Love of Trek

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Star Trek Convention
Name: Love of Trek
Dates: February 11-13, 1983
Frequency: one time
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Type: fan con
Focus: Star Trek: TOS
Founder: unknown
Founding Date:
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Love of Trek was a one-time Star Trek: TOS fan-run convention held Omaha, Nebraska in 1983. Besides DeForest Kelley, guests were Ann Crouch, Steve Gray, Dan Huckins, Linda Romano, and Fred Von Tobel.

From Boldly Writing: "DeForest Kelley was guest of honor. The fans running it seemed to have had little or no experience with fan-run conventions; they modeled it on a professional convention. For instance, fan-run conventions normally give attendees a badge with their name on it. This name tag has two purposes. The first is to admit attendees to convention events. The second is to allow fans who know each other's names through fanzines but who have never met to identify each other on sight. Love of Trek gave attendees only a plain plastic band to admit them to convention events. Love of Trek also had no hospitality suite, which is common to fan-run conventions but almost always absent at professional conventions."