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The K/S Press/Issues 081-090

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The K/S Press 81 (June 2003)

  • a fan writes of fiction lost to fans:
    I have a friend, met in '82, who wrote novels and stories and hid them in her bedroom. She would never send them to anyone else because she didn't know about zines and other rabid fans. I told her and she was aghast. Pleasantly. I tried for years to get her to submit them, but no dice. Too shy. Today they're still in her drawer gathering dust and she's moved on to just real life. So sad. Please don't let that happen to your stories.

  • a fan has these opinions about K/S art:
    I hear what you have to say about art in K/S zines and I take it very seriously. I adore K/S art and I always want to have lots of it in the zines that Dusky and I publish. So far, we have been extraordinarily lucky, I think, to have been able to put lots of art in almost all our zines. I also think the artists we have working today are really good. And there are more and more of them out there that we don't even know about. For example, I didn’t even know that Dreadnought could draw until she offered an illustration for the story she wrote for Beyond Dreams 6. So I think that the present and the future of K/S art is pretty rosy. As to photomanipulations: I like many of them. Some are extraordinary. The early days of the head inexpertly applied to the foreign body are pretty much over as people learn their craft, and some of the results I've seen take my breath away. I see pen and ink artwork and photomanipulations as two separate categories, though. They take some different skills to execute, though very similar requirements for color and form, etc.

The K/S Press 82 (July 2003)

  • a fan applauds another:
    I meant to write and say how much I enjoyed reading your report in the May KSP about how you spent your K/S Day, but last month was hectic and I was out of town for half of it, and time just got away from me. I wish I had sheets like yours and could be on the Enterprise! What an understanding husband. You have him well trained! And I always feel like writing a LOC about your LOC’s. They are so beautifully written and so interesting that I always have to go reread the stories you LOC. But you really outdid yourself in the June KSP, especially the two about Katherine Cooke’s stories. They were works of art!

The K/S Press 83 (August 2003)

  • a fan is looking forward to the release of the fifth movie on DVD:
    Star Trek V is due to be released on October 14, and while William Shatner has told us again and again that they would not allow him to revamp the movie for DVD release, there are some promising claims being made. The hype on the ST Website says there will be over five hours of bonus material including commentaries, deleted scenes, special features and interviews, production art, an Easter Egg and more. An Easter Egg?? Who knows what that means? The part that interested me was the deleted scenes reference. Further into the article it reads, “A variety of deleted scenes from STV”. Like most of you, I’d welcome any and all additional footage. While STV had lots of obvious problems, when you look at it from a K/S point of view, it had many plusses. Many don’t like the campground scenes, and I love them. There are so many camping scenarios in K/S fiction, this allows me to see in widescreen how our guys really look tucked into their sleeping bags. Naturally, I would prefer a slightly different sleeping arrangement, but that’s why I read K/S. One of my favorite still photos of all time is the one of Kirk, Spock and Bones in their camping gear and Kirk standing with his arm around Spock. It appeared in a couple of publications and with today’s PC technology, it’s easy to scan the photo and encourage McCoy to step outside the frame, leaving the two in a most friendly pose. Paramount promises a couple of William Shatner interviews on the second disk, so there should be some worthwhile things to see.

  • a fan reminisces:
    I guess I've never lost my enthusiasm for Jim and Spock and their special relationship. And the KS stories! I just eat them up. Especially ones that are so innovative and interesting like Katherine's. And Jenna's and...and...well, never mind, we haven't the space to name all the authors. No other fandom can give me what they do and have been doing for lo these many years. When I was naively new to K/S and just into zines, I vented my passion for it by writing fan letters to the authors and editors. The first one I ever wrote was to Della Van Hise (who thought I was loony), and to [Gayle F]. Gayle even answered me and I felt proud! Now we have the KSP to express our feelings and can send open fan letters to the creators of these pieces of art. I don't care who says they're not art, I believe they are.

  • this fan has a supportive spouse:
    My husband, he's a gem, don't know what I'd do without him. Of course he does not like ST nor KS but allows me my obsession, and not condescendingly. He's great and I'm lucky!

