #4, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Showcase, Fanfare #1, Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantasy Illustrated #8, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Flash Comics Special, Graphic Art Collector #8, Graphic Showcase #1, Guts #2, Irving Forbush Gazette #1-4, Mad World of Marveldom #1, Marvel Mania #5, Masquerader #6, Mythos #1, O&O #4, Panel Art Examiner #5, Quantum #1, 2, 3, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 And 7, Star-Studded Comics #6, The Eye #1, Witzend, Wizit #1 (Marshall Lanz).
- classified comic book ads.
- full scan of zine available here
Issue #55
December 1967. Editor: G.B. Love. 80 pages, print run: 1925. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - The Fly (Archie Comics)
- “A Man of Steel” by Jim Jones - article on Bozo the Robot (Quality Comics)
- “THE ODDITY PAGE” by Raymond Miller.
- Adam Strange piece by Howard P. Siegel - article on the DC character, Adam Strange.
- “Tape Nut Relives Radio” - Article on radio show collector Frank Buxton, reprinted from Richmond News Leader, November 25, 1967.
- Zine ads: Alter Ego #5, 7 and 8, Bombshell #11-15, Champion #1 and 2, Cinemania #3, Comic Book and Film Mart (adzine), Comic News #4, Comicology #1, Concussion #4, #5, #6, Contact #1, Costumed Hero Bonanza #3 (Pg 21), Fandom Annual #1, Fan Focus #1, Fantasm #2, Fantasy Illustrated #8, Fanzine Illustrated #5-7, Fighting Hero Comics #1, Frank Frazetta Art Folio, Galaxy Comics #1, Guts #2 and #3, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Marvel Mirror #2, Masquerader #6, Motley #3, New Era #1, Peter Press #14, Quantum #3, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 and #7, Star-Studded Comics #6, The Cartoonists’ Comic Vol. 2, #1, The Comic Fan-Atic, The E.R.B. Digest #1, The Eye #1, The Innovator, The Legion (Pg 63), Trumpet #6, Witzend.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #56
March 1968. Editor: G.B. Love. 68 pages, print run: 2350. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Wally Wood - Daredevil and Dynamo
- A newspaper article about lawsuits over the name “Captain Marvel.”
- “High Prices Paid for Ancient Comic Books” by David Lewin - reprinted newspaper article.
- A newspaper review of “The Great Radio Heroes" by Jim Harmon.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from Gordon Flagg Jr.
- Zine ads: Alter Ego #5, #7, #8, Beyond Infinity #1, Black Velvet #1 and #2, Bombshell #12-15, Bombshell Audio Tape, Champion #3, Comic Crusader #1, Comic News, Comicology #1, Comicoligist #1 (published?), Concussion #5, Contact #1, Destiny #1, Fan Focus #1, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Agent #1, Fantasy Illustrated #8, Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantasy Soundtrack #1, Farce of Fandom, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Galaxy Comics #1, Gremlin #2, Guts #3, Heroes Illustrated #3, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Intrigue #3, Journey Into Comics #2, Kinda Good Comics #1 (published?), Marvel Mirror #3/4, Marvel Tribune #5, Masquerader #6, Motley #6, Mythos #1, Omphiblep, Prism #1 (with Bernie Wrightson art; never published), Quantum #3 and #4, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 and #7, Splash Page #1, Star-Studded Comics #6, The Cartoonists’ Comic #1-4, The Collector #8, The Eye #1, The Panelologist Vol. 1 (Jerry Bails), Yancy Street Gazette; and a small classified ad for Comic Fandom #6, Comic Fandom Annual #1, Comic Fandom Xmas Annual, Comic Fandom Newsletter #1-5, Comic Fandom Reprint Special, and Lightning #1 & 2.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #57
April 1968. Editor: G.B. Love. 72 pages. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - Deadman (DC Comics)
- “Super-Heroes Are Big Business” by Howard P. Siegel.
- A short article about Red Ryder comic strip by Ed Lahmann. (Newspaper Enterprise Association)
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Dwight Decker and Gary Via.
