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TREKisM (newsletter)
Zine | |
Title: | TREKisM |
Publisher: | |
Editor(s): | Vel Jaeger |
Type: | |
Date(s): | September 1978-1991 |
Frequency: | bi-monthly |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
TREKisM is a quarterly newsletter of the Star Trek Special Interest Group, Mensa: TREKisM. It was edited by Vel Jaeger. There are sixty-eight issues, some of whose content was compiled in TREKisM at Length. Each issue is 32 pages of Trek-related news, articles, reviews of professional and fan fiction, art, poetry, short stories, puzzles, trivia, conventions, and reader commentary.
Excerpts from the newsletter are quoted on Fanlore with the publisher's permission. Art is also included with the publisher's permission.
Issue 1
TREKisM 1 was published in September 1978 and contains 10 pages.
- the editor writes: Who needs a Star Trek SIG??? I, for one, do! I'm getting just a bit tired of hearing my friends and neighbors snigger as I excuse myself to dash home to catch the afternoon episode on TV. I love Trek trivia, but don't have anyone to share it with outside of my family. Since I'm tucked away far from civilization, I seldom can attend the conventions. Most of the fan organizations are geared to an adolescent membership, and those that aren't, seldom provide the depth of analysis to which Star Trek lends itself so well. Perhaps this is an elitist attitude, but it reflects my personal feelings. Thus I'm following the advice I keep hearing from Mensans: if you're such a fanatic on the subject, why don't you organize a SIG? I hope that this SIG will serve as a means of contact for other Star Trek enthusiasts both in and out of Mensa... It is my fervent desire that this newsletter will consist entirely of contributions from subscribers and will only require organization. However, it won't bother me in the slightest to write my fingers to the bone as long as the subject is Star Trek. I have an endless stream of articles just waiting for the excuse to be written, and will be delighted to inflict them on a captive audience. I am aware of the universal compulsion of Trek fanatics to lend their hand to fan fiction, not satisfied with the original film stories of Star Trek. If the supply exists, I hope to provide the means for their publication, perhaps in the form of a special annual edition... see? I'm already anticipating the success of this SIG!
- this issue contains a short article, and an invitation for more info, from a Sherlock Holmes SIG (Mycroft's Isolated Companions) that speculates that:Amanda, wife of Sarek, Mother of Spock, had the maiden name of Wolfe. This could make her a descendant of Nero Wolfe, and thereby of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler. It would certainly help explain her ability to adapt to life on Planet Vulcan.
- this issue has a poem called "Vulcan's Nightmare" by Ellen Hulley
- this issue has a short short by Barba Parcells
- this issue has some trivia, a wordfind, a bibliography of Trek pro materials
Issue 2
TREKisM 2 was published in December 1978 and contains 8 pages.
- the editor apologizes for the lateness of this issue, she also says as of now there are eight subscribers
- the challenge of self-identification and labels: The first bone of contention that usually arises between two or more Star Trek enthusiasts when they first meet is: how to introduce their mania. In the first letters I sent as SIG Coordinator I used the term Trekkist, and was rapidly and sometimes huffily corrected as to the proper term by which the respective member wished to be addressed. Do other groups of enthusiasts have this problem? Not usually - stamp collectors are philatelists, happy eaters and drinkers are gourmets and gourmands, sports fans are aficionados, opera lovers are buffs -- all respectable labels. Why then is the area of science fiction in general and Star Trek in particular saddled with such appellations as freak, fanatic, weirdo, and others even less pleasant to contemplate? We can't even decide among ourselves whether we're Trekkies, Trekkers, or Trekkists. "Trekkie" can be rather safely eliminated without remorse, with the accompanying stigmas of mindless adolescent mania; "Trekkist" seems to cause mainly confusion: some consider it an elitist or snobbish term, others as someone with only a passing interest; "Trekker" is probably the safest choice, but is vaguely reminiscent of a driver of multi-wheeled vehicles. I propose that we give birth to an entirely new and respectable title befitting our dignity. Surely the well-known Mensan proclivity for words will make this an easy delivery. Let's start the gears grinding, or wheels turning, or whatever metaphor strikes your fancy, and produce an exclusive sobriquet for Star TrekMensans. Shall we be elaborate, with such terms as Trekophile or Trek-ologist? Or should we try for acronyms, in the manner of MenSFan and other Mensa SIGs? To the pens and typewriters, fellow Star Trek ___'s: let's hear from you on this obviously controversial topic.
- there is some news on the movie
- there is a quote from APOTA #68 (11/1978) in which George Takai says that the "new Enterprise sonic shower sprays on underwear," then a subsequent shower will dissolve it, recycle the fibers and spray it on again
- this issue has a short short by Rosemarie Eierman called "Mine Can Be No Worse Than Someone Elses"
- this issue has a poem called "One Shadow" by Ellen Hulley
- there is a puzzle and some trivia
- the subscribers at this point are Rosemarie, Lynn, Diana, LeVena, Stephen, Barb, Janis, Karen, and Don
Issue 3
TREKisM 3 was published in January 1979 and contains 8 pages.
- regarding how to refer to themselves, the term STrekfan
- a fan, Rosemarie, writes a short bit on [how] Star Trek may have presented a view of the future, but it was done with the pressures of time and budget and the rigidness of television format
- two fans write in about their favorite episodes
- there is a poem, "Christine's Sorrow," by Ellen Hulley, another poem, "Freedom's Child," is uncredited
- the editor asks, and answers a questions: Q: Why do Star Trek fanatics feel the need to apologize for their devotion, as if they suffer from an incurable social disease? A: If you'll forgive a little parlor psychology, it's for the same reasons science fiction readers felt the same need: the very nature of SF is concerned with the alien, the unfamiliar, at times it is frightening. and every Mensan knows the average Earthling's reaction to that which is different and unexplainable. We are unique in so many ways that to admit to yet another odd interest is merely adding fuel to the flames. But the huge success of Star Wars, CE3K, et al has removed the stigma from SF and elevated the entire field into its current popularity; ten years ago I would have heard only laughter had I suggested a course on SF at my university, but now this is commonplace. However, among many SF purists, Star Trek is often considered a bastard stepchild - barely tolerated and not to be taken seriously. And we all know that television, with few exceptions, has seldom been considered an art form worthy of cultivation. And to be enamored of a single series - how bourgeois! Now, here we sit, drooling over an old TV series in reruns -- I think I'll go back to my closet, I can't explain it either. How does one compress the hope for the future, the depth of the characters, the wondrous new worlds, and other marvels that was (and is) Star Trek into a snappy answer? How does one explain the desire to keep this world alive in new stories? How does one explain colors to the blind? The answer is the same to all of the above questions: you can't! There will always be those who refuse to even look, much less try to understand what they see. Their joy is in keeping our world thriving for the ones who care, and to share it with those who would learn.
- the editor asks, and answers a second question: Q: Why is Star Trek so appealing to women, especially when SF has traditionally been an almost exclusively male arena? And by the same token why are the vast majority of Star Trek fan fiction writers female? A: The mystery of so many female fans and authors is examined in depth in Star Trek Lives! by Lichtenberg, Marshak and Winston. The essence of their answer is that Star Trek and its universe deals primarily with people and ideas, rather than technology and gadgets. In the old school of "hard" SF the plots were action/adventure and the heroes clean-cut types whose emotions were never scrutinized. In many a Star Trek episode man's most basic needs and feelings were the central concern. Not to ignore the series' romanticism, Star Trek has attracted many people who have never been interested in SF as literature. Men are better represented in art, science articles, humor, and occasionally poetry, but the women seem more compelled to deal with the deeper emotional levels. Then too, Star Trek was born before the Women's Lib movement gained momentum: witness many fan stories that are blatent [sic] sexual fantasies. This may change as more women move into less traditionally female roles and occupations, but for the moment the hands writing the majority of new Star Trek stories are decidedly female. In the event this statement is doubted, consider for a moment the more prominent names currently in print: Sondra Marshak, Myrna Culbreath, Joan Winston, Jacqueline Lichtenberg, Susan Sackett, Bjo Trimble, etc? in the two volumes of Star Trek: The New Voyages only five of the twenty-one authors are men; the largest single fan organization (Star Trek Welcommittee) was founded and operated by a group of women. And bear in mind that most of these women are not adolescents involved in a casual distraction of the moment - most are mature women (some are grandmothers) with deep committments [sic].
- getting the word out: SPREADING THE WORD: When I mentioned the computer listing in the last issue I neglected to include the total number of people on the Star Trek SIG listing! it is 158 - quite a potential for a SIG. Rosemarie Eierman has proposed that SIG members volunteer to contact prospective members in their geographical area, and has agreed to send postcards to the people in her area (Wisconsin). This would spread the word around in a bit more detail and also save some postage for your coordinator. If you're interested drop me a line and I'll fire off as many names and addresses as you wish. Or, if you like to ferret out information out for yourself, look in your copy of the 78-79 Mensa Register: there are over 200 people listed in the back under M88, the code for Star Trek. Wonder what happened to the missing 40-odd fans. Klingon treachery, no doubt.
- this issue has reviews on three prozines: This month several professional magazines, which are often referred to as prozines as the opposite of fanzines, will be the target for discussion. It is an indication of Star Trek's endurability that some of these attempts are only suitable for lining birdcages - the assumption is that Trek fans will buy anything, no matter how simple-minded the content. The brevity of their appearance is eloquent testimony as to the fallacy of this opinion. [("All About Star Trek Fan Clubs" (dreadful), "Media Spotlight" (not too bad), "Science Fantasy Film Classics" (very good)]
Issue 4
TREKisM 4 was published in March 1979 and contains 8 pages.
- the first page is a humorous quiz, "Just How Fanatic a Fanatic Are You?"
- "Is There in Truth No News" is news of the movie
- "Insufficient Data" is a humorous column by Rosemarie Eierman about some of the inconsistencies in the show
- "That Dark Side of Paradise" is a description of a piece by Susan Sackett printed in Starlog #20 about being a fan, non-union extra on the set of the movie: 250 fans showed up, 125 were chosen of which some were Susan Sackett, Bjo Trimble, David Gerrold, and Louise Stange, the scene takes place on the large rec deck and the acting task consisted of reaction to three Klingon ships being destroyed by an alien invader
- poetry by Ellen Hulley, "Scotty's Lady," "Eternal Ensign," "Rising Tiger"
- there is a bit about the costumes in the new movie, some trivia, some fans say what their favorite character of "the big 8" are (popular: Spock and Chekov)
Issue 5
TREKisM 5 was published in April 1979 and contains 8 pages.
- the editor has a new typewriter!
- Rosemarie Eierman contributes the column "Insufficient Data!!!"
- as of this issue, there are 22 subscribers
- fiction, "A Fly in the Ointment" by Barb Parcells
- there is a review of The Star Trek Concordance, see that page
- there is a trivia quiz, as well as answers to the one in issue #4
- from the editorial, a new zine!: Many of you may already know of our special edition that is being planned for next fall. The idea began partly as a vehicle for stories and articles which were too long to be included in the regular SIG newsletter, but has grown into a self-contained project. Tentatively named TREKisM at Length for lack of a better title, it will be sold at conventions and where ever else Trekkers are found, to underwrite the cost of the monthly newsletter. The special edition will total about 50 pages, and will be free to contributors of 10 pages or more (except for possibly a postage charge).
Issue 6
TREKisM 6 was published in May 1979 and contains 8 pages.
- this issue has the regular column, "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman, in which she bemoans the amount of time it takes to communicate: One of the problems of writing a column is that a person never knows if anyone out there is reading! The main reason, of course, is lag time -- a column must be written far enough ahead that it can be typed for mailing and then retyped again by the editor for publication. One wishes for instantaneous transmission, but even the world of Star Trek hasn't solved that one when the series went off the air... If a reader wants a reply, the person usually decides, 'what's the use, it will be months before it sees print or rebuttal...
- the editor is wondering if a format change is in order: It is becoming apparent from the amount of material which is now being contributed for TREKisM that we should be increasing the size of our newsletter. In doing that, however, we would also be increasing the cost of printing and postage. A logical solution is to change to a bi-monthly (once every two months) production. This would give us a 16-page format, with 14 pages available for contributions, rather than the 12 pages with the remaining two involved in the covers. Several of our SIG members are currently working on book-length projects, and have expressed a desire to have their works printed in TREKisM serially - a longer format would allow for this, and also for more in-depth articles •••and we would save 2¢ postage by mailing two issues at the same time. I would appreciate your comments on this proposed change.
- poem, "Ode to a Mass-Produced Klingon" by Barb Parcells
- fiction, "From the Diary of Chai Williams" by Barb Parcells
- some new club members are welcomed
- there is some trivia
- fans write of their favorite/least favorite episodes and their favorite character
Issue 7
TREKisM 7 was published in June/July 1979 and contains 8 pages.
- fan's letters comment on the lack of toilets and showers on the Enterprise, the Christian elements of the show, favorite episodes and characters...
- fiction, "Not the Way to Go" by David Buxbaum
- there is a con report for Neostar (April 22, 1979), see that page
- limerick by Jim Moon, "The Expanding Universe or Till Swell Furs Over"
- there is a trivia quiz
- the column, "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman opens with this quote, one which does its part in summing up this column's thrust: The World of Star Trek, David Gerrold wrote, "So, if I have been ruthless with the show in this discussion, it is out of love', not distaste. If STAR TREK is truly as strong a format as I believe, then it will withstand any test we can put against it."
Issue 8
TREKisM 8 was published in September 1979 and contains 17 pages.
- from the editor: One of my reservations in starting this
messtask was that it would, like so many of my projects, become boring after I had completed the primary organization. I thought surely that once I had solved the mysteries of postal rates, international reply coupons, copyright law, and deciphered the intricacies of printing arrangements, that the task of producing the newsletter would become mundane. But a marvelous phenomenon has evolved, in that the opposite has happened: each issue becomes more exciting, with novel ideas and meeting new members preventing any hint of boredom. - a fan explains: Unless you are a new or isolated fan, you probably know that there exists a large body of Star Trek literature written by and for Star Trek fans which cannot, or has not been, professionally published. Some of this material is far more interesting than that which has been professionally published because it can take greater liberties with characters and situations. The problem with the fan-written fiction is that it can be hard to find out about the good stuff while it is still available. The following are both good and available: [she reviews the zines The Night of the Twin Moons and Epilogue, see those pages]
- there are now 36 subscribers
- this issue has the regular column, "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- there is a trivia quiz
- poem, "Scales of Infinity" by Vel Jaeger
- fiction, "Journey to Talos IV" by Karen C. Hunter
- news of the movie
- letters from fans
- a fan describes "An Evening with William Shatner" at the University of Texas at Austin, which while the fan said that Shatner had the audience in the palm of his mind, also sounds a bit... awkward
Issue 9
TREKisM 9 was published in Oct/Nov 1979 and contains 16 pages. Illos and cartoons by LaVena Kay Kidd and Henry Roll.
- the editor talks of the excitement just before the new movie comes out, of selling TREKisM at Length #1 at SciCon #1 (1979/1985), and of her 2nd place win in the costume contest dressed as the Romulan Commander
- there is a review of "The Sixth Year" and "The Weight" (the latter isn't actually published in full until 1988), see those pages
- this issue contains the regular column "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- poem, "Eagle" by Barb Parcells, "The Gifting" by Vel Jaeger
- fiction, "Lights Out" by David E. Buxbaum
- trivia quiz
- LaVena Kay Kidd offers to create illos of SIG members for print in this newsletter, they need to send her a photo with their address on the back
- "Love and War Among the Vulcans" by Karen Hunter, anthropologist, Chairman, Margaret Mead Division of Anthropological Studies, Federation University at Antares
- a marketing revelation: MATERIALISTICALLY SPEAKING - If you thought STAR WARS, SUPERMAN, et aI, swamped the market with sale items, just wait till you see what's in store for you with the STAR TREK movie: according to APOTA #76 (08/1973), the merchandising list is just beginning and will feature such varied items as: puzzles and electronic games from Milton Bradley; sheets, towels, etc from Burlington Domestics; bead-filled furniture from Futorian Corp; stereo reels and super 8 film from GAF Corp; sleeping bags and tents from Henderson Camp Products; a Mr. Spock Liquor bottle from the E. Martinoni Co; T-shirts and underwear from Nazareth Century Mills; Enterprise and Klingon die-cast models from Meccano Ltd; trading cards from Coca-Cola; posters from Proctor and Gamble; premium items from General Mills "and this is only the beginning"!
- a fanzine lending library is in the works: We are in the process of organising a fanzine lending library: our librarian is Janis Reay [address redacted], a courageous soul who actually volunteered for the position. When the organization is complete, the only cost to members will be for the postage to mail the zines (and of course,.:their return). We are also asking for zines on loan which will be xeroxed -- if you have extra copies you wish to donate, check with Janis first to prevent duplications. Sorry, but we have to ask for postage to be included if you wish any material returned to you. The "Library" won't be functional till around January - we are asking permission from the respective editors for the xeroxing of their zines, which is a very time-consuming process. The lending procedure will operate something like this: 1) write to Janis, requesting a list of available zines, enclosing a SASE 2) you will receive a list which includes the amount of postage needed to mail each zine 3) send a 9 x 12" SASE with appropriate postage affixed along with the name of the zine you want. This is the perfect solution for the problem of locating out-of-print zines, as even with the increased mailing fees it's still cheaper than buying a copy - some of the larger zines are up to $10 and $12 now. Perhaps a word of explanation is necessary for some of our newer members: a "zine" is short for "fan-written magazine", containing fiction, poetry, art, and just about anything else that strikes a Star Trek fan's fancy. Some outstanding examples were included in THE NEW VOYAGES collections - to call this work "amateur" is very misleading. One of the best known "fan" authors is Dr. Jean Lorrah, professor of English literature at Murray State in Kentucky - hardly a beginner!