  • organizers encourage others to attend the next KiScon:
    Registration is just $80 through August 31. After that it goes up to $85 and then $90 after November 30. Registration includes a lot: all the normal things at every good con, but also the Friday Evening Birthday Party with cake and beverages, informal breakfast on Saturday morning, and our big Saturday Evening Dress Uniform Formal Dinner with wine. Our Goodie Bag, this time called the KiScon Pleasure Pack, promises to be something special. The con zine will present some wonderful K/S poetry and short stories, too, yours free with the registration. And don't forget that there's a free hotel shuttle to and from the airport. Never been to a K/S convention before, never been to Shore Leave? Not to worry. We are a small, intimate convention and we are a very friendly group. We even have officially designated Hospitality Ambassadors whose specific job is to make sure folks new to the con will feel comfortable and welcomed. Considering coming to the con from overseas? We open our arms wide and will do everything we can to make sure your stay is a great one. If you're uncertain about the airport, we'll make arrangements for somebody from the con to be there when you arrive. If you want to come a little earlier to avoid jet lag, we've negotiated the special con rate from early that week until late the next, so you won't be stuck with expensive hotel bills if you want to explore this area of the United States. It's hard for me to describe what KiScon is really like. To me it's like a walking dream. And you know how hard it is to describe dreams. Suffice it to say that Kirk and Spock are prominently featured in this one! This year an extremely capable and enthusiastic con committee is helping me organize events, and thank goodness for them! There will be a fully stocked dealers' room, videos/movies/shorts running all the time in the movie theater, a full schedule of panels and workshops, lots of evening events and entertainment (the best part for me), and the love of Kirk and Spock running through every hour. New additions this year will be raffles with great prizes you will definitely want, a silent auction featuring all sorts of eye-catching merchandize, a new and improved KiScon Pleasure Pack (even though it will be hard to improve over last con's model!), and a con charity. We'll be supporting California's Friendly House. But you know what the best part of the con is? It's the chance to meet and talk with fellow K/Sers. From our pre-con dinner on Thursday night at the restaurant next door to the con hotel to the post-con breakfast on Monday morning, there is a free flow of conversation and/or understanding. We can be exactly who we are, we can express ourselves exactly how we want to, because everybody at the con is the same way! Even if you don't feel like talking and prefer reading in the Reading Room or watching vids or just sitting back and observing panels instead of throwing your opinion in the ring, you are on friendly ground.

The K/S Press 84 (September 2003)

  • a fan comments on being a monofan:
    I had a brief, overnight visit from a former fellow TOS & K/S fan who lives far away from me. She was determined to convert me to another fandom and managed in the course of the staying with my one and only love TOS. She had a friend with her who writes slash for several other fandoms who ok me for a while after they left, I do respect the friend, her writing is very good in the TOS & K/S world is well known (from many years ago) and I know she is well respected in several other fandoms. I kept turning it over in my mind, what was wrong with me that after all these years, I still loved the TOS. I still can put an episode on and be pulled in to watch without moving a muscle (especially with the DVD's), any mention of our guys and I smile inwardly. If I finish a section of a story Lynn and I are working on (and we have been working, actually finished a couple TOS though), I feel a bounce in my step for the next day. I get a kick out of my guys (mini-mates) sitting by my computer at work and the fact that every day I come in, someone has rearranged them during the night (Last week Kirk, Spock and McCoy were all holding hands, this week, something bad happened, Kirk was lying face down on the ground, Spock lying face up and McCoy was running towards them). So, I kept thinking why? Why after all these years, do I feel the same joy? What's wrong with me? And then, the very next day, my K/S Press arrived. And suddenly, I'm surrounded by all you screwed-up... ahem... and the joy and enthusiasm is there in every review written, in every con report and roundtable. We love playing in this world and if there are others that can't understand, it's their loss.

  • a fan comments on Kirk and Spock's sexual orientation:
    The question of Kirk's and Spock's sexual designation has been discussed many times here, but I was thinking about it recently and decided I'd share my feelings. Don't you think we are all hesitant to classify Kirk or Spock as gay because we don't want them to fall under the stereotypical image that inevitably pops into our heads when we hear the word "gay"? Even though our passion is to explore the lives of Kirk and Spock together as lovers, this is a learned response in many cultures. It is a contradiction, but one I think most of us live with. Most of the time, how I think about it is that I don't think about it. They love each other. That love transcends gender. I adamantly choose not to believe that either of them is or ever was attracted to another man. Don't like that idea at all. Idealism has so much to do with K/S. These men represent our highest ideals. They are ideal leaders, heroes if you will. They possess ideal personality traits: highly intelligent, brave, creative, understanding, sensitive, loving, and without each otherlonely and incomplete. With the kind of idealism that we have regarding Kirk and Spock, I certainly cannot see them as feminine at all. They are the picture of masculinity. Some don't believe that a true man can be a lover of man. We in K/S know this is untrue. It follows naturally that we see their love as ideal. So why try to package it as gay or bi or anything else? It is unique as they are unique.

