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Darklady's Fiction

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Name: Darklady's Fiction
Date(s): 2003-2016
Archivist: Darklady
Founder: Darklady
Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Bat Family, DCU
URL: Original Site (via Wayback, Mar 4/17)
AO3 collection
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Part of the Offpanel.net hubsite, Darklady's Fiction appears to have been created in 2003[1] and closed in November 2016. Prior to that, in March 2016, its move to AO3 was approved by the OTW Open Doors Committee; however, only a fraction of the fic from this archive were transferred.

The set up of the archive was very basic, with a main page and then links to the four sections - Hornetverse, DCU, Other Fandoms and Original Work. The site itself was incomplete at the time it closed, with the sections for "Other Fandoms" and "Original Work" marked as still under construction at the time of closing.

The archive had two active sections: the "Hornetverse" which were stories set in Darklady's ongoing Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson slash series; and DCU, which were stories about other properties from the DC Comics universe.


All notes in italics were written by the author.


Bruce Wayne/Dick Grayson - stories in the order they appear on the archive.

  • Start As You Mean To Go On - Bruce at age seven. (G) (2003)
  • Changeover - It's Dick's 17th birthday and he and Bruce have plans.
    • Warning: (Almost) underage implications. Dick Grayson at 17. If you have a problem - don't read.
  • Over the Hood - sex pollen. (NC-17 slash) (2002)
    • Note: The Robin referred to here is Dick Grayson, not Jason Todd or Tim Drake. Dick has left the Manor, and is now a student at Hudson University. Can everybody say "age of consent"? I thought you could.
  • Blue on Blue - Bruce reflects on Nightwing's return to Gotham (PG) (2003)
    • Squick Factor. Dick has just returned to Gotham. I'm absolutely sure he is over 18 - and possibly over 21. Anyway - way legal.
  • Tag Back
    • Moving Violation - Bruce Wayne encounters the strong arm of the law. (NC-17 slash) (2003)
      • Squick Factor. Ummm - implied ( and not very convincing) non-con.
    • Dress Blues - Dick is graduating from the police Academy when Bruce decides to call. (R) (2003)
      • Squick Factor. Ummm -language? Dick Grayson stands tall. (Or is that...Grayson's dick stands tall?)
  • To Be Your Valentine - Valentine's Day is coming - and Dick Grayson has red roses on his desk. (PG) (2003)
    • ( absolutely NOTHING happens, but it's still Hornet universe)
  • Video
    • Just-Ass League - A policeman's lot is not a happy one - especially when a porn bust reveals Superhero porn. (PG) (2003)
      • Rated: PG - for indirect discussion of celluloid sex. Your kid could read it, they just wouldn't get the jokes. Hornet universe, but nothing happening here. Maybe later, but not here.
    • Teen Tight-Uns - The movie-bust fall-out continues... and it's strange. PG) (2003)
      • Rated PG for indirect discussion of mostly het sex and RUDE JOKES. And Lian isn't allowed to read this list. ( But her Daddy probably does.). Hornet universe, but nothing happening here.
    • Hot Links - This was supposed to be slash. It just never happened. Fictives are sometimes stubborn that way. Consider it a sequel ( of sorts ) to Just-Ass. Just not on film. It's the answer to "What would BW think if he saw this site?" In view of human nature, I'm sure they exist, and the Bat knows all about them. He's the Bat, after all. But this way is more fun. (PG) (2003)
  • Christmas Present' - Bruce Wayne at Christmas. Where does one go to buy 'faith, hope, and charity? Rated: D for depressing. (PG) (2003)
    • For those with virgin eyes? This is set in my 'Hornet-verse and so is technically 'slash' - although 100% sex-free. If hugs offend you... please PLEASE don't read anything I write. We'll both be happier. Honest.
  • Night of the Hornet - What price love? Two generations join for justice. (PG-13 to R+) (2003)
Prologue and Introduction:

Pairs: (Batman/Nightwing) + (Green Hornet/Kato) - in reference

Rated: About R. Some chapters are PG-13 (sexual reference)or NC-17 (real sex) while others are R+ for sex and non-sexual bad language. While posted in chapters this work is to be viewed as a whole. All adult matter is an integral part of the story and necessary to plot and character development.