- Zine ads: Alter Ego #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8, Beyond Infinity #1, Comic Chamber #3, Comic Informer #1, Concussion #6, Destiny #1, E Pluribus Marvel #1/2/3 (Special Triple Issue), Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Calling, Fandom’s Agent, Fantasm #3, Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantasy Soundtrack #1, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Gosh Wow #2, Guts #3 and #4, Heroes Illustrated #3, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Marvel-Mania Plus One Canada, Marvel Tribune #6, 7, Masquerader #6, Mock #1 and #2, New Era #2, New World of Comics, Nightmare #1, Omphiblep #5, Opinions & Opposition #4-#6, Pandora #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 and 7, Sense of Wonder, Superzine #5, The Cartoonists’ Comic Vol. 2, #1, The Collector #9 and #10, The Comic Forum #1, The Comic Reader #66, The Eye #1, Valiant #1, Whatchamacallit #4, Witzend #4 and #5, Wonderment #3.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #58
July 1968. Editor: G.B. Love. 60 pages. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - Captain America (Marvel Comics)
- “THE ODDITY PAGE” by Raymond Miller.
- "Cartoons: 1883-1932" by Scott Denny - article on comic strips.
- “Good Does Triumph — In Marvel Comics” - reprinted newspaper article.
- Zine ads: Alter Ego #5, #7 and #8, Cloak and Dagger, Comic Book #3, Comic Crusader #2, Comic Informer, Comicology #2, Erbdom, EC Fan-Addict #2, Eternity (published?), Excelsior #1, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom’s Agent, Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantasy Soundtrack #1, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Frank Frazetta Art Folio, Galactic Illustrations #1, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Graphic Story Magazine #9, Heroic #1, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Journey Into Comics #3, Marvel Mirror #1-#7, Masquerader #6, Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), New Era #3, New World Of Comics, Omphiblep #6, Optic (published?), Panelologist’s Digest #1, Phantasma, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 And 7, Sense of Wonder #5, Sense of Wonder Annual #1, Serial Pictorial #1, Spectacular Comics #1 (published?), Star-Studded Comics #6, Super-Hero #7, Terror Tales #1, The Cartoonists’ Comic Vol. 2, #1, The Collector #11, The Collector’s Handout, The Comic Newsletter, The Eye #1, The Fantasy Collector, The Statue Comic Collector #2, Titan Comics, Transformation #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #59
August 1968. Editor: G.B. Love. 92 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Joel Pollack - The Phantom (King Features Syndicate)
- A Southwesterncon 1968 report by GB Love.
- "This Savage Earth" by Don Newton - Preview page for a new comic strip.
- “Will 1968 Be Comicdom’s ‘Year of Dispair’ [sic]?” by Howard P. Siegel - article on the future of comics.
- Pinup by John Fantucchio - Superman
- Zine ads: Alter Ego #5, #7 and #8, Beyond Infinity #1, Canada’s Best #1, Comic Crusader #3, Comic Forum #3, Comic News #5, Comic Scope #1, Comic Vendor #6, Comic Zine, Comix Unlimited #1, Concussion #7, Contrast #1, Destiny #1, Differo #1, Dimension #1, Disneydom #1, Effect #1, E Pluribus Marvel, Emperial Comics #1-3, Excelsior #1, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Showcase #1, Fandom Weekly #1 (published?), Fandom’s Agent, Fan Fantasy #1 (not published), Fantastic Fan Fiction , Fantasy Chronicles #4, Fantasy Soundtrack #1, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Graphic Story Magazine #9, Heroes Unlimited #5, Heroic #2, Heroic Tales #1, Hi Spot #1 (published?), Illusions #1, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Journey Into Comics #3, Liberty #1, Mad Scientist Comics (published?) pg 63, Marvelites Fan Club Fan-Zine #1 (published?), Masquerader #6, Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), O&O #5-#7, One Step Beyond #1, Quantum #7, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 and 7, Saturday’s World #3, Spa Fon #4, Squa Tront #1, 2 & 3, Star-Studded Comics #6 and #13, Superzine #3-#5, Superzine Newsletter#1, The Cartoonists’ Comic #2, The Collector #11 and #12, The Comic Informer #1 and #2, The Comic Review, The EC Fan-Addict #2, The Eye #1, The Iliad (published?), The Medallion Special #1, The Michigan Messenger #1, The Ultimate Brain #1, Titan Comics #2, Top Spot Comics #1, Trumpet #7, Unlimited #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #60
October 1968. Editor: G.B. Love. 88 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - unknown sword-and-sorcery property
- “The Savage Earth - Chapter 1” by Don Newton - comic strip.
- “FLASHBACKS & ODDITIES” by Raymond Miller (was previously "The Oddity Page").
- “Leapin’ Lizards! Old Comic Books Sell 6 for $40.” - reprinted newspaper article
- a reprinted newspaper article about the International Convention of Comic Art
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Larry Bigman, Ray Polson, and Jerry Sinkovec.
