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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Abyssnet
Author: Abyss
Dates: 2000-2002
Fandom: comics, Subreality Cafe
URL: via Wayback Sep 10/02
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Abyssnet was the author page for comics fanfic writer Abyss during the early 2000s.

Greetings and salutations.

"skkkt" "kkrkt"

and a hearty hello from my predatory canaballistic [sic] bunny slipper associates (who you can see below, courtesy of Junkmail and the CFAN Adoption Board, cute, aren't they? Just don't get too close).

If you've been here before, you know what to do. If this is your first time here, I'll take this opportunity to welcome you to the definitive collection of Abyssmal fanfic on the Internut. Here you will find pretty much everything fanfic related that I have ever written, emailed, or pulled out of what passes for my brain. Most of it is X-men related, but there are a few other items around as well.

If action, adventure, drama, or gratuitous bloodshed are to your taste, head to the Abysserious section.

If you're more in the mood for something lighter, funnier, or surreal, I'd recommend Abyssilliness.

Any feedback is welcome, even a quick 'I liked it', 'I hated it', or 'Who are you and what have you done with the real Abyss?'.

Feel free to come back often. Very often. In fact, you should make a point of coming here every time you log in. And bring friends. And send money. LOTS of money.

"hssskt" and gummi bears.

This page was created in truly stylish manner by Sabia, and since can't pay her, please send her many accolades and praise. This page will be updated periodically when I happen to drag myself out of reality long enough to write something.

Main Page - AbyssNet


Notes in italics by Abyss


  • Black-Ops: A fast-paced look into what really happened on Creed, North and Logan's final Black-Ops mission into Berlin... the mission that brought Omega Red to life.
  • Generation X: This Space(ship) for Rent!: It's GenX in space... "Dammit Jim, I'm a mutant teenager, not a starship pilot!"
  • Nightbirds: One of the first stories of The Common People. A young woman's power offers escape from her tedious life, but at a price that pulls at her soul.
  • Old Wounds, New Nightmares - In the Marvelverse, Onslaught was stopped. In this story, the cost was much higher, and a single survivor must become the leader of a whole new Dream...
  • (Beast and X-Force appear as well.)
  • Pale Reign Over Geshem - In a magical kingdom, four alternate Scott Summers' are caught up in a fight to save the world. Some familiar friends show up along the way, but you've never seen them like this before... note: 383K
  • SFX: Opening Moves - A new group of government controlled mutants goes on their first mission against Magneto... and fails. Or do they?
  • Skulls & X-Bones - Captain Logan, Lady Mariko, and their merry crew of pirates have to sail against an armada determined to wipe them out. Its an adventure on the high seas in an alternate world!
