Zine | |
Title: | KSX |
Publisher: | |
Editor(s): | Gayle F |
Date(s): | 1987-1988 |
Series?: | |
Medium: | print zine |
Size: | |
Genre: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
KSX is a slash K/S Star Trek: TOS anthology edited by Gayle F.
There were two issues. A third issue was planned but not published. Gayle turned over the manuscripts and art, along with the permission of the authors and artists, to Kathy Resch, the publisher of T'hy'la. This material became the content of "T'hy'la" #9.[1]
The "X"
A fan in 2007 explains: "The X refers to a third person in the K/S relationship. It was years before I was actually aware of that. Sometimes their influence on Kirk and Spock is barely felt, sometimes they are more intrusive." [2]
Cash Proposal
The standard "payment" for fiction, art, and poetry received by zines was a free copy of the zine itself, a trib copy. Both Alien Brothers and KSX were unique in that the editor offered cash awards for art, poetry and fiction submitted.
While fans apparently did not have much reaction to Gayle F's proposal for KSX #2, the similar proposal with Alien Brothers was something that was the topic of quite a bit of fannish discussion regarding legality, fairness, and fannish customs and norms. For more on that, see Controversy Regarding Cash.
In 1988, Gayle F wrote a comment to Alexis Fegan Black's essay A Dangerous Trend?:
On the issue that was raised about monetary payment for stories, etc., does anyone know what the exact legal position a fanzine is in this regard? I've heard from 2 different people that two different people that fanzines are "legally amateur" as long as they run less than 10,000 copies and are not subject to copyright infringement. I would presume there is a similar small- peanuts amateur status as far as payment to contributors is concerned, but I really have no idea.
I've just run a contest and have decided it's not really worth it in terms of providing an added inducement to writers and artists. I still received excellent work for the zine, but only one or two people mentioned any interest in the contest, and I still had to do the usual begging and pleading to get all the work I felt the zine needed. The contributors are doing this for love, and while a bit of cash in hand is also nice, it doesn't really urge anyone on. They write or draw from their current inspiration.[3]
Issue 1
KSX 1 was published in 1987 and contains 225 pages. Art by Gayle F, Maureen B., Vel Jaeger, Suzan Lovett, and Marilyn Cole.
From the editorial:
For a little over a year now, I have been experiencing a Renaissance in my love affair with Star Trek - and my favorite Vulcan. One which I'm determined to enjoy to the fullest. It has been fun and exciting to work on KSX, and there will be one or two more editions. I think you'll find the zine provides an interesting array of tales for your purusal. As an editor, I've tried to arrange them in a good reading order. As a reader, I know you just as likely to employ your own method (favorite author first/last, longest story first/last). However you go about it, you're bound to discover one or two interesting questions, some great giggles, more sweet sorrows ... and the most fascinating palpitations.A special thank you to Alta Brewer, for proofing. Continued blessings upon Whirlaway, the computer. The bold and italics are care of WORD, my new word processing system. I hope you like the type face as much as I do. It reduces the text by a third, but retains clarity for easy reading.
Unfortunately, Caren Parnes was unable to meet the deadline. Hopefully, her lovely work will appear in KSX II.
- Voyeur by Jenny Starr (Spock taking shore leave on Wrigley’s? Find that hard to believe? So does McCoy. The doctor dons a chicken suit to play spy.) (3)
- Shadow Play by Robin Hood (Spock interrogates the M/U Kirk and finds out that he and his Spock are lovers, leading to a confrontation with his own Kirk.) (23)
- A Private Obsession by Kathy Resch (The owner of a factory where Kirk and Spock work while stranded on an unknown planet becomes obsessed with Kirk and uses Spockʼs illness and Kirkʼs fear for him to make Kirk his lover.) (47)
- The Invitation by Vera Barga (Kirk is invited to a dinner party at the home of his first officer. It's hard to play the game when you don't know the rules.) (59)
- poem by Ellen Kobrin, illo by Maureen B and Vel Jaeger (79)
- poem by Vivian Gates (84)
- From the Aftermath of Dreams by Vivian Gates (While the Enterprise has work done when orbiting Vulcan, Spock invites Kirk to a dinner at his parentʼs home, though Kirk is unaware of the exact nature of the party.)tes]] (After Kirk finds out that he had sex with a man while split by the transporter, he discovers that Spock is homosexual and decides to find out if they could be lovers by having another encounter with a man where he would be the submissive partner.) (85)
- poem by Natasha Solten, illo by Suzan Lovett, and Marilyn Cole, body jewelry inspired by Fawn (112)
- Cave of the Heart by Gayle F (Spock/McCoy) (119)
- On Wings of Ice by Alexis Fegan Black (Stranded on a frozen planet when their shuttlecraft is sabotaged, Kirk and Spock share love as they wait for death.) (also in Speed of Light) (137)
- Tellus: From the Memories of a Romulan Anthropologist by Flora Poste (Kirk meets a Romulan trying to pose as Vulcan while Kirk is posted on Earth and Spock is at Gol.) (147)
- Dancing on the Edge by Gayle F (Spock is switched by the transporter with a Spock from another universe who has been raised on Earth, and who had a lovehate relationship with his own Kirk.) (179)
- The First Dream of the New Year by Lyon (While Kirk is stranded on a planet during an ion storm, Spock is unable to sleep from missing his lover and decides to create a fantasy to make love to until Kirkʼs return.) (199)
The artwork below has been used on Fanlore with both the permission of the artist and the publisher.