- Zine ads: A Thousand Worlds #1, All Stars #2, Alter Ego #5, Amateur Komix #1, 2, and #3, Bogeyman Comics #1, Card World #2 (published?), Comic Canada #2, Comic Center #1 , Comic Comments #2 (Charles Spanier), Comicology #2, Concussion, Destiny #1, Dimension #2, Disneydom, Dolfin Comics #1, Enterprise #1, #2 and #3, Eon #2, Excelsior #1, Fearful Fables #1 (published?), Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Showcase #2, Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantasy Soundtrack #1, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Golden Age #3, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Graphic Story Magazine #9, Heckzapoppin’ #1, Heroic #3, Illusions #1, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Lawrence Presents #1 (published?), Le Bouquiniste (published?) , Marvel Horizon #1, Marvel-Mania Plus One, Marvel Tribune #9, Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Nuff Said, Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Scarf #1, Sense of Wonder, Star-Studded Comics #6, #14, Superzine #3-7, Supreme Publications Presents #1, Terror Tales #1, The Cartoonists’ Comic #1, #2, #3, The Comic Artist #1, The Collector #13, The EC Fan-Addict #2, The Eye #1, The Ultimate Brain #1, Trumpet #8, Wotta World #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #61
December 1968. Editor: G.B. Love. 88 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - Amazing Man (Centaur Publications)
- Chapter 2 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “RANDOM THOUGHTS OF A COMIC COLLECTOR” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- “ODDITIES & FLASHBACKS” by Raymond Miller.
- “Monster Remembered” by Jim Jones - Frankenstein's monster
- “Youth Publish Own Comic Book.” Reprinted newspaper article about fanzine (Illusions) publisher Terry O’Brien.
- “For Sunday Strip Collectors” by Rick Durell. Reprinted newspaper article titled “Leapin’ Lizards! A Serious Appraisal of Comic Strips.”
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Mike Friedrich and Bob Cosgrove.
- Zine ads: Amazing Adventures #1, #2 (Pg 45), Canada’s Best #1, Captain Biljo Presents #1, Captain George’s Comic World, Comic Crusader #4, Comicology #2, Differo #1, Dimension #2, Excelsior #1, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Mart, Fandom Newsletter #1, #2, Fandom’s Special #4, Fantasy Soundtrack #1, Farce of Fandom #2, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Foundation (Pg 37), Golden Age #3, Golem #1, Gosh Wow #2, Illusions #1, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Info #1, Journey Into Comics #4, Le Bouquiniste (published?), Marvel Main #3 and #4, Marvel Tribune #9, Mount To The Stars #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #1 and #7, Statue Comic Collector #2, Star-Studded Comics #6, Super Adventures #8, #9, Super Nova #1, The Collector #13, The Comic Review #1, #2, #3, The EC Fan-Addict #3, The Eye #1, The Iliad (published?), Marvel Tribune #9, The New Transformation #2, Time Piece (published?), Titan Comics #2.
- classified comic book ads
Issue #62
March 1969. Editor: G.B. Love. 104 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
- Chapter 3 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- “ODDITIES & FLASHBACKS” by Raymond Miller.
- “Martians of 1938 Are Still Spooky.” - reprinted newspaper article on the War of the Worlds radio drama
- “The Effects of Comics - Part One” by George Schwartz.
- “Comics Craze Comeback.” - reprinted newspaper article
- “Are Things Looking Up for Comicdom?” by Howard P. Siegel.
- A reprinted newspaper article about comic collector Kenneth Viola.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Fred Hembeck, Jim Gray, and Gordon Flagg Jr.
- Zine ads: Aleph Null, Amateur Komix #1, #2, #3, Canada’s Best #1, Captain George’s Comic World, Comicology #2, Comic Comments #2, #3, #4 (Charles Spanier), Comic Crusader #5, Comic Showcase #1, Comic Zine (notice about being late), Completely Marvel #1 (cancelled, per notice in RBCC #64.), Differo #1, Disneydom #1 and #2, Dolfin Comics #1, Drift #1 (published?), Emperial Comics, Eon #2, #3 and #4, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Showcase #1 & #2, #3, Fandom’s Agent #7, Fandom’s Fans, Fantastic Fan Fiction, Fantastic Fanzine #3, Fantasy Features #2, Fighting Hero Comics Special Edition #1, Freon #1, Galactic Illustrations #3, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Journey Into Comics #4, Marvel Horizon #2, Marvel Main #4, Marvel Tribune #7-#10, Mortermer #1 , Mount To The Stars #1, One Step Beyond #1, Potpourri (Doug Fratz), Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Squa Tront #2, #3, #4, Star-Studded Comics #6, Stepping Stone #1 (published?), Synopsis #1, Terror Tales #1, The Canadian Comic #1 , The Collector #14, The Comic Artist #1, The EC Fan-Addict #2 and #3, The Essence #6, 7, 8 (formerly E Pluribus Marvel), The Eye #1, Titan Comics #3, Unlimited #1, Venture #1, Wonder Worlds #1, Wotta World #1
- classified comic book ads
Issue #63
May 1969. Editor: G.B. Love. 112 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly. This issue also has the first appearance of YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - Spider-Spry (Red Circle Comics)
- Chapter 4 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- Comic Economics” by Howard P. Siegel.
