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Data Entries
Zine | |
Title: | Data Entries |
Publisher: | Buffalo Chip Press |
Editor(s): | Christina Mavroudis (last issue was January 1989), then Lynn McVey Baron, then Melody Rondeau (starting in 1990) |
Type: | |
Date(s): | 1987-? |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Size: | digest-sized |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TNG |
External Links: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |
Data Entries is a Star Trek: TNG digest-sized quarterly letterzine and newsletter with forty-five issues.
The focus is the actor Brent Spiner and the character he portrayed on Star Trek: TNG: Data.
From the third issue: "DATA ENTRIES is a quarterly (huh?) newsletter, printed and produced for nonprofit and in NO WAY wishes to step on anyone's toes at Paramount Studios or the Star Trek offices. ("It's just for fun, right?")"
There is fiction starting at Issue #10. It was the winner of a 1991 FanQ. This zine was one of the first Star Trek: TNG fanzines published, and it had the cooperation (i.e. the ear and was a recipient of "official goodies.") of Paramount via Richard Arnold, the "Star Trek Historian at Paramount Studios."
Similar Star Trek: TNG zines are Imzadi (Marina Sirtis), Engage! (Patrick Stewart), and Ready and Willing (Jonathan Frakes).
In 1990, editorial duties were taken over by Melody and Jim Rondeau. In 1991 the editor of the Quantum Quarterly described her introduction to the "Rondeaus": "I met the Rondeaus when we were both working staff at a media convention in San Jose called Timecon. When Star Trek: The Next Generation appeared October 1987, I approached Jim with the idea of a digest-sized newsletter focusing on the actor, Brent Spiner and his character, Data. Within a few weeks we produced the first ST:TNG zine, Data Entries; it's currently up to issue #12 under the expert editorship of Melody."
In 1991, this zine had 250 subscribers.
There is a clever pun on the back of the issues: "Data'd"—as in "dated material" a postal service term.
Like some newsletters of that era, earlier issues were published without the required pre-1989 copyright notices, possibly placing the fanzine in the public domain.
Proposed Publishing Schedule
From the second issue, which appears to have not worked out as planned:
- Winter (February)
- Sprint (May)
- Summer (August)
- Fall (November)
This Zine Has An Elusive Subject
The second issue reports that the photo of Brent Spiner published in the original run of the first issue be removed for privacy, and possibly public-relations promotional reasons.
The second issue also reports that Brent Spiner has put the kibosh on any official fan club about him.
In most issues, there is much discussion regarding what Spiner "owes" his fans, how celebrities should behave at cons, and the symbiotic relationship between celebrities and fans.
General Reactions and Reviews
Just wanted to drop you a short line to thank you for putting me on to DATA ENTRIES, a Brent Spinder/TNG newsletter. I am thoroughly delighted, and would like to recommend it, especially to Data fans. You Tasha fans will find that she gets a lot of attention, too (as well as being the butt of quite a few jokes). Editor Mavroudis appears to have a pipeline going, as she offers a feast of information from a wide variety of sources. Excellent illustrations, amusing limericks (none greater than PG-13 rated), and delightful short, short stories appear side by side with the latest news about ST and about Brent Spinerls career. Jim & Melody Rondeau, distributors, are very prompt in filling your orders. Now I am anxiously awaiting issue no. 6...[1]
Contains "on-target" PG-rated fiction, humor, convention reports, letters of comment, and news items. Also features outstanding cartoons by Melody Rondeau and others. Sample stories of interest: "Passages," by Deanne Morgan (#18, September '92): following Admiral Crusher's funeral, Data laments his longevity and the loss of his friends; "The Price of His Toys," by Lyn Gunn (#15, January '92): Lore gives Kivas Fajo his just desserts (don't worry, it's humorous).[2]
Issue 1
Data Entries 1 was published in October/November 1987 and contains about 18 pages. The editor was Christina Mavroudis.
- the editor says "we" are in the process of setting of a Brent/Spiner/Data fan club, some suggested names: "The Discerning Android Touting Association," "Dazzle About That Android," "Brent Spiner Appreciation Society," "Friend of Brent Spiner," and "Galactic Enigma" (referring to Brent Spiner's quote in Starlog about Data." Unfortunately, we had to consider the repercussions of the last one, if we accidentally left out the 'g.' [3] Our personal favorite is "The Fully Functional Fan Club" or "F3C.")
- ruminations regarding the word "data"
- Vital Data, speculations/bios about the character and the actor
- Mr. Data... Mr. Popular ("Even as we went to press, a quick call to Richard Arnold at Paramount revealed that at his latest convention (weekend 10/17/88) the character Data was by far the most popular of the entire cast. "When I put up the slide of Brent, the audience exploded," Richard said. "The volume of his mail also reflects his enormous popularity.")
- Roddenberry Regarding Data, a short blurb "taken from the Starlog ST: TNG Series Magazine #1) ("I once wrote a film in which I created an android that was more human than human. It was considered by many people as the definitive android picture. ("The Questor Tapes") I like the Pinocchio quality of my android who wanted to be human. Although he could do many things better than humans he wanted to be human. That was [his] dream and I've incorporated that character into the character of Data.")
- Background Data, a excerpt from the novelization of "Encounter at Farpoint" by David Gerrold, page 130, about the characterization of Data
- a newspaper clipping by Ron Mills from the San Jose Mercury News, October 1, 1987, "New 'Star Trek' an interstellar flop, includes a letter to the editor in reply by Christina Mavroudis
- Inquires, "the following answers were provided by Richard Arnold, "the Star Trek Historian at Paramount Studios": some questions and answers: lots about the uniforms, why are there two Chief Engineers, and news that "even Patrick Stewart has expressed in interest in attending some [Creation Cons]"
- some short blurbs about the actors and the show appearing in various news mentions
Issue 2
Data Entries 2 was published in Winter (February-ish) 1988 and contains about 18 pages. Edited by Christina Mavroudis.
- Something to Write Home About, two pages of letters of comment, among many things mentions that the name of the proposed new fan club is "The Fully Functional Fan Club," later in the zine it is noted that Brent Spiner has requested that there be no fan club for him
- Vital Data, bio and professional info about Brent Spiner, one excerpt: "As some of you might know. Brent requested that we pull the picture of him sans make-up in subsequent printings of the first issue. The main reason for this decision is that he has yet to be recognized in public as the actor who plays Data. So far. according to Richard Arnold, he has only been noticed by those who who've seen him in previous roles. This short period left in anonimity [sic] is sure to be charished [sic] by Brent and we will respect his wishes until such time he glues us the go-ahead. There are also actors who want to withhold information about themselves and their character to create mystique. Intrigue, curiosity and an air of mystery are strong elements. If you lay all your cards out too soon, you could find interest waning before its time. As long as he holds one card, people will want to know. (Smart move, Brent!). Future issues of "Data Entries" may see more of the character and less of the actor, It is not that we want to withhold pictures and information, but we feel genuine respect for Brent's privacy outweighed the public's need to know. Let us know how you feel about this."
- "The Little Android that Could" by Jim Lyon, article about the popularity of Data, public perception and opinion, fan influence
- very short blurb about Denise Crosby leaving the show
- clipping from "Comics Buyer's Guide," November 6, 1987, by David Campiti, "Revamped 'Star Trek' aims for 'new generation' of fans
- clipping from the "Los Angeles Times, by Sue Martin, December 24, 197, "An Enterprising 'Star Trek' Series
- the lyrics to "Don't Fall in Love with an an Android," a song originally recorded by Rebel Force Band
- cover art by Patricia Davis
- inner art by Melody Rondeau
- an ad for Equicon 1988
- some deleted scene dialogue from the episode "The Big Goodbye"
- Inquires, a Question and Answer Session with Richard Arnold, goodies from the official horse's mouth: one interchange -- "Is it true they put men in skirts in the new series to justify the sexism in the original series?" "First of all, they are not skirts but culots or skants as they are dubbed on the set. You have to remember that it is only in recent history men have not work skirt-like apparel."
- "What's in a Rank?" by Richard Plamondon, comparison between Navy and Army rankings, Starfleet uses the Navy equivalent
Issue 3
Data Entries 3 was published in Spring 1988 and contains 20 pages. Contributors are Christina Mavroudis (editor), Melody Rondeau (artist), Jamie Lawson (author of fic), Fran Wong ("visual data and reply"), Lynn McVey Baron ("datalore"), Manoil Deitz ("research"), Beth Muramoto ("research"), Frank Torrez ("research"), Gwen P. Cordes ("research"), Lisa White ("misc. bleak input"), and Richard Arnold ("information").
The editorial:
First, on with business: Issues of "Data Entries" are selling like crazy! From coast to coast, we've received subscriptions and inquiries...all positive and very encouraging. Thank you all for your support, letters, and talent. If you'd like to help out the newsletter, here are several.
1) If you go to conventions, let us know and we'll send you flyers to leave at registration.
2) Tell your friends about us. Mention "Data Entries" in computer nets/bulletins. Get your cat to wear a sandwich-board downtown.
3) Clip out EVERY article you see mentioning the new series! He'd especially like to see what the East Coast thinks about it.
4) Write a review about a past episode (limited to one page). Let everyone know your views on a certain script, directinq, etc.
5) If something intrigues you (example: Asimov's Positronic Brain), feel free to research and let us know your findings.
6) If you do go to a convention, write a "con report" on what the various guests had to say. We also accept PHOTOS for reprint. State whether or not they should be returned.
7) Don't let that "boo-boo" you caught in last nights episode go to waste, send it to us along with other bits of trivia that might come up. (example: Channel 36 in San Jose re-broadcast "The Daine Curse", one of Brent's early made-for-TV-movies,)
8] Send us your doodles. Make them as crazy as you like, but remember the editor has the final word on "taste". We're also looking for cover art to relieve poor Patricia and Melody (who've gone beyond the call of duty with their spectacular work.)
Our mail volume is growing daily, but one suggestion is to let me know if your letter (or portions therein) can be used in our "Letters to Write Home About" column. Also, please be patient with replies. If I seem to be a little slow getting back to you, it's because I'm trying to juggle TWO newsletters, a child, and my regular day job (not to mention the hundred other projects left on the back-burner. Ouch!)
We're going to start accepting short stories. He'll have to limit them to two pages (single spaced), but I'm sure there are many minds out there whirling with ideas. Or, here's a suggestion to you: Would you like to see a "Data Entries Yearbook" which would include season synopsis short stories, art, novellas, etc. in an 8% X 11 format? Let us know your thoughts on the idea!
Another feature we would like to start as a service to "Data Entries" readers is a pen pal listing. If you would like your name and address posted, let us know. Please include other pertinent interests you have.
In closing, I'd like to thank everyone who said 'hello' during Equicon April 1–3, 1988. It was a special treat for me to talk with you all. During the past several months, I've meet some pretty wonderful people I truly appreciate all your help. As much as I would like to include every scrap of information I come across, there's just too much to include in each 20 page issue. (Thus what's supposed to be quarterly, is now looking very much like a monthly...) If you've written or drawn something and you don't see it in this issue, don't fret. Issue 4 is almost complete!
- LoCs
- reprints of articles in newspapers (Los Angeles Times, TV GUIDE, Boston Herald)
- miscellaneous bits of news, appearances, and information about the show
- reprints of some letters about Star Trek and Blake's 7 from TV GUIDE
- partial transcript from the episode "Datalore," section is called "On the Cutting Room Floor" so perhaps this was from scenes not shown?
- "Datalore -- Or What Elder Brother Did During Summer Vacation" episode review of "Datalore" by Lynn McVey Baron
- a partial listing of Brent Spiner's acting credits
- "A Question of Humanity," fiction by Jamie Lawson, told from Data's point of view, about his brother Lore
- "How Would You Hack it On ST: TNG," a humorous multiple choice vignette about how hard it is to be Brent Spiner, author is Manoli Dietz
A fan writes:
"I can understand Mr. Spiner's reluctance to have a fan club established - an actor can be placed in a certain niche (remember what happened to Nimoy before his recent success as a director) and if it happens to be Star Trek related, the publicity mill churns the "Trekkie" quotient to the death of an actor's career. He can become pigeonholed into one kind of role - and since Mr. Spiner is a very well-trained, professional actor (as opposed to the overnight star types who proliferate TV and movies. with magazine cover looks but carry very little real acting talent), it would be a shame if fandom's enthusiasm creates a situation for him in which future acting roles aren't offered because of his attachment to the Star Trek legend. Besides, since he was undoubtedly influenced by the real screen legends like Bogart, etc. you wouldn't want to destroy the mystery and magic of what is known as "star quality."
Nothing brings you down to earth right away than the humdrum knowledge that a celebrity likes to eat toast in the mornings, or he drives a Dodge pickup, and does his own laundry. Keep the personal stuff in perspective and let the actor maintain a private life. I'm all for enjoying what he does onscreen, and thank the galaxies we have a chance to watch a wonderful character like Data develop, courtesy of a fine actor (Spiner) and creator (Roddenberry).
As the old saying goes: An Actor doesn't owe the public his private life. In respecting the performer's art, you have to grant him private moments to recharge his creative energy. I'm all for keeping a fan club on hold and allowing lots of breathing room - it also keeps the mystery alive. And isn't that a big part of stardom? Nothing more powerful that imagination can't invent."
A fan writes:
I am still mildly depressed about Denise leaving and I find myself wishing she'd given it more time. Her character really grew on me & she has so much potential. I'll have my tissue box near the telly that night. But on the other hand, Denise has to do what she feels is right. I am trying to be sympathetic to her feelings, but at the same time I feel sorta cheated. Gack - I hadn't realized I'd become so possessive oi the characters. Poor Data; what a way to learn that being human hurts. I just hope they won't sweep Tasha's memory out of the way in the episode alter. There really should be a scene or a bit where Picard starts to ask Tasha something & then realizes she's not there. I hope they'll a I low the characters to grieve.
If Brent's afraid of being recognized in the flesh, he should try the time-honored method of male camouflage and grow a beard! I guarantee no one would notice him or realize it was him with glasses & furry lace. Of course, there's always the fear he'd be mistaken for George Lucas. (Just tryin' to be helpful, y'know!)
A fan writes;
Thank you for sending issue one. I roared with laughter at the Ron Miller article and your reply letters. Although I'm certain he's eating crow right now, he did use some interesting lines of humor to cut down the series. It wasn't tough to spot him as anti-trekkie! Your letter was a very appropriate counter to his article.
I was thrilled to receive issue 2. I especially love the color combination and sketch details on the cover. Data looks like such a work of art! The group at work (DEC) can hardly wait for F3C [4] to become a reality...someday You worded Brent's shyness along with other appropriate reasons for stalling, very tactfully. He'll appreciate the empathy, I'm sure.
A fan writes:
I bought your Data Entries newsletter at a recent Creation Con in San Francisco. Brent is the reason I keep returning to the program. Because oi this, 1 went to my local University library to gather info. As for the fan club, I'd love to join. I'm hoping Brent will do a si [5] con like Jonathan and Marina. I'd go see him like a shot.