The K/S Press 85 (October 2003)

  • a fan comments about Bev Volker and one of her zines:
    I was surprised when someone said in the last KSP that Bev Volker had died. Obviously I have not been reading my KSPs very well. And frankly my only news these days comes from either KSP or private email. I am not on any Star Trek or K/S list. (Okay, I am on a list but it is "read at site" for me and I probably haven't visited the site in 12 months.) I loved, absolutely loved, Home is the Hunter, and think it was one of the best Star Trek zines that wasn't slash that I have ever read. If (and this is a big if) I ever decided to collect Star Trek and K/S fanzines again on a limited basis, that would probably be one of the ten zines I would like— whether as a separate novel or as it was combined into Contact 5/6, if I remember correctly. Once I wrote to Bev and I received a very nice letter back from her. Anyway, if there is any reader of KSP out there now who has not read Home Is the Hunter by Bev Volker and I believe Nancy Kippax, I urge you to try to get a copy. It's a wonderful story. I just believe this was one of the better Kirk-Spock novels ever written. It was a joy to read because the writing was so good. And you suffered along with these people. The pain was real. I have rarely read something as moving as this novel. Of course, you have to like h/c to like this novel.

  • a fan writes of LoCs and such:
    I don't think a LOC has to be 100% complimentary. Making criticisms can sometimes help a writer. Or making some criticisms just allows you to be honest. I don't believe in slathering on praise when it is not sincere. But I do not believe in 100% negative criticism. That may be honest, but it's mean. I'd hate to see K/S become as slash fanzine barren as my other fandom, Blake's 7...I definitely believe in zines. And giving feedback in KSP helps give encouragement to people to put their efforts into zines as opposed to just putting them on a list or on the net. After all, there are people like me who have computers but yet who do not read K/S on a list or on the net.If it's not in a zine, then I have no chance of ever reading any new K/S. I despise reading stories in short little segments, and I despise reading stories on a monitor. I just refuse to do it except for some Blake's 7 stories because there simply aren't enough good B7 zines being done these days. In fact this year, I have yet to buy one new B7 zine (slash or gen), and I think I have bought at least four new K/S zines, maybe more.

  • another fan has these thoughts on comments regarding on sexual orientation made in the previous issue:
    I think you are exactly right about our reasons for not wanting to categorize Kirk and Spock as gay. At least they are my reasons. Actually I dislike hearing any of the labels which we apply to today's groups being used in the 23rd century K/S stories. I always hope that by then there will be no labels at all and that, as Gene Roddenberry stated in some episodes, everyone is accepted for what he or she is and not stereotyped as gay or lesbian or anything else. Like you, most of the time I don't think about it. But when I do, I believe that neither Jim nor Spock has ever been with another man; attracted perhaps but not 'been with'... You say Jim and Spock are the picture of masculinity and that's true. But that word in itself is a kind of stereotype that sometimes gets my dander up. I mean that some people think it means that Jim and Spock and men in general, cannot be tender or show at times so- called feminine traits. I think, on the other hand that, especially far into the future, strong, commanding males can indeed show softness, tenderness and even, at times, weakness. Of course, in our idealist model of Kirk and Spock, they show that weakness only with each other and in private. I don't mean they should be depicted as blubbering all over each other or giving in a lot; that's not my definition of weakness anyway. Neither should the word feminine be ascribed as being soft or non-aggressive, non-threatening, etc. I guess it's that old symbol of yin and yang that I prefer. Each gender has the best traits of both sexes. That's the way I see it, in any case.