- “The Effects of Comics — Part Two” by George Schwartz.
- A newspaper article about cartoonist Scott Shaw.
- Centerspread art by Don Newton.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Fred Hembeck, Duffy Vohland, Kirby Sides, Ray Polson, Ron Liberman, and Chuck Wooley.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: Apathy #1 (published?), Captain Biljo Presents #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Comic Courier #1, Comic Forum #4, Comic Showcase #1, Comicon #1 (published?), Crifanac, Crud Zine #1, Differo #1, Fan Informer #13, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Showcase #3, Fandom’s Fans, Fantastic Fanzine #6/7, Fantasy Features #3, Golden Age #3, Graphic Story Magazine #10, Heckzapoppin’ #2, Horizons #1, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Marvel Horizon #2, Marvel Tribune, Michael Brand, The Gentleman Spy #1, New Dimensions #3, Phoenix #1, Promethean Enterprises #1, Quantum #6 (published?), Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Spectacle #1, Spectre #21, Super Nova #2, Supreme Publications Presents #3, The Collector #15, The Collector’s Chronicle #1, The Comic Review #1, #2, The Eye #1, #2, The Panelologist Vol. 1, The Wonderful World of Comix #1, Titan Comics #4, Unlimited #1, Venture #1.
- classified comic book ads
Issue #64
June 1969. Editor: G.B. Love. 112 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Fantucchio - Frankenstein's Monster
- Chapter 5 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- “The Effects of Comics - Part 3” by George Schwartz.
- “How’s Your Comics IQ?” - reprinted newspaper article
- Centerspread art by Don Newton.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from George Schwartz, Duffy Vohland, and Armand Eisen.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: 70 Magazine (published?), A Fanzine (formerly Disneydom), Asterisk #1, Audio Adventures (7-inch record-disc), Captain Biljo Presents #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Collectors’ Gallery #1, Comic Crusader #6, Comicology #3, Comic Showcase #2, Comic Special 1969 (Arvell Jones, but likely never published), Completely Marvel #1 (announcement that zine was “indefinitely cancelled.”), Crifanac, Differo #3, Enterprise Monthly #2, Eon #3, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom’s Fans , Fantastic Fanzine #8/9, Fantasy Adventures #1, Fantasy Features #3, Farce of Fandom #3, Gallery #1, Golden Age #3 and #4, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Gosh Wow #3, Graphic Story Magazine #10, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Info #1 And 2, Journey Into Comics #5, Marvel Mirror #13, Marvel Tribune, Michael Brand, The Gentleman Spy #1, Mystere #1, Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), New Horizons #1 (not published?), Nucleus #1, Odysses #1 [sic], Oracle #5 (UK zine), Potpourri #1, Quintessence #1, Ragnorak (Marvel Mirror #14), Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Seraphim #4 (formerly the EC Fan-Addict), Spectacle #1, Star-Studded Comics #15, Super-Nova #3, Supreme Publications Presents #2, 3, The Amateur Comiczine #1, The Centaur #1, The Collector #16, The Collector Special, The Collector’s Chronicle #1, The Collector’s Gazette #1 (published?), The Wonderful World of Comix #1, Three Stories (science fiction), Titan Comics #5
- classified comic book ads
Issue #65
August 1969. Editor: G.B. Love. 96 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Don Newton - "The Savage Earth"
- Chapter 6 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “EC REVISITED” by Rich Hauser - column on EC Comics
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from Richard Llewellyn.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: A Thousand Worlds #2, A.C.E. #1, Adult Crudzine Illustrated #1, All Stars #2, Alter Ego #10, Amateur Comic Enterprises (published?), Captain Biljo Presents #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Collectors’ Gallery #2 , Comic Courier #2, Comic Showcase #2, Differo #2, Dimension #2, Eon #1- #4, Fandom Annual #1. Fandom Showcase #5, Fandom’s Agent #8, Fantastic Fanzine #10, Fantasy Trends #1 (Ben Katchor), Fanzation #3 - #5, Freon #2, Galactic Illustrations #3 (published?), Golden Age #3, Graphic Showcase #2, Guts #3 - #5, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Journey Into Comics #6, Junk #1, Phoenix #2 and #3, Promethean Enterprises #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #7, The Collector #16, The Collector’s Chronicle #1 & 2, The Comic Artist #1, 2, The Mystery Reader’s Newsletter, The N.C.S. Review #4.5, The Vulcan #1, The Wonderful World of Comix #2, Titan Comics #6.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #66
October 1969. Editor: G.B. Love. 108 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Robert Kline.