Like a lot of people, I went into the new Star Trek a little skeptical; not so much that I was a diehard Trekkie, but I was a fan & though it took a lot of getting used to, I began to like it and especially Brent. He plays Data with such humor and warmth that he's just hard to resist. I
A fan writes:
1 love it! Found your Data Entries #2 at Clippercon V in Baltimore this weekend and want more! Melody's 'toons have me in hysterics MORE! I especially like the one of Picard and the toupee (giggle, chuckle) beautiful!
A fan, Shirley Maiewski, writes:
I was especially pleased with the emphasis on my favorite ST:TNG show - "The Big Goodbye". Favorite so far, of course. Just think, we have so many more to look forward to! At least a second season, and if it continues in the Top Ten Syndication Shows - maybe more!
Thanks for the info on Brent Spiner (birthday, hometown, and all). He doesn't look like a Texan. (or sound like one either ed.) However, please help him keep his secrets. It is a shame the way some actors have no privacy at all! Ah, but wouldn't it be nice to see him at a con someday? Meanwhile let's concentrate on Data himself.
I haven't heard anyone say they don't like Data; even those who say they HATE the new show. Funny thing about them, they all seem to have seen every episode. Well, let's I hope they finally realize what fun TNG is and stop hating it.
Personally, I am enjoying it very much (was hooked the first show and I have been an ST fan for over 21 years. Still am, both Classic and TNG.) Isn't it great to have a new episode to look forward to each week? And still have our original re-runs, too. We can have our cake and ...well you know!
Yes. I have enjoyed the newsletter. "Inquiry?" Who painted in the yellow eyes on the covers? Great job! They certainly add to the pictures. All best wishes for continued and growing success.
A fan writes:
Hello and congratulations on a newsletter well done, I was at Clippercon and another Data/Brent fan dragged me over to the table to show me DE. I think I stood there and read the whole thing because I couldn't believe that there was a newsletter for my favorite android/actor.
As for the fan club...F3C is a perfect name for Brent's club. I am sorry to hear that he doesn't want a club started, though it's understandable since actors have so little privacy as it is and must cherish every moment they get.
It's a shame Denise will no longer be on the show. I understand her character will not be replaced due to the abundance of crew on the bridge. I made my NG uniform after Lt. Yar's and everyone seems to like it, and her character. Also, I have finally run into Data at a con. Mind you not the real Data, but a friend of mine that is really dedicated to getting a character right. He wears gold contacts and bears a striking resemblance to our favorite android. We have worked out a comedy routine and hope to place it in the costume call.
A fan writes:
As to Brent's privacy, I am a firm believer in actor's retaining their privacy if they wish. They give so much to us as it is, we can't expect to intrude on their private life, too. Of course, there are some people who are very outgoing and truly enjoy chatting with fans and being in the public eye. There are also others who I'm sure do it for career reasons but I feel each individual must (and has the right to) make the decision for themselves.
A fan writes:
I don't blame Brent for not wanting a fan club; for wanting whatever anonymity he can get. He seems like a private man & personal man and there's nothing wrong with with that.
A fan writes:
Sometimes, well, more than just sometimes, I wonder if putting Brent Spiner in all that grease-paint & talcum powder for his character, Data, was such a good idea. What with that stuff flaking off all the time and the other players being afraid of getting "Data goo" on them & their costumes, we've only seen Data touched by another person once (Tasha). This gives the unfortunate impression that the others on the bridge loathe Data so much that not only will they not touch him, but they won't even enter his body space.
(At Equicon, Michale Westmore, the make-up artist, stated that, in recent years make-up has been modified for resiliency until it's practically impossible to come off. As for your other concern, one has to remember they are in a military environment. You'll notice, Picard didn't even offer to keep Beverly warm when she was in shock in "Arsenal of Freedom".-ed.)
Issue 4
Data Entries 4 was published in Summer 1988 and contains about 18 pages. It is the "Special Theatrical Edition."
It was edited by Christina Mavroudis.
- this issue consists entirely of clippings and reviews from newspapers and magazines, as well as theater flyers
Issue 5
Data Entries 5 was published in August 1988 and contains about 24 pages. The theme of this issue is "11001001."
This issue was edited by Christina Mavroudis.
- fans talk about how photos of the actor without his Data make up are somewhat forbidden, how a photo of him in "Data Entries" #2 has been "subsequently replaced with a Melody portraiture at Brent's request. If you look really hard you can find other pictures, but we're holding out 'till he says okay. Okay?"
- a fan writes: "I agree that Brent's privacy be respected and no fan club be formed until he changes his mind. It's nice of him to have okay'd this newsletter though!" The editor replies: "Brent hasn't officially 'okay'd' the newsletter -- just read it and thought it was nice."
- clippings relating to Brent Spiner, as well as some information about where the show is in official ratings
- an ad for the proposed zine "Omicron Theta"
- some excerpts from the episode "11001001"
- a fan's report of some things the celebrities said at the Creation Con on June 11–12, at the L.A. Airport Hilton
- a new fan-written column called "Technical Data," to "explore who (and what) Data is"
- short story by Trina Johnston called "Logical"
- a slightly suggestive Geordi and Data cartoon reprinted from Marvel Comics #6 (the editor writes she was a bit worried "since DE is virtually a G-rated zine), also an illo of Data taking his shirt off and a contest to write some dialogue for it
- many tidbits about Brent Spiner's appearances, cons, various gossip
- "Dear Lore," a page "where readers and writers can place their gripes, ideas, and comments ANONYMOUSLY! For example, if at your last convention something really irked you, whether if be guest or topic, speak out! If you have ideas on the direction of the show, -- write it out! While there's virtually no possibility of anyone at Paramount taking these seriously, the column should provide therapeutic results and give an idea what other readers are 'raged' about. Since we've given full control over to the Wonder 'Droid, don't be surprised if his comments sound like they were snatched from a Morton Downey, Jr. Show. (Now there's a man on 'rage!)"
Issue 6
Data Entries 6 was published in January 1989 and contains about 24 pages. It was edited by Christina Mavroudi, her last issue. She says that the next issue will be edited by Lynn McVey Baron:
When I made the decision to disassociate myself from the newsletter, many close friends were torn: they supported my reasons, but didn't want to see the end of the publication. I, too, felt saddened by DE's death. Fortunately, when I told Lynn of my decision and asked her for suggestions, she quickly volunteered for the post. I know you will enjoy her work and she promises to make the transition painless.
My decision to "retire" may have seemed hasty, but had been under consideration for some time. In issue #2, I explained my move to LA in vague terms. To be quite specific, Majel Barrett, having seen issue #1, was so impressed she asked if I would be her secretary. ... While I am not her secretary any more, I am editor of the fan club magazine Inside Star Trek. I am also a full-time word processor, mother, and manager of my apartment complex. To complicate matters, I'm working on several stage plays and TV scripts. ... Because of my involvement with Inside Star Trek, I've had the pleasure of interviewing Denise Crosby, Gates McFadden, many of the stand-ins, as well as meet most of the crew. Due in part to my sometimes close association with the show, I found myself at odds with the two newsletters: printable material, and the time involved with each. While Data Entries was a labor of love, Inside Star Trek offered the opportunity to hone my journalistic skills. The final decision was based on the fact that DE could easily be turned over to a new editor. "IST," however, had already gone through three editors with no successor on the horizon if I quit. In the end, I realized where my commitment was needed.
The art is by Sharon Patrick, Michelle B. Solney, Melody Rondeau, and Fran Wrong.
- Data Base, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- from a letter by a fan named Debbie Gilbert: ""I'm enclosing a review I did of "Ghost Ship" along with Diane Carey's reply. Ms. Carey has authorized me to send her letter along to the zines, because she wants the fans to be aware of what's really going on in the publishing business. Her comments make me more grateful than ever that we have fanzines, where we can write anything we want, without fear of censorship." [The editor replies]: "Due to lack of space in this issue, I am unable to reprint [the original review by Debbie Gilbert]. For those who would like to read it catch the October issue of "Enterprise America." Diana [sic] Carey's reply is sizzling. I was reluctant at first to reprint it, but I've always been an advocate for free speech.""
- Something...Contest Results (5)
- Soliloquy for Data, fiction by Christina Mavroudis (6)
- The Monitor, review by Lynn McVey Baron of that episode (7)
- "In Review" (TV Guide), clipping (8)
- "Screen Scene" (Dramalogue), clipping (9)
- Bits 'N' Bytes, tidbits and gossip about the actors and the show by Lisa White (10)
- The Pond, fiction by Diana Collins (11)
- On the Cutting Room Floor, "shredded lines" from three episodes by Christina Mavroudis (14)
- Cutting Room... Android Quiz ("How Would You Hack it as an Android?") by Manoli Dietz (15)
- Universal Studios (LA Times), clipping (16)
- Technical Data, article by Lynn McVey Baron about robots and androids (18)
- News Clips (various sources) (19)
- Data Banks, short blurbs about Trek things to buy (23)
- Diane Carey (author of the pro book, "Ghost Ship") Letter, this is the response by Diane Carey to Debbie Gilbert's review (which appeared in another zine) of the pro book "Ghost Ship"—this letter was printed in "Data Entries" with Diane Carey's permission, see Diane Carey's "Ghost Ship" Letter (26)
- Skippy & Zippy by Lisa White and Christina Mavroudis (28)
Issue 7
Data Entries 7 was published in April 1989 and contains 24 pages. The new editor, Lynn McVey Baron, apologizes for this issue being a month late.
The art is by Nola Frame-Gray, Melody Rondeau, Julie Cesari, and Cynthia Case. Lettering by Jeff Weymouth.
Because the zine has gone from 8 1/2 x 11 masters to 8 1/3 x 13 masters means there is now more material per issue.
Another change: "Regretfully, because of the complexities of copyright, you will no longer see ads and articles cut from magazines and newspapers in DE."
- Ops Console, editorial by the new editor (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LOCs (4)
- Data's a Dandy, fiction by Lisa White (7)
- Technical Data, article by Lynn McVey Baron (10)
- On the Cutting Room Floor, by Christina Mavroudis, from the episode "Coming of Age" (11)
- Picard's Progeny, article by Lisa White, posits that Picard and Data are "father and son" (13)
- Dear Lore, a fictional letter column (15)
- Bits 'n Bytes by Lisa White, TNG gossip and tidbits (16)
- To Everything There is a Season, fiction by Zaena Harding (17)
- Data Banks, airing schedule (19)
- Exodus, fiction by Lynn McVey Baron (20)
[From a fan's letter]: I find the new season to be continuing in its sexist: treatment of female characters. For example, the Klingon women were portrayed as sex-hungry animals. Is this the way the writers are getting away with their male fantasies? So far, the only episode to portray women in a positive light is "Loud as a Whisper." "The Schizoid Man" (which was great for Brent Spiner) also had an error that took some of Lt. Cdr. Troi's authority away from her. Data was exhibiting signs of an "agitated depression." Troi observed that Data was suffering from dual personalities, yet she let the Captain make the decision to send Data to his quarters, when protocol would allow her, along with the QD, to confine Data to sickbay under psychiatric supervision. Obviously, that was the wrong decision. In short, Troi's expertise was negated in order to make a story progress. This error in real life would be grounds for malpractice! The Captain should not have made the treatment decision. The continuing problem of sexism on the show will not be resolved until more women writers are utilized. I do have hope for the series to improve.
Issue 8
Data Entries 8 was published in July 1989 and contains 24 pages. It was edited by Lynn McVey Baron: "Since I'm so late, DE 9 will have to go forward with what I have on hand."
- the editor continues to ask for submissions for the proposed zine, "Onicron Theta," a zine that was never published
- letters of comment
- a review by a fan of the TNG pro novel by Jean Lorrah: "Survivors"
- On the Cutting Room Floor, excerpts from the episode "The Schizoid Man"
- a ten-page graphic/comic story, words by T.O. Knova, illos by Melody Rondeau, called "A Day in the Life of Brent Spiner" (shows him dealing with fans, dealing with co-workers, dealing with fan mail, dealing with wardrobe and make-up, generally having a stressful time)
- Technical Data, article by Joyce McDonald called "Our Affection for Androids"
- two readers respond to the article in the last issue, called "Picard's Progeny,"—each reader, Joyce McDonald and Nola Frame-Gray write a follow-up essay taking differing points of view
- Data Banks, column about show tidbits and things to purchase
- a fan writes a letter regarding Diane Carey's "Ghost Ship" Letter, see that page
- a fan writes that she is glad of a change in this zine: "Lastly, I can't tell you how tickled I am at your new editorial policy: ...you will no longer see ads and articles cut from magazines and newspapers." This will give DE a chance to concentrate on original material that is produced by fans—which is what I wanted all along."
- another fan writes: "I am writing to tell you that Data Entries will now be in Special Collections in the Michigan State University Library... By being in this collection, people will not only be able to do research on ST:TNG, but also be able to Date Entries! Conventions in Michigan generally do not get Data Entries, so this way people can read DE, and possibly subscribe."
A fan writes about recycled material in zines:
While going through my collection, I read an article about Brent Spiner that was written about a year ago in INSIDE STAR TREK,[6] Then I went back to my "official" fan club mag (dated January '89).[7] Some of the quotes are exactly the same. Word for word. I couldn't believe my eyes. After working for my college newspaper for three years, I understand that different reporters will ask the same questions, but this was uncanny. At first I laughed. Then when I read that Brent doesn't give interviews, I got angry. If that's the case, it would explain why the quotes in the "official" fanzine match the older story. It's upsetting to think you're reading up-to-date stuff only to find it's rehashed. Needless to say, I have no intention of renewing my subscription when it runs out. It also made me think about the power of P.R., and wonder how stupid these writers think we fans are. Two questions: is it still true that Brent doesn't give interviews? Also, have any of your other readers discovered the same problem?
The editor replied:
Yes, it's true that Mr. Spiner has a policy of not generally giving interviews. As for the rehashed interviews, I know of several people who have noticed these. It is a very common practice in several prominent commercial magazines aimed at the SF/media fen. However, I do not think the fault lies with the writers as much as with the editors and publishers. By now, they know that ST:TNG makes money off the tube as well, and that Data/Brent Spiner are particularly popular. So...if three "special issues" can be made from one interview, it is called "good business." Not all of us happen to agree with that line, however. I am glad to see you vote with your dollars for whatever the reason. Perhaps if fans would be a little less "shopping-crazy," more quality would be forthcoming. Good luck!
Issue 9
Data Entries 9 was published in May 1990 and contains 20 pages. It was edited by Lynn McVey.
The editor mentions that while she has no contact with Paramount herself, this newsletter is duly mailed to them."
