Alan Hanley

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Name: Alan Hanley
Alias(es): Jim Hanley, Alan James Hanley
Type: zine editor, fanartist, fanwriter
Fandoms: Comics
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Alan Hanley is a comics fandom zine editor, fanwriter and fanartist active from the late 1960s/early 1970s onwards.

Notable Fanworks





As Publisher

As Contributor

  • CB Fan Fair (1969) - front cover
  • The Collector
    • Issue #13 (1968) - "A Childish Look at Comic Heroes" co-written with Bill G. Wilson; plus art
    • Issue #15 (1969) - interior art
    • Issue #19 (1970) - writing credit
    • Issue #23 (1971) - art
    • Issue #24 (1971) - art
    • Issue $25 (1972) - "Greenhorn" - comic strip (Marvel/DC parody)
    • Issue #26 (1972) - "Greenhorn"
    • Issue #27 (1973) - "Greenhorn"
    • Issue #28 (1973) - "Greenhorn" and interior art
    • Issue #29 (1974) - "Greenhorn"
  • Auction Block Issue #4 (1970) - front cover art
  • All Dynamic
    • Issue #4 - back cover art (1970)
    • Issue #5-6 - "Goodguy" comic strip and back cover art (1970)
  • Rocket's Blast Comicollector #77 - interior art (1970)
  • Assorted Superlatives Issue #2 (1971) - interior art
  • Comic & Crypt
    • Issue #4 - interior art (1971)
    • Issue #5 - interior art (1971)
    • Issue #6 - Captain Marvel/Justice League of America parody comic (1972)
  • Chronicle #1 (1972) - art
  • Cloak and Dagger Vol. 2, #2 (unknown date) - art
  • Advent #2 (1978) - art
  • Bazz Fazz (1982) - art