- Chapter 7 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- “EC REVISITED” by Rich Hauser - column on EC Comics
- Homage to Alex Raymond centerfold by John Adkins Richardson - Flash Gordon.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Bill Wilson and Ray Polson.
- The Spectre art by John Adkins Richardson.
- Advertisement for Multicon 70 and The Cartoonist Cookbook.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: A Checklist of Underground Comics (published?) , Adult Crudzine Illustrated #1, All Dynamic #3, Alter Ego #10, Anomaly #1, Assorted Superlatives #1, Captain Biljo Presents #1, #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Collectors’ Gallery #3, Comic Forum #6 and #7, Comic Special 1969 (Arvell Jones, not published), Comic Venture #1 (published?), Comickazi #1, Fandom Annual #1, Fandom Media #1, Fantastic Fanzine #6/7, #8/9, #10 and Special , Futura #9, Golden Age #3 and #5, Graphic Showcase #2, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Info #2, MCR #3, Nucleus #2, Paragon Illustrated #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Seraphim #4 and #5, Spectre #22, Steranko’s Talon (never published), The Collector #16, The Collector’s Chronicle #1 and #2, The Comic World (Robert Jennings), The EC Checklist, The Wonderful World of Comix #2, Unicorn #1, Venture #1, Xanadu #1, Yesteryear #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #67
December 1969. Editor: G.B. Love. 116 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by John Adkins Richardson - Captain America (Marvel Comics)
- Chapter 8 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- "Artist Showcase #1" - featuring a drawing by Ken Landgraf Jr.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- Pinup art by Don Newton.
- “TURN AROUND, HONEY, YOUR PAST IS SHOWING” by Bernie Bubnis - column on Marvel Comics.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Robert Kline, Duffy Vohland, Roy Thomas, and Richard Llewellyn.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: A Guide To The Cthulhu Mythos (Robert Weinberg), Alter Ego #10, Anomaly #1, Captain Biljo Presents #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Captain George’s Whizzbang, Card World #2, Cartoonist Showcase #1-#8, Champion #7, Collector’s Gallery #1-#4, Comic Courier #3, Comic Showcase #3, Comickazi #1, Dimension #2, Doc Savage Chronology (Robert Weinberg), Fandom Annual #1, Fan Informer, Fandom Showcase #4, Fantastic Fanzine Special #1, Futura #9, Golden Age #3, #4 and #5, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Journey Into Comics #7, MLJ Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Paragon Illustrated #1, Phenomenon #1, Preview #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Seraphim #4 and #5, Spectre #20-#23, The Amateur Comiczine #1, The Collector #17, The Comic World (Robert Jennings), Titan Comics #7, True Hero #1, Witzend #3 - #6, Yesteryear #1 (and the unpublished #2).
- An ad from Mark Feldman seeking material for I’ll Be Damned #1
- Ad for Edwin Aprill, Jr.’s reprints of newspaper comic strips Buck Rogers, Johnny Comet, Tarzan, and others.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #68
February 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Jon Farwell. [3]140 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Don Newton - The Hangman (MLJ Comics)
- Chapter 9 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- Artist Showcase #2 - featuring a drawing by Mike McKenney
- "MultiCon Dec 1969" by John Ellis - Convention Report for MultiCon.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- Pinup art by John Adkins Richardson
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Fred Hembeck, Rich Hauser, Bart Bush, and Dan McAvoy.