Issue 10
TREKisM 10 was published in Jan/Feb 1980 and contains 17 pages. The illos are by LaVena Kay Kidd.
- the editor has some uplifting words for the new decade: Star Trek may have been born in the Sixties, but it has matured in the Seventies. We have survived that decade; thus far so good -- only 22 more to pass before we reach the promise of the 23rd Century. Star Trek was brought forth from turbulence, and the message of hope thrived and blossomed. We have learned bitter truths about ourselves, and listened to the words "we're not going to kill today!" We have learned tolerance, and can say "we rejoice in our differences". We have learned to weep for our brothers' suffering, and that 'Let me help' is to be recommended even over I love you' . We have yet so far to go before we take our place among the stars, but as the Metron said of us in ARENA: we are a "most promising species". May we continue to strive to fulfill our potential. Peace and Long Life to you all in the Eighties and the decades to follow!
- there is a list of magazines and newspapers (with short summaries) of comments about the new movie
- this issue has the regular column, "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- there is [an] overview of Antithesis, see that page
- there is a review of Sahaj Collected, see that page
- fiction, "The Sounds of Muzak" by David E. Buxbaum
- poem, "Awakening to a Daydream" by Vel Jaeger
- "article called "Command Psychology, course 753, Case Studies Booklet #5, Lecture #27: Admiral James Tiberius Kirk" is about Kirk as explained to Starfleet students
- fan letters concentrate on comments regarding the movie
- a trivia quiz
Issue 11
TREKisM 11 was published in Mar/Apr 1980 and contains 17 pages.
- the editor comments on the new movie: Critics have fired well-aimed salvoes at it, some die-hard Trek fans have condemned it, and the general public has ridiculed it. The temptation is great to ride with the stream of criticism and agree that the film was a disappointment and has not equalled our expectations: if only they had done this-and-such! and why didn't they show that-and-so? After awhile, I came to realize that most of the condemnation dealt with what was NOT there, and with this came the first glimpse of the solution to the dilemma. With one possible exception (the length of the trip through the cloud), no one found justifiable fault with what IS seen. And here I found the reason for my infatuation with The Movie, as fresh during the tenth-viewing as with the first. This is a physically beautiful movie, and it is undeniably a valid part of the 23rd Century and its United Federation of Planets. Our family of characters is there, evolved somewhat but still easily recognizable. And our lovely lady Enterprise is there, more breathtakingly beautiful than ever. We are swept along with music that is magnificently compelling, mysterious, winsome, and always incredible. But the most important factor is still the people: the interaction of the characters is the ultimate expression of the human adventure. The love, the caring -- all the ties are still there. The emotion at times seems to leap between like charges of electricity. The special effects do not over-shadow but are intriguing, surrealistic at times? fantastical and entrancing. As the Enterprise reaches warp speed the compulsion is to cry out "Wait for me, I want to go, too!" The ultimate question has been answered: Star Trek does live, as once again we can feel the spirit of it at work. The physical forms are different, but the simple fact is that it lives - it breathes - it inspires. It is the wonder which captures our hearts and urges us to fulfill our potential. May we endeavor to live each day by the principles and tolerance and hope for the future that have been kindled. I feel that I have now dispelled any rumors to the effect that I do not like The Movie. Negative comments and opinions concerning Star Trek , in any form, will still be included in this newsletter because each SIG member's convictions are equally valid. We can learn so much from examining our differences as we have heard so often.
- "On Deck with Tapes, A New Service for SIG Members" by Lou R. Goodman describes it as such: Something new has been added to the Star Trek SIG: as of this announcement a new service is available for those who wish to use it. What service? An audio tape swap-copy-source. I have cassette tapes of almost all of the STAR TREK TV shows, plus other science fiction shows (280 plus, in all). Those of you who say, "so?" have never listened to the show. In taping them I had to do it remote so some of the shows I have never seen, but the sound tracks carry them. These recordings are susceptible to car interference, but otherwise are taken off the air without using a microphone. I do not have cable service, so there may be some fuzzy shows, but on the whole the recordings are quite good. And now, the service: I am willing — as time and tide allow — to swap or dub these tapes. I prefer to swap, but if you have nothing to trade don't let that stop you. I do not sell tapes. I have neither the resources nor the interest in selling tapes. My main goal is to build up my own collection, but I am willing to supply those of you that wish them with TV sound tracks. These stories, interviews, etc, that I do swap will be made available to the rest of you (on the approval of the source of the swapped tape) and will be announced in these pages (Vel willing). The name of the swapper, circumstances of obtaining the tape will also be mentioned unless the source requests anonymity (understandably).... All material dubbed or received is for personal use only. No material is for sale or for rent.
- there is a review of R & R #11, see that page
- there is a Klingon trivia quiz
- fiction, "A Message of the Letter Log" by Karen Hunter, "A Most Logical Misunderstanding" by Peter Scott
- article, "You Don't Just Open the Doors" by Rosemarie Eierman, about theaters, marketing and the movie
- the regular column, "Insufficient Data!!!' by Rosemarie Eierman
- letters from fans
Issue 12
TREKisM 12 was published in May/June 1980 and contains 16 pages. Illos are by LaVena Kay Kidd.
- "George Takei, Informally" by Rosemarie Eierman is a summary of a talk given by Takei
- there is a review of Naked Times #3 (1979), see that page
- there is a review of Interstat, see that page
- there is a con report for Stellar Con V by Amy (March 23-24, Greensboro, NC)
- there is a con report for Florida Space Festival by Vel Jaeger (March 23-24, Tampa)
- fiction, "Ship Security: Sulu Style" by Michael Koenigsberg
- poem, "The People" by Amy J. Saenz
- the regular column by Rosemarie Eierman, "Insufficient Data!!!'
Issue 13
TREKisM 13 was published in July/August 1980 and contains 16 pages. It contains illos by LaVena Kay Kidd.
- the editor apologizes for the lateness of this issue, and thanks other fans for coming to the rescue: When a friend opens a phone conversation with "You'd better get a drink first" I know the news can't be good. But Cathie Whitehead came to our rescue, arranging to have Pat Spath (Editor of ANTITHESIS the Klingon zine) do the printing by xerographic-reproduction, and at much inconvenience. So we owe these ladies a large expression of thanks for rescuing us from total oblivion. In partial repayment of this we, included a flier for them with that mailing. NOW you know where it came from, and aren't you all regretting those anti-Klingonese-diatribes!
- "The Audio Scene" by Lou R. Goodman, takes a look at Star Trek on LPs: It seemed like an odd idea at first, to take the soundtracks of the various episodes of ST and record them. It sounds too sort of Fanatic in a way. Yet, fanatic as it may seem. I was browsing in the corner book and magazine store and came across an ad. What do you suppose the ad was selling? You guessed it! For the paltry sum of $3.50 YOU can have the words and music to the episodes of ST listed... For those who wonder about the whole question of soundtracks and why anyone would ever even think of recording JUST the sound, let me cite a recent example of a sound full soundtrack. Those of you who saw the TV film "The Return of the King" may not have paid all that much attention to the running commentary that went on while the pictures flashed on the screen. If, however, you recorded it, when playing it back you would have the whole story. Yes, the writers of the dialogue had two markets in mind ... the viewer in his home and the record market. Just like in "The Hobbit", another TV production by the same people, the soundtrack has sales poten tial, with possibly a booklet of selected pictures, as a record album. I wouldn't be surprised if It came out on cassette, for the production lasted around 90 minutes (94 to be more exact). With some trimming it would be a fine fit on a C90 cassette. It seems there are those who are still thinking actively of the audio market, though I fear they are a minority. To look at a visually oriented program, listen to the sound alone of "Buck Rogers". Without the pictures there is very little to carry the whole story. That doesn't mean that I don't record ... but when I get a video tape recorder, these will be a must if I want "to preserve something that is going to be meaningful.
- the editor writes: "You'll note an unusual amount of poetry in this issue. We planned it that way to show that we do have some class."
- there is a review of One Way Mirror, see that page
- there is a review of "The Neo-Fan's Guide to Science Fiction Fandom," and "Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine Manuscript Format and Story Needs"
- poems, "Epitaph to Norman" by V.L. Thorn, "What's a Rhaandarite?" by Vel Jaeger, "Mye Ri Ka" by Cathie Whitehead, "Reincarnation" by Jacki Gasiorek, "I am Not T'Pring" by Amy J. Saenz, "XVIII" by Amy D. White
- an article written in a scholarly manner: "Klingon Ethnological Studies: Cultural Anthropology, a Report from Agri at Aquarius"
- this issue has the regular column by Rosemarie Eierman, "Insufficient Data!!!'
Issue 14
TREKisM 14 was published in Sept/Oct 1980 and contains 19 pages.
- the editor writes of the possibility of no more Star Trek movies, and she suggests that perhaps it's time for another letter campaign
- Johanna Cantor provides notes of the Roddenberry Phone Call that took place August 1, 1980 at Augustrek -- they are printed in transcript-form
- there is a trivia quiz, as well as the regular column by Rosemarie Eierman called "Insufficient Data"
- fiction, "The Halloween Incident" by V.L. Thorn, "Voices" by LaVena Kay Kidd
- poem, "The Visit" by V.L. Thorn
- a fan named Debbie writes a con report for Southern Con, see that page
- a fan named Catherine writes a con report for the Star Trek America Con which took place in New York City over the Labor Day Weekend in 1979: The guests were Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Angelique Pettyjohn (she played Shahna in "THE GAMESTERS OF TRISKELION"), Jesco von Puttkamer, and Isaac Asimov. There was a good panel on fanzines, introducing some of the longer-established ones to those of us who were new to the "zine scene". There was a good talk by Bill Hickey, who lived the ultimate fan dream. I don't know if you've ever met Bill, but he sells the uniform shirts, and when he was a little heavier he bore a striking resemblance to Shatner. He got a chance to be in the movie, and his talk was a fan's eye view of actually being on the set and mingling with the "great ones". One of the things I enjoyed most about the Con was a little ten-minute short done like a movie promotional trailer reel. It was called "Hardware Wars" and was recommended by one of the editors of Starlog, whom we met at a Chinese Restaurant one evening. It was STAR WARS with appliances, and it was hysterical. The Millenium Falcon was a steam iron, the tie fighters were toasters, R2D2 was a canister-type vacuum cleaner, C3PO was the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, and the Death Star was a waffle iron. We got dressed up, but didn't enter the costume contest. After the judging was over we went to the bar for a quick drink and were admitted, while others who were in costume weren't permitted into the lounge. I think they were afraid of us, we were all carrying swords. Another strange incident happened in the bar after my friend's husband left to take their son to answer a call of nature. A foursome of gentlemen entered the bar and spotted us sitting there, bifurcated eyebrows and all. One of them yelled "We love you!" and headed for us while we were trying to crawl under the table from embarrassment. One of them leaned down and got almost nose to nose with us and said something in a fervent tone of voice ( I have no idea what language he was speaking, or what he said), then he kissed our hands and left with his friends. Either he really dug Klingons, or he was congratulating us on our release from the "Home" - I'm really unsure which. One thing which upset me about the con was the attitude of the hotel toward us. Not only were their prices exorbitant, but they referred to everyone who came to the convention as a "bunch of freaks", at the same time they were picking our pockets. There was an obscenity scrawled on my door which we had to call about several times before anything was done about cleaning it up. The worst thing happened to my friends, who had driven up. They weren't told anything about parking rates. Then they checked in, but as they were leaving the Bell Captain informed them that it cost $50 per day for parking, and presented them with a bill for $150. They are still seething. I wanted to go to one of the big cons in NY, just to see what they were like. Well, I've seen, and I don't think I'll go back. It had nothing to do with the con itself, or the people who ran it, but the attitude of the hotel was a real turn-off. The same people are giving a con in Philadelphia in November, and I think maybe I'll aim for that one, if I can afford it.
Issue 15
TREKisM 15 was published in Nov/Dec 1980 and contains 16 pages.
- a review of Enterprise Incidents (US Star Trek: TOS zine)|Enterprise Incidents #8 (1980), see that page
- a review of Masquerade: The Magazine of Science Fiction Costuming, see that page
- a reminder of FebCon and of the William Shatner Weekend (the latter rescheduled for July 10-12 at the new LA Airport Hotel)
- fiction, "The Christmas Incident" by V.L. Thorn, and "With Stronger Life" (an excerpt of a story in Saurian Brandy Digest by Rose Eierman and Karen Hunter
- includes a trivia test, the column "Insufficient Data" by Rosemarie Eierman
- a poem, "Koloth the Red Nose Klingon," an untitled poem by Amy D. White
- LaVena Kay Kidd includes a con report for Star TreKon, held the end of July 1980
- a fan, Peter Scott, includes an article called "A Vegetarian Viewpoint" ("There is one subject of importance never broached on the Enterprise, which would expect to be crucial. Do they eat real meat or not?")
- there are several letters from fans, including one which details of why she doesn't like David Gerrold's pro book "The Galactic Whirlpool"
Issue 16
TREKisM 16 was published in Jan/Feb 1981 and contains 16 pages.
- news about the next movie
- a review of the pro book, "Science Fiction Writer's Workshop" by Barry B. Longyear
- a review of Obsc'zine #4 (11/1980), see that page
- "What's in a Name, A Vulcan by Any Other Name Would Smell" by Moira Washburn, fiction
- this issue has part two of the con report by LaVena Kay Kidd on the July '80 Kansas City con
- the regular feature, "Insufficient Data" by Rosemarie Eierman, appears in this issue
- a review of Dagger of the Mind, see that page
- "Logic and the Vulcan Mythos" by Karen C. Hunter is a scholarly article "written by Dr. M'Benga"
- there is an article that mentions that "those with VCRs" could procure ST:TMP, as well as reviews and discusses Star Trek stories on recorded albums
- "She Stayed Out" is by Robert S. Sayes; it is his account of trying to convince the actress Joanne Linville (who portrayed the Romulan Commander) to come to a con in Tallahassee, Florida in winter of 1977 (While the name is not mentioned, this was TerraCon) -- "considering the outcome of the con I was glad she had not participated." Later that year, Sayes got a letter from Linville, and after some further communication got her permission to start a fan club for her. Then, Linville changed her mind: Several months later, during the summer, I began to hear several things about ST fandom at large that made me wonder if that had been the reason for her change of heart, for in most cases an actor is happy to indulge their fans. Then, I began to think that I had stumbled on the reason. This was the time of the Shatner pie-throwing incident, as well as the massed mobbing of the stars by those Trekkies in an autograph mania. I would like to interpose that I am not accusing anyone specifically, only pointing a finger in general as I know one of the faces or names that accomplished those acts. Anyhow, I began to wonder if perhaps Ms Linville had heard of these events, and decided that she did not want to get mobbed and possibly injured by a crushing crowd of frantic fans. I must say that I enjoy meeting the stars, eating meals with them, and of course, going jogging with George. I, too, like to get an autograph or two, usually in a book or other product the star has worked on, but I must say that those who are always "all over" the stars are becoming a real pain. One wonders just how long it will be before these types make it so that the stars will not want to mingle with their fans.
Issue 17
TREKisM 17 was published in March/April 1981 and contains 16 pages.

- from the editorial: News of the movie is scarce, but encouraging: Leonard Nimoy has signed to portray Spock, but he will only be in a very small "cameo" role. I understand that this is because he will be occupied with filming for the TV movie "Marco Polo," and that he will be doing the TREK filming during a break from the other film.
- this issue has two full-page illos/cartoons by LeVena Kay Kidd
- there is the column "Insufficient Data!!" by Rosemarie Eierman (part two of the column in the previous issue)
- fiction, "The Bare Facts" by Karen Hunter (in letter form)
- fiction, "Delayed Interlude" by Ginger Lee
- poem, "Tiber Church" by Barb Purcells, "Images Diminished" by V.L. Thorn, "Shield of Glass" by Vel Jaeger
- Kirk-centric trivia quiz
- there is a review of Masiform D #11, see that page
- there is a review of Clipper Trade Ship #31, see that page
- there is a review of Protocols, see that page
Issue 18
TREKisM 18 was published in May/June 1981 and contains 16 pages.
- the editorial is all about the progress of the upcoming movie
- the editor has a long report about meeting Gene Roddenberry at the University of Florida (Gainesville) on one of his college tour talks (April 9, 1981)
- there is an installment of the column "Insufficient Data!!" by Rosemarie Eierman (some topics: what if McCoy hadn't come back to the Enterprise after the five year mission, what would Chapel's role be, why didn't Uhura ever get to sit in the captain's chair, why were there no Chinese people on the Enterprise, why were most of the crew human?)
