Space Trek
You may be looking for the Star Trek fan-created musical called Space Trek or the Star Trek: TOS and Science Fiction con Space-Con.
Convention | |
Name: | Space Trek (also often "Space-Trek") |
Dates: | 1982-1984, 1986, 1988 |
Frequency: | |
Location: | St. Louis |
Type: | fan con, celebrity guests |
Focus: | Star Trek: TOS |
Organization: | |
Founder: | Phyllis Sutter and Linda Lakin |
Founding Date: | 1982 |
URL: | |
Click here for related articles on Fanlore. | |

Space Trek (Space-Trek) was a fan-run Star Trek convention held in St. Louis. Earlier cons didn't have any fan panels. There was a dealer's room, an art display, a film room, autograph sessions, a costume contest, a banquet and charity auction, and a trivia contest.
Some Gaps
The con was held in 1982, 1983, and 1984.
A comment in Communications Console (July/Aug 1985) mentioned its "demise." [1]
Space Trek returned in 1986, and again in 1988.
Space Trek 1 (1982)
It was held in April 23-25, 1982. At least one of the celebrity guests was DeForest Kelley.
A transcript of his speech there was printed in DFKIAS Yearbook 1982/1983.
Boldly Writing has a note about this con in regarding the zine Odyssey: "Among the many stories [in Odyssey] was a transcript of an interview with DeForest Kelley, recorded the previous year at a Space Trek convention in St. Louis. The editors asked the actor if he ever read any fan stories. DeForest Kelley replied, "Some of them I do. It's impossible to read them all.... There's some very good writing, you know. Some of the stories are better than the stories we did in the series."
Space Trek 2 (1983)
It was held June 24-26, 1983.
It was chaired by Phyllis Sutter, co-chair was Linda Lakin.
From Boldly Writing: "This also was a fan-run convention with celebrity guests including Leonard Nimoy and James Doohan. The convention was almost devoid of panel discussions, which constitute the overwhelming majority of activity at many fan-run conventions. Evening programming was also in short supply. On the other hand, there was a large fanzine room, and videos and movies, and places to gather to talk to other fans."
from TREKisM #32, artist is LaVena Kay Kidd
from TREKisM #32, artist is LaVena Kay Kidd
from TREKisM #32, artist is LaVena Kay Kidd
Space Trek 2: From the Program Book
Space Trek 2: Skit
There was a con skit called "The Planet Spock" which was a satirical musical spoof of "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" written by Melissa Lee, Jean Ann Hodge and Phyliss Sutter.
This skit was unique in that it had a printed program.
Space Trek 2: Programming
The program book was 45 pages long.
Space Trek 2: Con Reports
My friends and I got together on Friday for that convention. We met Rob Reis Friday, and he told us there was going to be a meeting of the WKFS that night (sponsored by Ted Schneiderman, a member of the society), so we decided to go. Walter was there before we were, and he was telling jokes.
He was very delightful and stayed for a half hour after we got there. After the meeting we went to the dealers room. We were on our way back to the room and who should we meet, but Jimmy. After we went to our room, we decided to go to the Mali Kai, a type of disco downstairs in the hotel. There was a great band. We stayed until closing. On Saturday, Walter was on first. All he could say about ST III was, "Ask Leonard." He also had a Chekov Scream- Off contest that kept us all in stitches. Jinny came on and gave a talk and had a question-and-answer session, too.
You could feel the excitement in the room after the announcer said, "Leonard will be here in a few minutes." I could not believe that Leonard Nimoy was actually going to come. He came on and gave his presentation. He, too, could not tell us much about ST III because he was under contract not to. Later he had a question- and-answer session. The only thing that went wrong was the way fans were let out of the room for the autograph session (with Walter, Jimmy, and Leonard). I must say it was a 'madhouse. I Finally, we got through the mob.
The banquet was delayed because of the autograph session. The play, "The Planet Spock," (performed by Allies for Star Trek, TN) was good and the evening went fast.
Sunday was less busy. There was a meeting for the Leonard Nimoy fan club. Also, there was a Jimmy Doohan fan club meeting. And there were talks by each guest again.
On Monday, the last day of our stay, we all said goodbye. As I was waiting for the plane, I noticed a lady sitting next to me wearing one brown glove on her right hand. I almost died, for all I could think of was, "It was Khan!" The plane soon came, and my trek to St. Louis was over.[2]
When I got to the Henry VIII Inn and Lodge on Friday evening for Space Trek II the air was full of excitement. There were films and video and later on that night, various room parties were going on including a WKFS party. I did not attend but heard that Walter was his usual charming self and that his presence was enjoyed by everyone there!Saturday the con was in full swing starting off with Walter coiling on to speak in the ballroom. He is always a joy to listen to, injecting humor into his conversation. He talked same about STIII saying that the uniforms would be the same as in STII and that Mark Lenard would be returning as Sarek. In his opinion DeForest Kelley (McCoy) has the best part in STIII.
James Doohan came on next with his friendly manner and many warm smiles for the crowd. He did his repertoire of accents and later on sang for us. He also told us of his days of flying in the war.
The costume contest was very good with one set of contestants standing out in my mind as "punk Vulcans"—very imaginative! To conclude the contest, Walter and Jimmy read the humorous winning entry in the writing contest, both very much in character. This was a definite highlight of the convention! It was great fun and hilarious, and both seemed to enjoy doing it.
There was a hushed air of expectation as Leonard Nimoy came on next—looking fantastic! Definitely the "star," he impressed me as being very intelligent and a talented speaker. He spoke about his program "In Search Of..."; his views on reincarnation; UFOs; psychic phenomena, etc. He also talked about "Vincent," going to China to film "Marco Polo" and "A Woman Called Golda."
He did not mention whether or not Spock would return in STIII, but he seemed happy to be director this time out. It was very amusing that whenever he would make the Vulcan hand greeting of peace (live long and prosper) camera flashbulbs would go off! This was my first time to see Leonard "in person" and I enjoyed it very much. The banquet went well, I heard, with the Allies for Star Trek play, "The Planet Spock," being the highlight and a definite success with the audience.
Sunday there was an art auction and trivia contest. Walter spoke again. It was brought out that George Takei, Nichelle Nichols and Jimmy Doohan will have expanded roles in STIII, but Walter's role will not be as big as it was in STII, unfortunately. Industrial Light and Magic will be doing the special effects for STIII.
Jinmy and Leonard spoke again. Leonard drew a name in a raffle to win a trip to Hollywood for a tour of Paramount Studios and an invitation to visit the set of STIII. This con had various games and auctions which added to the enjoyment of the fans.