Disclaimer: The following is a work of Fan Fiction. Batman, Nightwing, and all related 'superhero' characters are the property of DC Comics and/or Warner Brothers. The Green Hornet, Kato, and all related characters are the property of Green Hornet Inc. and/or other copyright holders. No commercial use is being made and no copyright infringement is intend. This story is to be viewed as 'satire' for purposes of law. All other borrowed and referenced characters are the property of their various copyright holders. Original characters are mine.

This disclaimer applies to all chapters.

Location: All Bat-related characters may be assumed to be from the Comic universe, and the story to take place within a year or so of the current time. Pre-dates are difficult, but this is set close enough to the current time as to keep Richard Grayson as a member of the Bludhaven Police, and far enough in the future to have him slightly past rookie status. All Hornet related characters are drawn from mixed media, but should be viewed in the time line of the movie serials with Warren Hull and Keye Luke. Some radio references are also used. No Reference Whatsoever is made to the Batman TV series , in which the Batman and Green Hornet met.

Various fan fiction references have been incorporated as a tribute to the writers. No infringement of or claim on their works is to be assumed.

The name of Lee is used as a tribute to the well-known actor, but no other reference or identification is intended.

Slash: This story and it's associated stories evolve from an 'early-slash' universe in which there is never a paternal relationship between Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson. After a period of interruption the relationship has resumed, and despite occasional difficulties they are an 'old married couple' - sort of.

Summary: Legends from two eras join in the quest for justice.

Archive: Smitty rules!. Anywhere else - please ask.


  • Sweet Sixteen - Happy Birthday, Tim Drake. (PG) (2003)
    • Slash/Het ?: No. Not a chance. Hornet universe, but Tim is SIXTEEN! And you have a dirty mind. Note: This story was written in the early Young Justice days. Both the YJ line up and the DCU characters generally have been though a few changes since then. I will try to note major reality shifts, but those who have not read Young Justice for the last two years may occasionally be a bit confused.
  • True Confessions - Brothers discuss lovers. Warning: Not your usual Dick/Babs story. (R) (2003?)
    • Rate this one R for underage - even if it is only in exposition. Also - a few bad words.
  • Vegas Knights - What Happens in Vegas.... Dick wants Bruce. Bruce want's...? (PG-13) (2003)
    • Slash: Officially yes. None on scene . ( A few cryptic remarks, but if you don't know you wont know) Unless you count Siegfried and Roy. They are, I'm fairly certain. Still, Hornet Universe. Sequel: Sort of. Starts about 15 minutes after Sweet Sixteen
  • Day of the Jaguar - Love. Duty. Destiny. The Gold Throne of the Jaguar God. (or - What I did on my Summer Vacation. By Dick Grayson.) (PG-13 to R+) (2002)
    • Slash: This story and it's associated stories evolve from an 'early-slash' universe in which there is never a paternal relationship between Bruce Wayne and Richard Grayson. After a period of interruption the relationship has resumed, and despite occasional difficulties they are an 'old married couple' - sort of.
  • The Black Tulip Affair - (or Daring Adventure from the Kinky Case-files of Bull and Leatherboy) (PG-ish in fact, but R-ish as DL doesn't write for kids) (2003?)
    • Squick Factor. Ummm... serious BDSM - but not taken very seriously. Some may be offended at the lack of offensiveness.