- fiction, "Meditations... from the Notebooks of Dr. McCoy" by Mike Koenigsberg, "Another History Lesson" by Steve Smythe
- there is a review of Kraith Collected #6 (1980), see that page
- there is a review of Nome #4 (01/81), see that page
- poem, "McCoy" by V.L. Thorn, "Physician" by Vel Jaeger
- there are some quotes from Deforest Kelley made February 10-12, 1981 at a con in New York City at the Statler Hotel
- there is an announcement about the first TrekStar Awards
- this issue has an article by a fan named Vivian called "The Fallacies of K/S" -- an excerpt: I have yet to hear of a very good reason for K/S. I'm not talking about an occasional pon far[r] without an available woman as a reason for sex between Spock and Kirk, but about a "love affair" with Kirk. Spock just couldn't do it, at least not according to what we have seen, I just can't picture Kirk or Spock "mooning" around the bridge. It is definitely OUT OF CHARACTER!!! In Spock, we have a member of a race who is culturally inhibited against even discussing sex, so much so that Spock finds it virtually impossible to talk to his best friend about it. There is no way at all that a Vulcan could have sex if it were not necessary to save his life. It was almost impossible when he was in pon far[r], when he would have preferred death rather than talk to his "Captain, and his friend" about what would save his life. It is implied that Vulcans have mind touch with their sex partners, a bonding, "always touching". I doubt that Kirk could be faithful to a homosexual love, and Spock would not permit anything but constancy in his bonding. It should be remembered that Star Trek is basically NOT set in the future, but is rather a reflection of today's culture. The setting is the future, or otherwise Roddenberry would have been able to say what he wanted to say. As the world is today, a homosexual relationship is unacceptable on TV. Haven't you ever wondered about Starsky and Hutch??? Laverne and Shirley?? Mary Tyler Moore and Rhoda???? Batman and Robin??? There are many such characters who seem to have rather close, personal, affectionate relationships. There are far more reasons for believing in a McCoy/Spock affair. For those who pointed to the touching in the "SHORE LEAVE" episode as "proof" of K/S, I offer "proof" of a Mc/S the scene: in "MIRI" after McCoy has taken the untested drug...when Spock holds McCoy's hands; that was affection. As further fuel for the Mc/S, I offer the scene in "FOR THE WORLD IS HOLLOW..." when McCoy awakens and Spock helps him up. There is much affection shown in that touching. We all know many couples who fight all the time. Obviously, McCoy and Spock fight also, partly to hide the affection between them, partly because they enjoy the verbal warfare. I'm surprised that nobody else has seen it. Remember THE EMPATH?? McCoy drugged both Kirk and Spock so that he could sacrifice his own life…. Obviously, it is a menage a trois. K/S/Mc. Anyone care to picture all three of them in bed together????? As an afterword, none of the above stops me from reading and enjoying, most of the K/S stories that I have seen. Although I do not accept the premise, I do accept the stories. As a science fiction reader-addict of thirty years' duration, I will accept almost any premise as long as it is consistent. After all, I do not accept the basic premise of Kraith. That doesn't stop me from reading and enjoying most of the stories.
Issue 19
TREKisM 19 was published in July/August 1981 and contains 16 pages.
- from the editorial, regarding remarks by Harve Bennett at the William Shatner Weekend July 10-12, 1981 in Los Angeles: Questioned as to THE RUMOR, Bennett replied that, as of now, Spock does not die in the film. That was just one of many possibilities for the story, and may or may not actually occur. Bennett spent quite some time discussing his interpretation of ST - he sees the series as essentially allegory - and appears to have an"excellent grasp of the basic ideals of the world of ST. Bennett has been most interested in the fannish input he's received, it now it is all up to him, and he must make the final decisions by himself. We've had our say, and now it is time to leave the man alone, to let him get on with the business of producing a film. But Ye Fearless Ed did get to share a few priceless moments with Bennett after his talk, along with fellow fans Dixie Owen and Teri Meyer (INTERSTAT). He thank-yous for our letter, in which we provided information on the vast realm of fandom, and introduced us to some of his staff, including the line producer for the new Trek movie.
- article, "Changes in the Technology of Star Trek" by Tim Farley, an excerpt: In Star Trek's time, man will be even more dependent on technology than now. Almost everything our heroes do in Star Trek depends on their proper use of technology. Few fans recognize the fact that Star Trek's technology, like ours, must also be changing constantly.
- filks, "If Gilbert & Sullivan Had Written Star Trek as a Space Operetta... " a series by David E. Buxbaum
- "Insufficient Data!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- a review of Captives, see that page
- a review of Precessional, see that page
- a review of "Forum", see that page
- a review of the newsletter/fanzine of the Barnard-Columbia Science Fiction Society, called "CUSFuSsing"
Issue 20
TREKisM 20 was published in Sept/Oct 1981 and contains 16 pages.
- the editor writes that "our very own LaVena Kay Kidd has just won her third Editor's Award in a row for her work in "Sunflower Seeds," the Kansas Local Group newsletter. I wonder how many members are aware that none of LaVena's work for TREKisM has ever been considered for recognition because SIG newsletters are not eligible for consideration in the Editors' Awards." Vel writes that none of the work by others is eligible and that if members have an issue with this, to write the new SIG officer.
- the editor apologizes for the condition of the copies of issue #19 that arrived in mailboxes resembling an " unsuccessful origami project"; it's a postal service problem
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- "With Apologies to Edgar..." by Wanda Butts (poem)
- "My First Officer," poem by V.L. Thorn
- some "Cryptic Limericks"
- a description of Universal Translator #10 Jul/Aug/1981
- a review of Gateway #1 2/1981, see that page
- a comment about "Stylus", describing it and asking fans to contribute to keep it afloat
- a con report for Stellarcon #6
- a fan says K/S is illogical as homosexuality from a Vulcan's point of view is illogical as it doesn't result in children, and another fan writes "Looking back on the episodes, I can think of several times the crew verbally and /or physically showed affection for one another. So, instead of a menage a trois, how about an orgy instead? At least Paramount might make me happy with a porno movie..."
Issue 21
TREKisM 21 was published in Nov/Dec 1981 and contains 20 pages.
- there is much news about the proposed second ST movie to be released the following summer, working title "Star Trek: The Genesis Project"
- "Sudsy Week" by LaVena Kay Kidd is a report of Star Trek actors appearing on recent soap operas
- letters from fans
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- poem, "Holiday Hereditas" by V.L. Thorn
- trivia by Steve Robiner
- a review of Trek Continuum #2 12/1980, see that page
- a review of Fermata 7/1981, see that page
- a very short run-down of Trexindex
- comments on TREKisM at Length #2 1981, see that page
- a fan in the UK reports on William Shatner's September 23, 1981 visit to the Griffith Observatory while filming a show called "Fridays" ("a series of comedy sketches somewhat on the order of "Saturday Night Live.") -- "You know something -- he looked just like he does on television! Same size and everything. Even appeared to be normal. He must be special."
- reprinted from The Center Seat, 8/1981, comments by Harve Bennett: [On the difficulty of entering the Star Trek world]: Nobody sees Trek the same and everybody sees it strongly. Everybody thinks they have the definitive book on what Star Trek ought to be. That goes for people who have written, for people who have acted, and it goes for every single fan. It's an awesome responsibility to step in and be bombarded not only by opinions, but by Messianic opinions, as if the writer of each letter...had the sacred ark on what Star Trek is or ought to be....I have carried it this far by trying to keep in mind what I had from the beginning, which was my own feeling of what the show wanted to be, what I liked about it. [On his relationship with fans]: My policy is and will be that I believe the only way for me to survive, and to do what you all want me to do, is to stay uninvolved in the madness, love, and hysteria of fandom. That's your craziness. It can't be mine. I have my own crazinesses. Everybody feels so passionately that to try to deal with each passionate feeling would be in itself a lifetime's work. Therefore, the only policy for me...is to get as much as I can from everyone, and say thank you, and then deal ultimately with all of the people with whom I will be ultimately associated with doing this picture.
Issue 22
TREKisM 22 was published in Jan/Feb 1982 and contains 16 pages.
- the editorial is all about the second ST movie, now with a working title of "The Undiscovered Country"
- the editor is looking for someone to index the 1981 issues of TREKisM, listing author, title, subject, poetry, and art
- there is a con report for August Party 1981, Washington D.C., see that page
- there is a con report for "TricitiCon"
- a review of Saurian Brandy Digest #29 05/1981, see that page
- a review of Spin Dizzie #5 02/1981, see that page
- a report of the mini-con Star Trek Saturday, see that page
- "Ode to a Tribble," poem by Joan Bauman
- "For Scotty," poem by Cathie Whitehead
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- a fan with an idea: As our "lending library" is no longer active, many members have been sharing their collections on an informal basis. Interest has been expressed in a "round robin" system of sharing, ie, sending a package on to the next name on a list, eventually returning to the original owner. For safety and economy, this would have to be done using UPS, and probably include 5-10 zines in a package. If anyone would like to participate, send me a list of your zines you'd be willing to lend, and mention any titles you'd specifically like to read.
- a bit of IDIC: Regarding the K/S controversy, this is new to me and I will reserve judgement on plausibility until I have read the material involved. While the concept has no place in my personal ST fantasy universe, I am willing to grant others the right to their own opinions, and will approach the stories with an "alternate universe" mental reservation.
- a male fan wants to know: There appear to be about 5 females in fandom at least writing fandom) for every male. Why are we so scarce? Is this connected to the heavy sexuality or eroticism in fan writing? Are most of the female fans frustrated housewives who have the time to write/edit/etc. and look to the objects of their fandom as escape from a dreary everyday life, and perhaps supplying erotic fantasy material to make up for an uninspiring or perhaps quietly good but monotonous sex/romantic life? I'm just speculating here. I'd like to see a lot more written by Ms about the fan phenomenon itself. Otherwise, what is to distinguish an M-fanzine from a non-M fanzine on the same subject?...The few contributions I've seen from males seem to be technologically oriented, whereas the female contributions seem to be more focused on the characters. The phenomenon of these fan-followed "universes" also deserves lengthier and deeper consideration by M fans- I don't have enough experience to really do it but somebody should write a thoughtful piece. What makes some fictional worlds attractive to such exploration, and others not? Having just finished Varley's Wizard, for example, I am struck by the possibilities for fan fiction involving Gaea. Or Herbert's Arrakis (Dune) is another example of a fictional world swarming with possibilities for fan fiction. Yet most of the interest seems to revolve around worlds originally presented with audio-visual approaches: movies and TV series. Why?
Issue 23
TREKisM 23 was published in March/April 1982 and contains 16 pages.
- the editor says that the filming is complete on the new movie, and that its title isn't "The Undiscovered Country": "Spock fans should feel a bit of relief at that, especially if they've found the connection between that title and Hamlet's soliloquy, "... but that the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns...""
- the editor writes: Though TREKisM in its beginnings was strictly a Mensa publication, I was delighted when we began adding subscribers from fandom in general. After all, Star Trek is our common interest, and it never mattered to me in what ways we differed. But recently I've had some feedback from a friend chastising me for making TREKisM and its annuals such "elitist" publications - specifically, for denoting contributors who were not members of Mensa with an asterisk. It was never my intention to be demeaning with this practice, and I sincerely apologize to any readers who have felt insulted. From now own, not even the subscribers' list will have those offensive **. If it becomes necessary for the membership status of a contributor to be known, you'll have to ask me. I had hoped to help gain a bit of publicity for MENSA through TREKisM, but it appears I only end up angering people with even the slightest mention of the topic. Thus, I've altered our listings in other zines accordingly. I would be very interested in hearing from readers who have felt uncomfortable with TREKisM; as always, replies will be kept confidential if so requested.
- a computer! One of our Christmas presents, compliments of my sister's husband, was a TRS-80 computer. What fun - I feel very Spockian every time I sit down at it. The kids love to play the games, and Teddy was working with a mentor last year who was teaching him to program so he's way ahead of all of us. John is taking a class one day a week on how to use it, so I feel like the dummy of the group. Fortunately I noticed a new S1G just for the TRS-80 people, which I intend to sign up with. Those computer things would be just perfect, if only they did windows. (!) Next I want to get the word processor unit and printer, so I can be really professional about my amateur writing - and be just like Isaac Asimov, at least with the same computer.
- "Star Wars: The Motion Picture... Strikes Back" by Steve Mendenhall is a long article speculating on how one could combine Star Trek and Star Wars and make them both work within canon
- there is a blurb for Bloom'Con
- "Tribbliography" by Ginny Thorn takes a humorous twist on some classic novel titles
- "Belaboring an Issue", fiction by Peter Scott, a satire about Starfleet and the Enterprise having strong unions and what that would do to the workflow
- trivia by Steve Robiner
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- poem, "Deja Vu" by Joan Panadaker
- a review for Trek Adventure (a very early Star Trek computer game), see that page
- a review for Spin Dizzie #4 (1980), see that page
Issue 24
TREKisM 24 was published in May/June 1982 and contains 20 pages.
- an update on Kirk, see that page
- there is a reprint of the March 1982 Open Letter by Teri Meyer that was originally printed in Interstat -- the subject: Leonard Nimoy, the death of Spock in the second movie, blaming rather than crediting fans, "passing the buck" and hypocrisies/politics, Fan Service, Bjo Trimble's references to Star Trek fans as "dippies", see "Open Letter to Fandom by Teri Meyer Regarding Spock's Movie Death"
- trivia by Steve Robiner
- "Deus ex Machina," fiction by Emily C. Ross
- a review of the pro book,The Promethean Design
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman
- there is much decision regarding whether Mensa should be highlighted or downplayed in this zine
Issue 25
TREKisM 25 was published in July/Aug 1982 and contains 32 pages.
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman, topic was the recent movie
- Trivia by Steve Robiner
- a review of "Transition", see that page
- a review of "Tales of Feldman", see that page
- "Trek Omen," poem by Ginny Thorn
- a fan comments on whether non-Mensans and Mensans should be identified by an asterisk by their names: I would like to tell you, being the *non-Mensan that am, that I never have been, nor ever will be insulted by a * by my name. I doubt I would feel any differently if I were a Mensan. I don't know any of the subscribers and really don't care if they know I'm not a Mensan. I think it would be a silly thought of someone actually going through the list of subscribers just to see who is a Mensan and who is not. Our interest should lie in Star Trek itself anyway--that was the idea of the zine, right? Anyway, as long as you keep offering your zine to everyone non- & Mensan, I'll buy it! How else can I cope with three kids, nosy neighbors, and Groton, CT in general?
- many, many letters about the movie, some samples: I like Lt Saavik as much as I hated Ilia and Decker. If they make ST3, I hope they bring her back. She reminds me of the young Mr. Spock from the 1st year episodes, and I think the younger fans will identify with her. She also brings females into command situations, something I think the general public is finally ready for. She also has the same aura of a hidden, smouldering sexuality about her that Spock has. And despite the age difference, don't she and Spock make a lovely couple. I think she'll inspire a lot of fan-written fiction. My husband thought she had great posture.
The day of days arrived, and—oh, ecstasy—I saw the movie twice! If only there had been private earphones with which to view the film. I was thrilled and disappointed during my two sojourns into darkened theaters—thrilled by the excitement, majesty, and pure drama portrayed on the screen; humiliated and outraged by the insensibilities of non-fans around me! I couldn't believe my ears: high-pitched titters and gales of laughter punctuated the most poignant and touching scenes of the movie! Spock's death scene was marred repeatedly by the inane giggles coming from the back of the theater; dialogue was obliterated by guffaws from an amused male in front of us; and Spock's recital of "Space, the final frontier..." was greeted with snickers and chuckles! I was shocked and saddened that my first eagerly awaited viewing of the film of the decade could be treated so nonchalantly.
And I desperately hope it will be successful.... Last time, millions of people paid to see a movie that turned out to be a dud, and they're understandably wary of making the same mistake, but this movie deserves to make a lot of money.
Naturally I was very moved when Spock died, but not as much as I might have been if there wasn't such a good possibility that he may be back in some form or another, a la Obi-Wan Ken-obi. I would've been more grieved if I knew that this was the last I'd ever see of Spock, instead of having my emotions manipulated to think he's dead, then have him brought back to life in the next movie. And I feel that those chances are very good.
...As I have said before, I refuse to accept that Spock is finally dead. My own theory is that since his coffin did land on the planet and the Genesis wave is still affecting things, somehow he is going to be reanimated by that. It could lead to some interesting scenes where he has to remember his earlier life (a la Gandalf in "LORD OF THE RINGS"),but I can't see it being much of a plot. Yet I firmly believe he will return as himself (not Spock Kenobi) Every time I see that final scene between Spock and Kirk, I go all cold inside. It's one of the best I've ever seen. When I think about it afterward, I analyze the beauty of the love shown by looks and attempts to touch through a glass wall, by gentle words, by restraint, even by Spock pulling down his jacket in an attempt to put on the facade one last time. (Twice when I've seen that, it gets a laugh; that surprised me since it is so characteristic.) But when I'm looking at it, all I'm doing is hurting for Kirk. The last time I felt that way was watching Spencer Tracy die in CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS. I don't break down until Scotty plays "Amazing Grace"; marvelous touch. The whole series of ending scenes is wonderful.
Issue 26
TREKisM 26 was published in Sept/Oct 1982 and contains 32 pages. It is the fifth-anniversary issue.
- some stats: in September 1977, there were 7 subscribers; as of this issue there are 143, in five years, the SIG income was $2,487.85 with expenditures of $2,172, the editor has handled nearly 5000 pieces of mail
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman, suggestions for the next movie, comments about Kirk's glasses
- "Intelligence Quota", fiction by Moria Washburn
- a review of The Honorable Sacrifice, see that page
- a review of Fesarius #5 (1982), see that page
- a review of Sol Plus #8 (3/1981), see that page
- a review of Organia, see that page
- a comment on the Star Trek Mail Association, see that page
- "Solitaire," poem by V.L. Thorn
- some reviews of pro books
- there is a reprint of a letter from Harve Bennett thanking TREKisM's editor for the recent issue of TREKisM: Dear Vel: Your favorite pebble-thrower is delighted to see you relishing the ripples. Thanks for the latest edition, and for the good thoughts. After a month away, I am rapidly getting into TREK III. Wish me luck and stay in touch.