All in all, Space Trek II was a wonderful convention! [3]
It is safe to assume that since I am a "Chekov" fan I am a "Trek" admirer also, and you're absolutely right. I had heardmany stories through the years about all the great guests who had graced the "Trek" cons all over, but I had given up hope of St. Louis ever having one. Finally, it happened last spring (at Space Trek I).
I have been to many cons, but this was the very best one I had ever been to... until this year at Space Trek II. "Scotty," "Chekov," and "Spock" were slated to come to SPACE Trek II! The first two were good enough for me, but "Spock" too! Was it too much to believe? Could the hotel hold us all, and stand up under the stress? (I think all the desk clerks may have gone into a rest home after we all left.)
We got to the hotel early that first day, and met some very nice people at the rec deck party, and afterward finished the night at the disco.
Early the next morning, Walter started off the lectures, asking how we had all made it so early to hear him speak. Our applause told him it was no trouble at all! We had never heard him speak without that charming Russian accent, and were very pleased with his funny, and very informative, talk. Jinmy spoke next of "Trek" movies, and some of his war experiences as a pilot.
After that we spent some time with a good friend from Cleveland who showed us his photos of William Shatner getting his sidewalk star out in Hollywood.
The costume contest showed some real1y far out ideas. Soon there was a crowd forming -- Leonard Nimoy, of course. For an hour we listened to a very good lecture, full of fascinating stories.
The banquet, and play, that evening were very much enjoyed. We ended the festivities with a short visit to a party, and more disco dancing.
For me the best part was Sunday - after Walter's lecture. We were just coming out of the room when we saw Walter there talking with several people. They were taking photos, and my brother pushed me closer to Walter, and suddenly we were in a photo together. I think I thanked him, and walked away sort of in a daze.
I called a friend to tell her about the con, and my hands were shaking so badly that I could hardly push the phone buttons! While I was on the phone, Walter walked by on his way to lunch, and was kind enough to talk to my friend for a bit.
I'll wind this up, we can only say that Walter is a very talented, friendly, and gracious guy, but you all already knew that, didn't you?[4]
The dates June 25-26, 1983, probably have a lot of different meanings for many people, but for one large group gathered at the Henry VIII hotel in St. Louis III, they have only one -- Space Trek II![...]
I had the privilege of getting to meet Jimmy Coohan, who really is one of the nicest and friendliest people I have ever encoll1tered . The main event of the evening for rre was the WKFS meeting with Walter that I got to plan. We got a room thanks to one of the generous Allies for Star Trek members, and so I got in touch with Walter, arranged a convenient time with him, and, sure enough, he came. He stayed with us and hour and a half and it really was a lot of fun. Walter is so entertaining and has a tremendous sense of humor. He answered a lot of questions and told same great stories.
I happened to be standing in the lobby area just as Walter was leaving for the airport, so I got one last picture of him waving goodbye and then he was off.
Space Trek II is a con I will remember for a long time to came, for it truly was the very "best of times!" [5]
Star Trek fans from not only the four corners of our continental U.S., but from as far away as Canada, Hawaii, and New Zealand gathered...Attendees of the con began arriving as early as Thursday for the festivities, and for the next 3 days virtually took over the entire Henry VIII Inn &Lodge. I heard had it that over 2,000 attended and that 48 states represented.
Friday evening there was a WKFS meeting. Many WKFS members as well as Allies for Star Trek were in attendance. The room was so crowded in fact that the people spilled out into the hallway. Walter showed up a little while later, and in between munching cookies managed to keep us all thoroughly entertained.
Walter mentioned Saturday at his talk that Gene Roddenberry will serve in an advisory capacity as he did in STII, as an executive consultant. On a more personal note, he mentioned that he and Mark Lenard have bookings for their performance of "Actors." He also mentioned he has just finished writing a screen play about psychic dreams. Although originally conceived as a movie-of-the-week, but perhaps can be sold as a feature film.
Jimmy Doohan touched on the subject of STIII. His role is indeed larger in this film. STIII will be filmed at the studio. Believing that the Star Wars phenomenon could do nothing but help their cause, Jimmy feels that it contributes to the special effects. He would prefer not to see ST develop into a trilogy. Although he can see a need to clear up the question about Spock, he believes that each movie should be a separate entity.
"Perhaps the most original and humorous costume was that of a young girl who came dressed as a book entitled, "All You Ever Wanted to Know about Pon Farr But Were Afraid to Ask." - from WKFS Journal (September 1983)Perhaps the most original and humorous costume was that of a young girl who came dressed as a book entitled, "All You Ever Wanted to Know about Pon Farr But Were Afraid to Ask."
Although Leonard Nimoy couldn't tell us anything specific about STIII, he did say that he was very excited about the picture and thinks they have a wonderful adventure with some very good science fiction elements. Unwilling to say anymore, he closed briefly speaking on the subject of psychic phenomena and mentioned he has had psychic experiences.
The Allies for Star Trek performed their spoof, "The Planet Spock." It was evident a lot of hard work went into the making of the sets and costumes. Joel Murdock made a fantastic-looking Captain Spock (we should all hope Spock looks half as good when he reappears in STIII). Carol Marsh was believable as Saavik. However, the most amazing lookalike was Annette Taylor as Uhura, who floored everyone with the resemblance. The play was amusing but probably would have been received much better if everyone in the ballroom could have heard it instead of just the area in front of the stage.
The Art Auction heralded in Sunday with marvelous works of fan art being sold at unbelievable prices. Leonard spoke about fascinating topics for his second speech, on Sunday, and he once again spoke over his allotted time.
Despite a few irritations, the weekend was well worth the small fortune it cost most of us to attend.[6]
This event took place at the Henry VIII at St. Louis. It was my first attendance at a con and my first plane flight, so I was unsure exactly what to expect. Did I enjoy it? Let's put it this way — I hope there is a Space-Trek III!!!
Leonard Nimoy gave two talks, each lasting over an hour.... When it came time for Mr. Nimoy to make an appearance, Security would not tell us by which door he would be entering. There were five doors to the ballroom, one on the right, two on the left and two in the back. Of course, all of us were straining our necks in an attempt to catch first sight of him. I was looking towards the back, when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door approximately fifteen feet away from me suddenly open. There he was! Security quickly hustled him to the podium.
I had my camera ready, but as he walked beside me (whew! only four feet away) I did not take a picture for two reasons. One, I thought it would be impolite to snap a flash right in his face.