For the full Hornetverse series in chronological order, it is posted to Darklady's AO3 account: The Hornet-verse



  • The 'Switch' Series (Batman/Bruce Wayne) - This little excursion into... ahem... character study... should be blamed on JLA #50. (pub Feb 2001) For those of more recent fandom, that was when ( for no yet revealed reason) the members of the Justice League were 'split' - with the result that their 'super hero' aspect and their 'secret identity' aspect ended up in two separate bodies.
    • A Prolix of Persona - One can divide the body. One can divide the mind. How does one divide the heart? (NC-17+) (2001)
      • Slash : Yes! Oh. yes! Kinky warnings! (Bruce/Dick/Batman)
    • The Game of Princes - When everybody loves you... eventually you need to get some sleep.(NC-17+) (2001)
      • Slash : Yes! Oh. yes! Kinky warnings! (Bruce/Dick/Batman) Warning!: Hotter then Nevada in August!
    • Learning Curve - Bruce Wayne is a billionaire who gets whatever he wants. Batman is an unstoppable legend. Both of them want only one thing. You do the math. (NC-17+) (2001)
      • Slash : Yes! Oh. yes! Kinky warnings! Warning : B&D content (Although not real serious. Just playing. )
    • To Thy Own Self Be True - Bruce Wayne and Batman both use Dick to deal with their emotions. (For multiple meanings of 'dick'.) (NC-17+) (2001)
      • Slash : Yes! Oh. yes! Kinky warnings! (Bruce/Dick/Batman) Warning!: Nasty meaningless sex! No value what so ever! You are warned!
  • (Bruce Wayne/Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson)
    • Recovery - Here is another 'pairing-that-should-not-be' - although strictly speaking it's not a pair. Seriously OOC - maybe. My best answer to both multi-partner and does-this-include-Babs questions. Strictly a one-shot. I will NEVER do this group again. (Well, not unless a SUPREMELY EXCELLENT plot bunny was to hop my way. ) (NC-17) (2002)
  • (Bruce Wayne/Jason Todd)
    • Never Again - No part of any 'verse. This spun off from a question about underwear (I have strange plot bunnies) and evolved to an exploration of Jason Todd as a slashable character. Some folks write this pairing very well. I think I'm still trying to get a handle on it. (PG-13) (2002)
      • Slash?: Technically? I'm not sure. Call it un-slash, but Jason/Bruce anyway.
    • Men and Boys - This is my only other Jason Todd fic - and it's a lot happier. Almost sugar-fluff. Almost. This is one of three short stories that evolved from an SKH suggestion of "over the hood of the Batmobile". I decided that would make a great starting point for a character study of the three Robins. The other two are elsewhere on this site. They are not - however - a series. So you are not REQUIRED to accept that all three Robins are.... ahem.(R) (2002)
      • Note: The Robin referred to here is Jason Todd. In this AU Jason was never adopted by Bruce. Therefore - no incest. We clear on that? Thank you. (Those with age of consent issues hereby have my permission to extend the DCU time line so that Jason is 18 in this story. )
  • (Bruce Wayne/Harvey Bullock)
    • Reverie - This evolved from a discussion on the aesthetic value of the Batman/Martian Manhunter 'ship. (See Chicago's J'onn-verse page. Really. DO! It's better than you think. I promise. She will make you believe. ) Anyway - If you thought a big ball of green goo was a strange romantic lead? This is what happens when you get my mind going on 'undesirable' and 'unpleasant' pairing. (PG) (20002)
  • (Bruce Wayne/Terry McGinnis)
    • Sometimes - My one and only Batman Beyond fic. Although I'd love to write more. I just refuse to 'de-age' Bruce, and I suspect that most readers would find the age gap disturbing. (Of course, those readers who know me are going 'and this is a problem HOW?!? - because I DO disturbing.) So until I get the right plot bunny - this is all there is. (R) (2002)


  • (Smallville--Clark/Lex)
    • Movie Night - Clark and Lex spend a night at home watching old sci-fi B movies. Really - it's that simple. I first wrote this for a challenge - but it was never posted there. I suspect because it lacked angst. Oh well. (PG-13) (2002)
    • Introspection - Luthor thinks back. This is really a TV slash - and there are days when I think Smallville is not just AU to the comic series but totally 'did they even read the book?' AU. Still, I do find the show fun. Consider this Smallville 'informed' by DCU cannon. (R) (2002)
  • (Bizarro Superman/Bizarro Jimmy Olson)
    • Bad Day for a Black Wedding - This is - to date - my only Superman/Jimmy Olson bit. Inspired by the insane fun of Harley Quinn #18. (Not the best title, and very uneven, but that particular issue I would recommend to anyone with a taste for pure slapstick insanity. ) All you need to know is that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy use the Bizarro duplicator to make a Bizarro Harlequin as a 'bride' for Bizarro-Superman. (NC-17) (2002)