- ads for The Detroit Triple Fan Fair, Multicon-70, The Steranko HISTORY OF COMICS #1
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: 7:38 #1, A Fanzine #2, Alter Ego #10, Amra, Anomaly #2, Best Of Weird Science-Fantasy, Captain Biljo Presents #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Captain George’s Whizzbang, Collectors Gallery #1-5, Comic Showcase #1, #2, #3, Comics Commentary #1, Comic Crusader #7, #8, Complete Marvel Checklist, Crifanac, Detroit Triple Fanfair Progress Report #1-2, Fan Informer #20, Fandom Annual #1, Fantastic Fanzine #11, Futura #9, Golden Age #3, #4 and #5, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), H.A.R.C. #4, #5, I’ll Be Damned #1, Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, Info #3, Jack Kirby Loose-Leaf Fanzine (published?), MLJ Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), New Dimensions, Odysses #1, Paragon Illustrated #1 and #2, Power Comics #1, Rocket’s Blast Special #7, Sensational Display #1, Spa Fon #5, Silver Starr In The Flame World, The Collector (various issues), The Comic Artist #1, #2 and #3, The Comic World #12 (Robert Jennings), The Guardsman Of Infinity, Timely Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Yesteryear #1, Wonder Comics #1
- Ad selling posters in support of Richard Corben’s zine Fantagor #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #69
March 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Jon Farwell. 84 pages, print run: 2300. Published bi-monthly.
- Front cover by Robert Kline
- Chapter 10 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “EC REVISITED” by Rich Hauser - column on EC Comics
- “TURN AROUND, HONEY, YOUR PAST IS SHOWING” by Bernie Bubnis - column on comics' past
- “Comics on Their Way Out?” by Andy Warner - article
- “Malice in Wonderland?” by Bruce Hamilton - article on liars, cheats, and thieves in comics fandom.
- Artist Showcase #3 - featuring a drawing by Andy Warner.
- Centrefold art by Don Newton - Thor
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from Roy Thomas.
- ad for Multicon-70
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: Alter Ego #10 and #11, Anomaly #1 and #2, Captain Biljo Presents #2, Captain George’s Comic World, Captain George’s Whizzbang, Comics Commentary #1, Complete Index to Marvel Comics, Farce of Fandom #2-#4, Golden Age #3-#6, Golden Age Super Hero Index (Mike Nolan), Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3, MLJ Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan), Paragon Illustrated #2, Seraphim #5, Styx #1, The Collector’s Chronicle #1-#3, The Collector’s Guide (Jerry Bails), The Comic Sentinel (published?), Timely Comic Index (Mike Nolan), True Hero #2
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #70
April 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Jon Farwell. 100 pages, print run: 2300. Published monthly.
- Front cover by Bob Juanillo.
- Chapter 11 of “The Savage Earth” strip by Don Newton.
- “HOT AIR FROM A COOL FAN” by Andy Warner - new opinion column.
- Artist Showcase #4 - featuring a drawing of Captain America (artist unknown)
- ads for The 1970 Metro Comic Art Convention, and Multicon 70
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Duffy Vohland, Ray Polson, and Joe Krolik (editor of Styx).
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: 7:38 #1; A Fanzine #1; Alter Ego #10 and #11; Anomaly #2 and #3; Best of Weird Science-Fantasy; Captain Biljo Presents #2; Comics Commentary #1; Fan Informer; Fandom Annual #1; Fantastic Fanzine #11; Fighting Hero Comics #14; Frazetta #1; Funnyworld #12; Golden Age #3 - #6; I’ll Be Damned #1; Infinity #1; Nucleus #3/4; Paragon Illustrated #1; Pocket-Size Marvel Checklist; Rocket’s Blast Special #7; Seraphim #4 and #5; Silver Starr in the Flame World ; Stan’s Weekly Express ; Swash Buckler (published?); The Collector #19; The Comic Art Showcase #1; The Comic World (Robert Jennings); This World And Others #1
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #71
May 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Kirby Sides. 80 pages, print run: 2300. Published monthly. Includes art by John Adkins Richardson.
- Front cover by Mickey Mason - Batman (DC Comics)
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- Artist Showcase #5 - featuring art by Ken Kelley
- Chapter 1 of “The Starmasters” comic strip by Bill Black.
- “HOT AIR FROM A COOL FAN” by Andy Warner - opinion column.
- Ad for Detroit Con 1970
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Mark Feldman, Joe Sarno, Mike Tiefenbacher, and Chuck Rhoads (editor of 7:38)
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: Alter Ego #10 and #11; Anomaly #1 and #2; Armageddon (UK Zine); Bioverse #4, #5; Captain Biljo Presents #2; Captain Paragon #1; Comics Commentary #1, #2; Complete Index to Marvel Comics; Dimension #4; Enigma ’70 (published?); Fandom Annual #1 and #2; Fantastic Exploits #15; Fighting Hero Comics #14; Frank Frazetta Posters From "Worldbeater Posters"; Funnyworld #12; Golden Age #6; Hephsemis #1; Incognito #8; Infinity #1; Paragon Illustrated #1 and #2; Rocket’s Blast Special #7; Squa Tront #4; Styx #1; Tempest #1 and #2; The Comic World #14 (Robert Jennings); The Wonderful World of Comix #3; Yesteryear #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #72
June 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Kirby Sides. 96 pages, print run: 2300. Published monthly. Includes art by John Adkins Richardson.