Two...okay, okay, I admit it, I was experiencing something commonly referred to as shock. To see Leonard Nimoy for the very first time at this distance definitely has a startling effect on one's mental and emotional capabilities. My initial reaction was a whispered, "My God, he's real". Now, that probably sounds like a strange thing to say, but you have to realize that heretofore I had seen him only on television and in movies — three-dimensional in his acting but only two-dimensional in features. He was never quite a living, breathing person until that moment when he walked by me.
Mr. Nimoy talked of such things as how he got the role for STAR TREK, the manner in which the ears were developed, and how the neck pinch and Vulcan salute came into being. I am sure most of the audience had heard these stories before, but it didn't matter: he had our full and undivided attention throughout. There was only the sound of his voice and the soft clicking of the cameras. Every time the man smiled, so many cameras flashed that the temperature in the room shot up ten degrees.
After his talk, everyone lined up for autographs. I mean, THEY LINED UP ~ close to 1,000 people, cutting the hotel in half as the human snake wound its way through the lobby, the hallways, and back into the dealer's room towards the rear of the hotel. The dear man, along with an equally sweet Jimmy Doohan and Walter Koenig, sat there for over three hours cheerfully giving people a small part of themselves.
I had noticed that several people in front of me had photos and copies of Mr. Nimoy's book, I AM NOT SPOCK, which they wanted autographed. I felt very strongly about having him autograph one of his poetry books and had chosen one of my favorite poems from COME BE WITH ME (page 23).
I laid the much used book in front of him, open to that page. He looked down at it, up at me, then broke into a grin from ear to ear. Any fear or apprehension I had been feeling disappeared completely. You see, Leonard does not smile with only the mouth — his entire face lights up. There is a sudden gleam in his eyes, and the corners of his eyes crinkle. Some have found this smile quite disarming, almost devastating, but what I felt was a very great warmth. He had smiled quite often during his talk and for the others getting autographs, but this one was for me.
I did nothing to deserve it, but I'm glad he gave it to me. I was wearing my membership card which designated me as a member of the Leonard Nimoy Fan Club. Instead of asking me my name, he looked up, trying to read it on my card. Now I am about six feet tall in heels, and try as he might, he couldn't quite read the small type of the card. He looked at me and slowly asked, "Suzanna?" I smiled and said, "No, Rowena." He started to write, spelling aloud "R -0 - W - ...", drawing out the last letter. I finished the spelling for him, then he continued to write, "My love, Leonard Nimoy". Closing the book, I noticed, with great care, he handed it back to me. I thanked him, and he answered by saying, "Thank you".
Those two words hit me harder than anything else he had said. Leonard Nimoy has transformed me from a pessimist to an optimist; he has caused me to reach out to other people; he has forced me to broaden my horizons, and not only to understand, but also put into practice the meaning of IDIC. What have I given him in return? Absolutely nothing...and yet ... he said, "thank you".
I came away from that autograph table feeling an inner glow. Leonard Nimoy is an actor, director, photographer, and poet, but above all else, he is a teacher. At that convention he demonstrated to me, not in words but in action, the meaning of openness, kindness and humility. In one word, Leonard Nimoy is a "gentleman".[7]
Finally getting to see Leonard Nimoy in St. Louis was like a dream. It seemed an impossibility, since he was not doing cons any more. It seemed that I was always in the right place at the right time, yet I was not into fandom at that time, and so I never went to cons or knew that they existed.
This trip was especially exciting because I was to meet a pen pal for the first time. She drove here from New Mexico and we drove from here (Dallas) to St. Louis in one day (13 hrs ), We were too excited to stop anywhere.
The hotel was just lovely and they had our room available even though we were a day early. As we were checking in, a man strolled across the lobby; it was James Doohan, also an early arrival. He was quite personable, and we exchanged a few words. An auspicious beginning. We met another girl who had come from Charlotte, NC alone (24 hrs. on the bus) and she joined us for the rest of the weekend. We got up at 6:30 a.m. and hurried down to the room where all the guests were to speak. We decided that after all our efforts to get there that we really wanted to have good seats. We spent most of the next two days sitting in front row seats to see and hear Mr. Nimoy and the other guests. Since they make numerous appearances, I am sure that they were aware that a lot of excitement had been generated by the fact that Mr. Nimoy had not been accessible to the fans for many years, and we were all anxious to make the most of that opportunity. I had had a brainstorm on the way out, and we ended up renting video equipment when we arrived there and were able, thanks to the front row seats, to make a wonderful videotape of both of Mr. Nimoy's lectures. After all the waiting and excitement, it seemed over so fast that I am glad that we can look at the tape and relive the experience.
When at last the moment came when Mr. Nimoy actually stood before us, there was still a feeling of unreality about the whole thing. Was that really himl He looked so wonderful and seemed to enjoy the whole thing as much as we did. I have a lot of smiling and laughing photos to prove it. On the first day, he spoke about his experiences, past, present and hopefully future, with Star Trek. He put to rest any rumors that he does not want to play Spock, and teased us with tidbits about the new movie. On the second day, he spoke about some of his own personal experiences with psychic phenomena and some others that he had researched. He seemed to be quite interested in this subject. He spoke so well that the time just flew, and before we knew it, he had to stop. I could have listened to him for hours. Unfortunately, it was not possible. There were 2,000 people there who wanted autographs, and all the stars were extraordinarily patient, in complying.
It was a fantastic experience, one I won't soon forget. I still can't believe that I saw Leonard Nimoy in person, a fantasy fulfilled. I must also say that this was one of the best run cons that I have ever attended. Almost everything was on schedule; the dealer's room was wonderful; and I even got to see some new bloopers, for me anyway. If Mr. Nimoy appears anywhere else again, I would certainly plan to attend if humanly or Vulcanly possible.[8]
I would be most remiss without thanking a few of the exceptional people... Denny and Richard Arnold for being great emcees, ballroom coordinators, and providing a lot of fun and surprises for the fans...Gene Roddenberry's office (both Gene and Susan) for all their assistance, both direct and "indirect"... Candi Chase and Susan McCutchen of the WKFS for being good people...the Poplar Bluff group - Mona Golden, Sharon Gates, Cheryl Laney, Shelia Sullivan, and Nancy...for being friends....and Walter Koenig and Jimmy Doohan, for being themselves.At the risk of offending some Leonard Nimoy fans, and possibly Mr. Nimoy himself, I feel compelled to make a few comments about my disappointment in his appearance.