- Ops Console, editorial, chat about the lateness of the issue, reassurance that there would be another issue: "Some people rightfully feared that DE was going to be left to die. Uh-uh. Just asleep for a while." (3)
- Letters of Comment (4)
- Dear Lore, farcical advice column (9)
- a review of the zine STNG: Explorer #1, see that page (10)
- The Friendship, fiction by Denise Hayes (11)
- On the Cutting Room Floor, from an episode written by Melinda Snodgrass, by Christina Mavroudis (15)
- poems (18)
- Data Banks, information and ads (19)
There is some discussion about a recent Creation Con Brent Spiner attended:
[fan one]:I just got in from tonight's convention and can most definitely and gladly say that Brent's first NYC convention appearance was great! He was frantic, funny, frenzied, friendly and fantastic! Both nights were a resounding success, so tightly jammed with highly appreciative fans. Well, as for his appearance (an hour and forty minutes long), here's a few little tidbits: 1) The world has a new John Lennon lookalike -- his glasses and the impersonation he did helped reinforce that idea. 2) He avoided the words 'Skippy", "Zippy", "salad", and "spining". He did ask how I knew about them. Ha! I got him! 3) He does great impersonations of Patrick Stewart and Michael Dorn. 4) When he was younger, he was known as "The Cool Breeze". Now, he's "Hot Air". Wil Wheaton's "The Cool Breeze" now.
I couldn't get over how nervous he was, but always polite and friendly, even to the one or two crackpots with the wildest and longest possible questions in the world.
If, by any chance, you should get in touch with anyone over in Paramount, for example Richard Arnold or any other publicist, would you mind passing along NYC's gratitude to Brent for taking the time out of his personal life to fly to NYC for two days? I'm very glad he did. (Maybe you could also mention the fact that several of us found him very attractive!)
[fan two]:As you've no doubt heard, our favorite actor was here this past weekend. I will never attend another of Brent's appearances. Allow me to explain.
You may have heard that there was a "no cameras, no taping" request for this event. I use the term 'request' loosely. It turned out to be more of a demand. Before Brent came out on stage, Richard Arnold of Paramount took the mike and said, "We are asking that no pictures, videos, or audio taping be done tonight. If even one flash goes off, Brent's going to walk off the stage and the performance will stop. In order to help out, if you see the person next to you pull out something, ask them not to, or wave down a security person. The equipment will be confiscated." I really don't think we paid $12 ($24 for preferred seating) each to watch the person next to us!
The security people were a total distraction. My date and I sat in the balcony. These people kept pacing back and forth, looking over people's shoulders. At one point, this man practically leaned over the railing in the section next to us and stared at us. We stared back until he left. There were people on the main floor pacing back and forth and staring up to the balcony. This reminded me of parochial school when the nuns would walk up and down the aisle to make sure you didn't cheat.
When the event was advertised, it was advertised as a "performance". In other words, the last thing we expected was for Brent to answer questions. He's supposed to be this really private person. He doesn't like giving interviews. Well, guess what? He didn't perform. He answered questions for an hour and a half! Almost half of the things he talked about I read in the "official" fan magazine --word for word. I would tell you some of the anecdotes he told us, but I'm sure he wouldn't want them printed. I had planned to take notes, but Heaven forbid someone would see me and take away my pen and paper! (note sarcasm)
The irony of the situation was clear when someone asked Brent why he decided to come. The answer; "I wanted to challenge myself. And my castmates told me how much fun it was." His castmates never asked for such tight security and didn't mind people taking pictures. What angered me even more was that everyone else seemed to just eat it up. Let s not forget that he was paid for this appearance. He certainly didn't do it out of the goodness of his heart. Heck, ooMichael Dornpp even kissed a woman when he was in town. My date, who's a novice fan, said, "Who does he think he is--the President? Bigger stars have come here, and it was never this restrictive."
Now, I know I'm being cynical. I'm sure other people will say he's just protecting his privacy. Others may say they don't care, just to see him was enough. However, will they remember what they saw? Will they remember what was said? Without pictures or an audio tape, it's doubtful.
I really believe that, if he was that nervous, he should never have agreed to make the appearance in the first place. The restrictions made to keep him comfortable made this fan, at least, very uncomfortable.
[fan three (also the editor)]:I have to admit that Creation conventions in general tend to turn me off. This is my own opinion, and doesn't necessarily reflect that of DE's publishers, or the readers. There was quite a healthy fandom Out There long before there was a Creation. You could go to a small, fan-run con for a reasonable price, be treated like a human being, and have a blast for three days. Fan-run conventions could usually provide excellent programming and guests, and there was always something going on. Now, we have Creation in mediafandom, and folks, they're BIG. And RICH. They have quite a hold on many media fandoms, because there's no way a fan-con could begin to match Creation's monetary clout. There are guests who manage to connect with the fans beautifully in spite of Creation's policies, notably that magnificent gentleman, Patrick Stewart.
I have a feeling that a Brent appearance outside of a Creation con would be very different, but I regret to say that it is highly unlikely--unless you've the money and the extreme dedication to go to New Zealand where he will be appearing at a fan-run convention. If anyone goes to that, I would love to hear from them.
It is true that the Creation conventions let a lot of people see guests they might otherwise miss, and that the cons have introduced a lot of people to science fiction fandom who might not have known of its existence. But I don't really care for they way they treat the attending fans. It is a plain money-making venture, and they are often not shy about making that known. Personally, I have stopped attending them, and can't think of any particular guest that would lure me to one. That may be "heretical" to some, but it s a decision I made for myself. I vote with my feet and my dollars...
Issue 10
Data Entries 10 was published around October 1990 and contains 24 pages. The zine is now being edited by Melody Rondeau and Jim Rondeau.
The new editors write that they have "high hopes of making it back to a quarterly schedule, and we're going to need help from you.... The focus of DE will primarily on the character of Data, but not exclusively. We've pretty much exhausted Brent's credits (until he does something else!!!!). Of course, we would mind fiction and art based on some of Brent's other characters, such as Bob Wheeler on Night Court. We're here to have fun. But please: no love poems to Brent or Data. And we're trying to keep this rated PG; let's leave how fully functional Data is to the pages of other zines."
- editorial (3)
- Letters of Comment (4)
- The Data-Holmes Connection, article by Diana K. McCarty (10)
- If I Only Had a Heart, fiction by Eileen Thompson (12)
- Dear Lore, farcical advice (13)
- Sneezing and Whistling and Other Android Motor Skills, article by Joyce McDonald (14)
- Dream a Little Dream, fiction by Debbie Santianna (15)
- Data and the Doctor, article by Susan Lugiai (about Data and the Enterprise's doctor) (16)
- a review of the pro book "Strike Zone" by Peter David (19)
- a review of the pro book "The Eyes of the Beholders" by A.C. Crispin (19)
- Data Banks, news and information (21)
- a list of pro-cons that have upcoming appearances by TNG celebs (23)
A fan's letter addressed other fans' comments regarding Spiner's appearance at a recent con:
#9 and am looking forward to future issues. I was particularly interested (but not surprised) to read the reactions to Brent's NY appearance. I was fortunate enough to be present at the first con Michael Dorn ever guested at, and when a fan in the audience asked why Brent never (at that time) did cons, Michael replied that Brent was very, very shy. Many fine actors are shy about appearing as themselves in public -- the very essence of acting being the ability to become someone else when playing a role. Just what (or who) did everyone expect him to be? (there are probably as many answers to that as people in the audience.)As for the ban on recording equipment, I have attended numerous appearances, concerts, lectures, etc. where this was requested. (imagine having hundreds of flashbulbs going off in from of your eyes for 1 1/2 hours). How many fans complain that they "Just want a momento" of the event, then go duplicate the film, video or audiotape to sell to other fans? (How dare he/they cheat me out of a chance to make a buck?!) Obviously, many of the fans present had the incredible bad taste to be satisfied with Brent's question-and-answer format rather than song-and-dance numbers, poetry readings, and other embarrassing entertainments that pop up as 'performances' at cons. At least some of us have the honest to admit that 9 times out of 10, we"d rather be in the dealer's room.
The bottom line is--the only thing that an actor owes his fans is the best acting s/he can do. S/he does not owe us the fulfillment of our fantasies, dreams or expectations. (We all hate it when someone dumps that trip on us, so why do we expect our favorite actors to be what we haven't the guts to be ourselves?) How many of us would be willing to give up our social lives, work a 16-hour day, and still graciously cope with the rigors of Star Trek fandom and the demands of its fans? I have a feeling that those who saw Brent's performance got out of it exactly what they put into it. As Abraham Lincoln once stated—people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Another fan commented:
I also feel I must comment on [Rosalind B] report letter concerning Brent's convention appearance. While I don't understand his aversion to photographers, and audio tape players, I'm compelled to defend him. The image of Brent that I have is one of a shy person who wants to protect his private life and, even though he has now become a celebrity, he has every right to do so. He may also be the type of person who hides himself behind the characters he plays; perhaps it's easier for him to leave Brent off stage and bring Data on, or perhaps it's safer! In defense of Brent's "performance" I feel that he probably did the best he could have done since this was his first convention. Every convention I've attended has been more of question/answer session, except for the William Shatner convention which turned out to be a "Me and no autograph unless you bid $300 for an autographed plate" session -- Big Deal! I've enjoyed the question/answer sessions and have gained much knowledge! And while I have never taken my audio tape recorder to record the conventions, I seem to walk away with every word etched in my mind. I'm not saying what Brent did was right, I'd love a photograph of him without his makeup, but let's give the man a break. He'll learn in time. Does one run before one crawls?
Before I end I would also like to add that each convention I've attended has been presented by Creation and it's my opinion that, except for the fact they haven't gotten Brent or Patrick to come to the Twin Cities, they do a fine job.
Issue 11
Data Entries 11 was published in January 1991 and contains 32 pages.
The front cover is by Fran Wong, the back cover by Jenny Summers. The interior art is by Sandra Cosimano, Lyra Hall, Annette Taylor, Susi Leinbach, Lisa Jenkins, and Nola Frame-Gray.
From the editorial:
Greetings! We're back and on time, more or less, and we're having fun. I am very pleased with the response of the readers of DE In the hip of letters, and all submissions, and we've finally put together a DE if the size we hoped for. We've nearly emptied our coffers of everything n hand with this Issue, except for a couple of great stories which are slated for future use, but I'm sure you, the readers, will send in news, bits, poems, letters, art, stories, and reviews. This is Data's zine. But it's our zine too. DATA ENTRIES Is meant, to be an open forum of communication between fans and comments of pro and opposing views are welcome. We're all adult enough to be able to take some honest criticism and ST:TNG should be afforded that same consideration.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limerick by Sandi Almany (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- poetry by Susan Lugiai and Linda C. Brashewitz (15)
- Data Does Have Feelings, article by Tina Johson (16)
- The Special Soul, poem by Nancy Jacobs (16)
- Sensor Readings, book reviews, "Metamorphosis" (Lorrah), "Eyes of the Beholders" (Crispin) (17)
- The Art Lesson, fiction by Diana Collins (19)
- T'Was the Night Before Christmas, poem by the Zemans (23)
- Forwards Scanner, episode review, includes one of "Brothers" by Marty Siegrist, which a fan writes a rebuttal to in the next issue (25)
- Data Banks, news and information (29)
- You Have the Con, upcoming conventions (31)
from a fan letter:
One noticeable change from the 1987 premiere season of TNG: whatever happened to the different size crewmen. as well as minority members? It seems the present 1990 background crewmembers aboard the Enterprise have only perfect shapes and (pardon to the readers who might be offended) typical 'white bread' looks. If you tally the members working in the scientific fields today, you'll find many Indians and Asians, and other minorities well represented—does this mean in TNG' s 24th century world minorities never made it into outer space, at least not on a flagship like the Enterprise? I wonder what the 23rd Century Uhura and Sulu think of this oversight? (Never mind that Worf and Guinan are played by good black actors--what about more diversity among crewmembers?) What happened to the IDIC notion?
from a fan letter:
Also, in my last letter, I said I wasn't offended by the preoccupation with Data's sex life. After seeing it in print, I realized my point was not properly defined (by me, the editors changed nothing of the gist) . I am not offended; but I am embarrassed. And not just a little disappointed that I was forced to think about Data's sex life. Data is Spiner and vice versa. To spend time, in print, speculating about Data's sex life seems foolish and it verges on interfering with a real person's privacy by extension of the character he plays. The cartoon of Data without a shirt was particularly embarrassing. It forced me to spend time analyzing something _I wanted to remain a mystery about Data. The result was: I came to wonder if Data could have an orgasm and therefore a truly fully functional relationship. Would most women want to have a regular sexual relationship with a being who was not able to climax? Do we want to create a reason why he might be able to, when he's only just able to explain and justify friendship?
from a fan letter:
I like Data as he is portrayed. Jean Lorrah and Peter David have also done good jobs, but, I'll be honest, I trust the producers and writers of Star Trek NG to develop the characters. I'm not sure I want just any interested fan, myself included, to create new realities where none have gone before. If any of us have development plans; do the work--write a script and let it be scrutinized by those who have our trust. They've done a fabulous job so far (thought Data's character development has been somewhat haphazard, it's been kind and in keeping), My plea is we keep our fantasies private and let Paramount develop all the characters.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting fans should not write fiction. but we shouldn't redefine or elaborate on the characters. If nothing else, it's impolite to those vho are sanctioned with the responsibility of the task.
Issue 12
Data Entries 12 was published in April 1991 and contains about 24 pages.
The art is by Melody Rondeau, Lyria Hall, Tina Johnson, Jule Cesari, Laurie Greenberg and Fran Wong.
This zine series has had content that, up until now, has been very, very "careful"—it mostly praises the show, Brent Spiner, and fans' letters have been very non-confrontational. This issue is different; it contains some opposing viewpoints regarding the show, some pushing back at Spiner's requests/demands regarding fan behavior, a a con report that is very critical of Spiner and his treatment of fans there, and a very combative rebuttal of an episode review written by a fan addressing another fan.
From the editorial:
As a sidebar to the latter, let me reiterate what I think DE should be: a meeting ground for the fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation, the character Data, and Brent Spiner the actor, but not necessarily in that order. I emphasize the concept of Brent the actor; Brent the bachelor. Brent the tax-payer, lover, barbarian, whatever, is all part of Brent's private life, and should remain that—private. Mr. Spiner is a very private person, and his personal life is his own; we can enjoy his public career, but that is as far as we should go. Brent is not Data and Data is not Brent. Brent is an actor, that is his career; he does not owe the fans anything. There will always be acting jobs regardless of fans. I am not a personal friend of Mr. Spiner, as some believe, but I am aware of his wishes and respect his privacy. I do send him a copy of DE, care of Paramount (in the hope that it gets to him), to keep him (and his lawyer?) abreast of what's going on out here. Hopefully he's amused...