- there are many letters from fans about the new movie: It was very obvious to me that this Star Trek was made by people that love Star Trek as much as I do... One thing that especially impressed me about WRATH was that it not only captured what "TREK" was, but what TREK had become in all of our hearts. This film, than anything else, indicates to me that the makers of this movie love STAR TREK. I have always been afraid that over time's passage STAR TREK had taken on a certain glow, life, essence that the fans had put there. When I look at the old episodes, I can often see that not all of them are "real Trek", and in fact, only a few of them are able to be all that is "real Trek". STAR TREK has become something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Because I realized this, I was not as disappointed in the first movie as I might have been. And for the same reason, I am absolutely flabbergasted by this movie It has it all!
- another comment on the movie: About Spock's "death": the way I see it, if Spock comes back again it could only be a bonus. I don't agree with the theory that bringing Spock back would be careless toying with our emotions. Spock made the decision to repair the engines knowing that it would mean his death. If some quirk of fate causes Spock to live, his sacrifice isn't the less for it. Remember "THE EMPATH"? It was the willingness to give that saved Gem and her people.
Issue 27
TREKisM 27 was published in Nov/Dec 1982 and contains 20 pages.
- the editor offers a short description and definition of SIG and Mensa
- trivia by Steve Robiner
- "Joqchim's Lament," poem by Debbie Gilbert
- a review of The Third Verdict, see that page
- a flyer for TREKisM #3 (01/1979)
- "Insufficient Data!!!" by Rosemarie Eierman: the chess alcove, the all-knowing computer, speculation on Kirk's first mission -- regarding the chess alcove: A popular device in fan fiction is the chess alcove. In the story "Surprise!" (by Nichelle Nichols in STAR TREK: THE NEW VOYAGES II), Nichols, Marshak, and Culbreath) assume that the published Enterprise blueprints are correct and that there is an access corridor between Kirk's and Spock's staterooms. Doors from their respective bathrooms open onto it. As a birthday gift, Spock has the area walled off, forming a private room. The two officers may then play chess undisturbed and leave unfinished games to be resumed at a future time. Of course, all sorts of fascinating incidents occur in and around that nifty alcove. The question is, would Captain Kirk customarily play chess in such a place? If Spock is teaching Kirk a difficult new game strategy, perhaps. But the purpose of those matches is not just for Kirk to sharpen his wits against Spock, not just for recreation in his off-hours, but also to be among the crew, testing their mood, learning about them by overhearing their conversations and comments and by observing their behavior. The matches also provide entertainment for the crew and the resulting "humanization" of their captain and first officer probably increases the loyalty to those two men. It certainly decreases gripes about snobbish, uncaring senior officers. Therefore, unless it is a very special match, such as the grand master contest described in "Surprise!", it is highly unlikely that Kirk and Spock would hide themselves away in a private room for hours on end. That would give cause for all sorts of speculation aboard ship - none of it healthy.
- from a fan who has apparently been living under a rock for the past ten years or so: I have another idea: has anyone written stories which are improved versions of the original episodes? Not really parodies, just alternatives. Like in the incredibly dull ALTERNATIVE FACTOR, Starfleet thought aliens in another universe were preparing to invade. What if it really was an invasion? Sort of a combination Of MIRROR, MIRROR and ERRAND OF MERCY?
- there is much discussion regarding the recent movie; this fan writes: I saw the film four times in its first week of release, but then I went a whole month before seeing it again. It became just too painful. I developed an uncanny degree of empathy with Kirk, going through the full range of emotions with him, and when I left the theater I was exhausted. I found I was doing even autonomic things, like breathing and swallowing, in synchrony with Kirk. It was kind of eery. I tried to analyze my identification with this fictional character, and I think I've at least partially explained it. No matter how important the other characters are, the fact remains that this is Kirk's story. Through the years, I've come to know this man far better than I know most real people. Kirk represents an ideal. A flawed ideal, yet he is somehow even greater because of his flaws. No one exactly like Kirk exists on Earth (Shatner not included!), but all of us wish we could be a little like him. He has such strong,complex emotions that it's nearly impossible not to empathize with him. Anyway, I've come to see my ability to identify with the character as an asset. It's what is driving me to write, to get all these strong feelings out on paper. If only my writing technique were good enough to express adequately what I want to say!...
Issue 28
TREKisM 28 was published in Jan/Feb 1983 and contains 20 pages.
- "Puzzlement," poem by Debbie Gilbert
- an actual puzzle by Rosemarie Eierman
- "Trekcomedy Corner" by Elliot Miller and Louis Rakita, focusing on parody episode titles and summaries
- there is a letter from Harve Bennett thanking Vel Jaeger for sending him the older issues of TREKisM in "a collection in so handy a form. My equivalent is scattered over multiple boxes and files."
- an installment of "Insufficient Data!!!" and response to that column from the previous issue
- a fan's letter is a rebuttal to another's; it was Sulu who would be the Mensan, not Chekov: "Come on, now! Sulu seems so bright and quick-witted, while Chekov acts like a dolt most of the time. Realistically, I would think they're all pretty smart, since above-average intelligence is probably one of the requirements for assignment to a starship."
- a review of Mixed Metaphors, see that page
- a review of The Gallian, see that page
- a review of "Rising Star" (sf/fantasy/horror writers' newsletter)
Issue 29
TREKisM 29 was published in March/April 1983 and contains 32 pages.
- regarding "The Mail Trek and Newsletter Round Robins": Some zines are now in circulation, and I thank you all for your patience. The way I've worked it out is that the first person to request a zine gets to pay the initial cost, plus shipping it on to the next person on a pre-determined list. Subsequent readers only have to pay shipping one-way. And to answer the most frequent question, Spock Enslaved is in the route, with a waiting list of about 5 readers. To help keep the records simple, send your requests for zines you want to borrow on a 3x5" index card. If you want to participate in the newsletter RR, put that on another card. If you have zines you are willing to lend, list those still on another card. If you only put this information in a letter, it gets hung up in a file somewhere till I have time to transfer your wants on a card myself. If you missed the listing in past issues of TREKisM, ask me for a list of those available.
- many fans comment on the new movie, one example: This has to be one of the greatest and most satisfying movies I have ever seen! Maybe I am prejudiced. But it was so satisfying to see all the characters RELATING to each other again instead of merely being together. I have to admit, however, that I am not as philosophically accepting of Spock's death as some. The first time I saw the film, I left with a very real feeling of bereavement, grief, disbelief -- in short, all the feelings I have had at the death of a real person. Maybe this means ST people are too real to me; I don't know. I have since become resigned to the situation, and agree with readers Al Fix and Robert Sayes in some of their comments, that to have Spock revived by some wild coincidence or 'repaired' would be a cheat to us and to have used fans' emotions is a cheap trick. I certainly don't want a disembodied Spock saying, 'Use the warp, Jim,' at difficult plot moments in future films. I hope there are writers out there who are clever enough and ingenious enough to bring Spock back to his reality without resorting to tricks.
- there are announcements for some cons, one with the unfortunate name of "Noncon," which was to be held October 7-9, 1983, with GoH Orsen Scott Card -- "... seems to be mostly SF programming, but since western Canada isn't exactly a hotbed of cons, thought our members would like to at least know about it."
- "Star Trek 1½" is by Debbie Gilbert (a long commentary on the reedited version of Star Trek: The Motion Picture as it was shown on television) (also printed in Communications Console - 1986)
- fiction, "Vanity" by Beth Carlson
- a review of The Sourdani Journal, see that page
- a review of The Morning of the Sixth Day, see that page
Issue 30
TREKisM 30 was published in May/June 1983 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editorial: I'm still winding down from the giddy heights of the five days of the William Shatner Star Celebration, and all the work that preceded it (I was on the Video and awards committees). I won't tax your patience with minute details, but I would like to share a few of the many highlights, such as: THE STAR CEREMONY--WS's star was unveiled to an unusually large crowd (for these ceremonies), right in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater; attending friends included Leonard Nimoy and Adrian Zmed. And as if my adrenalin level wasn't already high enough, Co-President Karen Kraft snagged two other regional assistants and myself to be interviewed for ABC's local program, "Eye on LA" -- turns out they're doing a special on WS this summer. How could we refuse?! THE HOOKER SET--Warner Bros Studios was not ready for the two tour buses full of Shatnerphiles. In fact, the fire marshall went into apoplexy at the idea, but finally consented to let groups of 25 onto the soundstage to observe rehearsals and filming. We were so quiet that one confused employee asked if we were all deaf! THE WSF "COMPANY PICNIC--though we had to put up with the press for a few minutes (for the aforementioned special), after awhile WS decided they had enough footage and asked them to leave. An actor kicking out the press is definitely not standard behavior in this town. THE AWARDS BANQUET--Saturday night's affair was most unusual and special. It was decided that there would be no photos, which provided a very relaxed atmosphere, both for our guests of honor and the members. One of the gifts presented was a portrait in acrylics of WS with "Kirk", his champion Doberman, beautifully rendered by TREKisH's own Barbara Walker. And of course the Star Logo (designed by our LaVena Kidd) was everywhere on the table place cards/programs. She also did all the illustrations for the awards (more on those next time, perhaps--too much to go into now). Sunday morning was definitely a time of downward momentum, filled with tearful good-byes and hugs all around.
- a review of The Bloodstone, see that page
- a review of "Fandom Directory" #5 (03/1983), see that page
- this issue contains the last "Insufficient Data," the regular column by Rosemarie Eierman
Issue 31
TREKisM 31 was published in July/August 1983 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editorial: For awhile it seemed we might have to discontinue non-Mensan subscriptions to TREKisM, as conflicting interpretations of the new National SIG policy adopted by the AP1C (American Mensa Committee, our governing body) abounded. But Kevin Johnson, our new Groups Officer, has interpreted that TREKisM's current subscription policy is perfectly in accord with the national SIG guidelines, and until we hear otherwise, we can continue to offer subs to any who wish them.
- there are many fan comments about the movie, specifically Spock's death: Spock had to die for a couple of reasons: l) it was time that someone Paid the Price of Winning end Kirk was too adept at cheating to win, (No offense meant, I'm all in favor of the kind of cheating Kirk does, I just think that a movie, unlike a TV) series, requires -- or should, at any rate -- a Payment, especially a heroic and mythic one like ST:TW0K was.) 2) Spock was the one who made the Fatal Mistake in the movie when he prevented Lt. Saavik from reminding Kirk about the Star Fleet regulation regarding approaching ships who have not established communication -- thereby requiring him to obey it. If she didn't say it, he could ignore it and go on his hunches as he so often did. Because it was Spock's Fatal Mistake, it was only logical that the thing to put it right should be Spock's sacrifice. If Kirk had chosen to continue as he was going in spite of Saavik's reminder (had she completed it), it would have been Kirk's Fatal Mistake and Spock's Sacrifice would have had an especially tragic (more than it already did) element to it). Which brings me to my second thought: if STAR TREK is viewed as allegorical, with Kirk as a sort of Everyman character, Spock has now achieved, in the completeness of his acceptance of his human half, a kind of blessed state and his Sacrifice becomes similarly redemptive to Christ's. Looked at in that way, I have no problem at all with his "resurrection," I think enough Payment was made in the pain he suffered in his Sacrifice and in the self-acknowledgement Kirk experience in his life to satisfy the Demands of Justice. Mercy can take hold now and "resurrect" him for us all and it will not be the "cheat" I have heard the "pseudo-deaths" in the TV series episodes called. (Does that make sense?) This has been a growing experience and it has been painful, but I think it has been worth it.
- this issue has a summary of questions and answers from Leonard Nimoy's lecture at Kent State on June 19, 1983
- "James T. Kirk vs The Computer" is an article by Jon B. Green
- this issue has a Trek quiz/trivia
- there is a review of Don't! Tell It to the Captain, see that page
Issue 32
TREKisM 32 was published in Sep/Oct 1983 and contains 32 pages.
- there is a new regular column, called "Technically Speaking," by Peter Scott
- poem or filk, "Ode to Star Trek on a Fringe Station, or, Ode for a Sympathetic Local Programmer" by "Bonnie Backslider"
- there is a review of Broken Images, see that page
- there is a review of "Five Year Mission and Beyond", see that page
- there is a review of Of Crystal Persuasion, see that page
- fan, Jennifer Bowen, is the author of an article called "Intriguing ~ Mr. Spock" about the appeal of that character
- poem, "Christine's Reflections",by Linda Brown
- LaVena Kay Kidd has a multi-part con report for Space Trek #2 done in illustrations, see that page
Issue 33
TREKisM 33 was published in Nov/Dec 1983 and contains 20 pages.
- there are short ads for ten zines
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott
- "The Engineer's Log" by Jon B. Green
- "Trekomedy Korner" by Elliot Miller and Louis Rakita
- reviews of pro books: Black Fire, Web of the Romulans, The Covenant of the Crown, On the Good Ship Enterprise, and Mutiny on the Enterprise
- the editor writes: Because TREKisM at Length 3 went to press after we were misinformed of the ruling concerning SIGs being allowed to have subscribers who are not members of Mensa, but before that information was corrected, the Editorial in that zine has caused a lot of confusion. Let me make it perfectly clear-- WE WANT YOU ALL! The misinformation came from Tom Napier, the International SIGs officer who took it upon himself to interpret the new AMC SIGs policy as allowing no members outside of Mensa. Tom's "jurisdiction" extends only to SIGs which have no affiliation to a national Mensa. He has no authority at all over individual national SIGs -- and TREKisM is classified as an American SIG. Kevin Johnson, our new Groups Officer, is the only one who supervises our SIGs and interprets the policy applications. And he is 100% behind our current "accept everyone, but charge a bit more for non-members" policy. I've had correspondence and phone conversations with Kevin, and he's assured me that we're perfectly legal in our manner of operating. This SIG's policy is to welcome all those who have an interest in STAR TREK and wish to share in our activities --and will always remain so, even if we have to print extra under-the-table copies for our non-M friends- We will not cut them off. And I might add that Tom Napier's stand on SIGs is rather isolated, and one I've yet to hear duplicated by any of my Mensa friends. Such an elitist attitude is just the sort of stigma we've been fight for years, and very much in the minority among Mensans I've met over the past 8 years.
Issue 34
TREKisM 34 was published in Jan/Feb 1984 and contains 20 pages.
- the editor writes: Rumors that the Enterprise will be destroyed in "ST III"have fanned yet another letter-writing campaign. I would like to remind everyone that fears were unfounded on the occasion of the last film -- we ended up with an outstanding film perhaps in spite of what must have been hundreds of letters promising a boycott if Spock died. Little could we have imagined how positive that scene could be. Let' give the creators a chance to finish their job -- afterwards, there'll be plenty of time to break out the noose and/or tar and feathers.
- from the editor: For those who are always wondering where I find all the information for TREKisM, I freely confess that I steal from a variety of sources: INTERSTAT, RENAISSANCE, QUEST II, THE SHATNER FILE, STARLOG, UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR, WKFS, and THE LOS ANGELES TIMES.
- a fan comments on the $ fandom seems to require now: Maybe it's just my imagination, but it seems like ST fandom has become a very expensive proposition. Used to be that one could consider oneself a fan if one was found glued to the TV watching ST reruns and wrote an occasional note to a TV station begging that said reruns continue. Now there are zines and fan fiction and merchandise and books and videotapes and cassette tapes and art available -- at a price. I stopped getting STARLOG Magazine because I got sick and tired of being told I wasn't a true fan if I didn't subscribe to a couple of dozen 'zines, write the right letters to the right people on the right subjects, support the right charities, go to the right cons and be on a first-name basis with Gene and De and Leonard and the gang. I don't want to cry poor, but we're barely making the rent car payments as it Is. I'd need another full-time job to afford all of the above. Oh dear — but then I wouldn't have time for all of the cons and charity work... Maybe I'm just getting cynical in my old age.
- a fan has several comments: I have a confession to make. I'm more interested in the characters than I am in the men who play them. I must live in the fantasy world. I love the twinkly humor, the quick mind and the courage of Kirk as William Shatner plays him. I never get enough of the dignity, the marvelous mind and the graceful elegance that Leonard Nimoy brings to the part of Spock.... Second comment: The K/S factor. I find that offensive. I haven't read any of the material, and I hope I don't pick up any. I'm grateful for your warnings, Vel. I think it quite logical the two men can be very devoted friends, and be just that, friends. I also feel that when a crew is going to be in close proximity for five years, their personality profiles would be carefully measured, sexual preferences would be assessed, and anything that might cause trouble eliminated.
- a review of "Gemini Lynx", see that page
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott
- there is a list of future pro books, of upcoming conventions, a cryptogram
- reviews of the pro books "Wounded Sky" and "Mutiny on the Enterprise"
Issue 35
TREKisM 35 was published in March/April 1984 and contains 20 pages.
