The Planet Spock

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Convention skit
TitleThe Planet Spock
Fandom(s)Star Trek: TOS
Author(s)Allies for Star Trek, a fan club
Related articles on Fanlore.

The Planet Spock was a satirical musical spoof of "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" written and performed by members of the fan club, Allies for Star Trek.

It was written by Melissa Lee, Jean Ann Hodge and Phyliss Sutter.

It debuted at Space Trek #2.

It was also performed in 1984 and 1985 at some Allies for Star Trek fan gatherings.


It's over. At last. "Planet Spock" made its debut at Space Trek II and it was... a success. All the hours of practice, all the hours of painting, and all the nervousness was worth it. The accomplishment is something we can all take pride in. I am proud of it, and especially of the following people: Melissa Lee, the writer and "Chekov", without whom there would have been no play in the first place; David Jackson, a very lovable "Bones"; Fred Black, our wonderful Mr. Scott, Annette Taylor, who stole the show as Uhura; Carol Marsh, who battled "morning sickness" to be Saavik; Inge Bryant, a very classy Ms. Roarke; Jenni Bauer, a most memorable Sulu-ette, Franke Jackson as Rand, Lauren Bauer, who did an outstanding job as Tinkerbell as well as understudy for Saavik, the backstage crew - Breazi Brazeale, Patricia Pate, and our "Official Trekkie"--Denise Hinson; and last, but certainly the most... Debbie, Gilbert and Joel Murdock. Debbie for her wonderful portrayal of Admiral Kirk... and Joel, our Spock who was truly an answer to prayer, not to mention the most georgeous Vulcan we've seen in some time. (Now, Joel, you're blushing!) Thanks, Joel, for a strong performance, a great voice, and an experience that was...totally real...

A special word of thanks must also go to Hal Donovan of St. Louis. As the "audio" expert for the convention, he spent much time and effort helping us get "wired for sound". He was and is, a true gentleman. We thank him for his encouragement and support as well. Thank you, Hal!

"The Planet Spock" is something we won't soon forget. We wish all of you could have been with us to share it. We felt your support and your prayers... thank you. Perhaps the day will come when the cast and crew can say, "We're gonna do it...AGAIN... [1]

The Printed Program

This skit was unique in that it had a printed program.


  1. ^ from Communications Console July/Aug 1983