First, let me qualify my statements by saying that I consider Mr. Nimoy to be a brilliant man, well versed on many subjects, and a very compelling speaker. He has the power the '’captivate" his audience, and that is much to his credit. It is not to his credit, however, to use this power as a tool to avoid the questions that the fans so desperately wished to ask him, questions which he no doubt would have found difficult to answer.
I am an optimist. I admit it. I had hoped that Leonard would open himself to the fans, that he would listen, and that he would be frank with us. I believe fans deserve that courtesy. The chance never arose. Leonard "let the time get away from him"... quite so, he checked his watch every ten minutes or so... the few questions that did get asked on Saturday were not answered directly, but quite efficiently maneuvered out of...and on Sunday we were treated to the speech he gave at CollegeCon II in Houston in April of 1981. I should know, I was there... well, at least Sunday, some of us who had heard the speech before caught a short nap....
I came away from Leonard's talks, delighted that I had seen him, but also feeling very disappointed. I felt patronized, and I, quite frankly, felt more than a little insulted as a Star Trek fan. That is difficult to swallow, even if it does come from Leonard Nimoy. [9]
Listed below are the good points and bad points as recalled by a large part of the group which travelled to St. Louis. You will notice that there were more positive aspects to the convention than negative ones. It would also be appropriate to note that with any convention, of this size, one can expect there to be more problems. On the whole, for a convention of this size, things convention well organized ...
A: Denny and Richard Arnold -- These two wonderful Trek people made the ballroom a pleasure to be in. Not only was the ballroom well organized, but the time, effort, and dedication that these two put in is appreciated very much.
B: Hal Donovan -- Hal is truly a jewel among men. Never once did we see him lose his temper ... despite many long hours of work, and unexpected problems. He went above and beyond the call of duty helping us with the play, for his assistance and his encouragement, we are forever in his debt.
C: The Fans -- The fan were undoubtedly the best thing going as far as the con is concerned. Our compliments to a mature, well-behaved, group of TREKKERS [10]
D: Dealers' Room -- The dealers' area was excellent. A good location and excellent layout, not to mention great merchandise.
E: The Planet Spock -- All right, we admit it, we are biased, but the play was truly one of the highlights of the con, both for us, and for the fans.
F: The Banquet Staff -- They did an excellent job... efficiently and with courtesy to all.
A portrait of Chekov by Annette Taylor, first shown at Space Trek II, also seen at Love of Trek. This photo was taken by Jean Ann Hodge, and it appeared in WKFS Journal (April 1983).G: The Art Room -- The art room was exceptional, both art-wise and atmosphere-wise. The staff was courteous and friendly, and the selection of artwork excellent.
H: The Costume Contest -- A compliment to Harriet Carman for an exceptionally well-run, efficient, and enjoyable contest.
I: The writing contest added a great deal to the con. A real addition.
J: Annette Taylor's artwork -- Again, we admit that we were biased. But frankly Annette's work was exceptional.
K: The raffle, the auctions, the games -- All the little things which made the time more memorable are directly due to Richard and Denny Arnold. Without their hard work, the con would not have been as much fun for everyone. A big word of thanks must also go to Gene Roddenberry, for going to bat for Richard and Denny and the con, and helping to secure Paramount's okay on the raffle. Gene and Susan (Sackett) are also directly responsible for many of the prizes and special auction items which were a special part of the con.
L: The Program Book -- Very well done. It makes a nice keepsake.
M: Fanzine "heaven" -- The dealers' room had tons and tons of fan literature - a rarity and a very pleasant one.
A: Hotel accommodations -- We were disappointed not to receive the double rooms we had requested and h reserved back in February. Although refunded for not having been provided the correct accommodations, it is not comfortable for us to sleep in a room designed for 2, expecial1y after paying for 4.
B: Too many people -- We are now convinced that small cons are better than big cons. They are more intimate, more warm, and they provide the better chance for interaction between the fans and stars.
C: Unwarranted rudeness by some of the hotel staff -- It seemed to be feast or famine as far as the hotel staff were concerned. They were either overly friendly, or overly rude.
D: Undue paranoia on the part of some of the security guards. (NOT THE AIR FORCE GUYS. THEY WERE ALL TERRIFIC!)
E: The opening registration session on Friday was very unorganized.
F: Improper Crowd Control -- Instead of the quick disbursement of the crowd, the people were packed into a concentrated area which only made the crowding worse.
G: The films and video programming -- Schedules were not listed in the program, or on a separate sheet of paper.
H: Some comments that are better left unsaid... [11]
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden: A Space Trek II Report:Boards and construction, rolls of carpet and bare floors, workmen everywhere: Henry VIII Inn and lodge was hardly inviting when I arrived on Thursday. Mass chaos, folded paintings, and numerous delays in set-up didn’t prove to be so rosy either. To compare this con to a rose is a perfect metaphor. Some parts were as the velvety petals and the rosy scent, while deeper down were thorns, and not a few bees! For the most part, however, the weekend was exceptional.
One of the most memorable events of the weekend was the Walter Koenig Fan Society party in Allies’ main room Friday night. Though the room was hot and crowded, Walter’s presence was heartfelt and enjoyed. He was his usual charming self, witty and enjoyable, especially when he told of one of the first times he was ever on-stage: when he told a heckler in the audience to straighten up or leave, left the stage, then came back on and finished his performance, and received more applause than the star! We were all sorry to see him go.
Play practice was really a nightmare that night, out I suppose it was because we quit at 2 A.M. Would you believe we began again at 6 A.M. the next morning?
Saturday turned out to be the longest day I have ever experienced. Up at 6 after 2 hours of sleep; 9 hours on and off in the ballroom for the talks, saving seats, the costume contest; then almost 3 hours of insanity preparing for the banquet and the play. The play turned out really well, I think, though I am biased. I am sorry if some people couldn't see and hear it. For me, the entire hour (was it even that long?) was pure ecstasy. Everyone performed expertly, and I don't think anyone disliked it. For those of you who have never had a room full of people (approximately 900) applauding you, watching your every move, hanging on your every word, I can scarcely tell you how it felt. No matter how many disappointments there were otherwise that weekend, that night was truly our one "shining moment". Discussing it afterwards until 3:30 A.M. was almost as good as the play itself, too!
Sunday was too soon in coming, I think. After the talks and autograph session, everything suddenly seemed to die down. All that we had anticipated for a year was suddenly a mere collection of memories. But a very precious set of memories they are: Walter and Jimmy reading the winning entry in the writing contest, in character all the time. All of Jimmy's tall tales of flying in the war. Walter's most difficult moments on the Trek set ("Keptin, can you use another hand? and "Keptin, I don't know what dat is!") Leonard's long talk on "In Search Of..." in which he said, "Some people believe that the spirit of a dead person lingers on...", giggles broke out, then he said, "What's so funny?.... Oh, that." Referring, of course, to Spock -- about whose return he revealed absolutely nothing. In fact, Walter and Jimmy told us more than he did!