- the editor says the next issue will have no comments on the new movie so that more people can have a chance to see it/avoid spoilers
- a review of More Tales of Feldman, see that page
- a review of Saurian Brandy Digest #33 (01/1984), see that page
- a con report for Clippercon 1984, see that page
- "Amanda's Song," poem by Bonnie Backslider
- "Desolation," poem by Allie Werhan
- "Inuendo," (yes, spelled that way) fiction by Kim Knapp
- "Saturday Night Live Revisited: Weapons Debate" fiction by Valerie Alberti
- "Vicissitudes," fiction by Rosemarie Eierman, was originally in an unknown issue of Academy Chronicles
- there are some specifics on ordering the poster featuring the drill thrall Shahna (Star Trek episode, "The Gamesters of Triskelion"), nude as she appeared in Playboy; the poster is being sold by the actress who played Shahna
- there are reviews of the pro book "Wounded Sky"
Issue 36
TREKisM 36 was published in May/June 1984 and contains 20 pages.
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott
- the editor reports on her visit to the set of the third Star Trek movie
- "Only Words," fiction by Steve Smythe
- reviews for pro books: "Mutiny on the Enterprise," "The Trellisane Confrontation," "Corona," "The Final Reflection"
- "Trekomedy Korner" by Elliot Miller and Louis Takita
- "Cat-Kin," poem by Emily Ross
- there is an article, an early mention of USENET: USENET is a computer bulletin board which can be accessed from large mainframe computers at universities and some corporate centers. Users with personal computers or a home terminal and modem can link in if they have an account in one of the mainframe computers. The net has dozens of interest groups to which any user can subscribe and post news. The net.startrek interest group is quite active. As far as I know, I'm the only female user. Anyone with an account can get news either by setting up an automatic subscription or by calling up % readnews-n net. startrek (The commands may vary depending on what machine you are on, but the system is basically UNIX operating.)
Issue 37
TREKisM 37 was published in July/Aug 1984 and contains 20 pages.
- the editor announces that she has purchased a saddle stapler
- regarding TREKisM at Length #3 and #4, the editor says that "with costs of zine printing what they are, we're going to make copies of our two latest zines available as lenders; all it will cost is the postage and a padded mailer"
- there are many quotes from mainstream newspapers and magazines regarding the new movie, "The Search for Spock"
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott
- reviews of the pro books "The Wounded Sky," "The Final Reflection," and "My Enemy, My Ally"
- there is a con report for Creation Con/Starlog's Festival, Los Angeles, May 25th
- there are many comments on the new movie -- some fans LOVED it, some fans HATED it, and there was all the in-between
Issue 38
TREKisM 38 was published in Sept/Oct 1984 and contains 20 pages.
- the editor writes: This past summer has been a time for reflection where I've been and where I can go in the future. Carefully weighing my responsibilities against my capabilities, I came to the conclusion that I must relinquish the leadership of this Star Trek SIG. Before panic sets in, let me qualify this resignation by stating that I will remain on staff as newsletter editor. Kim Knapp has agreed to take over as Coordinator -- though not without some arm-twisting on my part...Entirely coincidentally, we've been smacked with a sizable increase in printing costs -- we've lost the incredible discount that enabled us to have such luxuries as color covers and large introductory membership packages.
- a fan complains: A definite "don't like" is weird "Spock in Chains" type-books.. Perfect example: THE PRICE OF THE PHOENIX. Before going further let me state that I am a prude. Now that my position is known (missionary, please) I have to say these books make me very uncomfortable and embarrassed. Books with plain, simple, hop into bed and **** your brains out sex scenes don't bother me. The strange Freudian Fantasies the writers come up with make me squirm. My favorite pass-time while reading these books is to keep count of how many times the writer contrived to have Spock's clothes torn, pulled, ripped, mangled and burned off his body, usually along with hunks and chunks of flesh. Eyew. Poor Spock is constantly being molested and abused, but he never has any fun from it. I think poor Spock has been assaulted more limes than anyone else in the galaxy. I got very tired of plowing through the authors' sweaty palmed, feverish fantasies...
- "Invocation," poem by Mikki Reynard
- "Technically Speaking" by George Burden (guest commentary)
- reviews of the pro books The Wounded Sky, The Final Reflection, My Enemy, My Ally, The Trellisane Confrontation
- trivia and a word search
- reviews of TREKisM at Length #4 (1984), see that page
Issue 39
TREKisM 39 was published in Nov/Dec 1984 and contains 18 pages.
- The editor tells of her WorldCon experience, prefacing it by saying that "those of you who attend worldcon expecting the ultimate in Trekkish encounters are in for a disappointment. Worldcons are primarily for the bookish SF crowd, who frankly have a rather snotty attitude toward anything associated with "media" (films & TV) in general, and Star Trek in particular." She adds that despite this hindrance, Vel recognized Jacqueline Lichtenberg and they scheduled an impromptu TREKisM gathering that ended up lasting over two hours and the room for 50 "filled up, overflowed, and spilled into the hall." The conversation, of course, was Star Trek with a focus on the third movie. She also writes: Another fun gathering was a room party hosted by the editors of an adult Trek zine published in California. Surprise guests were a number of Eastern representatives: Vicky Clark, Barbara Story (Nome), Darien Duck from Canada, and our own Patt Demetri (Michigan)! California editors abounded, fer shure, including Noel Silva, Alayne Gelfand, Sandra Gent, DJ Hinson & Julie Dietl, Wendy Rathbone, et moi, plus writers and artists Tere Ann Roderick, Maureen B, Marilyn Cole, Sharon F., and others whom I'll be red-faced at for neglecting to include. As the food budget was pretty skimpy for everyone, we were all pleasantly surprised to see a substantial buffet served, featuring fried chicken and other heavy munchies! Since this is a family newsletter, we can't tell you the name of the green beverage served, but it was attributed to Vulcan origins.
- a fan writes: I'd like to say that while many sneer openly at "Mary Sue" stories, I'd be willing to bet that most of the sneerers would drop everything if the opportunity offered to be a Mary Sue! And be part of the ST universe.
- "Trekomdey Korner" is by Louis Rakita (but no Elliot Miller)
- this issue has two large black and white photos from the upcoming movie, provided by Eddie Eagan at Paramount
- "A Christmas Caper," poem by V.L. Thorn
- "The Needs of the One," poem by Barbara J. Yanosko
- a short comment on Mind Meld, see that page
- reviews of the pro books "My Enemy, My Ally," "The Vulcan Academy Murders"
- there is information about Gene Roddenberry's Hollywood star which costs $3000: "If only 3000 fans send a $1.00, we'll have the full cost of his Star."
- there is a small dust-up/confusion regarding who is organizing Leonard Nimoy's star
Issue 40
TREKisM 40 was published in Jan/Feb 1985 and contains 18 pages.
- there are many blurbs from mainstream newspapers and magazines about the green light on the fourth Star Trek movie
- the editorial focuses on the year-long controversy regarding the salaries some of the stars were demanding: how it is none of our business, how it was not the first time, how veteran actors are worth it...
- there is a information on how to buy ST movies, and the original episodes, on videotape
- the Trek Trading Post is in new hands; Nancy Brown to Denice Szafran Chonka
- a review of the "Read-Along Books & Tape" for the first three movies, each is 24 pages (pro books for children)
- Jean Lorrah is "still waiting for more material for NIGHT OF THE TWIN MOONS, vol. 3"
- two reports on the Leonard Nimoy Star Ceremony in Hollywood, one by a tall fan (Vel) and by a short fan (Kim), photo montage included
- a word search by Rosemarie Eierman
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott
Issue 41/42
TREKisM 41/42 was published Mar/Apr/May/June 1985 and contains 40 pages.
- this issue is a double one as the previous typewriter (an Olivetti Praxis) "had more bugs than a Raid convention" and was replaced by a Sears Communicator 2 Electronic which "not only can take the daily pounding, but it actually seems to thrive on abuse."
- the editor writes that they have retyped TREKisM at Length #1 (1979): "All we've changed are the most glaring typos & grammar errors, much as we would like to have tossed out a few entries -- time is not always kind to early writers (and editors)."
- a report on the Mensa National Elections
- a review of Legend's End #1 (1984), see that page
- "Trekomedy Korner," even though the byline still has Elliot Miller on it, it was written only by Louis Rakita
- "Sudsy Trek" by Kim Knapp is a roundup of the Trek stars appearances in recent soap operas
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott, focuses on the language and power of the "simple request"
- pro book reviews:Uhura's Song, "Shadow Lord, Ishmael
- there are some black and white photos of the stars taken by Vel at the Anaheim Creation Con, March 3 and 4, 1985
- TV and film credits for Leonard Nimoy
- a transcript of Harve Bennet's talk at the Creation Con/Starlog Festival in May 1984, long comments about the third Star Trek movie
- various puzzles
- a fan writes: While I have been a Star Trek/Leonard Nimoy Fan since day one, it has only been the past few months that I have gotten into ordering fan fiction. I must admit, I was very naive about it. Your glossary of Trek terms was really a great help. At least now I have some idea about what I'm actually ordering. Your letter arrived two days after I had ordered quite a few k/s zines -- never realising what the K/S actually meant. I assumed it meant stories about Kirk and Spock. You can imagine my embarrassment when I realised what it really meant, would probably have still ordered the zines as I try to keep an open mind about all things and have always wondered what a story dealing with Kirk and Spock having a physical relationship would be like. However, I would have preferred to do it knowing full well what I was doing. I've learned a lot these past few months!
- another fan writes: In a round about way, Star Trek is responsible for my choice of career. To begin with, Star Trek introduced me to science fiction, which in turn introduced me to science. Spock showed me that a person could go her own way, be different, and still be accepted. Uhura and the many female protagonists of Star Trek showed me that women could be leaders, could work side by side with men in any profession and hold their own. and, above all, that women were not limited in their choices of careers or life styles. find McCoy: I wanted to be a doctor as caring and compassionate as he was. What happened? The realities of college struck and I discovered that I had no enthusiasm for the pre-med curriculum. The curriculum however did introduce me to microbiology, which I did enjoy, and eventually I became interested and pursued a career in soil microbiology and biochemistry.
Issue 43
TREKisM 43 was published in July/Aug 1985 and contains 20 pages.
- the Hollywood star for Gene Roddenberry has been approved/has enough money
- an update on the next movie
- Trek Encore has been completed and turned into three volumes due to its size and stapler issues
- a review of Destiny's Children #1 (04/1985), see that page
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott, focus is computers and how they will become smaller and more powerful, the pros and cons of having them make important decisions about running things in space
- a review of pro book Corona
- "Relics," fiction by Deborah Goby
- many con announcements, of course
- a film and TV credit list for William Shatner
- a reader survey
Issue 44
TREKisM 44 was published in Sept/Oct 1985 and contains 16 pages.

- a very complete report of Gene Roddenberry's Hollywood Star Ceremony [1]
- a review of R & R (Star Trek: TOS zine)|R & R #20 (Summer/1984), see that page
- there is an Open Letter from Jean Hinson describing the financial issues she has had with her co-editor, Julie Dietl regarding the zine, Impact; according to Jean: Although she Is taking your money, Julie cannot fill your orders since she has neither the zines nor the illos. I cannot fill your orders because I have never seen them, nor am I ever likely to. Please contact me so that I can send your zine; you paid for them and have a right to receive them — no matter who got the money. To all of you I owe a heartfelt apology for having the blind naivete and poor taste in friends which allowed this situation to develop.
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott
- a reprint of the style sheet from Pocket Books about the pro novels, see images
- a TV and film credit list for Deforest Kelley
Issue 45
TREKisM 45 was published in Nov/Dec 1985 and contains 20 pages.
- a review of Nuages #1 (04/1983), see that page
- reviews of the pro books The Monsters of Star Trek, Ishmael
- there is a transcript of Walter Koenig's talk at Chicago Creation Con April 27, 1985
- there are answers to the reader survey: subject -- are any of the characters "dispensable"?
- film and TV credits for James Doohan
- a fan comments on the Tribble Breeder's Show at Kansas City Con #4 07/1985, see that page
Issue 46/47
TREKisM 46/47 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar/April 1986 and contains 40 pages.
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott, the subject is the universal translator device
- some scant news on the fourth movie
- "Trekcomedy Korner" is by Lou Israel, no not a new person, but the same person with a different last name
- "In Defense of Poets," poem by Bonnie Backslider
- film and TV credit list for George Takei
- a review of Nuages #2 (05/1984) and Nuages #3 (09/1984), see that page
- fiction, "Chekov's Daydream" by Deborah Goby
- answers to the readers' survey, topics are "How would you react to a Star Trek film in which other actors portrayed the established characters of Kirk, Spock, etc?," "Would you accept a Star Trek film with all new characters playing completely new roles?," "What is your reaction to the possibility of having Eddie Murphy in a substantive role in ST IV?," "Assuming that ST IV neatly ties up loose ends left in the wake of ST III, what do you forsee as viable themes for future Trek films," (this had the most and longest answers), "Would you like to see more characters reprised, as was Janice Rand in ST III and if so, who?", "Would you enjoy a ST film that is a 'romp,' ie a comedy?" and "How will you celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the debut of Star Trek on TV on September 8, 1986?"
- there is a write-up of Star Trek Fans for Peace by Lee Heller and T.J. Burnside, this activity's organizers
- a review of the pro book Killing Time, see that page
- reviews of the pro books Pawns and Symbols and Dwellers in the Crucible
Issue 48
TREKisM 48 was published in May/June 1986 and contains 32 pages.
- the editorial notes the deaths of Frances Read (fan), the crew of the Challenger, and Sylvia Rubenstein (an assistant to Harve Bennett)
- the editors announce that TREKisM at Length #7 (1986) is at the printers and nearly ready to be mailed to fans; pre-order should be in mail by June
- there is some news on the upcoming movie, The Voyage Home
- a fan, Lynn Mostafa, writes a report, "STIV: On Location," about her experiences observing filming at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
- one page includes details for ten conventions
- LaVena Kay Kidd illustrates a humorous section which begins with "Ever wonder what really goes on aboard the good ship Enterprise, what the crew is truly like, and where all the dirt went they swept under the deck? Well, here's your chance to find out...."
- there is a review of Trojan Angel, see that page
- this issue has a small fan-written bit inviting other fans to go on a Trekruise (1987)
- "Technically Speaking" by Peter Scott is an article briefly discussing various scientific anomalies and subjects of the ST episodes
- there is half a page of film and television credits for Nichelle Nichols
- the newsletter welcomes two members to the club
- fanfiction: "Lest We Forget" by Deborah Goby
Issue 49
TREKisM 49 was published in July/August 1986 and contains 32 pages.
- this issue has an update on the movie The Voyage Home
- there is a review of the pro book,The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand, of Mindshadow by J.M. Dillard,
- there is a review of Kista, see that page
- there is a review of "By His Side", see that page
- there is a personal statement by the Gang of Six regarding Courts of Honor, see that page
- this issue contains the "World's Hardest Trekwiz III"
- this issue contains some Walter Koenig film and television credits
- a fan has these general comments about the Trek pro books: ... I have spent the summer reading most of the Trek novels currently available. It distresses me that most of them are of such low quality. There are, happily, a few exceptions. I can't recall the titles which I felt to be of acceptable quality, though UHURA'S SONG by Janet Kagan struck me as one of the most capably written so far. Nevertheless, that book, too, suffered from a few major flaws. I hope I won't be branded a misogynist for saying that I find it odd that many of the Trek novels seem to bend over backward pushing the equality of women — so much so that it frequently gets in the way of the story line. UHURA'S SONG, while emphasizing the same theme, dealt with it In such a way as to make it almost necessary to the development of the main character, which to some extent excuses it. Even so, I found the author a bit preachy. Other novels are not nearly as clever in their sermonizing, and even that book tended to compromlse the characters of Kirk and Spock to an unacceptable degree. ISHMAEL was an enjoyable diversion, and a decent story to boot. I wonder how many STAR TREK fans are also aficionados of HERE COME THE BRIDES. MUDD'S ANGELS, however, was an unmitigated disaster, and the author should be hung, drawn and quartered, and shoved into a depressurizing air lock (sans environment suit), not necessarily in that order; the last story in that book could have been written by a third grader.
Issue 50
TREKisM 50 was published in Sept/Oct 1986 and contains 32 pages.
- there is a short transcript from a tape of Majel Barrett's appearance at the Hyatt LAX, Sept 27, 1986 where she answers some questions about the movie
- the editor writes that "I'll be doing Star Trek programs at our local library -- thanks to Eddie Egan at Paramount, we' II be showing the behind the scenes film you've all been seeing at cons. Wish me luck!"
- "Klingon Rebuttal, re The Klingon Dictionary" by Marc Okrand, translated by Sandra Cunningham
- this issue has the regular column: "TreKomedy Korner: FROM THE LAND OF TRITICALE" by Lou Israel
- there are a number of black and white photos of the stars taken at a con by Sherill Schoepe
- this issue has the usual con announcements, some pro book blurbs
- "MEDITATIONS ON SOME PRO ST FICTION" by A.C. Willment is about the irritating practice of authors to write dialects in an exaggerated way
- there are several full-page illos by LaVena Kay Kidd
Issue 51
TREKisM 51 was published in Nov/Dec 1986 and contains 32 pages.
