Other Games Besides Chess

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Title: Other Games Besides Chess
Author(s): Sharon Pillsbury
Date(s): 1988
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Other Games Besides Chess is a Kirk/Spock story by Sharon Pillsbury.

art by DEW for "Other Games Beside Chess"

It was published in the print zine First Time #18.


"Spock reprograms the thermostat in Kirkʼs cabin in order to force him to stay in Spockʼs cabin and bed for the night."


""You are trembling, Jim." "I'll be okay." "My quarters are quite comfortable," Spock pointed out. "Under the circumstances perhaps we should . . . share my bed for tonight." "That could become a habit!" Kirk smiled softly. "You go get some sleep. I'll manage to survive." "As you wish," the Vulcan said formally, then left the room.""

Reactions and Reviews

Simple, uncomplicated. Spock sabotages Kirk's heating system to get the Human into Spock's warmer cabin and into the hot Vulcan's bed. Kirk goes for it! This was good! [1]

A smile was generated by Spock's emphasis on some of Kirk's more innocent words - a nice turnaround from the norm - but I had to hee-haw at the unexpected tangle of Spock's tongue when the match got a little heated. Hilarious! You can see the green flush! And then my heart went out to him at his painful thought, "yes, I need you ... ". Spock devotees will enjoy this portrayal for the remainder of the story as well. [2]

OTHER GAMES BESIDES CHESS by Sharon Pillsbury is another very predictable story line in which, through trite situations and the obligatory misunderstandings, Kirk and Spock find the solution to their unhappiness in one another's arms. A nice, uninspired yet enjoyable story. [3]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #84
  2. ^ from Datazine #57
  3. ^ from On the Double #9