How can I go on? Although it wasn't a perfect weekend by a long shot, it was for the most part filled with many wonderful moments. (Besides that, what a dealers' room!) I have realised yet again what a truly special group of people we ALLIES people are. Hopefully, though not likely, maybe we can all do this again - BETTER! - next year! (Next month?)
POSTSCRIPT: Thank you Inge, Joel, Lauren, Jenni, Debbie, Carol, Fred, Annette, David, Jean Ann, Denise, Pat, and all the rest. I may have written it, but you folks brought it to life. Love ya!
P.P.S. No, copies of the script are NOT available! [12]
Space Trek 3 (1984)
Space Trek 3 was held on June 8-10, 1984. The celebrity guests were Majel Barrett, DeForest Kelley, George Takei, James Doohan, and Harve Bennett. Art in the program book was all by B.J. McCrary.
Joan Verba notes in Boldly Writing that several fans videotaped the presentations, a growing trend as hand-held video cameras became widely available.
DeForest Kelley's speech at this con was transcribed and printed in DFKIAS Yearbook 1984/85.
Space Trek 3: Con Reports
The following report on Space-Trek III in St. Louis was excerpted from Interstat.
Harve Bennett said there would definitely be a ST IV and yes, he alone bears the responsibility for blowing up the Enterprise.
He recalled his days of combat in Korea, saying "When you walk away, and you've made it, you don't once think about the equipment, you think about staying alive." The major failure of ST-TMP, he said, was that it paid extravagant homage to the Enterprise as a machine while neglecting the story of the people aboard her. Bennett admits to going to the other extreme in ST III, but denies sitting down with malicious intent to blow up the starship. That he is a humanist and idealist, finding nothing higher in drama or life than human life, may have "unconsciously" guided his choices. As a writer, he admitted that he had painted himself into a corner and that the self-destruct sequence was "the only decision the character (Kirk) could have taken, given the circumstances".
He hinted strongly that the Enterprise would be rebuilt and that it would not resemble the Excelsior [his version of the Spruce Goose].
The inclusion of pon farr was both Roddenberry's and Nimoy's idea.
David Marcus death was a requirement for the ultimate test of James T. Kirk. He called it a "dramatic imperative" necessary so that the thematic statement regarding Kirk's encounter with death could be carried through. Roddenberry contributed the protomatter story device. David's use of protomatter in Genesis enhances certain ironies and the parallels of David's having, like his father, cheated.
Other tidbits: A poignant scene on Vulcan where a small Vulcan child tells the unconscious Spock to "Live long and prosper" was cut. ["Vulcan child" remains in closing credits] Also cut were several scenes dealing with the restoration of Spock's katra to either the Hall of Ancient Thought or to his body.
When asked what he would do to Kirk, Bennett replied: "I'd courtmartial his ass." [13]
I just thought that I'd pass along a few tidbits of information about Space Trek III in St. Louis. Did any other members of the ComCon world go to this con, that you are aware of? ((Debbie Gilbert, editor, interjects]: Practically everybody except me, Phyllis — but I was there in spirit.)) Anyway, other than Doohan, Kelley and Takei as guests, writer/producer Harve Bennett was scheduled to speak. Also a surprise guest was Majel Barrett. She did not speak to the fans as a whole, but rather she pretty much remained in the dealers' room representing Lincoln Enterprises and promoting its merchandise. This way she was much more informal, and talked to us on a one—to—one basis.
For Harve Bennett, this was his first ‘real' con (and may probably be his last; he made an announcement that he probably will not return to do any more work on Star Trek, for other projects beckon him. The fans' main question of Bennett concerned the fate of the Enterprise. He explained that with all things change must take place, and with the obvious advancement that StarFleet had been making in technology, and since the Enterprise was out of date, and since he wrote himself into a corner which left him no other alternatives...Enterprise was destroyed. BUT he says there will be a new Enterprise! ((Debbie Gilbert, editor, interjects]:Sorry to disagree, but in the tape of his speech, he never made an outright statement about the future of "our" ship, though the implications were clearly there.)) The overall reaction of fans towards the Excelsior resulted in it getting the nickname of "pregnant guppy". Bennett said that that was how he wanted us to react to the Excelsior...nobody's supposed to like it.
Doohan, Kelley and Takei were delightfully charming as usual. They all gave much praise to Leonard Nimoy's direction, and said that working with him made everything run very smoothly — just like a family project.
After the banquet, there was a charity auction for the benefit of a local drug abuse program. The articles for sale were momentoes that were donated by the cast and crew of Star Trek. Total amount raised in this single auction was over $3,000.
Considering that I could only attend Saturday’s events, I regret that I can*t go into more detail. I did have a great time, though, and wanted to pass it on. Onward to Star Trek IV! [14]
I had been looking forward to this trip for weeks, now it was here, and with it the prospect of meeting George and all the others. I had only met George briefly at AuCon '81, and was thrilled at the chance of seeing him again.
It was a long flight to St. Louis [from England]. By the time we landed we were quite tired. We found our way to the hotel, and checked into our room. My friend, Janet Wicks, and I went in search of Spock. Sorry! To the local cinema, where the film was showing. It was all we expected it to be, and George had a good part this time, thank goodness.
Space Trek Convention opened on the Friday for registration only, but the sales rooms were open until late on, and what sales rooms! I wish we had the chance to buy what the dealers had there, at our cons in Britain.
George was due to talk at 9 o'clock on the Saturday morning, so we rushed down to the main hall for good seats. There were hundreds of people there. George talked about the Olympics, and his running with the Olympic Torch. He was very entertaining. I hadn't heard him talk before. He spoke of Star Trek and how he enjoyed working with Leonard Nimoy as Director.
As with other cons, George seemed to be everywhere, talking to people and posing for photographs, signing autographs, but even so some people just didn't get to see him because of the vast amount crowding around.
All too soon Sunday came round, and the end of the Con. During a party on the Sunday evening George appeared and began singing songs with us that the Con Committee had made up. He enjoyed it as much as we did. He is such a charming man, and so easy to talk to. I enjoyed seeing him again even if I didn't get to talk to him personally. This is one Con I will not forget easily.