- many fans write in about the new movie, and the letters are very positive
- there are some pro book reviews
- "Studies in Evil' by Lynda Carraher is an article on some of Leonard Nimoy's non-Trek movie parts
- the editor writes of her visit on-set of the movie in San Diego on the USS Ranger
- there are plugs for Communications Console (newsletter)Communications Console, Surak Awards, and SocioTrek
- there is a short notice about the death of Roger C. Carmel, the actor who portrayed Harry Mudd
- there is a short notice about a fund to raise money for a shuttle replacement for Challenger, information is from Spacewatch, published by US Space Foundation
- a thousand roses for Shatner: HELP HONOR A Very Special Man: WILLIAM SHATNER: On the occasion of his taking command to direct Star Trek V, we want to show him how much we appreciate al I he has given us with his acting over the years, by giving him A Thousand Roses -- or one rose a day from his fans whiIe he directs Star Trek V. If you wish to join us, send a check for $9.00 made out to the WiIliam Shatner Fellowship, along with your name and address to Melissa Middleswart [address redacted]. Purchase a small florist's card, write your (non-embarrassing) message to Mr. Shatner, and enclose it with your check. Your card will be displayed with your rose, In WiIlam Shatner's office, for one day during the filming of Star Trek V. This wi II be handled by the WilIiam Shatner Fellowship, but all of his fans are welcome. Please join us in honoring this very special man.
Issue 52
TREKisM 52 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar 1987 and contains 32 pages.
- an example of the persistently upbeat and pleasant communication from Vel, the editor: If we don't have #53 In your mailbox by the Fourth of July, send nasty notes to your Editor. Y'al are entirely too kind and forgiving of our persistent tardiness -- don't accept any more excuses, no matter how creative!
- from the editorial: The observant among you wll I have noticed that this Issue of TREKlsM Is a bit larger than normal, and an extra month has been added to the cover date. This means TlsM Is now a quarterly, a change which hopefully will be for the better. This will save time by reducing the number of Issues to be assembled and mailed per year. And with the extra allowance for postage, we can occasionally add a few more pages to accommodate longer articles, stories, etc.
- also from the editorial: ST:THE NEXT GENERATION There's been a great deal of negative reaction from fans concerning proposed characters for Gene Roddenberry's new syndicated television series scheduled for FalI [look ahead In this issue for more details! Traditionalists want the original characters In their original settings, or nothing. Such diehards should remember that alI the original actors have gone on record as never wanting to do series TV again -- leaving the only option to have an alI-new cast playing our familiar crew. Again, not a popular choice. What we do have Is the original creator of STAR TREK, working with a number of old hands from the original series (including D.C. Fontana, author of some of the most popular episodes). Gene Roddenberry Is willing to take the next step forward, into the 24th Century. Can we be any less than willing to at least view his newest creation with an open mind?
- what is known of the next movie: News on the forthcoming STAR TREK V Is scant, with nothing concrete to report yet. It seems accepted fact that William Shatner will be the director, and has met with Harve Bennett, who will once more be producing. There doesn't appear to be an accepted story outline yet; as usual, this is an extremely variable aspect of filmmaking. The May, 1987 Issue of STARLOG has a six-page Interview with WS on the ST films, past and future. No details were revealed, rather more of attitudes and what probably won't be seen In ST V, such as no loose ends from previous films, no resurrection from David Marcus, no Spock Jr, no chasing after Gillian Taylor. WS denies rumors that the older crewmembers will be killed off In favor of younger recruits. Given his fondness for action, it Is likely ST V will be a faster-paced movie, with more physical action and possibly space battles reminiscent of those In WRATH OF KHAN. Stay tuned.
- a notice about Courts of Honor: TO THOSE WHO ORDERED COURTS OF HONOR from Syn Fergusson: "The Gang of Six" will be printing CoH as proposed. After this issue Is sold out, any funds left after costs are met will be distributed among those who ordered the original zine and never received their copy. For more detailed information on filing for a rebate, send a SASE to Walking Carpet Press...
- this issue has a TREKisM at Length progress report for issue #8, see that page
- there is a review of Demeter, see that page
- there is a short essay, "IDIC, Here, There & Everywhere" -- TOLERANCE by Mary Minton, Membership Secretary, originally published In OMEN; William Carpenter, editor
- this issue has a two-page reprint of the press release for ST:TNG describing the characters, see Star Trek: The Next Generation#Early Casting
- there are excerpts from newspaper & zine articles regarding the movie The Voyage Home
- film and television credits for Grace Lee Whitney
- the column, "TreKomedy Korner" by Lou Israel, is about how torture is used and viewed in the original series
- there are four pages of member names and addresses
Issue 53
TREKisM 53 was published in Apr/May/June 1987 and contains 32 pages.
- the editor reminds members of this newsletter's guidelines in terms of content: This seems a good place to mention our specs and guidelines for the newsletter -- a flier in more detail Is available on request. Our priorities are (sort of in order of importance): if you will; FUTURE CONS; News on the current film/tv series (canonical Trek, Product and convention information (MUDD'S MARKET, Printed matter (both professional and fan produced (FWFiction, PRO BOOKS); News on the actors associated with Trek (IN OTHER GUISES); Commentary from readers (LETTER LOG ENTRIES); Articles (prefer an in-depth analysis to a non-specific overview of any topic); Poetry (must balance the technical -- rhyme, meter -- with the emotional --theme, imagery); Art (LaVena keeps us well supplied, so we don't actively solicit iIlos; we save that for the anthologies); Puzzles (we have several years' supply -- please don't send any more!). Short fiction Is always welcome -- but it depends on the quality as to where it fits in priority.
- a fan, Debbie Gilbert, writes an essay called "Star Trek is Me" (reprinted from Communications Console (July/Aug 1986) -- For many of us, Star Trek was an experience of our youth. It was fun while it lasted, but -- because the only universal constant is change -- we eventually grew up, graduated, got married, "gafiated". Only we didn't, really. If you were raised on Star Trek, you could not now escape it even if you wanted to. It has become a part of your inner fiber; it helped mold you into the person you are today. Though I hold strong opinions on such issues as overpopulation, war, ecological destruction, and prejudice, I now realize that these opinions are not entirely my own, that Star Trek must take a large share of the credit.
- regarding the upcoming TNG: think what we may have here, in the division of Fandom Into pro- and anti-NEXT GENERATION, is a fundamental difference of philosophy as to just what story ST is telling. For convenience's sake, I'll call the two factions "macrocosmlc" and "microcosmlc" fans. "Macrocosmlc" fans see ST as a vast Science-Fiction panorama, nothing less than a portrait of an era with a cast of thousands. I think these fans are more sci-fi oriented in a broad sense; they tend to read and enjoy sci-fi as a genre. The more the merrier -- more characters, more alien races, more ships, more gadgets, as many different elements as possible. Yes, there IS something to be said for this view. The "microcosmic" fans are often the people who "hate science fiction" but make an exception for STAR TREK. To them (I blush to say, to ME), ST is less the story of an era than of a small band of very specific, very Human people. Setting is less important than character. Hell, if McCoy were a frontier doctor with Matt Dillon and Festus, I think I'd STILL rather hear about him than Beverly Crusher. Captain Kirk could command a garbage scow and be interesting. The 23rd-century setting is fascinating, but ultimately it is only a context to tell tales which really belong to era and all eras. The Talmud tells us that "each man is a world." That was the message of the original ST: to find the universal In the particular, the world in each of us, to tell the Story of Man through the story of man, to grasp the whoIe through the study of the detail and realize that the whole is nothing more than the sum of all the details.
- another view of the upcoming TNG: My biggest complaint, of course, and probably that of a lot of people, is that there are no Vulcans scheduled as part of the crew. Vulcans to me are Star Trek's biggest contribution to science fIction, and I can't imagine something calling itself Trek without even one around. The second complaint is the android. Actually, there are two complaints here. The first comes from the original Star Trek premise, which was made several times, that living beings are always better than machines, and only life forms can be truly independent and creative. Even Vejur had to turn into a life form before it could gain understanding and wisdom. The second complaint about the android character is the unconscious racism. The writer's guide asks for "an exotic looking person, possibly Indian or Asian." Well, I realize this is a way to get somebody a job, but I think it is insulting to real Indians and Asians. They have to be android copies before they can be accepted on TV these days. And, did we have to have three officers with French names (this is just a pet peeve, but it is so European).
- another fan writes of the TNG casting: I note all the females are described, as usual, as beautiful. Gene Roddenberry took a great step forward two decades ago in allowing a female to be shown as competent. May we please take the next step forward and show one who is not only competent but average looking and NOT self-conscious about It, perhaps -- gasp! -- even attractive to males on the strength of her personality and holding her own In competition with beauty queens? It DOES happen, you know.
- the editor explains that now that everyone has been able to see the latest movie, it's time to review without "spoiling the fun": one fan comments: "I suppose I got my expectations up too high. Even as [I] was laughing and cheering, a little voice in my head was whispering,"Do you believe this?" "Shut the hell up," I told my resident cynic, "I've been waiting two and a half years for this. Don't confuse me with common sense." Another fan writes that she enjoyed the movie, but disliked all the illogical plot holes.
- this issue has an official flyer with photos of the TNG cast
- a puzzle by Debbie Gilbert
- "Fuzzy Purple Panther," a column by Barb Parcells
- this issue has reviews of the pro books Crisis on Centaurus by Brad Ferguson, Dreadnought by Diane Carey, Demons" by J.M. Dillard, Enterprise: The First Adventure by Vonda Mcintyre, Battlestations! by Diane Carey
- there is a con report for the Caribbean Trekruise by Brigitte
- there is a list of upcoming cons
- poem, "I Love" by Allie Werhan
Issue 54
TREKisM 54 was published in July/Aug/Sep 1987 and contains 32 pages.
- the editor announces that "TREKisM at Length" #8 (1987) is now in print: For those who can't/won't spare the price of their own copy... Because "Tal" 8 is a bit pricey, we're circulating one copy of the zine; the only cost wiII be the postage to send that copy on to the next reader. This is the printer's layout sample, done on a cheap copier with some corrections yet to be made. But it's all there and legible, and no loss if the Post Awful devours it. Send me a note, and I'll put your name on the lending list. Cut-off date for inclusion on this Iist is December 1; after that you'll have to buy or beg a copy like everyone else.
- the editor writes of the mixed blessing of the media spotlight on Star Trek: TNG and how reporters and other focus on the extreme fans: The barrage of media coverage of STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION has provided a veritable smorgasbord of information, but it's a mixed blessing. ST fans are almost as popular a topic as the genre itself (in any and all incarnations). Press coverage usually includes buzzwords such as "cult following," "Trekkiemania," and focuses inexorably on the sort of fans who get married in Starfleet Dress and wear pointed ears in public. Put a mike in a reporter's hand and he'll head for the squealing fan every time. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, which is understandably a first-rate news source since it is also produced at Paramount Studios, once again fell prey to this syndrome in their coverage on October 2nd. Just once I wish they'd interview fans who aren't screeching, wild-eyed, or covered in buttons and/or latex ears. Head for a university -- 20 years later, ST is still a student favorite; take a trip to JPL or any NASA installation -- engineers of any sort are practically rabid in their affection. ST cuts across any and all socioeconomic levels, and fans include doctors, lawyers, teachers. ST is a thinking person's series -- try interviewing someone with an IQ higher than a plant, and the result might be interesting. It might not grab as much attention as the lunatic fringe, but the result would certainly be a different approach. Literate trekkers can be found anywhere: on the way home from the Trekruise, our airport limo driver, on hearing where we'd just been, came out with, "You know, I've always thought of ST as a really well-done allegory." Tell the reporters to get away from the conventions, or at least out of southern California -- I bet If they looked hard enough they could even find Trekfen who are farmers, dentists, waiters, librarians, grandma's -- look for the elements of IDIC, in other words.
- there is announcement about Courts of Honor from The Gang of Six: In April 1986, at Idicon, we had the painful task of making the first public announcement that Syn Ferguson was bankrupt and that she had gafiated, leaving many unfilled orders for her long-awaited novel COURTS OF HONOR. We stated then that we intended to try to re-issue COH, and that Syn Ferguson had agreed to turn over her manuscript to us -- on the condition that we would attempt to raise enough money to publish her novel and then make it available to fandom on a non-profit basis. Our goal has now been achieved. But we know that our faith in COH and our collective fund-raising efforts would not have been enough -- by themselves -- to accomplish this. We had help, and now we want to thank publicly -- for the record -- the others who contributed to making our new edition of COURTS OF HONOR a reality. First of alI, we thank the people who sent pre-orders to Walking Carpet Press. Without those orders, the new edition would not exist. We further thank everyone who sent us letters of encouragement, and those who sent statements of support to Information zines. We thank the Idicon (1986) and Four~Play and Beyond (1987) con committees, for giving us program time. We thank the Shore Leave con committee (1986) for letting us sell donated art works to raise funds for the new edition. We thank Rodney Bonds (Shore Leave) and Marnie Strom (of the WHIPS) for special help. For printing our statements, we thank Teri Meyer of INTERSTAT: KathE Walker, Steve Walker, and Joyce Thompson, of "DATAZINE"; Susan Bridges and Linda Deneroff, of "UNIVERSAL TRANSLATOR"; Vel Jaeger, of TREKisM, Marion McChesney and Sandy Zier, of "COMMUNICATIONS CONSOLE"; and Sarah Leibold, of NOT TONIGHT, SPOCK. There are several special people whom we thank for Individual contributions. Judith Gran (Public Interest Law Center of Philadelphia) gave us legal advice at the very beginning, when Mary Ann Drach was negotiating with Syn Ferguson. We owe Judith much appreciation, for good suggestions and caring support. We are deeply grateful to Suzan T. Lovett, whose beautiful iIlos were originally Intended to appear with COURTS OF HONOR. Suzan allowed them to be published as an art portfolio in NOME 9, along with new poems based on COH. She created additional illos at our request, covering scenes from the second half of the novel. Her lovely and evocative works helped us, we know, by attracting more attention toCOURTS OF HONOR. Besides all this, Suzan donated original art which we sold to raise money for the new edition. The Gang of Six thanks the distinguished science fiction writer Joanna Russ, who donated zines from her personal collection to help us raise money for printing COHo We thank Patricia Frazer Lamb -- for encouraging Joanna to contact us, and for other help. We render special thanks to Rhea Brainerd, who sent an unsolicited cash contribution at a time when our collective morale really needed a boost. Rhea, we love you and we miss you. Get well quick, now -- and thank you, again and forever, from all of us. To GRT Book Printing, of Oakland, California, we are grateful for doing a rapid, efficient, and reasonably priced printing job. The other members of The Gang of Six thank our fearless leader, Mary Ann Drach, for guiding this project to completion. We think that, if it had not been for Mary Ann's sustained encouragement (and for Mary Ann's talent as an editor), Syn Ferguson might perhaps not have finished writing COURTS OF HONOR in the first place. We believe that it was Syn Ferguson's confidence in Mary Ann -- and Mary Ann's willingness to negotiate with Syn -- which made our project possible. Because she knew and trusted Mary Ann, Syn was willing to trust the rest of us, whom she did not know. Mary Ann, we love you. And we thank you, always -- not just in our capacity of the rest of the Gang of Six but on behalf of all of fandom. There is another person whose contribution should properly be acknowledged here, because she too is entitled to our gratitude -- and to our sympathy. In more than one way, Syn Ferguson has been responsible for the existence of our project. Without Syn, there could not have been any effort to re-issue COURTS OF HONOR (nor, alas, would one have been needed). Therefore the Gang of Six is grateful -- finally -- to Syn Ferguson. We are grateful to her for writing a superb, inspiring, beautifully-crafted novel, an achievement she completed under conditions of extreme poverty and deprivation. We are grateful to Syn Ferguson because she did not mereIy gafiate and disappear, once she knew that she couId no longer avert bankruptcy. We are grateful that Syn reached out to us, then, and asked for help. By trusting the Gang of Six, she made it possible for us -- with the aid of others who are mentioned here -- to restore COURTS OF HONOR to its rightful place as one of the treasures of fandom. So we thank Syn, at last, for not allowing COURTS OF HONOR to vanish into oblivion. We thank her, for enabling the six of us to carryon her effort to give this unforgettable book to the Star Trek community. Thank you, Syn -- last but never least, and with all our hearts -- from the Gang of Six. Live long and prosper, Edi Bjorklund/Alta Brewer/Victoria Clark/Mary Ann Drach/Caren Parnes/Barbara L.B. Storey "The Gang of Six" -- May 1987.
- a note that "Writer David Gerrold is no longer working on the staff of ST:TNG. His contract with Paramount expired In May, and he is now working on a science fiction miniseries ("Trackers") for CBS and Columbia Television."
- there is a reprint of an article about the new movie from Interstat #117/118 (07/08/1987) (reprinted with permission
- this issue has an announcement that Kay Johnson is very ill and there is a fund set up for her
- there are reviews for the pro book Chain of Attack
- there is a review of the pro book for "Dreams of the Raven"
- there is a review of the pro book for Strangers from the Sky
- a fan writes a con report of the recent Trekruise and focuses on the Star Trek moments
- Star Trek 2½ by Debbie Gilbert, writes a review of the ST movie, The Wrath of Khan, as it was shown on television for the first time -- it had missing footage, poor film quality, and was poorly edited. NOTE: while the topic and the title are the same, this is NOT the same article by Melissa Lee in Communications Console (Jan/Feb 1985).)