Captain Marvel

  • The 'Little Billy' Series
    • Looking for William Batson - 80+ years in the 4th grade can be hard on a guy. Sometimes Billy just needs to get outside of himself. (And inside someone else.) (R) (2003)
      • Slash: (Off stage, but with underage implications. Sort of. This ones a mind-bender.)
    • Friends - In which William Baxton does not get any. My reply to the 'Orbs de Azure' Not-Having-Sex Challenge. (R) (2003)
      • Slash: (Off stage, but with underage implications. Sort of.)
    • SHAZAM! - In which William Baxton gets... Pizza. In which Kon-El gets... William Baxton. I was not planning on writing this. In fact, I wasn't planning on this pairing at all. But.... FB is persuasive. So this fic is dedicated to Dannell (founder of the First Church of the Divine Moley), and to Tinn (who asked nicely.) Both of whom write very nice fic for me, and deserve a lot more then just this. (NC-17) (2003)
      • Slash: Yes! At last! Pairing: Captain Marvel/Superboy
    • Marvels - There's got to be a morning after. (R+) (2003)
      • Slash: Well... post-slash Pairing: Captain Marvel /Superboy.
    • Puppy Love - For those who remember the more recent 'pick up line generator'? I put in Billy Batson and I got... well... you'll see. It inspired a fic called... (PG) (2005)
      • (mild squick factor - off screen)

Justice Society of America

  • (Atom-Smasher/Star-Spangled Kid)
    • Partners - Sweet, het, and probably cannon. This one get into rare pairs only because it involves two of the most 'who cares' characters in the DCU. PG-13) (2001)
  • (Green Arrow/Hawkman)
    • Straight Arrow - Note: Very vaguely inspired by the events of Green Arrow whatever-number-it-was, when Hawkman and Green Arrow get into a fight that Black Canary has to break up. More inspired by a list challenge who's exact wording is - I'm sorry to say - long forgotten. Included here just because - and here I cackle madly - it is one ODD pairing. Bet you never see this couple again. (PG-ish) (2002)

Power Company

  • The 'Career' Series (Josiah Powers) - The Power Company title is apparently dead - the victim of writers with brains enough to come up with a great idea but not balls enough to stand up for it. (Not that I'm like- bitter or anything. )But as DC didn't exactly kill the Company off - it is hereby declared to continue in MY world. (All fear the power of the ficcer.) Also - as this was written right after the introductory issues - there will be a few strange details. Rupert No-Last-Name was white at this time - declared Black later - and drawn no darker then Witchfire in the last issue. I am hereby pulling a Tiger Woods and declaring the question a non-issue.
    • Career Moves - (R) (2002)
    • Career Change - (PG) (2003)
    • Career Management - This is just a bit of fun with some minor characters I was trying to develop. Again - there should have been a story involving Rathaway (Piper), Dick Grayson (Nightwing), and the Fiddler. That was before the Flash plotline got Rathaway arrested for murder. Oh well - maybe someday. In the mean time -see how many gay DCU characters you can spot. (G) (2003)
    • Power of Persuasion - Basically, I didn't believe the motivation for Skyrockets decision at the end of Power Company #3. So I asked myself - what could make a smart woman do something she thinks is not such a good idea? And the answer came back. As always - a hunky guy. (PG) (2003)

Other Fandoms

Unfortunately, this section was not completed before the archive shut down.

Original Work

Unfortunately, this section was not completed before the archive shut down.

Message Board

Link to the Offpanel.net Message Board (Via Wayback, Jun 4/03)