- Ops Control, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, letters of comment (4)
- Data, poem by Sandi (17)
- Total Recall II, a very confrontational rebuttal of an episode review of "Brothers" by Marty Siegrist in the previous issue, by Deanne Morgan (18)
- Android Dreams, poem by Lyria Hall (20)
- Data/Love, poem by Sandi Almany (21)
- A Tour of the ST: TNG Set by Kathy Poffenberger (21)
- The Two Captains, two very negative con reports for Creation Con held February 16–17, 1991 at an unknown city, see below (main points: overcrowding/safety/fire exits, physically unpleasant/stuffy environment, extreme cost, mixed messages and game-playing about photo requirements, Spiner's apparent disinterest in being there...) (22)
- Role Call: Lt. Commander Data by Nancy Jacobs (25)
- Forward Scanner, episode reviews (26)
- If I Only Had an Aspirin by Eileen Thompson (28)
- Data Banks, news and information (29)
- You Have the Con, upcoming conventions (30)
- More Data, Please!, fanzines (31)
It has always been difficult to know if the misspellings in zines, especially LOCs, were original to the writer, or a mistake in transcription due to the editor. One example is in this issue; a fan writes:
Melody, I want to compliment you on your attention to detail. I'm a prefessional [sic] proofreader, and most of the zines I get are so laden with typos that I can hardly stand to read them -- but yours is different.
A fan writes of a planned zine, Anecdote. (Seeing how this zine had to have jumped through hoops to get publication permission, was to have included "many memories" for the actor, and was to be presented to him, it would be assumed that the material within would have been without controversy and would have been only complimentary.):
I would like to extend a thanks [several fans] for sending Sases when asking about the fanzine THE ANECDOTE which will honor Brent Spiner, the actor. They were curious as to the final publication date of this fanzine. I wish I could say as I really don't have anything to print! So I would like to remind artists, reviewers, and others who may have met Brent at any public gathering (convention, Trek party) that I am in need of art, reviews, and articles about Brent, all written by fans. Please send submissions to my address. 1 will be extremely grateful.
Another question posed by [a fan]. "How did you get him (Brent) to approve it (the fanzine)?" By advice of many friends, I wrote a preliminary letter explaining my purpose and asking for his consent- Mr. Baker generously said yes, and a year later I sent him a complimentary copy of the final product. He wrote back a thank you note, telling me how the convention 'anecdotes' brought back so many memories for him. I am doing the same for Mr. Spiner. As he has not been to many conventions. I wish to include more reviews of his works—written by fans--and I also asked him if he would be interested in doing a minor through-the-mail interview. He declined the interview, but he consented humbly to THE ANCEDOTE project.
But controversy comes in just the next letter. A fan, Jean Kluge, writes:
Well, I had to do it. I just had to write an LoC. Hoo-boy, Marty Siegrist will assuredly stir up a royal storm with her analysis of "Brothers"—bless her little heart! I mean, after having waded through page after page of sweetness and light, and paean after paean of undiluted praise for everything from Brent Spiner's taste in breakfast cereal to the earth-shattering question "Does Data really have a nose?", I was definitely ready for a whopping dose of reality.
Thankfully, Marty provided it. She has my respect for being willing to take the time to actually express her views (and the courage to allow them to see print. I suspect there win be Starfleet emblems branded on her door and scorched into her lawn any day now for daring to criticise not only a ST:TNG episode, but--gasp--a portion of Brent Spiner ' s performance.) Myself, T was just basically disgusted with the episode (and with the majority of third and fourth season en toto--no, this is most assuredly not Kansas--it's Television.) While there were moments of the interchange between Soong and his two creations that I enjoyed immensely, overal1 T found the episode superficial, unbelievable and often downright silly; T really couldn't be bothered after wasting one hour to waste any more time on the thing. But I'm glad someone did, because the comments needed to be made. Thumbs up to Marty for having pointed out the boo-boos in such concise detail (and with a hefty dose of humor and STYLE), giving me something to latch onto amid the miasma of vapid complacency that seems to characterize the majority of fannish attitude.
Oh, and by the way, just a slight correction in your listing for Marty's PSST! Hey, KID...WANNA BUY A FANZINE? Marty edits WANNA BUY on her own. My title of 'partner in crime' merely means that I offer some strange brand of moral support now and then, but I can't take any credit for the work that goes into soliciting, collecting, editing, typing or anything else except the creation of my own reviews and artwork. While I'm honored to be included in the zine (and by the way, these reviews are not for the faint of heart!), it's Marty's hard work that pulls the zine together. Also, while many TNG zines are reviewed in #1 and will be in #2, the zine is multi-media, covering everything from Beauty and the Beast to The Man From U.N.C.L.E. publications. It's just that you've got a couple of last-gasp TNG/Data fans working on this thing and inflicting our art on the readers, so it seems more TNG-oriented than it actually is.
But for a couple of bucks, I think there is enough TNG material to satisfy. I just didn't want people thinking it was all TNG, and then feeling misled.
Jean also writes;
Hey, here's an idea! How about the Alien Nation writers hijack Next Gen? Good heavens..-could you see it? Adult characters with honest-to-gosh-DEPTH. Relations between males and females addressed believably, rather than the 'bitch in heat' attitude toward female sexuality (truly an adolescent male fantasy) we were given in "The Naked Now"...the 'I'm saving myself for my career' attitude towards commitment in the continued refusal to advance the relationships of Picard/Crusher and Riker/Troi (and then there were Data and Tasha... what a marvelously quirky and varied relationship that, could have been ! Oops--too late. And too bad ) . . . the prurient, giggling-guiltily-behind-the-hand attitude towards sex in "Justice"( "The Naked Now", "Devil's Due", "Haven", and others too numerous to mention. No, we get O'Brien and Keko's incredibly wooden interaction, as though the show's creators had never even had a date, much less anything more lasting, if what we see on the screen is any indication of the writers' experience in such matters.
In "The Emissary", K'Ehleyr was thoroughly delightful--she had her tongue planted firmly in her cheek. and recognized the Klingon codes of honor as the nonsense they were, wanting honesty and real feeling to take the place of male posturing, and she was a wonderful match for Worf--he needed someone to make him re-evaluate his motivations, to lighten up a little. But in the fourth season return of this wonderful character, motherhood had taken away her edge, something motherhood seldom accomplishes, as those of you with children can confirm, and she had become a woman who knew her place--for a strong female character on Trek, that place is always the ultimate bye-bye. Tasha ended there as well, after being rendered foolishly be11igerent rather than accomplished in her posi tion as security chief. But, getting back to K'Ehleyr, or rather, the void left by her, does Worf then assume the parenting duties she handled alone? ' No. Like any smart male, he sends the kid off to the grandparents, and concocts reasons to make it necessary. In second season, Troi and Pulaski rationalize Riker and his father's impending fight for supremacy, or whatever the hell it was as just boys being boys and wasn't it all so endearing, when one really thought about it? Now, I don't know about you all, but in this Utopia of Roddenberry's, one could wish for the occasional cherished daughter of proud parents, for men who shoulder parental responsibilities, for strong women who 1ive (or rema in on the show). I could go on forever. You know, it occurs to me that a cross-universe story could be very interesting, here. Murphy Brown meets the 24th century Enterprise. Of course, she'd have to die. But, hey--the opening bit does say 'where no one has gone before', and the micro-skirts are absent (male pro viewers keep mentioning these small steps forward like they're changes of monumental proportion)- Nice start.
Right. We won't even discuss the continual ethnocentricity displayed by these supposedly open-minded denizens of Utopia...
Another fan registers some disappointment:
I'm really impressed with DE and Brent's fans. They're not teeny-boppers but mature, intelligent, nice people. But someone like Brent could only attract quality. He seems to be witty and bright. I just wish he'd throw a bone our way now and then.
After a detailed close-reading of some episodes, a fan reminds other fans of their place:
After all that intellectualism, let's not forget (all of us) that this is all fiction ! It's fun, it's aerobics for the brain and it gives us a chance to meet through pen and paper. Brent deserves all the credit for making Data so alive.
A fan writes about the actor, the character, and sex:
Having read your January 1991 issue of DATA FNTRIES, I feel it necessary to comment on this so-called "pre-occupation" with Mr. Data's (and perhaps Mr. Spiner's) sexuality. I will attempt to address this issue as concisely and honestly as possible. First of all, I'd like to point out that right from the "get-go", the second episode, "The Naked Now", fueled the initial spark of curiosity. The scriptwriter, Michael Bingham, provided Data's clever dialogue: "I am programed in multiple techniques--a broad variety of pleasuring." Now, I ask yo,u, what lady wouldn't be hooked by this wonderfully inventive dialogue and the innocence with which it was delivered? And that lecherous, yet childlike grin didn't exactly turn us off either! Hence, we found ourselves enchanted by the magnificent Lt. Commander Data. Of course. Brent Spiner's portrayal further fuels the f1ickers! Mr. Spiner has presented Data to us an extremely attractive "mandroid". Not so much on a physical vein as, much more importantly, an intellectual and (obvious to even Bob and June Wheeler!) an emotional level. His personality also encompasses another admirable quality: sincerity. These characteristics blended with perfect body language and facial expressions have indeed "indubitably intrigued" us.
Our fascination with Mr. Data would, logically, lead us to wonder (and speculate) about the actor who "drives" Data into our hearts/libidos! And, whether he likes it or not, Mr. Spiner's elusiveness greatly attracts us... a mystery is irresistible!
I'm sure the majority of us respect Mr. Spiner's dictum: "Those shall not consider me a celebrity nor invade my privacy," but, we, being mortal human females, simply cannot turn off our curiosity! (Sorry, Brent, it ain't gonna happen! We will NOT violate your code, but we cannot help but be curious about YOU!)
We realize Mr. Spiner refuses to become a "professional celebrity" because he wants recognition as a SERIOUS ACTOR. Good. Score points for the Spine Man! I admire dignity, integrity and class. (It's pretty obvious, ladies, we're dealing with an intelligent, self-aware, sensitive and SENSIBLE gentleman! Hallelujah!)
Add to our insatiable curiosity our feminine sexuality/fantasies and anyone with half a brain knows women are overtly aware of and verbal about it--it's only natural to ponder the possibilities...
The fact is Lt. Commander Data is a bona fide sex symbol! Mr. Spiner is surely aware of this fact...and I bet big bucks he's loving it!
Further, upon reading and hearing about the on-set antics of Brent and his partner-in-crime, Jonathan Frakes, these reports further spark our curiosity and admiration. These men obviously possess great wit and super senses of humor (a REAL turn-on!).
The fact is obvious (in spite of the "powers that be" decision not to further explore it), DATA has SEXUALITY! He may not yet know how to use it, but it's there! And judging from Brent's brilliant portrayal, we can safely assume he's pretty sexy himself. Lore, the rake, exudes sensuality!
I submit this concept for all to ponder: Mr. Data not only possesses emotions, he has sexuality as well!
Another fan comments on the sex lives of androids, and Brent Spiner:
While I may indulge in speculation as to Data's sex life and capabilities, Mr. Spiner's are of little interest to me (sorry. Brent, ~-I know you're heartbroken). Nor is speculation as to the former intended to embarrass him, although that might be a natural reaction, given the quality of some of the fannish publications he may have been exposed to (or in). He has chosen a highly visible profession in which fantasies are the stock in trade. Becoming to some extent the focus of fans' fantasies is a predictable result of that career choice. Is all this speculation foolishness? Sure. So's most fannish activity. So are most other human activities, come to that; in the Grand Scheme of things, they all fade into insignificance. Does that mean we shouldn't indulge in it? No. It's harmless fun--enjoy it. Or leave it alone. (isn't freedom to choose a wonderful thing?) A toon of Data without a shirt was embarrassing? [8]
I don't think the Powers That Be at Paramount have developed Data's character. I think they've squandered a precious asset, so I hope fans wi11 come up with fiction, art and discussions that will thoughtfully explore his possibilities in ways the series itself refuses to consider, and those qualities the series no longer recognizes. To be perfectly frank, I don't trust the artistic or dramatic judgment of a company whose primary goal is to produce colorful segments to wedge between the sales pitches for trash bags and Toyotas, and which is more concerned with the best way to package the series for future sales in syndication than with continuity within the series itself. Trust, like respect, must be earned. They have not done so.
A fan's comments from a long con report for a Creation Con:
I'm grateful to Creation because through their convention I became plugged into the Brent Spiner fan network. Since Brent doesn't answer his mail, without them I'd be floating in the void like Lore. After Creation's harsh treatment of Brent, though, I probably won't go to any more of their cons. I bet Brent doesn't either, unless this was a publicity stunt done with his blessing, which would be so unlike him that I doubt it. Or am I being naive? For his own sake, Brent needs to give a little TLC to his fans at this point. The lack of response to him and Data at the convention chilled my heart. If Brent's aloofness is a ploy devised by his agent, it seems to be backfiring. I imagine fans can be a pain, but they can also enhance a career. They can be encouraged without violating one's privacy or destroying the mystique of one's character.
For instance, I've written Brent several times and once even asked for an autographed picture, which I never do, but he's special. He didn't respond, but I did hope for at least a form letter and a small mechanically autographed photo from Paramount with Brent's name. I didn't get this either. If they can't afford this, I was even willing to pay to join a fan club, but Brent doesn't have one, and no one takes the trouble to let you know this- Things like this make a bad impression which could be avoided at no cost to Brent.
Gene Roddenberry has the class to have an assistant respond through a form letter, and it goes a long way toward creating good will. Patrick Stewart singled out his Stargazers at the con. I would love to be a part of something like that for Brent, partly out of selfishness but also to give something back for the pleasure his acting has given me. A Brent bloc at the con might have been useful for his image and fun for us. If he needs someone to do the scut work, I'll do it as a hobby as long as Paramount or the fans pay for material and postage.
Brent's fans seem to be intelligent, articulate, sensitive and caring. They do things for each other (copying tapes) and respect his wishes'(not forming a fan club). He should be proud of us. Sure, there are crazies, but there are also those who are genuinely fond of him and can behave themselves. Maybe it's time for Brent to do some damage control.
Issue 13/14
Data Entries 13/14 was published in October 1991 and contains 58 pages.
The art is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa, Nola Frame-Gray, Arla Fontaine, Melody Rondeau, Lyria Hall, Sandra Cosimano, Susi Leinbach, and Tina Johnson.
This issue has MUCH about the roles and expectations of celebrities regarding fans and what makes a "good fan." Fans also weigh in on whether the letters, reviews, and rebuttals in the previous issue were entertaining and desired, or were out-of-place in this positive zine.
The editor writes:
... it is quite clear that you want an expanded letter of comment section. So be it. You keep writing, and the letters will be printed, unedited. There can be no personal attacks that could lead to insult, squabbles, in-fighting, etc. We're looking for intelligent discussion, not cat-fights. There's nothing wrong with a little controversy to stir things up, but let there be peaceful, spirited debates, not war!
In a surprise move, Brent is going public, making convention appearances in the next few months, and into next year as well (possible to plug his album). DE needs convention reports, if any of you are ale to attend (and not necessarily transcriptions.) Hopefully, the fans will treat him right, and he'll have no untoward experiences.
- OPS Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, letters of comment (4)
- Data Banks, news and information (24)
- Chemical Nutrients are Thicker Than Blood, fiction by Nanci Maynard (29)
- The Asimovian Brain, article by John Vester (54)
- You Have the Con, upcoming conventions (57)
- Dear Lore, free advice (58)
A fan writes about a celebrity's role to fans:
Your honor:
Gentlebeings of the Jury:
I (The Prosecuting Attorney) will attempt to present a case against two ST:TNG stars, and "The System" they've been unwittingly caught up in. You are welcome to witness the case of the "Anonymity Syndrome and The Arsenio Hall Fiasco vs The Next Generation Fans", and judge the evidence for yourselves.