- there is an installment of "Fuzzy Purple Panther" by Barb Parcells
- poem, "Memories," by Allie Werhan
- word search by Barbara Jur
Issue 55
TREKisM 55 was published in October/November/December 1987 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editor: I am a Star Trek fan; I have been one for a long time. have, Iike you, spent countless hours discussing the ideas presented therein with friends, both In person and in correspondence. But I have recently come to believe that perhaps discussion is not enough, that my activity in Star Trek has made me feel like I am accomplishing something that perhaps I am not. As Star Trek fans, we follow and endorse the theory or idea of the government formed In our "alternate universe" of the future, i.e., universal brotherhood, the Non Interference Directive, and the equality of all species and races of sentient beings. But how many of us, in 1988, are working to promote those ideas In our own time? How many of us have written letters to their government, to those who purport to represent us, stating our opinions? Have we written demanding that this country not continue to support apartheid in South Africa by refusing to endorse economic sanctions in the United Nations? Have we done anything to help the hungry in our community? As those who believe In -- or hope for -- a future of man as optimistically similar to what we see In Star Trek, we have the obligation to attempt to bring about those changes in our time. It Is not enough that we watch/read/eat/breathe Star Trek. We need to act on the ideas it espouses, we need to begin to bring about their existence. If we do not, we do nothing, and by doing nothing, we support the status quo. We make no effort toward the changes we know should take place, and by doing so, we endorse the system.
- it's been ten years for this zine: Ten years have passed since TREKisM was first laborously cranked out on a borrowed mimeograph machine. Thank goodness we've moved on to better production values. There were only seven subscribers that first Issue, Including LaVena Kay Kldd; she and I comprised the entire staff. Hers was also the first letter I received, in which she said, "Sign me on ... and by the way, could you use an artist?"
- Lisa Thomas writes of the new series (TNG, she has just seen the new preview teaser), the Con at the Oakland Hyatt Regency, just across the Bay, on August 30 that she'd just attended, and reading the new ST Writer/Director's Guide (two bits: "There's also a nix on ship gadgetry breaking down for the sake of plot complication. what!? No fried dilithium crystals? No wisecracking computers? It just would not sound right to hear "Our transporter's fine, Cap'n, and the engines will take lots more of this." And finally, I want to comment on sexism. And I know this Is a touchy subject. But does the Writer's Guide have to go on and on about the physical attributes of each female character? There's a bit in the Guide that talks about the way our new Chief Medical Officer walks, and it's a Iittle embarrassing." [2]).
- there is a write-up about a recording from "Search" a publication of the Long Term Research Institute, Spring 1987, of "Whales Alive," music by Paul Winter and Paul Halley, narration by Leonard Nimoy
- A.C. Willment wrote a con report for a Star Trek con in Philadelphia, November 8th, in which Marina Sirtis appeared, the first time a Star Trek cast member from the new series had appeared at a ST convention
- this issue has an article reprinted from an "industry journal" called "Trek, Top New Show in First-Run"
- this issue notes that Kay Johnson has recently passed away
- fans have much to say in LoCs about the new show, TNG: some liked it a lot, some wanted to but didn't, some hated it, and some were indifferent, all points summed up in about twenty letters
Issue 56
TREKisM 56 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar 1988 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editor: Please note the deadlines for submitting materials for future Issues of TREKlsM; also that all material received Is subject to editing for length, clarity, and grammar. Usually such editing Is very minor. and I haven't heard many complaints; there simply isn't time for multiple exchanges of rewrites with a topical newsletter. If you absolutely have to approve every comma change, please make that clear with your submission, but expect to see an issue or two pass before it sees print. Fortunately, I've never had to edit for content; our readers are a very considerate lot and/or a good judge of what's suitable for a SIG newsletter read by grandmothers and gradeschoolers. Give yourselves a pat on the back; you've alI earned it.
- a review of the pro book by Diane Carey The Final Frontier
- the regular column by Barb Parcells called "Fuzzy Purple Panther"
- puzzle
- fiction, "The Captain's Nightmare" by A.C. Willment
- a sort-of con report for a Creation Con held in January 1988, the subject Michael Dorn (handsome, witty, "He has a beautiful rum-and-Coca Cola speaking voice, very mellow and smooth but with a kick. He's witty and quick with an answer," and poor con manners (stupid questions, the autograph line...)
- "Star Strokes" by Debbie Gilbert is an essay: I need somebody to love. And so far, I haven't found that somebody In STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. It's an Interesting show, and I like it very much, but no one has yet captivated me as did the Big Three years ago. Of course, I neither wanted nor expected to see clones of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, but I had hoped that one of the newcomers might sweep me off my feet In the same manner. I'm still trying to pin down the secret of Star Trek. Was it the people, or the format? Roddenberry has always asserted that the show could exist independent of any particular character or actor. He Is right. THE NEXT GENERATION is one hundred percent authentic Star Trek. It bears far more resemblance to the original series than did any of the theatrical movies. The format is indeed immortal, and the surroundings, despite being "new and improved", are so familiar that one need only look around briefly to feel right at home. Unfortunately, the plots at times have been a bit too familar. It's almost inconceivable that they are wiIling to spend a million dollars per episode to get every detail correct, yet they sabotage it all with bad writing.
Issue 57
TREKisM 57 was published in Apr/May/June 1988 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editor: We have always wondered why SIGs publications have never been included in national awards programs, and why we've always felt like the bastard at the family picnic rather than a fully functional part of Mensa. We're'rather biased on the subject, as this SIG in particular represents 99% of our activity as Mensans. But apparently we have good reason to doubt our importance to the AMC. I remember only too well when I first proposed the idea of a Star Trek SIG in 1977 -- the title I had originally considered was an acronym that included the word "mensa". I was told politely that HQ prefered to reserve the name of Mensa for the, "more serious SIG's". Evidently there was a judgement structure even then --I guess they were afraid "Trekkies" would embarrass them somehow. We would very much like to hear from our members on this subject. What exactly do SIGs (in general and in particular) mean to you? What percentage of your involvement in Mensa is attributable to SIG participation? Over the years, we've been gratified to hear from members who tell us that TREKisM was all that kept them in Mensa -- tell us again, so that we can·pass the word on to the AMC that SIGs provide a very useful function within the national structure. And if you could care less, we'd like to hear that, too. But please write, and give us your opinions.
- a fan, Debbie Gilbert, writes an essay called "Home Ain't What it Used to Be: Second Thoughts on Star Trek IV" -- in it, she writes of the inconsistencies of character, sloppy writing, a pandering to writer egos, how it didn't feel like "real Trek," and that one clue how it doesn't resonate with fans is the lack of fanworks it has inspired -- the opening paragraph: Ten months have elapsed since the premiere of STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME, leaving me perhaps one scintilla older, one iota wiser. Unmitigated delight at having another new movie has given way to a perspective borne of hindsight, allowing me to evaluate this film within the context of the trilogy, and to gauge its effects on me personally and on Trekdom as a whole. The previous two films stimulate me, and many other fans, to produce an enormous outpouring of creative effort. The characters continued to haunt me after I left the theatre; I felt compelled to elaborate upon their adventures. So far, neither I nor any other fan I know has written a poem or a story In connection with ST IV. Something Is missing here, folks.
- fiction, "A Reasonable Facsimile of a Life" by Rebecca Bartlett
- poem, "Duet from a Bridge Across Time" by Karen Rhodes
- first season episode summaries for TNG
- some fan letters
- the regular column by Lou Israel, "Trekomedy Korner"
- a con report with two black and white photos of Frakes, for Vulkon in Tampa, FL April 9-10, 1988, GoH were Jonathan Frakes and Robert Allen
- a con report for Creation Con, Phoenix, AZ, Feb 1, 1988, GoH were George Takei and Richard Arnold
Issue 58
TREKisM 58 was published in July/Aug/Sept 1988 and contains 32 pages.
- the editor writes: In the last Log entry I asked members to express their opinions on SIGs: "What exactly do SIGs (in general and in particular) mean to you? What percentage of your involvement in Mensa is attributable to SIG participation?" The response has been intriguing, and though we weren't looking for ego strokes, very gratifying. Ergo, I'll turn over the soapbox to the readers for this issue.
- there is an update on the movie,The Final Frontier
- there are many letters about the importance of SIGS to Mensa in their lives, most fans are not big fans of Mensa but they are appreciative of SIGs, and of TREKisM
- there are reviews of the pro books,The IDIC Epidemic, Dreams of the Raven, The Star Trek Interview Book, Ghost Ship
- summaries of the second half of the first season episodes for TNG
- poem, "Insufficient Data" by Debbie Gilbert
- commentary in the form of letters regarding TNG, the last movie and other stuff
Issue 59
TREKisM 59 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1988 and contains 32 pages.
- update on The Final Frontier
- description and review of "The Star Trek Adventure" grand reopening attraction, Universal Studio Tours
- updates on what the stars are doing professionally
- a fan fighting cancer receives a phone call from William Shatner
- "SIGnificantly Speaking" is a series of letters from fans about the role of SIGs within Mensa and the role of SIGs and Mensa within their own lives
- there is a review of The Weight, see that page
- there is a review of Tales from the Vulcan Hearth, see that page
- a fan reviews the TNG comic books
- there are reviews of the pro books How Much for Just the Planet, Time for Yesterday, and Bloodthirst
- trivia
- "Trekomedy Korner" by Lou Israel
- the column "Fuzzy Purple Panther" discusses TNG -- she isn't going to tape it anymore because "Picard is a wuss"
- there is a Star Trek Drinking Game by Don Jaramillo
- there are the usual many, literate letters from fans
- poem, "The Klingon Imprecation" by Allie Werhan
Issue 60
TREKisM 60 was published Jan/Feb/March 1989 and contains 32 pages.
- the editor reminds contributor's to be forthcoming if their work has appeared elsewhere, both as a nod to copyright, and because original contributions have priority
- members are urged to write their congresspeople and push for the establishment of a July 20th Space Exploration Day Holiday
- a fan reports on his trip to see the Star Trek exhibit at Universal Studios
- there are two plugs for zines, one for Data Entries and the other for The LOC Connection
- there is a review of Sojourns, see that page
- part two of the article by Lou Israel, "Let's Talk Torture," which examines this practice in the episodes
- A Phonological Analysis of the Rihannsu Language by Deborah Goby -- "This paper is a phonological analysis of a fictitious language of a fictitious culture to determine if the phonology of the language reflects the social structure and behavioral norms of the inhabitants, and if the authors of the language were linguistically knowledgeable. The language is Romulan, as it is spoken in the Romulan Empire, by the Romulans."
- there are some pro book reviews: The Children of Hamlin, Memory Prime
- "Fuzzy Purple Panther" by Barb Parcells comments on some TNG episodes
- many fans comment on Captain Picard and Star Trek: TNG
Issue 61
TREKisM 61 was published in April/May/June 1989 and contains 32 pages.
- Vel gives readers some personal family updates
- a new column ("The Ubiquitous Star Trek") styled after the one in [A Piece of the Action]] starts -- it is a collection of Star Trek mentions in the news and in popular culture
- "Was Shakespeare a Vulcan" is an essay by Jere D. Guin, Jr.
- there are some plugs for McCoy's T.O.Y. and "The Deforest Dispatch"
- a fan reviews Bimbos of the Death Sun, see that page
- 6 pages (!) of illos which parody and admire the fifth Star Trek movie, the artist is LaVena Kay Kidd
- there is a con report for StarFest, see that page
- there are four full-page black and white photos taken by Vel Jaeger: Walter Koenig at Vulkon (Tampa, 1989), William Shatner (StarFest, Denver), Harve Bennett (StarFest, Denver), and John DeLancie (Vulkon, Jacksonville)
- the third part of "Trekomedy Korner" by Lou Israel, "Let's Talk Torture"
- there are many letters from fans
- this issue has a short memorial for a fan who has recently passed away
Issue 62
TREKisM 62 was published in July/Aug/Sept 1989 and contains 32 pages.
- from Kim Knapp: This is a very difficult column to write. I am handing the Coordinator's position back to Vel, as of this issue, for a number of reasons. But none of them, as I have seen so often when someone gafiates, are that "Trek has become trivial and there are more important things in my life... like Star Wars." Trek is something I have been tightly focused on for a long time, but my focus is enlarging to encompass a few other concerns/activities, and there is simply not enough time in the day to do justice to the responsibilities involved in working with the SIG. I still intend to contribute and comment whenever possible... I'll be around, though -- just not running the administrative parts of the SIG. If this frees me up to actually start writing again -- well, that novel that's been in my head for three years now might find its way onto paper, and later into your hands. Take care, all. I'll miss the mail and notes from people I have come to think of as friends... Live long and prosper, and may our world prosper as well.
- there are some small write-ups of Riverside, Iowa celebrating their new Jim Kirk statue -- one bit: In March, Riverside residents celebrated the "minus 239th birthday" of their self-proclaimed native son. 200 of the town's 826 residents showed up at the Riverside VFW hall to sing "Happy Birthday" and share a cake. A table was also set up to sell T- shirts, buttons and 8x10" pictures of Kirk, which were signed "Best wishes to all the folks back home in Riverside, ADM James T. Kirk."
- there are a number of very literate fan commentaries on "The Final Frontier"
- there is the new regular column "The Ubiquitous Star Trek"
- a fan contributes a long con report for Creation Con in Los Angeles, June 3-4 1989
- there is a short con report for an unnamed con (George Takei and Michael Dorn were guests) in San Antonio, TX, June 17-18, 1989
- a fan named Klaus describes, in a very short piece, the history of Star Trek fandom in his native Germany
- a fan writes up a description of a college degree in Star Trek, along with all degree requirements and class descriptions
- this issue has the column, "Trekomedy Korner" by Lou Israel
Issue 63
TREKisM 63 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1989 and contains 32 pages.
- the editor writes: It was very encouraging to receive so many contributions from newcomers for this issue; hopefully the trend will continue. We've now just about emptied the submissions folder, so unless y'all want to read 2-year-old book reviews and poetry from the reject file, let's get those pens and typers busy. In other words, it's time to SEND MORE STUFF! Beginning with next issue, we'll have a feature section for the younger generation: Teen Trek. That's right -- we've created our own monsters, and I backed myself into a corner by agreeing to print some cartoons by my son's teenage friends. Please don't let me sit out here on this limb by myself -- sneak those drawings, Trekjokes, and game scenarios out of the kids' backpacks, and send 'em in. For this feature only, we'll give contributor copies to the young artists/authors.
- an example of the many opinions about the newest Trek movie: Saw the new movie and enjoyed it quite a bit. I really enjoyed the camping scenes, but I suspect Spock would enjoy camping more if ship's stores had not issued him asbestos marshmallows. The overall story was a bit dumb. This plot has been done before in sf and done better. However, the aliens were particularly well done and I am pleased to see that Spock has really become "his own man." Melanie was excellent as Kirk's yeoman.
- more about the newest Trek movie: I went to see the STV opening show with a large group of friends, and I was really embarrassed for the cast. Even wanting to give the movie the benefit of the doubt, my "willing suspension of disbelief" was stretched to the breaking point. All creative writing must have internal logic if the reader (or viewer) is meant to accept it. The Star Trek corpus (including the original show, the movies, the books, and TNG) have set up certain boundaries within which the Trek universe exists. I believe the scriptwriters of STV didn't follow their rules, and the viewers suffered for it. Even ST:TMP didn't have such poor writing (its problem was poor editing!). My personal pick for the best of the five movies is THE WRATH OF KHAN. The writing was great, the editing superb! There was not a wasted shot in the entire movie. Spock's death is so moving that I still cry when I watch it. As an aside, I believe that the "resurrection" of Spock in the next movie cheapens this wonderful scene and the emotions it engenders. The world of Trek contains nothing supernatural, and Spock's resurrection is just barely made scientifically believable.
- more about the movie: I liked rather than loved this movie. It played like one of the Third Season episodes. There were too many ideas and scenes borrowed from other movies to make this latest adventure a truly original one. Also the search for heaven/God theme was a turn-off. However, on the plus side, the interplay between the "trio" was great and the camping scenes are ones I'll always remember and treasure.
- this issue excerpts a great many comments about the new movie from mainstream magazines and newspapers, mostly negative
- a fan contributes two con reports for Creation Con (Penta Hotel in NYC, Wil Wheaton, Yvonne Craig, Billy Mumy, Malachi Thorne were guests), the other (location or date not specified, guests were Nichelle Nichols, Jonathan Frakes)
- there is a con report for Con-Tiki, see that page
- there is a con report for the Creation Con in Dearborn, MI on July 7, William Shatner was guest
- there is a review of the pro books, Spock's World and Power Hungry
- a fan, Richard Waldron, writes an article called "Star Trek Episode Categories" ("based on the plot & the primary conflict in each episode")
- there is a con report for Toronto Trek Celebration #3, see that page
- a German fan includes a list of Trek episode titles and their German translations
- there is a second season TNG episode list
- the fan letters are mostly about TNG
- there are ads for Spinerisms, Generic Ad Zine
- poems, "Questions from an Android" by Beth Sneed, "Eternal Man" by Debbie Gilbert
- the column, "Fuzzy Purple Panther," talks a bit about Diana Muldaur's departure, and how fans should be nicer to Wil Wheaton
Issue 64
TREKisM 64 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar 1990 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editorial: Those of us who are "Classic Star Trek Fans,", i.e., been around since the original series first aired in 1966, are experiencing a frightening feeling of deja vu. Star Trek, in its original format as portrayed by the original actors who created the roles they have played for 23+ years, is about to be destroyed by Paramount Pictures. The Powers That Be have decided to put the original actors out to pasture and replace them with unknown actors in a "flashback" movie. It is generally believed to be a financial decision, as the lead actors command hefty salaries for their work in the ST films. However, a film that angers the fans it hopes to attract to the theatres would result in a box office take so dismal that ST V would seem a smash hit in comparison. It is seldom that this editor endorses a letter writing campaign, but the situation seems to have no other solution than for us to voice our concern insistently and often. It was infuriating enough to hear film critics perpetuating a youth fetish by harping on the age of our actors, without getting the same treatment from Paramount. No one told Lord Nelson he was too old to go to battle at sea, nor our modern day Admirals Nimitz and Rickover. And who can forget Admiral "Amazing Grace," who was in her 80's when she finally retired from the Navy! Those who like to split hairs would argue that her battleground was computers, but the message is still that in real life we can't afford to waste human resources just because there's some mileage on the body. For sure, no one told John Wayne he was too old for action movies when he accepted his Oscar Award for True Grit. Lest any feel I am unduly sensitive, considering my fortysome- thing state, let me add that my teenagers (13, 16, 18) are equally abhorred. "They can't do that!" was the wail from my daughter. Let's combine our voices to make an effective chorus, for once again it's time to man the typewriters. If you are entitled to an official letterhead or title, use it -- PPC needs to be reminded that ST fans are responsible adults, not mindless cultists. Be courteous -- after all, we're telling the chairman of a corporation how to do his job. And don't put Star Trek anywhere on the outside of the envelope, or it won't reach the corporate offices. It would be appreciated, but not necessary, if you would send a copy to TREKisM, so we can keep track of what we've unleashed, and possibly publish the best of the letters. See you at the mailbox.