The other highlight of this Con was shaking hands with De Kelley, and having a photo taken with him in the hotel lobby just as he was leaving for the airport. What a pleasant surprise. I only wish I could have got to see George at MidCon 1984, but you can't have it all ways, unfortunatly. Maybe next time.
I would like to say a big "thank you" to George, through the Journal, for contributing to a fantastic convention. [15]
When I arrived at the Henry VI II Inn & Lodge, I was greeted by a room full of people talking and sewing. Actually, I think there were five people in the room, two of whom were sewing. I had never been to an American convention where people were frantically finishing costumes, it's a regular occurrence at British conventions though.On the Friday, we got up early (earlier than I ever do, unless I have to set up a sales table, at British cons). Around midday I was taken to see STAR TREK III -- THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK and then we returned to the hotel to register for the con.
From then on I spent my time meeting up with people I'd met two years ago, at the first Space-Trek, a good chance to share our news. One of the best things about American conventions is that you can talk to complete strangers, join in their conversations and be accepted -- at most British conventions I've found a severe lack of this attitude (unless you're friends with certain people in British fandom, you may as well keep to yourself!) -- a sad state of affairs, I'm afraid.
The sales rooms were absolutely wonderful -- there's so much more material available in America than there ever is in England. One major difference between our dealers is that US cons seem to have an abundance of professional dealers whereas we only have two or three -- most of our sales rooms contain fan dealers selling zines and items unique to their clubs.
Another major difference between British and American conventions is that we have opening and closing ceremonies -- the opening ceremony to welcome attendees and guests and to announce any changes to the published programme, the closing ceremony to award prizes for various competitions and to officially close the event (though, there may still be a final party/cocktai1 contest -- to see who can invent the worst concoction but best-tasting drink!). It's a nice way to open and close a convention.
It seemed a little strange to wander through the Henry VI II on the Sunday evening to find nothing more than a small 'dead dog party' near the pool.
Normally I would go to see all the guests speeches but at this event I got carried away talking to people and perusing the sales rooms. I did, however, listen to George Takei's first speech and both of Mr. Kelley's. All were very interesting, although Mr.Kelley's were the best I'd ever seen. He was obviously in fine health, despite a wisdom tooth which had plagued him beforehand, and he was relaxed and happy. I can only assume he was pleased with his role in STARTREK III -- THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK (one of the best roles he's ever had) and was content with the convention organization and atmosphere. He was obviously very touched by the Oscar presented to him for his portrayal of Dr. McCoy in STAR TREK III - THE SEARCH FOR SPOCK by the convention (rarely do we see guests so moved). There are few convention guests I know-of who receive a standing ovation each time they speak at conventions, but Mr. Kelley certainly deserves it -- and usually gets it!
Well, I don't want to ramble on and bore the pants off y'all, so I'll wind up now by saying Space-Trek III was the best convention I've ever had the pleasure to attend (and I've attended more than 25 in seven years!) -- my thanks to Phyllis Sutter and Linda Lakin and their convention committee -- you did an excellent job and I shall look forward to another such event when you've had a chance to recover from this one! [16]
Well, Space-Trek III has come and gone, and the general consensus is that it was the best yet. I know it was the best con I've ever attended... and I had to work. It would be impossible to detail everything that happened during the weekend... [...]
Thursday night, Phyllis, Linda and Dwight took the Kelleys and Jimmy out to dinner and a show at the Shov-^boat on the banks of the Mississippi. There was a high school band in the audience, and of course "Bones" and "Scotty" had an autograph line on their hands. Murphy's Law. After dinner a bunch of us were in the con suite talking to George (who had Just flown in) when one of our staff came flying through the door. "I was in the lobby. They're back from dinner... and they're all coming here!" Panic!
(We did a lot of that during the weekend.) Trash was picked up, underwear stashed, bed rolls, clothes and suitcases shoved under tables. By the time they arrived, the place was spotless!., well, almost. (Jimmy and George are used to seeing the mess we work in, but De seldom sees the con suite.) De and Carolyn stayed for a drink and some chatter, but were tired and headed back to their room. The rest of the evening was spent talking about how good De looked, and how relaxed... and wasn't Carolyn wonderful?
After the final autograph session, the con was officially over... for everyone but the committee. There was still the traditional "Dead Dog Party" (and, boy, were we dead!). Unfortunately, Jimmy and Harv had to fly back to L.A. before the bash started, but George managed to join us for a filksing to end all filksings. We were all flying high. The con was a success, the committee mellow (but not drunk), and the harmony exceptional. Dwight Lakin, our chief security man (also our only security man) was even threatening to go up and "ask" De and Carolyn to come join us (by force if necessary). Another couple of drinks and i think he would have. Too bad he didn't; they probably would have enjoyed it. [17]
Space Trek 4 (1986)
After skipping a year, Space Trek 4 was held June 28-29, 1986 at the Clarion Hotel in St. Louis, MO.
The guests of honor were Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, and Nichelle Nichols. Other guests were Caroline Kelley and Richard Arnold.
There was a display in the lobby area to commemorate the recent tragedy regarding the space shuttle "Challenger."
There was a raffle for a VCR. Tickets were $1. The VCR was an Emerson with "four heads, a wireless remote, slow motion, stop action, and lots of other features."
The creators of the zine, Lifestar, held a writing contest. The winner's story (in script form), "You Left WHAT on Board" by Cheryl Hendry, was read aloud on stage by Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley.
Space Trek 4: Con Reports
SPACE TREK IV was held June 28-29, 1986 at the Clarion Hotel in St. Louis. Four members from our Louisville Club (Columbia shuttlecraft, part of the U.S.S. Tradition in Hawthorne, CA) carpooled to St. Louis. We arrived about 12 Noon.
Someone mentioned there were about 1500 fans registered for the con.
Richard Arnold showed some funny slides of the ST episodes. They seemed like bloopers. Nichelle Nichols spoke next and was basically a repeat of Anaheim for me, but I just enjoyed seeing her and listening to her comments and questions and answers.
Terry Erdman (20th Century Fox) showed previews of the following upcoming science fiction movies: "Big Trouble in Little China", "Aliens", and "The Fly". Just this past week, I saw "Big Trouble in Little China" at the movies. If you're a Kurt Russell or kung-fu fan, you'll like it. Our local club here in Louisville (Columbia shuttlecraft) will be renting "Alien" and will watch it in dolby stereo at Butch's house tomorrow night. I can hardly wait, since I have not seen it yet. If you saw the 1968 horror classic of "The Fly", you’ll probably like this version with Jeff Goldblum, since the previews were pretty good.