First of all, what movie and TV companies should do with unknowns is to give them a crash course on reality. To let them know that once the show hits the big or little screen, there will be people out there (generally named fans) who'd want to know more about them. Who will want their autographs, and a few crazy folks who want to go to bed with them (That's right, folks! I know you all are out there!).
This course should let would-be actors know that once they sign their contracts, their so-called anonymity will automatically go down the drain, with no hope of ever retaining it. Unless one wears a paper bag over one's head in public (ie: The Unknown Comic from the Gong Show).
So if said would-be actor/actress feels he or she cannot handle the stresses of being recognized on the street, in the local grocery store, in the supermarket, the local pizza parlor, at the hairdresser, or in the doctor's office, then they are free to leave, and go back to Broadway, off Broadway, or some other obscurity, and the company is free to hire someone else.
However, if they stay, the actors should be made aware of how to deal with the public. Naturally, public demands will land them at either conventions or TV shows, or both (depending on their popularity).
Actors should be taught that their fans are #1 Priority. After all, without people who admire a particular actor's ability, good looks, suave, etc., they are nothing: zero, zip, zilch. They should be taught how to interact with fans at conventions and how to conduct themselves during television interviews, with the reminder that the actors are employees of "the company", just like a bank, real estate agency or stock exchange firm. And that they are not at a convention to earn "a few extra bucks", but as a representative of "the company": in this case Paramount Studios.
Thus, they must be mindful of what they say, or how they behave themselves, least they insult and turn off their fans (Trek fans tend to be a very picky but wel1-organi zed lot; turn them off and you'11 be up the creek with a boat, later for the paddle!). Lack of interest in a particular actor(s) due to unseemly behavior or speech could cause loss of revenue to "the company" and eventually the loss of the actor's job due to lousey ratings. Need 7 say more...?
In this particular case, I blame "The Company", Paramount Studios (Gene Roddenberry) for allowing the jackass out of the stall without bit and bridle. Now that the insults have been made, the offenders should be taken to task and made to apologize publicly before the effects become more devastating.
What this all boils down to is: Welcome to The Real World! Now, if anonymity is so precious, then perhaps one should have considered a career as a nuclear physicist, air force test pilot, computer programmer, or some other field where every day folks can be every day folks without the publicity. Now, it's up to you to either learn to live with your fans or get the heck out of the business.
A fan writes regarding comments about fanart:
I've noticed in some fan publications a tendency of some readers to criticize the art work of other fans. I'm no great 'artiste' myself, but I do have some background in the study of fine and commercial art. I am disappointed when other readers scoff at another fan's attempts at creativity. Not all of us have the training or the natural skills to draw like a Rembrant [sic] or create sculptures like Michelangelo, so to lambast another fan's attempt is, at least to my way of thinking, destructive. I applaud when your readers submit their artwork--they obviously want to share their enjoyment and enthusiasm for their favorite TV program. I do not expect every contributor to have fantastic skills— that's the nature of a fan publication--to be a forum for all readers--professional artists and amateurs. A critical eye is fine, as long as there' s a constructive attempt at criticism. I've read in some fan publications very harsh opinions of artwork--and from some fellow artists. To turn one's nose up over an 'unskilled' fan's artistry is the height of hubris. Be glad of your natural skills, because nothing lasts forever. Art history has many examples of artists whose works were outstanding for a time, then dwindled toward mediocrity. Watch those toes you step on, as the old saying goes -- they may be your own.
A fan writes about celebrities and their views and interactions with fans:
I feel like I'm floundering out here too, when all I really want is a good biography and some cooperation from him. A little higher profile couldn't hurt either one of us. I think Brent has very nice intelligent fans who could handle a little more information from him. He needs to learn to handle compliments and success a little better himself.
The June '91 issue of Starlog (#167), had a letter to the editor reporting that Jonathan Frakes has made disparaging remarks about fans at cons and on the Arsenio Hall Show. I have not seen the show myself, however, I would like to say that Brent has been kind in all his interviews; he chooses not to go to cons and may be afraid of his fans and notoriety, but he's been nothing but kind in his remarks about Star Trek fans. I'd choose that behavior any day rather than have him attend cons and then cut down his fans in interviews. And about Jonathan's remarks -- (he surely doesn't care since I am one of those low life fans) but I think ST:TNG fans are a little like baseball fans. Ball fans know the stats and box scores, they collect baseball cards and go to baseball cons, they watch games avidly on TV, and go to live games when possible and scream their heads off. No one questions their contact with reality... so I really think ST fans are really any different, if we got to cons and used the Vulcan peace sign. I don't think that means we're losing touch with reality and need to "get a life". I already have a life that includes a more than successful career, graduate school, volunteer work, a successful relationship, writing for fun and ST:TNG/Brent Spiner. I'm sure I'm more typical of his fans than not.
A fan writes about positivity, and one effect of actors getting involved/reading fanworks:
I am concerned about some of your content in DE. You had expressed to me that you wished [this zine] to be a positive publication. I'm not at all sure that some of these letters are positive...
Also I wanted to make you aware that Marina Sirtis was at a Florida con and some person made a nasty comment about Brent not attending cons -- both Marina and Wil Wheaton defended him, saying he was upset by what happened at the NYC con and had been getting threatening and weird mail. Also, according to Marina, Brent does read the publications that come out about him and whatever else is out on TNG. He has been hurt by some of these unfair and negative comments (these were her words). She also said that Brent is a fine person and "extremely shy, except when he's gold." He does not deserve the abuse he's been getting either.
More on fan contact and motive:
I just got issue 8 of Galaxy Class, and the inside front cover has a beautiful picture of the "real" Brent. After seeing this, T feel a bit foolish that I made such a fuss about Creation showing a picture of him at a convention. Your comment that "there will always be acting jobs regardless of fans" may be true, but I think jobs are easier to get and pay better if an actor has a large following (providing he's talented to begin with, which Brent is). Just to further his career, Brent should be more nurturing of us. A fan network would surely help right now in marketing his album. So, where is this album? Maybe he's having some difficulty selling it because the general public still doesn't know who he is (at least the general public I come in contact with). In fact, I'm a little suspicious of Brent's newfound efforts to answer all his fan mail. He wants to sell his record, and maybe the good old dollar bill is behind this sudden attempt to be responsive.
The good I hear about him still outweighs the bad, and the bad isn't all that bad, so I will still be a fan and enjoy his superb acting.
A fan has mixed feelings about conflict and fans:
I received my first issue of DE (#12) this week, and while it has been a great hook into a totally fannish venture, I have to admit that I was a little distressed at the tone of some of the
letters. Having already suffered through the painful split in Beauty and the Beast fandom, I can't help but have a knee-jerk oh, not again feeling after having seen some of the barbs traded via pen and paper. Therefore, I have decided that the best way to help me exorcise those feelings is to voice my own opinions and join in on all the fun.
Issue 15
Data Entries 15 was published in January 1992 and contains about 32 pages.
The art is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa, Nola Frame-Gray, Sandi Cosimano, Tina Johnson, Melody Rondeau, Roni Wintergree, Witko, Madelyn Blair.
Fan letters in this issue: several fans point out they are the sole teen-aged fans and would like pen pals (let's hoped they hooked up!), one of the teen-aged fans is unhappy with the subject of the PG-13 sex discussion in this zine, a man complains about the emphasis on sex and wonders if he is the only male subscriber to this zine, a fan is mad about being misquoted in a letter and asks that her address not be printed as she's met some creepy fans, there is much discussion about various episodes, about fan discourse, and about the expectations fans have regarding celebrities and vice versa. Everyone is still arguing about an episode that aired the year before called "Brothers."
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Memories, poem by Lyria Hall (21)
- Feelings, poem by Sandi Almany (21)
- The Episode "Brothers" Revisited by Melanie Holladay (22)
- The Price of His Toys, fiction by Lyn Gunn (25)
- Operation B Bear, a con report for Creation Con in Chicago on October 26–27, 1991, by Pat Rees (27)
- Observation, poem by Sandi Almany (28)
- Data Banks, news, information, ads (29)
- You Have the Con, upcoming conventions (31)
a fan writes:
I cannot agree about the viewpoint that actors 'owe' their public. I think the only thing actors 'owe' anyone is their best performance. Having someone appear on your tv screen once a week creates a false sense of intimacy. The actor's face and voice become familiar through their character, and it is very easy to forget the line between character and actor, especially the actor as a person with a private life. Actors, for the most part, do not pick up that trade solely to become a 'star1. It is a craft like any other, just done in public. A good actor should not give up his/her privacy just because they become popular, and fans have no right to that privacy, any more than they have to anyone else's private life. Yes, a popular actor will attract interest from the public, and if that actor is in the public eye, they should behave well, as should the fans.
If approached on the street, in the grocery, or in a restaurant, the actor has every right to politely decline autographs or interaction. Many actors work 6 or 7 days a week, 12 to 14 hours a day. Then they must use what little time is left for memorizing the next script, and contend with all the things everyone has to worry about, such as chores, ind rime for friends and family. If an actor declines conventions, I don't think it is a snub to the public. Some actors are shy, and many have other obligations that are more important.
There will be rude actors, just as there are rude and obsessive fans, but that is human nature. The fans should just ignore a rude actor, and an actor had better get away from a rude or intrusive fan as quickly as possible. Some fans are very dangerous as is often (sadly) seen in our California news.
Prying into personal lives is more suited to tabloids like the National Enquirer or organizations like the KGB, neither of which leaves anyone with a sterling reputation--reader, reporter or agent. Hopefully, when an actor stays hidden, it's because they are working on other projects from which we will benefit by being entertained by someone we like to watch. And that's even better than an autograph!
a fan writes:
Kenya Damali's [a fan] right. It unrealistic of actors to expect big-time success and blissful anonymity in their chosen field. However, interacting with fans and making nice in interviews is not their number one priority. Acting is, or should be. What they owe their fans (and their employers, and themselves) is to turn in as fine a performance as they can. I think some fans expect too much of the actors. Knowing intimately their favorite characters onscreen personas, they presume upon that spurious familiarity, demanding equal closeness and enthusiasm from the actors in return. T'ain't reasonable. To us, TNG is an entertaining hobby. To them, it's a job. Would you want to spend every waking hour at your job? Why should they? Besides, what to us is a perfectly normal interest in TNG or its cast can seem a strange--even frightening obsession to others. I'm not excusing blatant discourtesy. I just think a little understanding, and maybe a reality check, is required on both sides-
a fan writes:
Kenya Damali's [a fan] agenda for pleasing fans is interesting. If you stand back and examine her list of correct behavior for actors--one may also come away with the impression that there is a little bit of totalitarianism in fandom. If you do not please the fans, then you will be punished either verbally or economically. Sorry, Kenya—I don't buy that agenda. Until freedom of speech and the right to privacy are abolished, all celebrities have the right to voice their opinions and make mistakes (Jonathan Frakes' case in point--wherein on Arsenio Hall's show he commented that conventions and fans can be bizarre—which I am in agreement with, having been in fandom since 1974), and to maintain their lifestyles without someone snooping over their shoulders. You would not want any less for yourself... In this area, let us behave like reasonable adults, instead of raving fans. Enjoy a good actor's performance, but do not expect them to grovel before us in appreciation just because we've decided the performer owes us for liking him or her. For every ST fan, there are a million other viewers of TV who could care less about the show.
Issue 16
Data Entries 16 was published in April 1992 and contains 32 pages. This issue was guest edited by Jim Rondeau.
The art is by Phyliss Santamaria, Madelyn Blair, Roni Wintergreen, Ginny M. Chan, Melody Rondeau, Tina Johnson, Mary Urban, Zaquia Tarhuntassa.
The editor writes:
We're getting complaints from the tone of many of the letters of comment (LoC's) printed in DE. Alas, it's human nature to gripe and complain and criticize, and there's no way around it. What can be done is that letter writers can remember to stay away from personal attacks and innuendo, be constructive, and remember that DE is not a professional publication, but a fan publication, open to contributors of all levels of artistic and writing ability. Artists and writers have to begin somewhere, and we* re willing to work with them to encourage them and get them to produce the best they can do. To stifle a creative spark is one of the worst things you can do. If you think you can produce a better, much more professional fanzine, go ahead! There's always room for one more. Chances are we'd buy it, too.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Brent Spiner in Santa Rosa, CA, November 3–4, 1991, con report by Melody Rondeau (20)
- Brent Spiner in Santa Rosa, CA, November 3–4, 1991, con report by Fran Wong (27)
- Data Banks, news and information (28)
- You Have the Con, upcoming conventions (31)
a fan writes:
So. You think the actors of TNG need a dose of The Real World (as defined by you) and that "actors should be taught that their fans are #1 .Priority." Tell that to the family and friends of John Lennon. Or Rebecca Schaeffer. Tell that to the security guards who have been maimed or murdered because of "fans" wanting to meet "their" stars. Explain this to Theresa Saldana that it was all a part of her job, that she owed it to the man who attacked her so viciously and has since issued death threats against her and her child. After all, the man was a "fan" of hers. Tell David Letterman and Sharon Gless that the people who invaded their homes and threatened them should have been their #1 Priority. They were "fans"--just like you. Be sure to explain to Michael J. Fox that he should never have married the woman he loved, because one of his "fans" was highly offended that he would dare marry anyone but her. So what if she sent him five hundred threatening letters in a month? She was his "fan"! These are just the most recent—and most public— cases of "fans" insisting that actors have no life except what the "fans" allow them. Are you planning on being an actor? I would love to see your reaction when "fans" started sending you dead animals, bloody razors, and used sanitary napkins as tokens of their affection. After all, you owe it to these "fans" of yours to always be pleasant and warm and affectionate to them. They're your #1 Priority!
Issue 17
Data Entries 17 was published in June 1992 and contains 32 pages. It has no back cover art.
The art is by Lisa Jenkins, Arla Fontaine, Sandi Cosmano, Melody Rondeau, Michelle Craddock, Ginny Chan, Roni Wintergreen, and Nola Frame-Gray.