  • one fan tells another:
    Please don't put yourself down for not being on the net—it’s true there is a whole new world of K/S out there in cyberspace, but there is also a fantastic amount of quality stories and pictures in the world of zines. I wouldn't like to give up either, but if faced with giving up the net or my library of zines and access to new ones, the zines would win hands down. In fact, I seldom read a story on the net. It just isn’t “natural” for me.

  • there is an announcement:
    Imagine this: a cold winter's afternoon and (unbelievably) you are free for hours. There's a comfy armchair beckoning you, perhaps your laptop is ready to be popped open, and you know that for the next several hours, you'll get to read a long and luscious K/S story. That's exactly the scenario that Lady Kardasi's Domain and Beyond Dreams Press are trying to create with the Kirk/Spock Online Festival 2003, Wave II. It's the novel/novella challenge! Yes, we've announced this before, but so far there aren't that many people participating, so we are upping the ante, and really hoping that many of you will give this challenge a try. What's different with this announcement? Well, for one thing, we've established real cash prizes that might go up in amount if we receive a few donations, but will definitely be at least at this level: First Prize: $50 Second Prize: $30 Third Prize: $20. If you'd love to be that person in the first paragraph, reading on a cold winter day, then why not encourage people to participate by adding a few dollars? Donations can be given at the KSOF-2003 website, URL below. Maybe you have an extra two dollars that you can contribute. The top three stories will win the prizes, with the reservation that there are several submissions to choose from. But...the prizes won't mean much if we don't have participants. We want you, and we want you to write! But not only that. We want you to write a longer K/S story! Would you consider taking up this challenge? Novellas can be from 15,000 to 40,000 words. Novels can be from 40,000 to 100,000 words. The deadline is December 31, 2003. There are lots more details at the website at http://www.kardasi.com/KSOF-2003/, which is also where you can donate the money you've earned (with blood, sweat and tears) to this worthy cause!... Please don't join unless you plan on writing something for the festival, though, since there won't be any stories posted on the list.

The K/S Press 86 (November 2003)

  • a fan writes of Creation Cons:
    From what I’ve seen, all the Creation cons seem to have the same format. The guests speak and then sign autographs, there is a dealer’s room, and that is about it. No panels, no showing of films, etc.

  • a fan writes:
    I'm so relieved at what you said about not liking to sit in front of a pc and read stories. Neither do I! I feel so strongly about it but feel sort of old fashioned too.

  • the organizer of KiScon is offering assistance:
    A few people have had some problems getting exactly the type room they wanted when they called the 800 reservations number for Holiday Inn. I believe all the ambiguities have been solved and I have wrestled the hotel people into submission, where they lay gasping on the floor. If you have encountered any problem with your reservation at all, please call back and you should be able to get the room type, the bed number, etc. that you request. If anybody has any problems with reserving a room, please, don't fight the good fight with the 800 people. Email me and let me fight that good fight! I am happy to help. Besides, they cringe when they hear my voice. If you are coming from overseas, please don't spend a lot of money making that long-distance phone call to reserve your room. I will be happy to do that for you. Just email me.

  • more on KiScon:
    Back to do what we'll be doing over the KiScon weekend. We endeavor to present a full-service con, so we'll have a full schedule of panels. The first KiScon, we had too many panels, and I was asked to provide some breaks in the schedule. Gee, I didn't know it was necessary to eat when you could talk about Kirk and Spock instead! Well, breaks are provided. We don't want to exhaust anybody.... Sprinkled among the panels will be plenty of workshops. They proved to be really popular last year. We'll have workshops on art, on vidding, on poetry, on writing....There will be a full schedule of videos running througout the weekend. I mean throughout it, starting early Friday morning before the con actually starts and running through to late Sunday afternoon. We'll also have television and vcr in the hospitality suite for a second option, so if you missed a vid you desperately want to see, you can do so by borrowing the vid and slipping up to the suite. It's also possible to watch a particular songvid over and over and over and over again. As we did at KiScon 2 on Sunday night. Who can get enough of Dante's Prayer?... Our art show will be open throughout Friday and Saturday. Last KiScon we had about 80-100 pieces, I think. Artists! CGA Artists! I hope you will want to display your work at KiScon! The art auction will take place on Sunday morning, as usual. I am always happy to help somebody who can't get the art you purchased home easily by mailing it for you later that week. And for those times when your voice is hoarse from talking so much in the panels and you just need a little peace and quiet, don't forget our reading room, which will be fully stocked with all sorts of K/S zines, a bunch of gen zines, and plenty of interesting articles and magazines, etc. A fan who was truly faithful about cutting out all sorts of articles has willed me some of her material. It will make interesting browsing! And the hospitality suite, of course, will be open many hours for you to enjoy. That will also be fully stocked with food and drink of all sorts, so if your budget is tight you can graze there without expense. And of course, K/S toys. Hey, not that kind of toy! I don't think....

