Hardware Wars

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Fan Film
Title: Hardware Wars
Creator: Ernie Fosselius
Date: 1978
Length: 13 minutes
Medium: live action/puppets
Genre: parody
Fandom: Star Wars

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fan poster created by AtariBoy2600

Hardware Wars is a 1978 Star Wars parody film.

It was created by Ernie Fosselius and is considered to be one of the first Star Wars fan films. George Lucas, himself has also said it is one of his favorite parodies.

It could sometimes be found at video stores as Hardware Wars and other film farces, accompanied by more of Fosselius's films: "Closet Cases of the Nerd Kind", "Bambi Meets Godzilla", and "Porklips Now."[1] It has also been screened at various festivals and conventions.


  • Frank Robertson as 4-Q-2 (C3PO, but he resembles The Wizard of Oz's Tin Man)
  • Artie Deco (R2-D2) as Himself (a vacuum cleaner}
  • Scott Mathews as Fluke Starbucker (Luke Skywalker)
  • Jeff Hale as Augie "Ben" Doggie (Obi-Wan Kenobi)
  • Cindy Furgatch (Freeling) as Princess Anne-Droid (Princess Leia)
  • Bob Knickerbocker as Ham Salad (Han Solo)
  • Chewchilla The Wookie Monster (Chewbacca, also a parody of Sesame Street's Cookie Monster)
  • Ernie Fosselius in miscellaneous roles
  • Paul Frees provided the narration.

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See also