Gallery of Explicit Art:
Note: Marked as sexually explicit; minimized. Art from issue #1, page 19, Gayle F. - "Kirk and Spock are nude sitting side-by-side sharing an open-mouthed kiss. Spock is aroused, Kirk receptive. (Who wouldn’t be?) The background is filled with fanciful plants, a scene as lush and exciting as their passion." [8]
Note: Marked as sexually explicit; minimized. Art from issue #1, Gayle F., page 133 -- "Kirk, wearing only his bolero, is embraced from behind by Mirror Spock. Both figures sit upon a larger version of Kirk’s forehead. Okay, I know that sounds strange, but it’s really a portrayal of Kirk’s memories (fantasies?) made real. Different and memorable and perfectly suited to the story it illustrates." [9]
Note: Marked as sexually explicit; minimized. Art from issue #1, Gayle F., page 77 -- "Kirk and Spock face each other. Each is lovingly holding the other’s...er...equipment. Fireworks are about to start. And that almost looks like the background behind them. Gayle often drew these repeated patterns that tessellate (sorry, math teacher) connect in a mosaic pattern." [10]
Note: Marked as sexually explicit; minimized. Art from issue #1, Gayle F., page 106 --"This one is more realistic than many of Gayle’s pieces. Spock is flat on his back on a bed. His eyes are closed, arms thrown over his head, face open and contorted with passion. Kirk sits astride him, taking Spock’s cock deep inside and avidly absorbing what he sees on his lover’s face. I love this piece. It goes so well with the story it illustrates and is filled to the brim with emotion." [11]
The artwork below has been uploaded with the permission of the publisher and, in some cases, permission from the artists.
Gallery of Non-Explicit Art:
art from issue #1, Gayle F., page 55 -- "A young half-clad Jim Kirk opening his pants to his lover (but not the man he loves. It illustrates “A Private Obsession”). It doesn’t quite look like Kirk’s face to me— off somehow, but beautiful nonetheless. The look in his eyes is knowing and even arrogant. His body is surrounded by a dark shadow; there’s evil here but it doesn’t touch what’s inside the figure or inside the man." [12]
art from issue #1, Vel Jaeger, page 78 -- "It’s amazing how much a good artist can do with simple black and white. Vel gives us Admiral Kirk as patches of white against a black circle. It looks almost like a wood cut. The mind provides the missing parts of the picture." [13]
art from issue #1, shows how art and poetry were combined and portrayed -- "These two pieces illustrate two matching poems by Natasha Solten and form one whole. The first is a seated nude Kirk pictured with gulls. He is on Earth, separated from his lover. The second is a standing nude Spock set against the barren mountains and desert of Vulcan. Both figures face each other across the miles and the pages that separate them. The calligraphy that decorates the borders is beautifully done." [14]
art from issue #1, Suzan Lovett, page 114 -- "This is one of my all-time favorite illos. Kirk is on his back, head pillowed on Spock’s leg. Spock’s head is resting against Kirk’s hip. Spock’s arm is a bar thrown possessively over Kirk body and they are holding hands. Kirk’s other hand is caressing Spock’s hair. Their eyes are closed. It’s obvious they have just made love and are replete with satisfaction. This artist pushes every button I have." [15]
art from issue #1, Maureen B., page 80 -- "A nude Jim Kirk astride a rearing white horse. The face is turned away from the viewer, but the hair, the lines of face and form could belong to no one else. Strength and power is revealed in every line." [16]
art from issue #1, Marilyn Cole, page 117 -- "Spock. Eyes closed. Long hair. Filigreed metal bands around wrists and biceps. Wearing body jewelry that pierces his nipples, adorns his chest and navel, frames his penis. Enough said." [17]
art from issue #1, Gayle F., page 185 -- "Similarly, this illo of the long-haired alternate universe Spock is specific to “Dancing on the Edge.” This is exactly how I pictured this character. Bare- chested and sensuous right down to the obvious outline of his genitals captured by black low-slung briefs. Yum." [18]
art from issue #1, Vel Jaeger, page 82 -- My reactions to this piece may be colored by the accompanying poetry by Ellen Kobrin, but this Spock looks particularly determined. He has come to a decision. Are those stylized flames behind him meant to symbolize Vulcan? If so, he finally is turning away from them. He knows where his future will be and with whom." [19]
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 1
See reactions and reviews for A Private Obsession.