The K/S Press 87 (December 2003)

  • a fan comments on K/S fandom:
    can't help but reflect on the miracle that surrounds us in our K/S world every day. Thirty five years after the close of the series, 37 amazing years since its debut, just look at the things that are available to us. We should be haunting dark corners of dusty antique shops looking for a mildewed scrap or two of literature, a forgotten picture or toy from The Original Series. But are we bent over the scrap heap looking for these things? Not on your life! We are diving through the hundreds of entries on ebay, we are ordering from Art Asylum our new TOS figures, collecting calendars and books from Amazon or Barnes & Noble, buying new zines as quickly as they come off the press and exploring endless internet sites. Don't forget DVD and the ability to capture any scene at the exact second that we wish. It isn't so much the fan side of TOS that surprises me—I know the tenacity and sincere love that keeps us fen involved. But the idea that commerce is still trading on the popularity of Kirk and Spock sometimes boggles my mind.

  • a fan artist describes an afternoon of having a friend help her find some male porn to use as photo references for her own work:
    He and I perused websites on the internet because he knew of some sites where I could get romantic photos of two men together to use for my artwork. Well, you all should have been here (well, maybe not) as he searched for that particular site. I sat in front of the computer screen trying to maintain my cool as these web sites came up with huge, enormous penises coming out from the screen like 3-D in your face. He acted like we were looking at pictures of trees or something. So after my blush subsided and my heart rate went back to normal, he found some nice photos for me to use. Boy! But what a journey!

  • a faned describes taking some more explicit art to a printer:
    I offered to get the picture reproduced by my printer here in the Dallas area. After all, they've seen just about everything, right? So, I started with the first, somewhat less explicit drawing. In I went, and I told the manager the story of what I was doing for a friend and why. She eagerly looked forward to seeing what I had to show her. I whipped the picture out of its protective envelope and her face actually fell. "Oh," she said, "That's not so bad. I've seen worse than that." We laughed about some of those pictures that had made her blush a few years ago. Now she is a hardened art observer, and she gives me opinions on what she likes and doesn't like.... When I went to pick the copies up, I talked to the one other member of the staff who has shown a real interest in what they print for us. The other staff members have told me that she tries to read the pages as they come off the printer! Now, that would be interesting.... Anyway, I approach the counter and this Carolyn sees me. Her eyes absolutely light up! To the middle-aged gentlemen whom she is helping, she declares: "Now this lady behind you had some interesting material for us to work on!" I tried hard not to roll my eyes and waited patiently. When I eventually get her undivided attention, she leans forward and says, "Wow! Now that's what I call a great piece of art!" (Or maybe she said 'ass!') She then proceeded to tell me about how when the manager opened the envelope, she gasped audibly—and then frantically motioned Carolyn over to the corner. "You are going to like this," she had said. And then Carolyn said they had oohed and aahed over it for a while. Considering that these women are both over 60, probably also over 65, I think we can dispel any notion about sexual interest diminishing with age.... I've got to give Carolyn a free zine, don't you think? Nothing like hooking them when they're eager...

The K/S Press 88 (January 2004)

'First Course", Hero Worship, Gambit, "Journey's End", Storm Tossed, Timelines, Your Move, Fantasies, A Sickbay Story, Second Lesson, Sadness, Loss and Love, The Flame of Chaos, The Lover Within, Shakedown, To the Waters and the Wild, Twice I Have Lived Forever in the zines Legends #3, T'hy'la #6, #8, #12, #14, #15, #17, Beyond Dreams #6, Counterpoint #2, First Time #51, The Celebration Zine, Nome #8, see those pages

