Archives/The Alarascape

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: The Alarascape
Author: Alara Rogers
Dates: 2001-2010 (last update)
Fandom: Farscape
URL: (via Wayback Mar 25/23)
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The Alarascape is an archive for Farscape fanfiction written by Alara Rogers.

Because it's gotten to the point where my Farscape fics need their own page.

This is not a place where you'll find sappy J/A romance, Bialar Crais' passionate love for Mary Sue, angsty songfics that intersperse the lyrics with the text, stories where Once Again John Crichton Singlehandedly Saves The Day, or other such fare. My niche is more character studies, especially on relatively rarely written about characters; villain fics; and the occasional outrageous sillyfic. I'm not likely to deal with romance much except when I'm trying to disturb people or make them laugh. I'm also more likely to write Farscape in response to challenges or ficathons or the like than anything else, for some reason, probably because my ideas don't take over my brain and want me to write novels in response.

All stories by me unless stated otherwise.

The Alarascape - Opening Message