See reactions and reviews for Cave of the Heart.
See reactions and reviews for Dancing on the Edge.
See reactions and reviews for From the Aftermath of Dreams.
See reactions and reviews for Voyeur.
See reactions and reviews for Tellus: From the Memories of a Romulan Anthropologist.
See reactions and reviews for On Wings of Ice.
See reactions and reviews for Shadow Play.
See reactions and reviews for The Invitation.
See reactions and reviews for The First Dream of the New Year.
[art]: KSX is just crammed full of art. Not only is almost every story illustrated, but the poetry as well. Each story has a title page and separate first page with elaborate and finely detailed borders. A variety of media was used. This zine was a labor of love from start to finish. Gayle did most of the art. Many people find Gayle’s art to be an acquired taste. Kirk and Spock are generally presented as young with an idealized beauty of face and figure. Backgrounds weave elements of fantasy and reality together. Don’t look for photographic realism here. I’ve always found her art accurately reflects what I want in my K/S: Ideal versions of my heroes with just enough realism to connect them to my life. I love it.[20]
[zine]: I want to recommend a splendid new K/S zine: KSX, edited by Gayle F. This is artistically the most attractive zine I've seen so far. The type face is big enough to be clearly readable. Most of the illos are by [Ms. F] herself, and I like especially the title pages for each story. Most of the stories are excellent, too. [see individual the fiction articles for comments by this fan] ... There are only a few poems, which is fine with me since I'm not so much for poetry. Although, I like the ones by Ellen Kobrin. In any case, it's a gorgeous and highly erotic zine, and I look forward to KSX 2.[21]
[zine]: KSX is a beauty—from its gorgeous [Gayle F] covers to all the explicit interior art to the dense type coming in at 200 plus pages. Check out the Marilyn Cole of Spock with serious accouterments with some poetry near page 110. Definitely one for your collection. It still isn't in mine—this one is a loan. If anyone out there has an original in relatively good condition—I'm seriously interested. Many fine authors are represented here and each and every story is a gem.... [see individual stories for her comments]... So KSX is a superb zine in every way. Find it, buy it.[22]
[zine]: KSX is one of the zines everyone should seek to have in their collection. Sometimes you can find and purchase it online or at used zine sales. Believe me, it’s worth whatever you have to pay for it, or let Kath Boag or me loan it to you from the KSP Library. I don’t usually tell people to go out and spend money for zines, but there are so many superb stories here that you will want to reread, so many of our earliest, best, and brightest writers included within its 218 pages, that it’s just logical to keep it close at hand.The X refers to a third person in the K/S relationship. It was years before I was actually aware of that. Sometimes their influence on Kirk and Spock is barely felt, sometimes they are more intrusive.