- Front cover by Bob Juanillo
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- Artist Showcase #6 - featuring art by Thomas E. Rutten
- Chapter 2 of “The Starmasters” comic strip by Bill Black.
- “HOT AIR FROM A COOL FAN” by Andy Warner - opinion column.
- "EC Re-Created" centrespread from Bill Black.
- Captain America #14 cover recreation by Don Newton.
- Ad for Detroit Con 1970
- Ad for WEB OF HORROR seeking letters of support.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Duffy Vohland and Gary Ricker
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: 7:38 #1; Alter Ego #10 and #11; Anomaly #1, 2, and #3; Captain Biljo Presents #2; Captain Paragon #1; Comics Commentary #1, #2; Comic Crusader #9; Complete Index to Marvel Comics; El Moe Presents Maiden Voyage #1 (published?); Erb-Dom ; Fandom Annual #1 and #2; Fandom’s Fans #1; Fantastic Exploits #15; Fighting Hero Comics #14; G.F.I. #1; Golden Age #3 - #6; Graphic Story Magazine #12; Hephsemis #1; Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3; Infinity #1; Inter-Comic Fanzine #1-#3; Journey Into Comics #8; Nightmare #3; Paragon Illustrated #1 and #2; Power Comics ; Pox Vobiscum #1; Promethean Enterprises #2; Rocket’s Blast Special #7; Silver Starr in the Flame World; Spectrum; The Collector #17 - #20; The Comic Art Showcase #1; The Frank Frazetta Art Folio; This Is Legend #1; This World and Others #1
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #73
July 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Kirby Sides. 112 pages, print run: 2000. Published monthly.
- Front cover by Robert Kline - TOR
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip
- “EYEING THE EGOS” by Jan Strnad - new column.
- “HOT AIR FROM A COOL FAN” by Andy Warner - news and opinions
- Mystic #10 cover recreation by Kenneth Smith
- Multicon ’70 Convention Report by Andy Warner.
- Planet #70 art by Andy Warner
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from Mark Burbey.
- Iron Jaw drawing by Don Newton
- Includes the announcement that Artist Showcase is being cancelled.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: 7:38 #1; Alter Ego #10 and #11; Anomaly #1, #2, #3; Assorted Superlatives #2; Captain Biljo Presents #2; Captain George Presents (formerly Captain George’s Comic World); Comic Courier #4; Comic Kingdom (soliciting contributions); Erb-Dom ; Fandom Annual #1 and 2; Fandom Heights #1 (published?); Fandom’s Fans #1; Fantastic Exploits #15 and #16; Fantasy Features #5; Fighting Hero Comics #14; Fulcrum #1; Golden Age #3, #4, #5 and #6; Graphic Story Magazine #11 and #12; Helix #1; Hephsemis #1; Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3; Infinity #1, #2; Marvelzine Monthly #1 (published?); Michael Brand, The Gentleman Spy; MLJ Comic Index (Mike Nolan); Nedor Comic Index (Mike Nolan); New Worlds to Gain #5; Nucleus #5; Power Comics #1; Pulp #1; Rocket’s Blast Special #7; Styx #1; Tempest #3; The Collector #20; The Collector’s Guide (Jerry Bails); The Fawcett Index (“Coming Soon”) Mike Nolan; The Frank Frazetta Art Folio; This Is Legend #1; This World…And Others #1; Timely Comic Index (Mike Nolan).
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #73 interior, page one of the Multicon '70 Con Report by Andy Warner
Issue #73 interior, with Multicon '70 photos by John Ellis: Ken Donnell as the Man-Bat (top left); Bruce Hershensen, Bud Plant and a comics dealer (top right); Robert Brown and an unknown customer (bottom left); and John Clark, Don Newton, G.B. Love and Jim Van Hise (bottom right).
Multicon 70 cartoon by Professor John Adkins Richardson, featuring the artist (far left) and the RBCC crew battling Ellis' Polaroid camera: G.B. Love (left), Andy Warner (centre), John Ellis (as a 'pest' in the background) and Don Newton.
Issue #74
September 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Kirby Sides. 124 pages, print run: 2000. Published monthly. Includes art by Don Newton.
- Front cover by Richard Corben.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip.
- “EYEING THE EGOS” by Jan Strnad - column.
