Timeline of Bandom (Decaydance+, My Chemical Romance)

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Fandom: Bandom (Decaydance+, My Chemical Romance)
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Below is a timeline of developments in the music RPF fandom known as bandslash fandom aka weemo bandom aka Bandom. Not to be confused with the other fandom sometimes known as Bandom or the general phenomenon of bandslash.

Some band canon events are included on this page. For a more detailed canon timeline, see the Ultimate Cross-Bandom Timeline.


Fall Out Boy forms.

My Chemical Romance forms.

The Used forms.



The Academy Is... forms.

Gym Class Heroes is signed to Fueled By Ramen.


Panic! at the Disco forms.


The Immortality Project, an MCR fansite, appears circa 2005.

The Hush Sound is signed to Decaydance.


Cobra Starship forms.


The Cab is signed to Decaydance.



FOB announces a hiatus.



frerardfics is created on tumblr.

Fall Out Boy Song Title Meme begins on Tumblr.


  • February 2: bandom_meme is created on dreamwidth - commentfic fest
  • March: Bandom BFF Fest
  • June 22: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave one.[13]
  • July 16: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave two (podfics).[14]
  • August 22: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave three.[15]

Twenty One Pilots is signed to Fueled By Ramen.


  • February 4: FOB announce they are getting back together; fandom rejoices.
  • March 22: MCR breaks up; fandom cries forever.
  • April 12: FOB's fifth album, Save Rock and Roll, is released.
  • June 21: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave one.[16]
  • July 15: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave two.[17]
  • August 23: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave three.[18]
  • September: bandom_holidays dreamwidth community is created, with the first gift exchange to go live in December.
  • October 8: PATD's fourth album, Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!, is released. Only album for which Dallon Weekes is an official member.


  • July 21: Thanks, Pete meme begins.
  • July 23: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave one.[19]
  • July 29: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave two.[20]
  • September 1: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave three.[21]


  • January 16: FOB's sixth album, American Beauty/American Psycho, is released.
  • April 2: Spencer Smith announces he is leaving PATD.
  • May 25: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave one.[22]
  • September 8: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang wave two.[23]
  • November 10: Cobra Starship breaks up.


  • January 15: PATD's fifth album, Death of a Bachelor, is released. Brendon Urie is the only remaining member.
  • July: Warner Bros releases a cryptic short video for MCR, and fandom flips out for a day until they release a followup statement clarifying that the band isn't getting back together.[12] The Black Parade is re-released instead.
  • September 12: Posting for Bandom Big Bang begins.[24]



  • January 19: FOB's seventh album, Mania, is released, showcasing FOB's enduring interest in fursuits.
  • February 27: no_tags exchange restarted after three-year hiatus.
  • June 22: PATD's sixth album, Pray for the Wicked, is released.
  • November 28: Posting begins for Bandom Big Bang. This is the last successful big bang challenge for the fandom until 2021.[26]



  • December 5: New mods announce they are reviving Bandom Big Bang.[27]


  • July 1: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Big Bang 2021.[28]


  • May 16: MCR's reunion tour, rescheduled from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, begins.
  • July 1: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Big Bang 2022.[29]
  • July 1: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Summer Blowout challenge.[30]
  • August 26: L.S. Dunes, a new supergroup including Frank Iero of MCR and the drummer from Thursday, releases its first single, along with a music video. Fans start writing fanfic about the band; the most popular ship is Anthony Green/Frank Iero.


  • March 26: MCR's reunion tour ends.
  • July 1: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Big Bang 2023.[31]
  • July 3: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Summer Blowout 2023.[32]


  • July: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Big Bang 2024.[33]
  • July: AO3 collection goes live for Bandom Summer Blowout 2024.[34]
  • November: Former MCR drummer Bob Bryar dies.


  1. ^ i_amclandestine. panic at the disco are such sellouts, 15 Mar 2005. Wayback Machine archived page of ljtop's archive of Ryan Ross's LJ post
  2. ^ There was a debate in mcrsecrets whether stfugerard was actually a fan community or not. secrets post no.14: mcrsecrets, Archived version, February 2, 2006.
  3. ^ archived
  4. ^ untitled ohnotheydidnt post, Archived version, 17 May 2006.
  5. ^ various questions..., Archived version, comment by belladonnalin in a bandfandom_ref post, Jan. 5th, 2008.
  6. ^ sad news..., Archived version, posted by swr2_shakeitup in patd, 2006-05-17. The post has 491 comments. (Accessed 13 June 2021.)
  7. ^ untitled damnyouwentz post, Archived version, 2006-05-17.
  8. ^ The comm was deleted by April 2008[1][2], and someone started bandomsecrets2 to replace it, but bandomsecrets2 had only 4 posts and 170 comments. (accessed 13 May 2018)
  9. ^ popoffacork - Profile, Archived version
  10. ^ Rolling Stone, Panic At the Disco Lose Members Ryan Ross and Jon Walker, published July 6, 2009 (retrieved Sept 23, 2014).
  11. ^ P!aTD: Spencer Smith Interview!, Archived version, posted in failboatsinlove, 29 July 2009.
  12. ^ nofunclvb. and there you have it, Archived version, posted to tumblr, 21 July 2016.
  13. ^ instagram post by dallonweekes, 27 December 2017