The many letters discuss the sexism of the show, terrible fans at terrible cons and how Spiner is very patient about it, episode analysis, how great Spiner's LP is, and comments regarding what celebrities owe fans. This issue has no fiction, which may be a reaction to a harsh letter in a previous issue regarding a long story that was printed.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Ballade of the Velveteen Android by Avis Minger (3)
- Something to Write Home About, letters of comment (4)
- Lt. Data, poem by Teri Sarick (17)
- Data and Lore, poems by Sandi Almany (17)
- Brent Spiner in Valley Forge, con report by Mary Urban (18)
- The Lure of Lore and the Desire for Data, article by Nancy Jacobs (25)
- Ol' Yellow Eyes Can Stay, review by Pat Rees (25)
- Ol' Yellow Eyes, review by Tina Johnson (26)
- I Sing the Body Electric, article by Laura Pawlowski (27)
- Golden Eyes, poem by Sandi Almany (28)
- Limerick by Eileen Thompson (28)
- Data Banks, news, information, ads (29)
- You Have the Con, upcoming conventions (31)
- Dear Lore, advice (?!) (32)
from a fan:
I am currently in the infancy stages of putting together a related DATA base newsletter/forum of sorts as a result of expressed interest from our members on Prodigy. One drawback of Prodigy is that only a limited amount of screen space is provided per message, and this does sometimes become restrictive. Our newsletter will provide our members with a place to carry on lengthier discussions and to pursue more creative avenues. We have more or less formed a sort of "club" and I have been chosen to be "president" of this network. I would like any DE readers to contact me if they hear of any interesting news items, either from cons they attend or elsewhere, concerning Brent which I could then pass on to other Prodigy subscribers. I would greatly appreciate any help your subscribers could give me!
from a fan:
A specially made video clip for the Denver StarCon Convention was shown. It was made in response to Brent's album and was titled "Data, The Undiscovered Country Album" and it was uproariously funny and had the crowd in stitches! It was billed as "an amazing find deep in the vaults of Paramount." The clip featured someone dressed as Data wearing a ten gallon hat and singing (sounding amazingly like Brent) various country standards such as "Looking for Lore in too many sectors, looking for Lore with all the wrong vectors, I travelled the Galaxy, looking for Lore" set to "Looking For Love," of course. All in all, it was a rather interesting convention.
from a fan:
I nearly died when I saw the back cover illustration. Some friends and I had just formed a corporation for a BBS computer on-line game entitled "Trade Wars 2002" (which combines ST and Star Wars), and being novices, we called ourselves The Pakied Mommas. We plan to photocopy the cover and put in on our CEO's door. We thought about getting a male user to join our corps as Lore, but ultimately decided against it; he'd be one of the most sought-after targets!
from a fan:
I found Judy Bishop's letter to be hard-hitting. The incident--assault—at Jon Frakes' con disgusted and appalled me. I've never been too crazy about Riker or Frakes, and the infamous Arsenio appearance did nothing to improve the latter's reputation with me; but when I read in #16 about his con, my views changed a bit on Frakes. If the story is true, his comments were quite understandable and justified. He also gained some sympathy from me. Now I'm actually considering attending his con here in T.O. at the end of May; not to see him, of course, but to hear if he has anything to say about Brent, which I'm sure he would, since the two are such great pals. The main obstacle is that I don't want to give my money to Creation.
Issue 18
Data Entries 18 was published in September 1992 and contains 32 pages.
The editor gives a reminder run-down of the submission guidelines, and reiterates that the zine is primarily a letterzine; letters get first priority, and other content will be printed if it fits.
There is much chat about Brent Spiner at cons, about fans' views of various episodes, and more than one fan comments regarding the reappearance of Denise Crosby's character; most find extreme disappointment in how Tasha Yar was treated.
The art is by Phyllis Santamaria (front cover), Sandi Cosmano, Debbie Wolf, Ronnie Wintergreen, Melody Rondeau, Lyria Hall, Nola Frame-Gray, Arla Fontaine, and Michelle Craddock (back cover).
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- The Art of Acting Android, article by Holly Houston (15)
- Passages, fiction by Deanne Morgan (16)
- Data, poem by Sani Almany (18)
- In Practice, article by John Vester (19)
- Forward Scanner, reviews of "In Theory," "Star Strokes," "Violations" and "Time's Arrow" by Maynard, Gilbert, Radecki (21)
- The Combadge Answering Chip, fiction by Wanda M. Eaddy-Harton (26)
- Data Banks, news, information, ad (27)
- Why I Don't Go to Cons, poem by Evelin Brown (30)
- Brent, poem by Sandi Almany (3)
- You Have the Con, con listings (31)
letter excerpt:
I'm not by any means a devoted fan of the Tasha character, but I experienced the same discomfort you did over the details of Sela's origins. I mean, the whole point of "Yesterday's Enterprise" was to give Tasha a meaningful, noble death—to allow her to die knowing that her demise would at least serve some purpose. Now they tell us that she really didn't die after all; instead, she was captured by the Romulans, degraded for a few years, then killed after an escape attempt. In short, another meaningless death. I found it particularly ironic and disturbing that a character who grew up with the constant threat of rape and yet managed to repeatedly evade her planet's rape gangs ends up having her noble death snatched away from her and replaced with—guess what? Yes, folks, Tasha was raped. Though no one who listened to Sela's narrative can be blamed for overlooking that fact: the writers, of course, glossed over it, making it seem like she was a reluctant guest at the Playboy mansion rather than a prisoner who was threatened with death if she refused to have sex with her captor. But, as Tracy so humorously pointed out, we're probably expected to believe that this whole scenario wasn't particularly traumatic for Yar—after all, she did get a child in the bargain, right? Oh, happy day! I bet the instant she got pregnant, her little hormones kicked in, transforming her into a serene, beatific madonna who was indescribably grateful to her benevolent mate for so graciously "giving her" a child. At which point, she "got all mooshy and started knitting little things." This charming incident seems to add another premise to Jean Kluge's thesis—now, a strong woman on TNG not only has to worry about buying the farm, but about being raped as well. And in Tasha's case, she was killed, then resurrected, then presumed dead, then raped, and then killed again. Wow, they really gave her the works, didn't they?
By the by, I also thought the Sela character was a bit of' a cop-out. Wouldn't it have been far more interesting to have the Enterprise crew encounter a Tasha who was twenty-some years older than the Tasha they knew, and who came from a different, more violent timeline? Then again, it probably doesn't matter, 'cause no one would react to her anyway.
Issue 19
Data Entries 19 was published in January 1993 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Madelyn Blair (front cover), Sandi Cosmano, Melody Rondeau, Debbie Wolf, Ronnie Wintergreen, Ginny Chan, Lyria Hall, Nola-Frame Gray, and Zaquia Tarhuntassa.
The editor has a reminder:
Now, onto another aspect of submissions that I must address again since there still seems to be some confusion. DE. like most zines, fan and professional, does not accept simultaneous submissions. It is considered to be a breach of etiquette and most definitely frowned upon for a variety of reasons. One of the most pressing is the matter of copyright. Most zine editors copyright the material included in the pages of their publication on behalf of the contributors. This is for the protection of us all. The problem arises when both editor A and editor B are sent the same material with no clue that they are not the exclusive holder of the material. They both go to press with said piece and once the duplication is discovered, nasty lawsuits can result over copyright holding. The very least that can happen is hurt feelings, bad blood and the worst is a fannish feud in which everyone ends up suffering. Mistakes do happen and submissions do get duplicated but to deliberately do so is unacceptable. Forgive me if I sound unduly harsh or insensitive. DE has been the victim of several cases of simultaneous submissions and the hassles which have ensued are headaches we can wel1 do without. Fortunately, I was dealing with other editors who took a calm and reasoned approach to the situation and we were able to solve the problem without undue stress on either side. Next time we might not be so lucky. And, sadly, if DE becomes a production headache, it will cease to exist. We can all help keep DE up and running if we just exercise a little care and a little common sense.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- My Day with Data, con report by Allison Truth (21)
- The Namesake, fiction by Pat Rees (23)
- Ol' Yellow Eyes is Back, review by Nan Nelson (27)
- Admonition to a Five Month Old, fiction by Wanda M. Eaddy-Harton (28)
- Data Banks, news, information, ads (30)
- Forward Scanner, episode review of "Night Terrors" by Rosalind Brinson (35)
- You Have the Con, con listings (36)
excerpt from a fan letter:
I happen to like Riker (and Jonathan) but a friend and I can't help agree the show Riker into a bit of a 'space stud', or as we see him, ' the ship's bike'. I've always raved on about sexism on Trek and about how most of the women are empty-headed fruit-bats, used mainly as set decoration, but in a way the same thing has been done to Riker. (Some might call it justice.) I think it's a pity, as I like Star Trek to be thoughtful and feel that Riker is wasted. All he ever gets to do is behave macho and bonk the occasional guest star. (Is it any wonder that my latest t-shirt design reads 'The Next Generation...Still a Bunch of Men doing Macho things in Space'. This is based on a light-hearted comment from a friend and features the male crew in various macho poses.) Is there anyone else out there who is in favor of The Riker Liberation Front?
excerpt from a fan letter, this one from Shirley Maiewski:
As Chairman of the STAR TRFK Welcommittee for over seventeen years, I can agree with [a previous letter writer's] words 100%! Any fan who has not been involved in running any fan organization has no idea of the hours and expense involved. One's life is completely turned around, you find that you have no time for non-fan friends or even relatives, in some cases. One's own resources are involved—typewriters and computers are very expensive, and in the case of a club take up most of what is paid in dues, not to mention the phone bills! One's own time is not their own. When a newsletter or other publication is due; sleep, even, is at a premium. Having been an active fan for way over 20 years, 1 have personally seen many clubs come and go for many reasons. I have seen people's lives changed forever, marriages broken up, for instance, even in a couple of extreme cases people's homes being lost to over-expenditures in trying to run a club. Of course, the reverse can be true--fan marriages happen often, as well. However, I doubt if anyone ever became rich because of Why would anyone want to get involved? Of course everyone has their own reasons. Mine is a great love of STAR TREK and all it represents--mostly the dear friends I have made because of my involvement. Friends who I never would have met, except for Gene Roddenberry's dream of the future. All of you, stop a minute and think of the friends and relationships you have made in Fandom. Interesting, isn't it? I am not talking about actors, I am talking about that particular guy or gal you meet with or correspond with, who understands your interest in the show. Running any kind of fan group can be very rewarding and also very frustrating. You are dealing with many people who have their own ideas o how things should be done and one either becomes a good diplomat or expert at balancing egos. Often those involved live hundreds or even thousands of miles apart and often never see each other--or have even met in person. The phone companies and the postal service are depended on for contact, and it all takes time. Therefore, there are times when newsletters, zines and other publications are seemingly late. Personally, 1 do not sit beside my mailbox waiting for things to fall out--I am just pleased when they do come. I almost wish editors would not apologize for the lateness of something, since I didn't really know it was late until I read about it!
excerpt from a fan letter:
Was that cliff-hanger the mother of all slapped together "Hey, they're Trekkies, they'll swallow anything" condescending Cheese Whiz or what?! I don't know whether to hate [the episode "Time's Arrow"] for being just plain STOOPID, or to allow myself the guilt ridden pleasure of seeing Data act like a resourceful, aware, and commanding personality—interesting that Data seems more vibrant and capable as a fish out of water in the late 19th century than he does on his own home turf. And I find myself, as always, coming down on the side of "Nice work, Brent. Maybe next week it's going to be a show with a nice STORY line, too." *Sigh* Pretty sloppy resolution. "Let's blow up the bad guys!" Ah yup, they blew up REAL good!" Calling "Time's Arrow" a dog is an insult to canines everywhere. We're talking DOMESTICATED TURKEY, folks. Someone should have called the 1-800 BUTTER-BALL number (oye, what a mess). Did I actually DO anything for our characters besides get them out of those Chinese finger puzzle uniforms for half an hour? And Mark Twain?!!--Colonel Sanders in drag, pontificating curmudgeonly, scenery chewing , and meddling self-righteousness do not a Mark Twain make! Damn superficiality! If they HAD to bring a historical figure in for conf1ict, (I guess the alien baddies weren't interesting, hmmm? Not much in the way of conversationalists?) why not a real Frisco character like the Emperor Norton? (Aw, heck, Ma, and actually crack a book this close to Summer Vacation?!!) Deep Breath, Evelin. Control yourself. Mantra time: BRENT WAS FUN, DATA WAS GOOD, SO WHAT IF IT WASN'T ALL IT COULD BE..BRENT WAS FUN...
Issue 20
Data Entries 20 was published in June 1993 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Alicia Galka (front cover), T. Tilly (back cover, interiors), Nina Palas, Debbie Wolf, Melody Rondeau, Sandy Cosmano, and Nola Frame-Gray.
The extensive letters discuss Spiner at cons, reviews and speculations regarding specific episodes, and fan behavior ("good and bad fans").
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- includes a con report for Trekon convention at the Clarion Hotel in San Francisco over New Year's weekend, see that page
- Data's Song, filk to the tune of "Windy" (25)
- Dream Data, fiction by Carol Ann Westover (26)
- Data Banks, news, information, ads (31)
- You Have the Con, con listings (35)
from the editor:
It has come to my attention that some fans are sending letters and whatnot directly to Brent's home. Please do not do this. Anything that comes to his house will be thrown away unopened! If you want to send a note or request an autograph/ please respect Mr. Spiner's privacy and go through the proper channels. In this case that means writing Brent care of Paramount/5555 Melrose Ave/Los Angeles, CA 90038. Please be patient if you have requested a picture--it will come! Also, there is a little matter of the proper behavior of fans at public performances (I am not talking cons). There have been several instances where overzealous fans with flash cameras have disrupted performances of "Every Good Boy Deserves Favor". Cameras are not to be used in the theatre nor are camcorders. It became so bad at one of the California performances of EGBDF that Patrick Stewart felt it necessary to step out of character and admonish them on stage! I hope if you see this kind of behavior going on that DE readers will politely inform the wrongdoers of proper theatre etiquette. If we want these folks to continue to share their live theatre performances with us, we have to prove we are well-mannered and properly appreciative.
from a fan:
Aren't we lucky? What other TV actors besides ST actors afford their audiences such privileges as to see their favorites in person, hmmmm? I think the most important line in [a] LoC was "it's the fans who owe it to the stars to keep in mind they are real people with real lives and real feelings. Some fans can be invasive and frightening in their eyes. How would each of us feel if we were on the receiving end?" Brent is most generous in all the extra time and things he does which are not required in his contract. No STRESS for Brent. Repeat after me--NO ST...one more time...
from a fan:
I'm writing to discuss a problem I have with fandom. I am astonished that fandom can be so cruel. I rarely go to conventions (lack of money), but when I do go, I can expect to be harassed by individuals with their opinions of why Brent does/does not attend conventions. I'm also astonished that people play the I-am-better-than-you game or walk around believing they are solely responsible for Brent's protection. These boors are rude and walk around cons issuing judgments on whether a fan is normal or should be watched for potential harm to Mr. Spiner. Yes, Mr. Spiner has received many objects and threats in the mails, however, it has been blown out of proportion. In my opinion, it was used as a convenient excuse by Mr. Spiner to excuse himself from public interaction. Anyway, I feel it's unfair to accuse anyone of illegalities and improprieties. I'm deeply offended when anyone begins to speculate that I, or anyone, could be responsible for any untoward actions. Everyone deserves to be trusted, for it is only Mr. Spiner who should be concerned about his safety. I am also astonished about at incident at the last con I attended. Someone approached me with the opinion that Mr. Spiner's apparent lack of convention appearances in non-east Coast cities was because he was scared of someone in the Midwest. This was speculation based on prejudiced information, which totally ignored Mr. Spiner's statements that he doesn't like to do cons. No slight intended toward Mr. Spiner, but I believe he was only doing enough conventions to quell the discontent b* experienced from a mass amount of fans. In light of this, I've begun to believe I am not the only person being harassed. I can image what other fans must be experiencing. It is almost as if diversity is discouraged and all people are being judged by biased, unsubstantiated rumors. It seems all the publicity concerning celebrity stalkers has influenced many fans and editors to become critics, investigators and members of the FBI's psychological unit. It really disheartens me when someone is interrupted by screaming fans (isn't it up the celebrity to determine the appropriateness of a question directed at them?), when they are laughed at, or when they are walking around a convention reduced to tears. Isn't it time for us to leave each other alone? Isn't it time for fans to stop worrying about whether someone needs scrutiny, correction or avoidance? The time is now for fans to enjoy the diversity of those within our ranks and to stop harassing people with different ideas or attitudes.
from a fan:
There's a rumor that Paramount wants to restrict fanzines, particularly fiction zines. My grapevine said the company wants to keep a tighter hold on their copyright, especially since DS9 seems to be successful. Now someone correct me, but isn't Trek so popular because {at least in part) the fans kept things alive through cons and zines? I'm not a fandom expert, just a participant, but fans seem to be a rather imaginative lot. Without these outlets, wouldn't interest in the shows diminish? Food for thought.