  • ads for KiScon 2004 (March 26th-28) and K/S CONnections 2004 (August 20-22)
  • an artist recounts how she wants to branch out into more explicit art and got on the internet for some good pictures
  • excerpts from "Unintended" by Cimorene in Cyberdreams #1
  • ads for songtapes #1-#7
  • the editors say:
    We have something very important to say to all of you on the eve of this new year. Not only is it hard to believe that it’s the year 2004, but that your K/S Press is still going strong. There was a moment in time, when we thought the KSP might have breathed its last. But two wonderful things happened—one, Robin Hood took up the task of postmistress—no easy task!—and, two, a number of you rallied and began contributing your LOCs, Roundtables, comments, and news. It is difficult to express how important this is to the good of K/S fandom—but your efforts are the lifeblood! Dramatic, maybe. But the K/S Press would absolutely not survive without your efforts.

  • many fan testimonials on what K/S means to them and how it helps them through troubled times, one example:
    A good K/S story can be a great way to calm your heart and soothe your soul, can't it? There is definitely room in our fandom for the stories that challenge preconceptions and are more emotionally difficult to read, but there's also something to be said for the kind of stories that ... are almost like someone you love cradling you in their arms and stroking your hair, crooning; it will be all ight. I have turned to K/S more than once during a difficult day or week, and it's always come through for me.

  • a KiScon update:
    The dealer's room and orphan zine tables are really taking shape. More contributions come in every day, more folks notify me that they will be selling zines or other items in our dealer's room. If you have zines you want to recycle, let me know! The con takes a 15% commission from zines sold, but the rest goes to you to buy more zines!

The K/S Press 89 (February 2004)

The K/S Press 90 (March 2004)

  • comment about a club name change:
    Just to put the record straight—we are now "The Official Leonard Nimoy Fan Club". We dropped using the "UK" in our title some time ago as it upset many of our members who live outside the UK and also it gave a false impression of the club. We are based in UK, but have a world-wide membership and are open to everyone—not just those in UK.

  • a fan comments on another fan's age, and on the zine Broken Images:
    Because I'm 61 myself, I was especially happy to hear that you are 63 and still so wildly enthusiastic about our fandom. Your comments about Broken Images were equally interesting, as it was my very first K/S zine. I've since found others that I like better, but will never forget the thrill of that first K/S experience. Your words make me want to read it again — something I've not done for years. I do recall vividly walking up to an orphan zine table at my first con in 1984 (I think) and scanning for what might be that mysterious and tantalizing thing called K/S. I picked up Broken Images and flipped through the pages, nervous as a cat and wondering all the while if anyone was looking over my shoulder. When I read the words "He had to get to Spock. Spock needed him", I was hopelessly and forever hooked. Somehow I knew that Spock didn't need Kirk to help him solve a computer problem. I knew. This was what I'd been looking for! I read the passion and the desperation in those few words and couldn't wait for more. I came home with my tote bag ripping at the seams and my shoulder nearly pulled out of the socket from the weight of my new collection of zines, but I was as happy as I've ever been. That love for K/S has changed from frantic to mildly fanatic over the years, but has never really dimmed. And the zines now number close to 400!

  • a comment about Creation Con:
    Overpriced and over heated? I know the feeling!

  • on first time stories:
    In Defense of First Time Stories:... Someone in a recent issue was discussing the sameness of the first time stories and I can't remember who. She was saying she liked more plot and didn't care to always know there would be a happy ending. That is her privilege but I'd like to respectfully give my opinion. If I'm wrong and not remembering right, please excuse me, but the thoughts stuck in my mind and bothered me. Because of course that old, tried and true formula is my favorite type of KS story. I embrace and applaud all of the first time stories and especially prize Robin's groundbreaking series, the First Time zines. I always think of myself and all of us as the inheritors of that sweet and loving, though sometimes flawed, tradition. Though the stories may seem to be the same old thing, to me each one is gloriously brand new. Each story's arc, its romantic build-up, though simple and inevitable, is always affecting. There's something more elemental, dynamic and just plain exciting in them, like a series of intimate snapshots that hit me in different ways every time I see them. To me, each one is a provocative exploration of Kirk and Spock's mystical relationship, their trust love, sensitive awareness and intuition. They move me even more if they include a depiction of their precious mind meld. The gift of the authors words, their work, stretches my perceptions and I can say that I'm never disappointed in a first time story. However unsurprising the stories' denouements, they still manage to provide a refreshing oasis in the aridness of life.