2007 marks the twentieth anniversary of its publication. These locs are a way of saying thank you for the years of pleasure I’ve received from this zine. [see individual story pages for this fan's comments] [23]
[zine]: The very first thing one notices about "KSX" upon picking it up is the plethora of art by the editor, Gayle F. The cover, one of Gayle‘s pencil pieces, reminds me of Diego Rivera murals, Georgia O‘Keefe paintings, art-deco architecture. It is bold and broad, elongated and precise. And very, very sexy! Interior art is also by Gayle along with Maureen B, Vel Jaeger, Marilyn Cole and Suzan Lovett. But it is Gayle‘s art that dominates. Along with the rare pencil pieces are a sampling of Gayle‘s more usual pen-and-ink pieces that are amazingly idealized and amazingly sensual. Even the title page borders and graphics for the poetry by Ellen Kobrin and Natasha Solten reflect an art-deco style. The zine is worth it if only for the art. But the fiction in the zine also is outstanding... [see the individual fiction pages for this fan's comments]... KSX is what I consider a classic K/S zine and it holds up very, very well all these years later. A highly recommended read.[24]
[zine]: Among my particular favorites are Gayle's "Cave of the Heart" (S/McCoy) and "Dancing on the Edge." Gayle has a unique talent for painting images with words as deftly as she does with pen and pencil. And a most pleasant read was in Flora Poste's "Tellus," a most delightful view from a uniquely Romulan viewpoint. This is a book I'll read over and over.[25]
[zine]: KSX is an impressive-looking collection of poetry, stories and art. Its printing is clean and its 218 pages are of heavier stock than most zines, as is the cover. Title pages and poetry pieces are encased in elaborate borders. [Gayle F] did the covers and nine of the interior illos. There are illos by [Maureen B], Vel Jaeger, Suzan Lovett, and Marilyn Cole to accompany the poetry.As for the stories overall, I thought them unique and well done. The collection starts off with Jenny Starr's "Voyeur", where McCoy tells of following Spock during the Vulcan's leave on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet, as the doctor is curious as to what Spock could possibly want to do with his free time on a planet such as Wrigley's. Once Spock dons a costume and McCoy explains to the reader the criteria for participating in the "Masquerade" section of Wrigley's, it's easy to figure out how the story is going to end. it didn't hold much suspense for me, but the ending is touching. This was a good read.
"Shadow Play", by Robin Hood, presents a conversation between the mirror Kirk and our Spock before the former is returned to his own universe. Kirk ends up revealing that he and his Spock have a sexual relationship, which is difficult for our Spock to handle. Later, after the mirror Kirk is returned, Spock and our Kirk have a confrontation. I found this story interesting at first, but ended up feeling like I had read two different stories. I didn't agree with the way Spock became very aggressive in spots, then became very gentle. I was puzzled by the change in tone and the way the story seemed to lose its seriousness near the end.
One of my favorite stories in the zine was Kathleen Resch's "A Private Obsession". On some unnamed planet a factory owner and manager, Stefhan, tells of his obsession with the worker Kirk. Spock is also working at the plant and Stefhan eventually discovers that the two are having a relationship. When Spock becomes ill Stefhan is able to use this as a way to get Kirk to-take a job at his residence, which is a much healthier environment than the factory. Kirk agrees and compromises himself in the process. This story very effectively shows the power of obsession and the resulting frustration when one can have the object of his or her desires, but the object of those desires doesn't return the feeling. After all was said and done this turned out to be a tender story between Kirk and Spock, though we never see any conversation between them. My one complaint is we never know why Kirk and Spock are on the planet in the first place, or why they are there for such an extended period of time.
I found Vera Barga's "The Invitation" to be lacking. Kirk is invited to Spock's home for dinner, not knowing that the dinner is a special Vulcan custom where prospective bonding partners are asked to attend. There are a few other potential mates for Spock at the party in addition to Kirk. What I found annoying was that the story, even during the party, was told mostly in narration and via Kirk's thoughts. The entire tale seemed disjointed, as many sentences had little relevance to their preceding sentences. In short, it was difficult to follow, though, thankfully, all did become clear at the end. The sex scene was told with some poetic phrasing, but even then the sentences didn't flow together very well. This tale had little drama or sensitivity, and I found the whole thing rather dull.
"From the Aftermath of Dreams" is a Vivian Gates tale where Kirk, Spock, and other members of the landing party are temporarily stranded on a planet. A security guard tells Kirk that he was raped by Kirk's wolf side when the captain was split in two by the transporter. This revelation leaves Kirk disturbed and introspective about his sexuality, and when he and Spock bed down alone in a separate tent, he uses Spock as his sounding board. Spock, in turn, makes a startling revelation, and the two return to the ship with their friendship damaged. By the end all is set right again. Though I don't agree with the premise, I thought this story very well written, and particularly enjoyed the casual conversation between Kirk and Spock before it became too serious.
"Cave of the Heart" is the first of two [Gayle F]eyrer pieces in the zine. Spock and McCoy are stranded on a planet and seek shelter in the proverbial cave. Spock is suffering from the onset of pon farr and the result is rather predictable. I am biased against this type of story, but thought this one well done. However, when Kirk comes on the scene the story up and ends so abruptly that it is unforgivable. I wonder if perhaps it was a printing error and that there is supposed to be more to the ending. (There certainly should have been.)