Issue 21
Data Entries 21 was published in September 1993 and contains 40 pages.
The art is by Zaquia Tarhuntass (front cover), Melody Rondeau, Susan Gallagher, Lisa G. Simmons, Sandy Cosimano, T. Tilly, Michelle Craddock, Nan Nelson, and Nina Palas.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Compassion in Data, article by Ann Peters (25)
- Lal, fiction, part one by Maria Taylor (27)
- Brothers, poem by Alison Wilkinson (36)
- Data Banks, news, information, ads (37)
- You Have the Con, con listings (40)
from a fan]: I've heard a lot of praises for DS9 in this fanzine, but that's not what I hear from other fans in my area. The people around here find it too dark and depressing. I welcome this change from where the officers all pal around and everything can be solved by talking it out or by visiting a counselor (no insult intended to Troi). Things don't always turn out that way, and I think the 24th century is no exception. DS9 hits more on the reality that the galaxy is not the Utopia that was first painted. And the characters are so well written and so diverse that there isn't one I don't like less. And I never thought I would say this, but for once I like the Ferengi (oh, I can hear the men in the white coats coming for me now!) Ever since the episode "Ensign So" I've loved the Bajorans. Now that they've focused in the Bajoran system, I can learn all about them- I will be compiling a reference book on Bajorans (if The Powers That Be will let me), so if anyone is interested in helping out, it will be greatly appreciated.
[from a fan]: I feel bad that people started writing to him demanding (or at least making him feel guilty) that he do conventions. It should've been his choice and not to be pushed into something he might not have wanted to do at the time. I know how some behave when things aren't what they want them to be- Pressuring Brent into making appearances is, in my opinion, in bad taste. As many have said before, he does not have any obligation to us for we don't give him the paycheck.
[from a fan]: I haven't attended Creation cons for as long as Bev has, but I've attended my share of them, and I've always had one heck of a good time at them. Yet everywhere I seem to turn, I hear all kinds of insults being flung in Creation's direction. I have my theories as to why some people are so bitter, but ultimately I neither understand it nor consider it to be fair. And until someone can show me conclusive proof that Creation is doing something utterly illegal, immoral, or unethical, TI intend to continue attending their conventions. And I seriously hope to be able to meet Bev at one someday!
[from a fan]: So. Brent was in Minneapolis/St. Paul for a convention May 1 & 2. Early arrival got my buddy and I front row center seats. There was absolutely nothing of interest (same old-same old merchandise, and retread programming) until he was to come on, so Sandy and I blew that pop stand. We went to the bar for drinks, gossip, and to work on our story outline. When we wandered back to the con, there were three or four hundred people in the room. We settled into our reserved seats, 15 feet from the stage.A slick/smooth impressario (so smooth he left no impression on me) started the introduction, and I spotted him in the wings. I was surprised at what he really looked like. Intro complete, Brent bounced onto the stage. There he was, skinny, tanned, buzz cut hair and no sideburns, big blue eyes and a smile that really does turn up at the corners. I thought he was kind of pretty.
Sandy turned to me and whispered, "Awww, he's so teeeny!" "This," I thought, "this is where Data comes from? Nan..." I'd read that Brent was a shy kind of guy, reluctant to involve himself with cons and fans. Media babble, I'd thought. Hype. I'd seen Patrick Stewart at a Creation Con. He had 5,000 people absolutely under control. Mr. Stewart was all veneer, polish and reflected surfaces. I expected a Spiner-shaped version of that charismatic performance--an image of the professional Hollywood media figure--Spiner playing Spiner on the stage.
That's not what happened. Brent seemed real--very genuine. Vulnerable. Even a little fragile. Sitting so close let me pick up some interesting nuances. He looked nervous, apprehensive. He kept looking for reassurance -to a very sharp California Blonde that came with him. I'd expected Brent to be more distanced. Safer. Instead, I sat right I thought about it. Is Brent a hero? What exactly was his appeal? Why the heck were we there? I'd been telling myself that I was there out of curiosity, that I just wanted to see where Data came from. When Brent said his bit about heroes, I understood...
We were there to 'touch his magic' We had manufactured some kind of image or mystique of what being Brent Spiner was all about, a compound of a little glamour, wit, talent and luck. He assumed the mantle of a man privy to the secrets of success. Somebody on the INSIDE, who MAKES THINGS HAPPEN. When we, the audience, projected that image onto him--we'd cast Brent as a real time hero.
***Psychobabble alert***Psychobabble alert***Psychobabble alert***
"Hero Worship" works for a fan like this...
The experience of being an insider is something most fans don't have. For the most part, they're terribly bright dreamers, but marginalized. (A harsher way to state this is that by society's standards, they aren't always too bloody successful...)
To compensate for my inadequacies, I, prototypical Joan Fan, project images of success/desirability/power or whatever on my heroes, assigning my heroes the attributes that I lack. Then, by identifying with my heroes, I regain those projected attributes through association.
There is comfort and validation to be had from the presence of one's heroes. By hearing the insider stories and being in Brent's presence, the magic of contagion gave me back the same stuff I, Joan Fan, projected onto him--the fame/success/desirability/power. For that magic moment at the con, I was transformed into an insider, basking in the reflected glory and success of my hero.
The Kicker is, it's not just the convention going fan that does this. Because of their fame, wealth and visibility, media icons have become carriers of the Western heroic mythos. This entire ailing culture is projecting its compensatory images of success/potency onto them.
There was a fevered, nightmarish aura of expectation about that con. The hunger in that crowd was almost obscene. I caught several comments from people behind me sounding like they had a right to a piece of Brent, like he owed them somehow. That's the same kind of inappropriate hunger that drives people to bug him at home. It's the same hunger that demands he 'get with the program' and learn how to deal with fans at cons. I think Brent perceives that hunger, and I think that's what makes him nervous at cons.
It's a dehumanizing experience, dealing with people who use you as a compensation for their own inadequacies. Brent's just a finite guy with boundaries and limitations. Imagine what it's like for him, people constantly in his face, bothering him at home, hungering for some part of him...Well, the thought makes MY skin crawl.
It's also unfortunate that he's been roped into these appearances (by the studio?) when he'd clearly rather be undergoing a root canal. Stewart's got the ego to blow the weirdos off, but I think Spiner's too sensitive? to outside feedback to handle it.
As for me, I just keep remembering the controlled panic I saw on his face, and I'm ashamed to have been a part of the cause of it.
I can understand Brent's confusion at being treated like a hero. It's difficult to live up to an entire culture's projected desires. That's really asking a lot of any mere mortal. But so far, we remain in the realm of the normal...
There was still something about that con that stuck in my craw. It bugged me badly enough that I wore the Liz Claibourne dress and wandered around muttering "I am not a Trekkie" under my breath all day, trying to distance myself. In retrospect, I felt like a jerk for having been a part of it. It took until the last DE and your editorial about people hassling Brent at home for me to figure out why I was disgusted.
I think I mentioned earlier that it's also identification: since Data is one of the permanently alienated, he makes a great image for poor socially maladroit Joan Fan to idolize. They both stick their feet in their mouths with the same frequency, but look! Data's appreciated for his inappropriate behavior. He's becoming more human, and as he does, vicariously so does Joan Fan.
Gaah. Unfortunately, I cannot excuse myself from being like those people. If I didn't harbor some resonance of fannish weirdness in my own soul, I couldn't recognize it in theirs. I do daily penance, by pouring over James Hillman's "Revisioning Psychology." Physician, heal thyself.
If the truth be told, Brent's ultimately more interesting than Data. I come from a line of stolid, reserved, Midwestern Scandinavian Lutherans, and the idea of a southern, emotionally labile Jew of Romanian descent is about the closest thing to an alien mindset that I'll ever see. Data's just a mechanical version of your typical emotionless Scandinavian male. Brent, now, he was fascinating to watch--more expressions flickered across his face in an hour than any man of my acquaintance expresses in a year. I really wonder how he damps it down on camera.
Issue 22
Data Entries 22 was published in January 1994 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by TAZ (front cover), T. Tilly, Susan Gallagher, Sandi Cosimano, Nola Frame-Gray, Ginny M. Chan, Nina Palas, Melody Rondeau.
Most letters discuss the episodes and Data's character. One letter addressed fandom and fan behavior.
From the editor:
It's been said you can't catch lightning in a bottle, but Gene Roddenberry set out to prove that old saw wrong. Star Trek: The Next Generation succeeded and out-performed its predecessor and spawned a highly rated 3rd series, Deep Space Nine. Can Roddenberry's heir apparents, in an attempt to carry on the tradition, do it yet again? Paramount has announced plans for another Star Trek series, tentatively called Star Trek:Voyager, once more in the spirit of Gene's "wagon train to the stars" with a smaller and more mixed crew boldly going forth. Is this too much of a good thing? Is there some danger of killing the golden goose through over-saturation? Granted, it's the marketing department's dream as anything related to Star Trek is a pre-sold product with a built in audience. But with so much to choose from, will the audience in effect become more selective? TNG and DS9 have proved the Star trek universe to be bigger than any single ship and crew. Are there enough stories out there yet to be told that we need another band of Federation space farers to explore them? Is Star Trek on an infinite loop? (as long as it is profitable?)
Change is sometimes hard to accept, especially in light of our 7 year journey with the crew of the Enterprise D. Some have felt the show was wearing thin, the writing less than inspired, and perhaps it is time for the cast to hang up their spacesuits and return to more earthly pursuits. With the wrap up of season 7, they will move on to the big screen and there are rumors flying of a possible 8th season to be taped after the film's release. But at this point the newer, shiner bridge is being constructed, the costumes spiffed up a bit, and polish put on the script for either a grand finale or the start of new journeys.
Let's hope our heroes and all of us enjoy a bright future. Let's treasure the past, but be ready to move ahead. Hopefully you will all stick with DE as it boldly goes following the Star Trek dream.
- Ops Console (3)
- The Experiment, short vignette by Sandy Almany (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Forward Scanner, episode reviews by Gilbert and Palas of "Birthright," "A Quality of Life," and "A Fistful of Datas" (17)
- Lal, fiction, part two by Maria Taylor (19)
- Notes from a Scriptwriter by Maria Taylor, an article about how her story "Lal" was originally a script she had sent to Paramount, where it was rejected unread (25)
- Sensor Readings, zine and book reviews by Gilbert and Brown (28)
- a review of Pulse of the Machine, see that page
- a review of the pro book, "Descent," by Diane Carey
- 13 Questions for Brent Spiner, complied and recorded by Diana Collins (30)
- Data Banks, news, information and ads (32)
- You Have the Con, con listings (36)
[from a letter]:There is another letter in the last issue which I have felt compelled to re-read many times, and that is [Nora L's] deeply disturbing piece on fandom. While I am by no means an expert on psychology, though I did some basic stuff during the course of my teacher training a long time ago, I found myself going over her letter again and again. Am I weird because I have gone beyond just watching the program? Should a "responsible" adult/mother/teacher be sitting here writing to a fan magazine? Let alone going to conventions, writing poems, making costumes? Does it mean that I am in some way inadequate? I don't know.
I really enjoy TNG as entertainment. I love the character of Data, and I greatly admire the talent of a certain actor who brings him to life on the screen, and I had a lot of fun at my first con. There were big name guests and it was a very small gathering compared to what I have read about cons in the States. But I met alot of nice people and enjoyed a weekend away from domesticity and pressures of work, and that has to be good!
Nora did not mention in her letter when the convention took place, but I was dismayed to read of Brent's obvious discomfort, and can quite understand her feelings of guilt at being a part of it. Basically, I think what I am trying to say is that Nora's letter contains a lot of truths that have certainly made me do some soul-searching.
Having said that, however, if Brent ever did make an appearance here in Britain, {and he would be very warmly welcomed) I would not be able to stay away...but I promise not to ask any stupid or embarrassing questions!
Issue 23
Data Entries 23 was published in April 1994 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Alicia Galka (front cover), Susan Gallagher, Nina Palas, Melody Rondeau, Michelle Craddock, Zaquia Tarhuntassa, T. Tilly, and Lyria Hall.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- The Narrow Ocean by Alexandra Nigro (22)
- The Most Toys, product reviews by Mary Lynn Skirvin (27)
- Close Encounters of the Worse Kind by Eileen Thompson (28)
- Sisters, poem by Sandi Almany (28)
- Forward Scanner, episode review by Isabelle Herbert (29)
- Ode to Brent Spiner by Debbie Wolf (31)
- Lore, poem by Sandy Almany (31)
- Data Banks, news, infromation, ads (32)
- You Have the Con, con listings (36)
Issue 24
Data Entries 24 was published in July 1994 and contains 32 pages.
The art is by Jan Fleck (front cover), Susan Gallagher, Julie Evans, Lisa G. Simmons, Chris Dorge, Michelle Craddock, Sylvia Paddock, Leslie Collete.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Data, poem by Alicia Galka (25)
- Data Moments, survey by Amy Schwartz (26)
- Spot's Diary by Kath Dunkley (26)
- The Most Toys, product review by Mary Lynn Skirvin-Johnson (27)
- Brent Trekcon Houston Con Report by Nancy Jacobs (28)
- Data Banks, news, info, ads (29)
- You Have the Con, con listings (32)
Issue 25
Data Entries 25 was published in October 1994 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Katherine Ackerman (cover), Susan Gallagher, Lana Pennington, Anna DeFreitas, Alison Leary, Julie Evans, T. Tilly, Nola Frame-Gray, Tanja Ley, Don Chaddock, Jan Fleck and T'az.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- A Statue's Quest, poem by Nora Langley (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs, (4)
- Inquiring Minds Want to Know by Sara Greenblatt (22)
- Spining at the Star Trek Creation Con by Nicole M. Robertson (23)
- Data/data, part one, episode reviews by Evelin Brown (28)
- Data Banks, news, info, ads (32)
- You Have the Con, con listings (36)
Issue 26
Data Entries 26 was published in January 1995 and contains 32 pages.
