Epona Harper

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Name: Epona Harper
Type: Fan Writer
Fandoms: X-Men Movieverse, Farscape, Transformers, LOTR, MCU and Ghostbusters
Communities: ACFF, OTL, Subreality Cafe
URL: Fanfiction.net
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Epona Harper is a fanfiction writer active in a number of fandoms between the 1990s and 2010s.

Notable Works



Reviews and Recommendations

Regarding the Real Ghostbusters story, Cruel Necessity:

A practicing physician, Doc Epona is known for her medical accuracy (helpful for writing in a fandom with the potential for so many owwies). She's also intrigued by what she refers to as "durable consequences", in which the status quo is rocked and things do not reset to normal (even by the Ghostbusters' lax definition of that word) at the end of the story. And Peter Venkman is very changed by the end of this story.... Epona's vision of the RGB's New York is imbued with a fine sense of the "everyday" paranormal, which many authors in this fandom don't manage to capture. Throw in interdimensional intrigue that just might end life as we know it, and tell this complex story not only through our canon characters but through vibrant OCs, and you've got a must-read adventure. [1]


  1. ^ from Crack Van (December 30, 2006)