Leonard Nimoy

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Name: Leonard Nimoy
Also Known As:
Occupation: Actor, Director, Musician, Photographer, Writer
Medium: Television and Film
Works: Star Trek
Official Website(s): Leonard Nimoy Photography
TheRealNimoy @ Twitter
Fan Website(s):
On Fanlore: Related pages
Shelley Butler is the artist, used for the cover of The Yomin #14 (1998)

Leonard Nimoy was an American actor, renowned for his portrayal of Spock in Star Trek: The Original Series and in subsequent films. He directed two of the TOS films and had writing credits on two as well.

artist is Raynette Dodge, from Leonard Nimoy Compendium #1 (art is 1979, the zine was 1982)

Nimoy's fame as Spock is such that both his autobiographies, I Am Not Spock (1977) and I Am Spock (1995) detail his existence as being shared between the character and himself. He frequently signed-off his tweets with "LLAP", a shortened version of Spock's iconic greeting of, "Live long and prosper".

He reprised his role as Spock for the last two times in Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness; he was the only member of the TOS cast to do so.

Nimoy also played the character of William Bell during the first two seasons of Fringe, which aired between 2008 and 2010.

Nimoy passed away on February 27, 2015.[1]

Some Nimoy Roles That Inspired Fanworks

Nimoy had a very long acting career on the stage, as well as television and film. These are just a small fraction of them for which fans created fanworks:

Nimoy and Fandom

In late 1968, Nimoy agreed to participate in a contest advertised on the back cover of issues of TV Digest magazine. "Eight lucky ladies to have breakfast with Mr. Spock (star of Star Trek)." Winners were announced on 30th January, 1969, on KSTP-TV's Dialing for Dollars program, hosted by Jim Hutton. Fans were invited to fill in a coupon, "or reasonable facsimile". Prizes included the 9.00am breakfast at the "2 Crowns" restaurant at the Hilton Hotel, Minnesota, plus albums, flowers and the opportunity to ride on Nimoy's float in that year's "Saint Paul Winter Carnival Parade". Greg Morris (Barney Collier of Mission: Impossible), was among other celebrities who appeared at the parade. [3]

In Tolkien fandom, Nimoy is known for recording The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins in 1967, and even performing it on television. In fact, he spoke in interviews about being impressed with Tolkien's work, causing his own devotees to pick up The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings if they hadn't already. References to Middle-earth, hobbits, and elves were often found in Nimoy fanzines, both as a result of this connection and because most fans at this time were fantasy and SF devotees. Ruth Berman and Dorothy Jones Heydt pointed out that Nimoy himself could be cast as Aragorn if a live-action film were made.

Nimoy also participated in the 2005 documentary Ringers: Lord of the Fans.

Nimoy and His Family in Fanart

Nimoy and Fanart Depicting Him With Fans

Nimoy with Other Star Trek PTB

Fan Clubs



  1. ^ Twitlonger by Nimoy's granddaughter, Dani (accessed February 27, 2015)
  2. ^ most fan's comments and personal accounts are about seeing Nimoy in this play - Vincent: The Story of a Hero
  3. ^ Twin Cities Music Highlights: Winter Parade (accessed July 2, 2019)