The art is by Jan Fleck (cover), T. Tilly, Julie Evans, Rebecca Morris, Susan Gallagher, Nina Palas, Debbie Wolf, T'az, Tanja Ley, and Allison Leary.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- You Have the Con, con listings (23)
- Brent in Tuscon, a con report by Barbara Schoedel (24)
- Data Wordsearch by Ursula Anderson-Anderson (26)
- Lore Limerick by Tanya Dean (26)
- Data/data, part two, episode reviews by Evelin Brown (27)
- Databanks, news, info, ads (32)
Issue 27/28
Data Entries 27/28 was published in April/July 1995 and contains 52 pages.
The art is by Lana Pennington (front cover), T'az (back cover), Susan Gallagher, Sandra Scholes, Nina Palas, Julie Evans, Lesley Collette, Regina Randolph, Rebecca Morris, Ann Brightman, Jan Bigger, Melody Rondeau, Tanja Ly, Jan Fleck, and Nola Frame-Gray.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Why Do I Hate Lore? Let Me Enumerate the Ways, by Sara Greenblatt (35)
- Time to Shed a Tear, poem by Rebecca Morris (36)
- Close Encounters II by Eileen Thompson (37)
- Data/data, part three, episode reviews by Evelin Brown (39)
- Sexism on the Enterprise by Melanie B. Holladay (43)
- The Perfect Mate, poem by Linda McGrath (45)
- Databanks, news, info, ads (46)
- You Have the Con, con listings (51)
Issue 29
Data Entries 29 was published in October 1995 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Lesley Collette (front cover), Julie Evans (back cover), Melody Rondeau, Julie Cesari, T. Tilly, T'az, Susan Gallagher, Jan Bigger, Rebecca Morris, Sandra Scholes, and Nola Frame-Gray.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Data/data, part four, episode reviews by Evelin Brown (26)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (28)
- Brent Spiner in Portland, con report by Helen Adams (29)
- Ode to Lore, poem by Sue Fely (30)
- Data Banks, news, info and ads (31)
- You Have the Con, con listings (35)
Issue 30
Data Entries 30 was published in June 1996 and contains 32 pages.
The long delay between this issue and the previous one was due to the fact the Rondeau's typewriters had finally died, and they were finally forced into the world of their own personal computer.
The art is by Heike Heuber, (front cover), Julie Cesari (back cover), Susan Gallagher, Debbie Wolfe, T'az, Fran Wong, and Julie Evans.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Data/data, part five, episode reviews by Evelin Brown (15)
- Brent in New York, con report by Jo DeLapo (18)
- Dear Lore, advice (21)
- Masks, or I Wish I'd Gone to Bed Early, review by Isabelle Herbert (22)
- The Perfect Mate by Carol Sterenberg (32)
- In Practice, poem by Allison Wilkerson (24)
- Data Banks, news, info (25)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (30)
- You Have the Con, con listings (31)
Issue 31
Data Entries 31 was published in September 1996 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Lana Pennington (front cover), Julie Evans, Rebecca Morris, Christine Dorge, Sandra Schoels, Jan Bigger, Susan Gallagher, Debbie Wold, Amy Marie Hearn, Alicia Galka.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Dear Tasha, poem by Dawn Scholesser (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Grand Slamming with Brent Spiner, con report by Barbara Schoedel (21)
- Data/data, part six, episode reviews by Evelin Brown (22)
- Lore's Handy Android Manual by Ann Brightman (26)
- Prophecy, fiction by A.M. Hinch (28)
- Meeting of Minds, fiction by Debbie Gilbert (32)
- Data Banks, news, info (34)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (36)
- You Have the Con, con listings (36)
Issue 32
Data Entries 32 was published in January 1997 and contains 32 pages.
The art is by Zaquia Tarhuntassa (front cover), Jan Bigger, T. Tilly, Lyria Hall, Alicia Galka, Fran Wong, Heike Hubner, Julie Evans, Linda Landrie, Susan Gallagher, and Sandra Scholes.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- What is Data Made Of, poem by Rebecca Morris (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Brent Spiner on the Letterman Show by Jo DeLapo (12)
- Brent Spiner on the Tom Snyder Show by Jo DeLapo (13)
- Data's Rib, fiction by Heather Abbott (15)
- Peak Performance, Albert Hall Generations, con report by Sue Hardiman (25)
- Data Banks, news, info (27)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (30)
- You Have the Con, con listings (31)
Issue 33
Data Entries 33 was published April 1997 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Judith Gallant, Rebecca Morris, Debbie Wolf, Sandra Schoes, Kathrin Ackermann, Sandy Cosimano, T. Tilly, Lana Pennington, Susan Gallagher, Tanya Dean, Don Chaddock, and Christine Landrie.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Sensor Readings, book review by Jo DeLapo (21)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (21)
- The Most Toys, product review by Mary Lyn Skirvin (22)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (23)
- Dr. Soong, critical analysis by Rebekah Owens (24)
- Data, poem by Linda McGrath (25)
- Brent Spiner at the Creation Grand Slam, con report by Pat Wells-Korb (26)
- The Choice, fiction by Carol Sterenberg (27)
- Data Banks, news, info (29)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (33)
- You Have the Con, con listings (36)
Issue 34/35
Data Entries 34/35 was published in July 19967 and contains 66 pages.
The art is by Kathrin Achkermann (front cover), Ann Brightman (back cover), Susan Gallagher, Julie Cesari, Valerie Tapper, Julie Evans, Rebecca Morris, Sandra Scholes, Jan Fleck, Linda Landrie, Fran Wong, Nola Frame-Gray, Heike Humber, Melody Rondeau, and T. Tilly
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Brent Spiner Comes to New Orleans, con (12)
- Flutterby, fiction by Ruth Radecki (14)
- Tribbles, Bynars, and Squares, Oh My! (16)
- My Conversation with Brent (18)
- Once Upon a a Lifetime, fiction by C. Sterenberg (20)
- Learning to Fly, fiction by Lynne Roulston (34)
- Interface, fiction by Evelin Brown (36)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (40)
- The Visitor, fiction by June Tuckey (41)
- Man is the Measure, fiction by Debbie Gilbert (43) (reprinted from Grip #36)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (45)
- Forward Scanner, video reviews (46)
- The Ballad of Sherlock Holmes, poetry (47)
- Sensor Readings, book reviews (48)
- More Data, Please, fanzine review of Mudd's Legacy: Norman's Woe, see that page (50)
- Dear Lore, advice (51)
- Puzzled Data, puzzles (54)
- The Child, Archived version , poem by Tanya Dean (58)
- Data Banks, news and info (61)
- You Have the Con, con listings (65)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (66)
Issue 36
Data Entries 36 was published in October 1997 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Fran Wong (back cover), Susan Gallager, Julie Evans, Valerie Tapper, Melody Rondeau, Kathrin Ackermann, Sandra Scholes, T. Tilly, Jan Fleck and Amy Morgan Hearn.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Birds of a Feather, fiction by Sue Felby (14)
- Green Eyes, fiction by Fran Wong (19)
- 1776, review by Tracy Thurman (20)
- Brent in "1776," a review by Tracy Thurman (22)
- Stagedoor Conversations with Brent by Jo De Lapo (24)
- Sensor Readings, book review by Mary Lynn Skirvin Johnson (25)
- Kharianna's Wishes, fiction by Alex Mayes (27)
- Epiphany by Nora Langley (29)
- Data Banks, news, info (30)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (33)
- You Have the Con, con listings (35)
Issue 37
Data Entries 37 was published in March 1998 and contains 32 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Tanja Ley, Susan Gallagher, Nazomi Akatsuka, Valerie Tapper, Melody Rondeau, Sandra Scholes, Lana Pennington, Leslie Collette, and Fran Wong.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Future Bob, fiction by Fran Wong (11)
- A Broad's Thoughts from Home by Isabelle Herbert (13)
- Jonathan and Brent Meet Mark and Brian, transcribed by Helen D. Adams (14)
- A Soldier's Duty, fiction by Fran Wong (17)
- A Sonnet for Data by Isabelle Herbert (17)
- His Name is Data, fiction by Dawn Scholesser (18)
- Keeping Your Head Above Water, Archived version, fiction by Tanya Dean (22)
- Sensor Readings, book review by Helen D. Adams (25)
- Data Banks, news, info (26)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (30)
- You Have the Con, con listings (31)
Issue 38
Data Entries 38 was published in May 1998 and contains 36 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Susan Gallagher, and Jan Fleck.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- You Have the Con, con listings (3)
- Something to Write Home About (LoCs) (4)
- Heroes, fiction by Jan Fleck (9)
- Data Banks, news and information (34)
Issue 39
Data Entries 39 was published in October 1998 and contains 40 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Susan Gallagher, Jan Fleck, Linda Landrie, Melody Rondeau, Lana Pennington, Valerie Tapper, Helen D. Adams, Tanja Ley.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Something to Write Home About (LoCs) (4)
- Wolf 359 convention reports by Lesley Collette and Penny Robinson (10)
- Thank You, Brent by Rebecca Morris (15)
- The Find, fiction by Sandi Almany (16)
- Star Trek: The Experience by Christie Young (17)
- For Enterprise-D: A Sonnett by Dawn Schlosser (18)
- More Than a Man by Rebecca Morris (18)
- Great Lakes Star Trek Federation Science by Christie Young (19)
- Waiting, fiction by Julie Evans (20)
- Trekking Through Life by Linda and Christine Landrie (21)
- Dr. Crusher's Case Book by Isabelle Herbert (22)
- The Data Protection Act Principles by Sue Hardiman (24)
- There's No Place Like Space, fiction by Denise Tanaka (25)
- Convention by Jan Bigger (32)
- Top Ten Reasons Paramount Cancelled ST:TNG by Amy Schwartz (33)
- The Measure of a Man by Olivia Adler (34)
- Data Banks, news and information (34)
- You Have the Con, con listings (40)
Issue 40/41
Data Entries 40/41 was published in February 1999 and contains 58 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Fran Wong (back cover), Susan Gallager, Nozomi Akatsuke, Belinda Juste, Lesley Collette, Melody Rondeau, Julie Evans, Lana Pennington, Sandra Scholes, Valerie Tapper, Linda Landrie, Tanya Dean.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Insurrection, review by Sara Greenblatt (10)
- Descent of Brotherhood by Sandy Almany (11)
- Brent Spiner in Australia, Archived version, a con report for Holodiction '98 by Tanya Dean (12)
- Net Trek: Star Trek on the Internet by Sara Greenblatt (15)
- Retro Data Entries (Blasts from the Past) (16)
- Radio Brent Spiner by Cynthia Elrod (18)
- Every Good Boy Deserves Favor, reviews by Shari Sitko, Nancy Jacobs, Diana Morgan, Ruth E. Radecki, and Nora Langley (22)
- Brent Spiner Convention Reports by Fran Wong, Mary Urban, Nancy Jacobs, Debbie Gilbert, and Clare Solomon (31)
- Brent on the Joan Rivers Show by Nina Palas (41)
- Brent in San Antonio, con report by Donna Macey (42)
- A First Convention by Alan Callaby (43)
- At the Movies with Brent Spiner by Barbara Schoedel (44)
- Dreams of Ol' Yellow Eyes by Shirely Miskowicz (45)
- The Lovers, poem by Jan Bigger (47)
- Men, Martians, and Machines by Kath Dunkley (48)
- 24th Century Frankenstein Monster: A Portrait of Love by Dawn Scholsser (50)
- Data Banks, news, info (52)
- Universal Pakled Service, ads (57)
- You Have the Con, con listings (58)
Issue 42
Data Entries 42 was published in June 1999 and contains 32 pages.
The art is by Alicia Galka (front cover), Heike Hubner (back cover), Susan Gallager, Sandra Scholes, Valerie Tapper, Fran Wong, and Judith Gallant.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About, LoCs (4)
- Brent Spiner at the Grand Slam, con report (8)
- Brent Spiner in Rio De Janerio, con report by Jo De Lapo (10)
- Beyond the Dawn, Archived version, fiction by Tanya Dean (12)
- Soong, His Life and Androids by Allie Brightwell (14)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (15)
- Contracting Contractions by Allie Brightwell (16)
- Limericks by Allie Brightwell (16)
- They're Dead, Jim by Keil Stuart (17)
- Ode to Data by Lesley Collette (18)
- The Square Peg, fiction by Carol Sterenberg (19)
- Star Trek on the Internet, part two by Sara Greenblatt (23)
- Uncle, fiction by Kate Orman (24)
- Dear Lore, advice (26)
- Data Banks, news, info (27)
- You Have the Con, con listings (31)
- Ode to Spot by Judith Gallant (31)
Issue 43
Data Entries 43 was published in September 1999 and contains 48 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), T'az (back cover), Valerie Tapper, Sandra Scholes, Rebecca Morris, Nozomi Akatsuka, Tanya Dean, Kathrin Ackermann, and Susan Gallagher.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About (LoCs) (4)
- An Alien in Star Trek Land, con report by Isabelle herbert (9)
- Android Dreams, poem by Edite Carlos (13)
- Star Trek on the Internet, part three by Sara Greenblatt (14)
- Wink, fiction by Denise Tanaka (16)
- Data Banks, news and information (44)
- Limericks by Allie brightwell (46)
- You Have the Con, con listings (47)
- Androman by Rebecca Morris (47)
Issue 44
Data Entries 44 contains about 36 pages.
The art is by Nozomi Akatsuka (front cover), Julie Evans (back cover), Sandra Scholes, Susan Gallagher, Judith Gallant, Belinda Juste.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About (LoCs) (4)
- One of Our Androids is Missing, fiction by Christina Mavroudis (8)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (29)
- Data Banks, news and information (30)
- You Have the Con, con listings (34)
Issue 45
Data Entries 45 contains about 36 pages.
The art is by Heike Hubner (front cover), Julie Evans (back cover), Sandra Scholes, Susan Gallagher, Linda Landrie, Belinda Juste, and Valerie Tapper.
- Ops Console, editorial (3)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (3)
- Something to Write Home About (LoCs) (4)
- Luv That Lore by Belinda Juste (6)
- The Velveteen Robot by Belinda Juste (13)
- The Hardest Choice, fiction by Ann Hinch (18)
- Mary Sue Saves the Universe by H.K. Sweift (25)
- Forward Scanner: review of Galaxy Quest by Belinda Juste (37)
- Sensor Readings, Intellivore review by Belinda Juste (38)
- Limerick by Allie Brightwell (38)
- Data Banks, news and information (39)
- ^ from TREKisM #60
- ^ from Data Base v.2.0
- ^ ha, ha... "Galactic Enima" (Enema)
- ^ reference to the proposed, and canceled Spiner fan club
- ^ "si"?
- ^ This is a perplexing comment, because Inside Star Trek ceased publication in 1979. Explanation from Ian McLean: The reader may have meant "Starlog" magazine instead. It featured early comments from Spiner.
- ^ "The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine"? -- this was published during the same time frame, but there is no January 1989 issue.
- ^ This is a reference to a cartoon in issue #5, see that section.