The costume contest was really nice. I can't begin to tell you all the different ones that were there. The costume I liked was the Vulcan priestess. It was very elaborate and stunning. (Editor's note: See, I told you Patrice! Everybody loved your costume! For those of you who don't know Patrice Pellerito, she's from Dearborn Heights, Michigan.... can do her make up to look like Robin Curtis...or anyone else Vulcan or Romulan for that matter. She is also an expert at costuming, a belly dancer, and.... )
De Kelley and Leonard Nimoy read the winning ST story script between Bones and Spock in their character voices. Everyone enjoyed it. Plus questions were asked about STIV and "Is Saavik pregnant?” came up again with, of course, no answer.
Autograph sessions were held both days for one hour and most everyone was able to get Leonard and Nichelle's autograph. The banquet/charity auction was the highlight of the weekend.
On the menu was fruit cocktail, salad, cornish game hen, zucchini, carrots, rice, coffee, and ice cream. The banquet hall was packed, maybe 700 to 800 people. After dinner, Nichelle sang a bit and ended with her new ST single.
Then the charity auction began. This was lots of fun. All proceeds went to Paraquad of St. Louis, a non-profit corporation designed to bring independent living to disabled persons living in the St. Louis area. Parquad was founded by Max Starkloff in 1970. Max was disabled in an automobile accident. I really wasn't planning on getting anything at the auction, but Pat and Sharon gave me some helpful tips on bidding and I ended up with two press kits of ST I and ST III. I would have bought ST II had that one been offered. Maybe next year. However, the highlight of the auction was a large United Federation of Planets seal that stood above Spock's console. This was auctioned off for $1200. About $4100 was raised for Paraquad.
I think I enjoyed Space Trek IV a little more than Starlog's 20th Anniversary con in Anaheim, but I'm glad I had a chance to go to both. [18]
It is with more than little surprise that I came to realize the man behind the pointy-ears was an entirely separate being fromthe character I have loved for the last 20 years. Surprise, shock, and a great deal of guilt.
How often has an identical twin said, "I am me, not my twin!"? We try to separate two individuals, only to return full circle to, "This is John and Joe, the Anderson twins." Two separate beings are again joined and one.
When an actor is the most successful at his craft, the audience witnesses not two separate beings, but one. Not an actor playing a role, but the character himself, or herself. The actor begins by immersing himself in his role only to find he IS the character to those watching.
The problem comes when the actor desires to be himself again, and his fans refuse to allow the separation of entities, refusing to allow the man who performs a craft to lay aside, like a ventriloquist's dummy, the character they witnessed come to life. But, in refusing to relinquish the character, are we, the fans, truly paying tribute to the genius behind the fiction?
Many actors and actresses have been "type-cast" because of a role they happened to play once, albeit, their performance of that character was outstanding and long remembered. But, is this tribute to their greatness?
Such a man is Leonard Nimoy, who happened to be chosen to portray an alien among humans in the now cancelled TV series STAR TREK. He has alternately described his character, Mr. Spock, as a blessing and a curse. The role of Mr. Spock, the half Vulcan/half Human, First Officer-Chief Science Officer of the United Starship ENTERPRISE, has, as Mr. Nimoy stated, "... made me wealthy." It has also made him famous beyond his wildest dreams. Mr. Nir.ioy answers as freely to "Hello, Mr. Spock" as he does to "Aren't you Leonard Nimoy?" I am guilty as any other.
When I first saw Mr. Nimoy in person at Space Trek IV, in St. Louis, my first thought was, "Gee, he looks funny without the ears."
Then, through the magic he possesses, my "Mr. Spock" became "Leonard Nimoy, the man". His humor, smile, laugh, wit, and caring flowed to each corner of the room, to engulf each person there. It no longer seemed to matter if the character and the man were one and the same, or that they were two separate people. The man, the basis for the character, shone his bright and multi -faceted light for all to see.
It is hard to lay aside your 'first love', but I found, sitting there enthralled, not the death of my 'first love', but another side to his - if you will excuse the pun - character taking shape, expanding. I found, I had come full circle back to the twin theory. They are one and the same, the back side of the same coin; yet, and still, entirely separate beings.
For me, Spock and Nimoy will ever and always be the same, yet separate. For it take, the one to make the other believable. There can be no life for the other without the magic the one possesses.
When asked by a fan what he would like to be most remembered for, Mr. Nimoy answered, (and I paraphrase here)... as a good husband, father, actor...
All I can say of them both, is: "LIVE LONG AND PROSPER, GENTLEMEN!" [19]
Space Trek 5
June 25, 1988 at the Henry VIII Hotel. Guests were Ron Perlman (Beauty and the Beast), George Takei and Nichelle Nichols. It included an art show, art auction, videos, panels, costume contest, writing contest, banquet and charity auction.
There are many accounts of this con, including interview transcripts, in Beauty and the Beast newsletters and letterzines. See Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter and Passages.
Ron Perlman (one photo with a fan) from Once Upon a Time...Is Now #2
Howard Gordon from Once Upon a Time...Is Now #2
Space Trek 5: Con Reports
This was to be my first American Con, so little did I know what I was in for. The flight was long and tiring, but after checking into our Con Hotel we went [to see] 'In Search of Spock' - and what a film that turned out to be. The Con itself started on the Friday morning with registration, a party with filk singing; the Dealers rooms were also open for early perusal and a few items were snapped up eagerly. The Con proper got under way early Saturday morning with talks by George, Jimmy and Harve Bennett - who talked about ST3 and even ST4; but the highlight was the talk by DeForest Kelley later that morning. De looked absolutely great and he received a tremendous reception from the fans. He talked about his role in the film and there was a question and answer session. Then it was time for us to line up for the autograph session, but we were disappointed when the line was stopped half way; and that could have been a disappointing end to the Con, but Monday made up for it. As we were due to leave and stay with a friend for a few days, we decided to wait in reception to see her. There were four of us sat chatting to a pen friend and a Canadian fan, when suddenly my arm was shaken and we saw De and his wife corning towards us. The Committee chairman brought them over to see us, we shook hands and had our photo taken with De. What a great end to a fantastic first U.S. Con. Roll on the next one. I won't forget it... [20]
This was my first American Con, but it certainly won't be my last. What an experience! The flight to St Louis was long and tiring, and after checking into our Con hotel, my friend and I went [to see] In Search of Spock. And what a film it turned out to be! The Con itself started on the Friday with registration, and also the dealers rooms opened for business. A few items from the film were snapped up quickly.Jet lag then took over and an early night was indicated. Saturday dawned very warm and sunny. As there was to be an early start, George was due to talk at 9am, and De Kelley at 1,30pm so seats were taken quickly, so we would have a good view when De Kelley came on. I missed Jimmy's first talk as I wanted to look round the dealers but I heard he was good, as he always is. Soon it was time for the highlight of the day, seeing De Kelley for the first time. What a reception! The applause went on for ages and he was bombarded by flash cubes. He looked great and talked about his role in the film, and a general question and answer session. He was really great to listen to. Sunday came all too quickly, as it always does at Cons, and we were rushing for seats again. There was also an auction and a very good trivia quiz. During the second autograph line De had to stop signing because of a badly swollen hand, and it was disappointing not to have met him, but there was to be a surprise the next day. As we were to leave on the Monday with a penpal we hung around reception talking to friends when suddenly De and his wife came down the corridor and the committee member brought him over to meet us. We shook hands and had our photo taken with him. What an end to a memorable Con!