Alexis Fegan Black's "On Wings of Ice" has Kirk and Spock stranded on an arctic planet where they have a final conversation before confronting a death of hypothermia. The two turn to each other for comfort in their dying moments. The ending is both expected and surprising, and has a metaphysical twist.
I enjoyed this story, but thought it a bit shallow and would have preferred a more concrete conclusion. Flora Poste is the author of "Tellus: From the Memoirs of a Romulan Anthropologist Chapter III: San Francisco". Tellus is a Romulan anthropologist masquerading as a Vulcan so he can obtain a position at Intergalactic House in San Francisco, where he can spy on the members of the Federation who come there. This is a pre-ST:TMP story, and Tellus gives his account of meeting Admiral Kirk, who eventually asks for his services. I found Tellus to be a likeable character, as his innocence and good nature are very endearing. This is another story that had few surprises—and I didn't like the way the Federation was presented as so superior and goody-goody—but it was very well told and had a unique angle.
"Dancing on the Edge" is [Gayle F's] second story, and presents a transporter malfunction during an ion storm, so that instead of beaming up Spock and five other crewmen from Vulcan, the Enterprise beams up a dancing troupe from an alternate universe. The leader of this troupe is a Spock who was raised on Earth and,' therefore, acts very Human. In fact, he acts so Human that Kirk finds him infuriating. Eventually, he discovers what drives this rebellious, tormented Spock. I'm afraid I didn't like the alternate Spock very much and found him difficult to relate to. I enjoyed the humor at the beginning of the story, however, and wish it would have maintained that tone. Still, it was an intriguing tale and very well told.
The final story in the zine is Lyon's "The First Dream of the Year". Kirk and the rest of the landing party are temporarily stranded on a planet until an ion storm clears so they can be beamed up. On the Enterprise, Spock tries to get some sleep—as per Kirk's orders—but finds himself too horny, as he and Kirk had begun a relationship about a month before. He eventually decides to masturbate, and the bulk of the story is the fantasy he uses to stimulate himself. The fantasy may have gone on a little too long, but it was very erotic and had some beautiful images. It also contained some interesting anecdotes from reality, and Spock ends up learning something about himself as a result. The best part is when Kirk returns to the Enterprise—earlier than expected—and the brief but heart warming conversation that follows. The mood is very tender, making for a lovely, light-hearted story, and a perfect one to end the zine on.
In short, KSX is well worth the money. It's pleasing look at and has a number of interesting, well-plotted, and well-written stories.[26]
Issue 2
KSX 2 was published in 1988 and contains 225 pages. The front cover is by Chris Soto, the back cover is by Georgia Barnes, the inside front cover is by Caren Parnes, and the inside back cover is by Sherry Veltkamp.
From the editorial:
CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the KSX II writing contest. There were many excellent submissions to the KSX II competition. Perhaps you will have your own favorite... certainly the judges did not always agree with each other. These were our final choices:FICTION: First Place, Kathy Resch. Second Place, Jenny Starr. Third Place, Vivian Gates. ART: First Place, Chris Soto. Second Place, Caren Parnes. Third Place, Sherry Veltkamp. Fourth Place, Dragon. POETRY: First Place, Linda Frankel. Second Place, Robin Hood. Third Place, Natasha Solten. Fourth Place, Ellen Morris. Special thanks to Alta Brewer, who judged fiction and poetry with me, and to Merline Stephens and Beth Reba Weise, who helped judge the art. Thank yous also to the fen who attended the KSX II Proofing Party, Alta, Beth, Merline, Ruth Lym, Meg Fine, and Georgia Barnes.
Credit where credit is due. The majority of the title pages for KSX and KSX II were designed by William Rowe and published in his Dover book, EXOTIC ALPHABETS AND ORNAMENT. My husband, [name redacted] and Lazy Baby, our new laser printer, conspired on the borders for fiction.