- there is a transcript of George Takei's talk at the Rochester, NY Creation Con on November 18, 1989: an excerpt: However, we have a third option that they're considering. And this has us absolutely chilled. That third option is that Paramount will go ahead with Star Trek VI, but because a lot of the critics, when they reviewed Star Trek V, commented on the fact that some of my colleagues are now starting to show the wages of wear and tear (as I said, we've been around for 24 years), that they will do a flashback movie, back to our academy days, and recast all of our characters with younger actors that look like us. ((Audience boos)) I love that sound. I should record that, too, because that's exactly the way we feel. Because the idea of a young actor who looks like Bill Shatner, or a young actor who looks like Leonard Nimoy, or, if you can imagine, a young actor that looks like me, as Sulu? That would be absolutely unthinkable. And we are arguing strongly against that option, because if that movie comes out in two years (if you accept that pattern of a Star Trek movie every two years) it will be exactly 25 years since the premiere of Star Trek on television, and what a horrible way to celebrate a silver anniversary: with brand new faces. That is a terrible way, and, in fact, that would doom that film to boycotting and absolute disaster. It's a dumb decision. But that is an option that they're seriously considering. In fact, they're considering option 1 as the primary option; not to go ahead at all, and if they do go ahead, to go ahead with the flashback story with the younger, newer actors. And to go ahead with the original cast is the last option. It is a terrible idea.
- news from Nichelle: Nichelle Nichols is starting a new communications network especially for Star Trek fans. By calling 1-900-CM UHURA, fans will have access to weekly updates concerning upcoming films, her Antares astrological forecast, the activities of her television and motion picture colleagues, her latest comments on the space program, Nichelle singing her latest songs, and much more. We would like your club or organization to become part of this growing communication network by publishing the phone number in your club newsletter or zine. AR-Way Productions 22647 Ventura Blvd. #121, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
- a review of the pro booksMasks, The Captain's Honor
- an ad for the newsletter, Imzadi
- a fan points out some sewing patterns for Star Trek uniforms from the Simplicity Sewing Book, and that there is a ST computer game called "The Final Frontier" available
- a German fan submits some more humorous translations of Star Trek episode titles
- there is a plug for George Takei's recent screen parts
- fiction, "The Last Command" by Rick Lombardi
- essay, "Spock & Stoicism" by Norman Styers, accompanied by art by Vel Jaeger
- there are three full-page cartoons/illos by LaVena Kay Kidd
- the regular column, "Trekomedy Korner" by Lou Israel, plus a follow-up response by another fan to a previous column
- the regular column, "Fuzzy Purple Panther" by Barb Parcells
- and letters from fans
Issue 65
TREKisM 65 was published in April/May/June 1990 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editorial: Frequent readers will notice a rather significant change in the look of TREKisM this issue -- the result of experimentation with a number of desktop publishing programs. I didn't win the Florida Lottery and buy a new computer -- but I have been taking classes at night, and took advantage of some lovely Macintosh SE's to not only key in the data, but to play with a variety of typestyles and formats. I also do typesetting at my new job and if I hang onto this job I'll probably be able to use their system as well. But it's a Commodore, and my home system is IBM -- so nothing matches! Stay tuned. And feel free to vote for the font of your choice... Look ahead for a variety of reactions to the proposed ACADEMY DAYS script for STAR TREK VI. According to Richard Arnold, Paramount's fan liasson [sic] who's been quoted at several recent conventions, that idea has been shelved -- but no details on what is now in the works. Thanks to all of you who took the time to write Paramount with your concerns, and for sharing them with us.
- many fans include copies of their letters to Paramount and comment on the movie proposal of hiring new actors and making a Star Trek that happens at Starfleet Academy -- most fans are very negative about this idea, one example: ...won't new actors do just as well? The answer is: No. Again this concept, though attractive to the standard Hollywood mentality, betrays an utter lack of understanding of Star Trek's underlying appeal. Before the actors got their hands on the characters. there were no characters to speak of and if one goes back and reads an original Star Trek script one is struck at once by how little the actors had to work within some episodes. The characters were built by the actors; they are not just the equivalent of one-size-fits-a" suits that anyone could step into. Further, if the actors are aging, so is a sizable percentage of the "baby boom" audience that first bestowed popularity on the Star Trek series. We have grown up with these people. To drag out a hoary line from Robert Browning. "grow old along with me! The best is yet to be; the last of life, for which the first was made." In this society in which the elderly have supposedly become "gray panthers," standing up for their rights not to be forced into retirement, it is sad to think that our 23rd-century friends could not serve as role models. Perhaps the 23rd century will not be as advanced as we at first thought.
- another fan wishes the movies hadn't been made at all: I believe Star Trek should never have been placed on the big screen to begin with. It was designed for television. and that's where it belongs. Yes. I have enjoyed the movies immensely, but my love of Trek (and contrary to what it might sound like here. I (love Classic Trek as a dear old friend) has not blinded me to what these movies are: as insubstantial as cotton candy, as vacuous as space itself. Good movies are made when there's a great story crying out to be told. Star Trek movies are made because Hollywood moguls want to make a lot of money; the plot is merely a means to an end. Why bother with a logical, meaningful story when the fans will pay to see anything labeled Star Trek? Only one ST movie, the very first one, has even attempted to be about anything, to do what Star Trek does best. By contrast, THE NEXT GENERATION has free rein to make statements about issues that are important to us today: prejudice, war, terrorism, genocide, biological engineering, drug addiction, and above all, IDIC -- the respect for life and its cultural diversity. I don't see any of this in the movies. I don't see well-rounded. sympathetic aliens like Wesley's friend Mordoch. I see non-human species -- if they are presented at all -- depicted as cartoon characters. I see gimmicks, not science. (I can't imagine the films doing a story like "HOME SOIL".) What do these movies have to do with Roddenberry's original concept of Star Trek -- the "wagon train to the stars" offering a different science fiction (repeat, science fiction) adventure each week? We don't need any more overblown space opera. In my opinion, Paramount should stop wasting money on the movies, and concentrate all of its creative and financial energies on authentic, televised Star Trek. My loyalties are not with any particular actor, old or new. I wish only to see the Star Trek vision thrive and continue.
- a fan writes: ... I really enjoy my participation in TREKisM. I admit that my letters are intentionally inflammatory [3]. I just love a good argument. Looks like it worked, too, because I have even received personal letters from people at whom I've taken pot shots. All the letters have been in good taste and good fun, as well as amusing. The most surprising of the controversies I have stirred up has been the one with A.C. Wilment over Dr. Pulaski's relative attractiveness. I never intended to stir up any debate over anyone's sexual orientation. I didn't even consider sexual orientation when I questioned Willment's comment, "I don't find her attractive for obvious reasons." (Not necessarily an exact quote.) I thought A.C. was a GUY, and a Male Chauvinist Pig who felt Muldaur had no place on the show because her age and/or girth. At any rate, the continued debate has amused me no end.
- there are reviews of pro books: Survivors and Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah,Captain's Log: William Shatner's Personal Account of the Making of STAR TREK V; THE FINAL FRONTIER as told by Lisabeth Shatner, and A Call to Darkness
- this issue has three full-page illos/cartoons by LaVena Kay Kidd
- a fan responds to a previous "Trekomedy Korner"
- Lou Israel has another installment of "Trekomedy Korner"
- "Entirely Esoteric Trek or, Really Reaching for a Connection" by Karen Rhodes is an article about the origins of William Shatner's name
Issue 66
TREKisM 66 was published in July/Aug/Sept 1990 and contains 32 pages.
- from the editorial: Sorry, but it's back to the old fashioned typewriter for this issue at least. Classes are out for the summer, and the job that gave me access to a laser printer is also history. We'll see what works out for the fall issue. I'm going to be changing my IBM word processing from WordStar to WorkPerfect eventually, but that's not for a while yet. It was fun while it lasted.
- the editor writes: According to the July 21st issue of TV GUIDE, the New York City Opera plans to commission a music drama based on STAR TREK, to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of ST in 1991. This article appeared as a "Jeers" category in the "Cheers & Jeers" section. They consider this concept a "strange new world better left unexplored," and imagine "such absurdities as a chorus of Klingons, the 'Warp factor Waltz' and a show-stopping Spock solo on the aria 'Live Long and Prosper.'" This editor doubts that the Powers that Decide at Paramount studios would ever bestow their approval on such a project -- remember, these are copyrighted characters. If Snow White couldn't sing at the Oscars, I doubt we'll hear McCoy whistling Dixie, either. However, I certainly would be entertained by a Klingon choral version of Leslie Fish's immortal filk song, "Banned from Argos." And it would seem utterly logical to consult Alexander Courage, Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, and Leonard Rosenman for musical contributions. The visual possibilities are endless: from Andorians to Zetans, can you imagine the costumes? Star Trek has often been categorized as truly grand opera, given the scope of themes. Wagner's Niebelungen Lied has nothing on the cosmic scale of Trek adventures. Any opera buffs out there who would care to speculate along with the rest of us? Even if this turns out to be someone's idea of a terrific put-on, it's truly entertaining to consider.
- the editor writes: Fanzines (fan-produced magazines) show no signs of diminishing, and if anything, seem to be more popular than ever. Maybe it has something to do with the narrowing of acceptable storylines by the professional publisher. It's a familiar theme of "If I can't find it to read, I'll just have to write it myself!" Here with are some sources for locating these grassroots efforts. [list of addresses]
- there is a review of the pro book, Spock's World
- there is an installment of the column, "Fuzzy Purple Panther" by Barb Parcells
- fiction, "Return to Iota" by A.C. Willment
- there are three full-page illo/cartoons by LaVena Kay Kidd
- the winners of the 1988 Surak Awards are printed
- there is a TNG third season episode list
- a review of The Year in Review: A First Season Encyclopedia (A Complete Episode Guide & Lexicon) The Year in Review: The Second Season
- a German fan writes about TNG in Germany (episode titles, trivia, the dubbing)
Issue 67
TREKisM 67 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1990 and contains 32 pages. Illos by Vel Jaeger and LaVena Kay Kidd.
- the editor writes: Because this issue is so late, and our files are so empty, I'm going to borrow a maneuver from TV and repeat articles, cartoons, and whatever from our very early issues of TREKisM. Think of it as the "MENAGERIE" issue -- there'll be a bit of new scattered amongst the old for TREKisM #68.
- computers, and a listing of ST fan clubs, see image! STAR TREK Fandom has arrived in the computer age. Though often a topic of discussion on assorted computer bulletin boards, now a group of affiliated STARFLEET "ships" have formed a National Computer Echo or TREK NET (formerly called Fleet net). Below is a list of bulletin board services. If you wish more information on TrekNet in general, contact Rob Lerman...
- regarding Creation Cons: CREATION CONS seem to have a good corner of the convention market; for more information on prices, tickets, contact them at Creation, 145 Jerico Turnpike, Mineola NY 11501; ph (516) 746-9626; tickets are usually available through Ticketmaster outlets as well. Be forewarned that a new feature at Creation Cons larger conventions is "preferred seating," costing $50 and up for guaranteed seats in the front sections of the audience. At the last big con in LA, this wiped out the first 20 rows. If you expect to get good seats by standing in line early, forget it at these cons. For example, the extravaganza slated for June 7-9 in Los Angeles, advertising all 8 original ST actors and Gene Roddenberry costs $145 to attend all three days. The con is actually split into two, with Friday & Saturday at the LA Hilton, and Sunday (the only time that William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and Gene Roddenberry will be appearing) will take place at the Shrine Auditorium (general admission $30 for that day only) "twenty minutes away" (by helicopter, maybe!)
- a British fan named Trina writes that she is starting a Star Trek SIG group in England: ... We are unfortunately quite a long way behind America in the Next Gen programmes. The first season has started to be aired from September so we are about 8 programmes in. Also the BBC are messing around with the sequence they were broadcast in the USA. For that reason there is a little interest in the Next Gen and England is yet to see whether there will be a split in fandom over the original series, films and Next Gen. We have access to videos but getting them formatted into PAL for the British equipment is a big problem. Not that big that a serious Trek fan can't overcome. Also episodes are available on video anyway. A few of the members are con-going types. Myself, I have met nearly all the cast and go to one or two cons a year. They tend to be very much smaller and more intimate than the American cons. know because Americans tell me so!
- fiction, "The Needs of the Many" by Rick Lombardi
- poem, "Not This Time, Spock" by Denice J. Szafran Chonka
- there is a fourth season TNG episode summary list
- there are several letters from fans
- "TreKomedy Korner from the Land of Tricicale" by Lou Israel asks a number of questions about a bunch of episodes
- a fan contributes a list of Star Trek mentioned on television shows and in magazines
- there are reviews of the pro books, Metamorphosis by Jean Lorrah, Prime Directive by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, The Kobayashi Maru by Julia Ecklar, The Trek Encyclopedia by John Peel,The Worlds of the Federation by Shane Johnson
- there are several full-page illos by LaVena Kay Kidd
- there is some news of the sixth Star Trek movie
- there are plugs for three zines: Interstat (announced that it will be ceasing publication), The Holmesian Federation, and [[The LOC Connection]]
Issue 68
TREKisM 68 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar 1991 and contains 32 pages.
- the editor reprints the editorial from the first issue and adds: I was very surprised to discover how little has really changed in the purpose of publishing a Star Trek newsletter, over the past 14+ years. I may pretend we old timers have become oh so sophisticated, but we're still fans at heart. We're still waiting for a new Star Trek movie, we're still arguing fine points and characterization and judging writers and directors. And, though I've moved up and down and across the country since l beginning this little rag, I've continued to enjoy new friends and projects and new memories, and hopefully will do so for many years to come.
- there is an update on the upcoming movie, The Undiscovered Country
- poem, "Ode to a Tribble" by Joan Bauman, reprinted from issue #22
- fiction, "When the Munchies Hit" by Barb Parcells, reprinted from issue #1
- poem, "Ode to a Mass-Produced Klingon" by Barb Parcells, reprinted from issue #6
- jokes, "Hooting Stars" reprinted from issue #4
- poem, "Trek Omen" by Ginny Thorn, reprinted from issue #25
- "TreKomedy Revisited" in response to Lou Israel's column in issue #67, "More Things I Wanna Know" by Brian Madsen
- "TreKomedy Korner from the Land of Tricicale" by Lou Israel, a parody of movie titles and summaries
- poem, "The Expanding Universe, or Till Swell Furs Over" by Jim Moon, reprinted from issue #6
- episode summaries for fourth season ST:TNG
- a Wesley Crusher portrait by Vel Jaeger
- A.C. Willment writes of her appreciation for the TNG episode "Devil's Due" and comments on other episodes
- "The Guinan 'Mystique'" is an article by Lou Israel
- fiction, "Only Words" by Steve Smythe, reprinted from issue #35
- fiction, "The Engineer's Log by Jon B. Green, reprinted from issue #33
- poem, "Joachim's Lament" by Debbie Gilbert, reprinted from issue #27
- a con report by Cynthia for June 1991 Vulkon, see that page
- poem, "With Each Dawn" by Rick Lombardi
- two Wesley Crusher filks, "Wesley's Lament" by Stephen Mendenhall and "The Wesley Crusher Song" by Heather Cunningham
- the editor closes with: "I don't have the nerve to set a deadline for the next issue. I'm I trying to do back to back issues, to get us back on schedule, and will get the next issue to press as soon as I can..."
- ^ One irony: there were months of fundraising for the "cost" of Roddenberry's star, with many ads and blurbs and pleas in various newsletters telling fans that if 3000 of them sent in $1 each, the star would be paid for; this report in TREKisM describes the high-profile/public relations event with valet parking, sumptuous buffet, fountains, champagne, hordes of very important stars and celebrities -- something that makes shaking down a bunch of fans at a buck a piece seem a little lop-sided...
- ^ This is probably referring to this phrase: "If it were not for her intelligence, personality, and beauty, and the fact that she has the natural walk of a striptease queen, Capt Picard might not have agreed to her request that Wesley observe bridge activities..."
- ^ "Inflammatory" is only relative; letters to TREKisM were very calm and reasoned. If you want to observe inflammatory, see Interstat.