Roll on the next one! [21]
I just returned one week ago tonight from the Star Trek/B&TB convention in St. Louis. It was just wonderful. I had never been to a Con before although I knew a little about them because 1 have a good friend who is heavy into Star Trek and has been for years. I have heard her stories about the cons and fandom. So, I went knowing a little but wasn't prepared for such a good time.
Of course, the highlight was Ron Perlman. The look on his face when he entered the banquet room was great. I think he still must be somewhat awed by the popularity of the show and his character. If I had to describe him, I would say he is a very down to earth kind of guy. He has a wonderful sense of humor and was very open and kind to the fans. Several gave him gifts .. . drawings of himself, drawings of Vincent. One girl gave him a stained glass rose (beautiful) and a man gave him a ceramic statue of Vincent. These were not tacky gifts, these were beautiful works of art and Ron was very appreciative.
He was anxious to answer all his fans' questions and there were many of those. He did say that in December there would be a calendar out concerning B&TB, and they were in the process of putting together some tapes where he would be doing some readings - Shakespeare, etc. Also, he mentioned that the first and last episode of B&TB would be coming out on video tape soon. He spoke for one hour and then broke to begin the autographing session. There were a lot of people in line, but he was gracious enough to make sure we all got an autograph. I had my camera, of course, and took a lot of pictures which I just got back today and they turned out great. My "big" regret is that I did not know that video cameras are allowed and I could have taped his entire interview. Where was my camera???? At home in the closet. I guess I just figured that the studio would not allow the interview to be put on film. DARN! Oh well, I have learned my lesson. Many people there did have tape recorders and I didn't think of that either. But I will be prepared the next time.
Another enjoyable part of the Con was meeting other fans and getting to share experiences. All in all, it was just a lot of fun. [22]
Although the con was not a huge one (due to various difficulties such as the out clause that many actors have in appearance contracts, which is necessary for their work schedules but makes it difficult to do much advertising), it was a huge success in terms of enthusiasm. Aside from the anticipation of waiting to see Ron, there were several other things going on: a showing of the Cocteau film; a trivia contest (provided by yours truly); and an acting contest. This last turned out to be rather interesting; three couples were picked and asked to interpret a scene from "A Happy Life," and the couple who won consisted of two women, who were quite good!
One big bonus of the afternoon was getting to meet Ron Koslow, the creator of "Beauty and the Beast," who showed up In a sort of "anonymous" way at the door, apparently curious to see Just what was going on. (He's an extremely modest, not to mention shy man—he Intro duced himself at the registration table as being "with Ron Perlman."!)
I recognized him immediately and Introduced myself; I just had to shake his hand and thank him for this beautiful show he's given us. I tried to explain (though I was a little nervous and babbled slightly!) how much I appreciated the synchronicity, the emotional connections between the pilot and "A Happy Life," in particular the emphasis on the Idea of "aloneness" stressed In both of them, which shifts from being Vincent's condition in the pilot to being Catherine's state in "AHL." He actually seemed surprised and gratified that I had picked up on these connections (he doesn't know what we're like yet!) and thanked me very genuinely.
From there he went into the auditorium and sat in a row close to the back, probably assuming he wouldn't be noticed. Not a chance— within minutes there was a cluster of people around him. I did get one other chance to speak to him, and showed him a portrait of Vincent that my friend Pat Horowitz had done (with which he was definitely Impressed); I told him that he had given us a thing of such beauty and richness that we, as fans, couldn't help but respond, and that many of us, having been Star Trek fans for several years, felt that "Beauty and the Beast" was the first show on television since the original Star Trek series to have that same resonance and quality that appeals to people on such a basic but profound level. His eyes got really wide at that point — I had the feeling that he couldn't quite believe that he was being credited with having created a show of that sort of permanence and universality — and again he thanked me very warmly. Definitely a very nice man. I know that he has received lots of letters since the show began, but from his reactions to all the fans who spoke to him, I think he now has an idea.
[MUCH snipped about Perlman's one hour appearance]. [23]
- ^ "We've received complete details on KC CON IV, to be held July27-28. If you were disappointed at the demise of Space Trek, you might plan on attending this one."
- ^ by Page Lewis from WKFS Journal (September 1983)
- ^ by Beverly Brown from WKFS Journal (September 1983)
- ^ Eileen Harman from WKFS Journal (September 1983)
- ^ Ted Schneiderman from from WKFS Journal (September 1983)
- ^ from WKFS Journal (September 1983)
- ^ from Renaissance: A Study of His Art #3
- ^ from Renaissance: A Study of His Art #3
- ^ from the editor of Communications Console (July/Aug 1983)
- ^ This is a jab at "Trekkies" and "Trekkers."
- ^ from Melissa Lee and Jeanie Peeples in Communications Console (July/Aug 1983)
- ^ from Melissa Lee in Communications Console (July/Aug 1983)
- ^ paraphrased from an issue of Interstat, submitted to Usenet - Harve Bennett Comments by Alice Greene (Jul 12, 1984)
- ^ from Phyllis Langdon in Communications Console (Sept/Oct 1984)
- ^ from Lynne Sheppard in G.H.T. Journal #6
- ^ from Lynn Campion in The DeForest Dispatch #2
- ^ from Sue Keenan in The DeForest Dispatch #2
- ^ by Carolyn Barrett in Communications Console (July/Aug 1986)
- ^ by Diane R. Durham in Communications Console (July/Aug 1986)
- ^ from Voyager #7
- ^ from Beta-Niobe August 1984
- ^ from Beauty and The Beast: The Newsletter #3
- ^ from Once Upon a Time...Is Now #2