- “HOT AIR FROM A COOL FAN” by Andy Warner - news and opinions.
- Master #27 recreation art.
- Two-Face and Batman drawing by Don Newton.
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with a letter from John McLaughlin.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: Anomaly #3 (contains an update re Robert Kline leaving fandom); Armageddon #1 and #2; Bedlam #1 (published?); Captain Biljo Presents #2; Captain George Presents Series 3, #30: Captain America; Captain George Presents Series 3, #31 & #32: Secret Agent X-9; Captain George Presents: Frank Frazetta Special; Collectors’ Guide: First Heroic Age (Jerry Bails); Comic Book Price Guide 1st Edition; Comics Commentary #2; Detective’s, Inc. [sic]; Electric Stories #1; Fancal ’71 (never published); Fandom Annual #1 and #2; Fandom Media #2; Fandom’s Fans #1; Fantastic Exploits #15 and #16; Fighting Hero Comics #14; FMZ #1; Golden Age #3, #4 and #5; Graphic Story Magazine #11 and #12; Gremlin #2; Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3; Infinity #1 and #2; Marvelzine Monthly #1 (published?); Michael Brand, The Gentleman Spy; New Worlds to Gain #5; Oracle (UK zine); Phenomenon #2; Plastic Oracle #1; Portfolio #3; Pox Vobiscum #1; Promethean Enterprises #2; Reality #1; Rocket’s Blast Special #7 and #8; Silver Starr In The Flame World; Something Better #1 (published?); The Comic Artist #3; The Collector #21; The Red Reeb (published?); This Is Legend #1; This World and Others #1, #2; Tomorrow Magazine #1.
- classified comic book ads.
Issue #75
October 1970. Editor: G.B. Love; Associate Editor: Andy Warner; Assistant Editor: Kirby Sides. 140 pages, print run: 2000. Published monthly.
- Front cover by Don Newton.
- “RBCC INFORMATION CENTER” by Raymond Miller - question-and-answer feature dealing with readers' queries on all forms of pop entertainment, including comics, television, and movies.
- “COMIC COLLECTORS COMMENTS” by Howard P. Siegel - news, reviews, and gossip.
- “EYEING THE EGOS” by Jan Strnad - column.
- “The Professional Artist” by Adam Malin and Gary Berman.
- “HOT AIR FROM A COOL FAN” by Andy Warner - news and opinions.
- Ad for Phoenix Con (1970)
- "BLASTS FROM THE READERS" with letters from Mike Nolan and Greg Theakston.
- YE OLDE FANZINE SHOPPE: Anomaly #3; Armageddon (UK zine); Assorted Superlatives #2; Captain Biljo Presents #2; Captain George Presents - Frank Frazetta Special; Captain George Presents #28 - Virgil Finlay; Captain George Presents #41 - Virgil Finlay; Captain George Presents Series 3, #31 & #32: Secret Agent X-9; Comic Book Price Guide 1st Edition; Comicology #4; Doctor Weird #1; Electric Stories #1; Fancal ’71 (announcing its cancellation); Fandom Annual #1 and #2; Fandom Directory #1; Fandom’s Fans #1; Fantastic Exploits #15 and #16; Fighting Hero Comics #14; Frank Frazetta "Worldbeater" Posters; Funnyworld #12, #13; George #1; Golden Age #3, #5 and #6; Graphic Showcase #3; Graphic Story Magazine #12; Helix #1 ; I’ll Be Damned #2; Illustrated Comic Collectors Handbook #3; Infinity #1 and #2; New Worlds to Gain #5; Pox Vobiscum #1; Reality #1; Review (a 1965 fanzine published by Doug Moench); Rocket’s Blast Special #7 and #8; Seraphim #5; The City of Comics #1; The Collector #21; The Wigtonian; The Wonderful World of Comix #4/5; This World and Others #1; Venus #1 (published?); Yesteryear #2 (never published); Wart’s Epic #1; Witzend #5, 6, 7 And 8
- classified comic book ads.
- Ad for a portfolio of posters by Kenneth Smith in support of Phantasmagoria.
- ^ Zine details provided by (via Wayback Dec 11/23) and the Poopsheet Foundation (via Wayback Oct 2/23)
- ^ Post by Dana Marie Andra in G.B. Love, Andy Warner & RBCC Memories! Facebook, Sep 13/20
- ^ ""BACK IN MY DAYS AT THE RBCC" - PART 6 (of many)" by John Ellis, G.B. Love, Andy Warner & RBCC Memories! Facebook, Apr 8/18 (via Wayback May 31/24)