- In Another Land, poetry by Kathy Resch (4)
- Bondage by Kathy Resch, art by Gayle F (M/U: A scattering of timelines and past lives.) (5)
- poetry by Natasha Solten (25)
- A Human Thing to Do by Vivian Gates, art by Gayle F (Kirk picks Spock up after Spock completes a mission where he had to pass as human, and spending the day together, Spock speaks of being seen and treated as a human-and the human things he would wish to do.) (27)
- The Faces of Love by Charlotte Frost (Spock returns from a diasterous leave on Vulcan, where he found that he and his parents still relate to each other as if he was a child. Sequel: Things Worth Celebrating.) (43)
- poem by Robin hood, art by Dragon (50)
- Begin and Begin Again by Vera Barga, art by Dragon (After becoming intimate while jailed for a diplomatic error, Kirk rejects a relationship with Spock under the mistaken belief that Spock would need a woman for his next pon farr.) (53)
- Leopard in the Snow by Yvonne de Chine, art by Gayle F (Spock finds his lover without memories and living as a primitive hunter months after Kirk is pulled from the transporter to a place unknown.) (79)
- Dear Joanna by Bonita Kale (In a nursing home, McCoy writes his daughter to tell her the true story of Kirk and Spockʼs deaths 10 years before.) (99)
- poem by Ellen Morris, art by Lily Renee (104)
- Microcosm by Jenny Starr, art by Gayle F (Kirk and Spock are reduced to the size of dolls and sold as toys on Earth after angering a magician on a distant planet.) (107)
- poem by Linda Frankel, art by Sherry Veltkamp (129)
- Out of Eden by Frances Rowes, art by Gayle F (Spock is unable to return Kirkʼs desire and even though it is almost unbearable, Kirk agrees to go with him on a planet survey of “Eden”.) (129)
- poems by Linda Frankel (201)
- Endings by Gayle F (A/U: Spock is bonded to McCoy, but in love with Kirk, alternative universe sequels to Cave of the Heart (207)
The artwork below has been uploaded with the permission of the publisher and, in some cases, permission from the artists.
example of text and font, from Begin and Begin Again
art from issue #2, Gayle F, from Leopard in the Snow
art from issue #2, Gayle F, from Out of Eden
art from issue #2, Dragon, from Begin and Begin Again
art from issue #2, Gayle F, from Bondage
art from issue #2, Gayle F, from Microcosm
art from issue #2, Gayle F, from A Human Thing to Do
Reactions and Reviews: Issue 2
See reactions and reviews for Bondage.
See reactions and reviews for Out of Eden.
See reactions and reviews for Dear Joanna.
See reactions and reviews for Microcosm.
See reactions and reviews for A Human Thing to Do.
See reactions and reviews for The Faces of Love.
See reactions and reviews for Endings.
See reactions and reviews for Begin and Begin Again.
See reactions and reviews for Leopard in the Snow.
[zine]: KSX II (1988) is lovely. My only (small, ungrateful) wish is for more happy stories. (My own contribution isn't exactly joyous.) Not that it's mostly a sad zine. Two cheerful stories were Vivian Gates's "A Human Thing to Do" (Spock, ending a mission in human guise, finds one more very human thing to do) and Yvonne De Chine's "Leopard in the Snow" (can't be described without spoiling it, but the leopard's great). I thought the strongest, though not the least flawed, story was "Out of Eden" by Frances Rowes. It could have used reworking for clarity, and possibly some cutting, but it reached out and grabbed the reader at least, very uncomfortably. The problem is simple: Kirk both loves and desires Spock, but Spock merely loves Kirk. In this story, the dark side of love is most evident, the vulnerability of the lover. The Vulcan bond, too, is painfully different from the way it's usually pictured. A disconcerting, disturbing story. Vera Braga's, "Begin and Begin Again" involves a short jail sentence for Kirk and Spock. Their relationship flowers, but later foolishness comes between them. I had some doubts about the characterization in the latter part of the story, but none about the smooth writing. The poetry is all free verse. Robin Hood's 'Sweet Water, Bitter Sea," (Kirk to Spock, who is leaving for Gol) is my favorite. It has a couple of wonderful lines, and I like its shape. Of course, with [Gayle F] editing, the pictures are bound to be good. Hers for Leopard in the Snow is especially find. The front cover is a Chris Soto Kirk -- beautiful, idealized, and totally recognizable. There are a couple of interesting cross-genre pictures (the stories are all Trek only, though). The fancy title pages are nice—as long as they don't cost too much! 218 pp., laser print, the smallest size about 800 words per page.[28]
- ^ As per the editorial in T'hy'la #8.
- ^ from Carolyn S in The K/S Press #126
- ^ from On the Double #7/8
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from the K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from The K/S Press #127
- ^ from Treklink #10
- ^ from The K/S Press #8
- ^ from Carolyn S at The K/S Press #126
- ^ from The K/S Press #174
- ^ from Treklink #13
- ^ from On the Double #4
- ^ from The LOC Connection #5
- ^ from Treklink #13