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List of Doctor Who Fanzines

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This is a partial list of fanzines that have Doctor Who content. For a full list, see Category:Doctor Who Zines

Zine Title Content Year of Publication
20 Years of Time Travel Reviewed 1980s
41st Sector gen, Blake's 7, fanfic 1998
500 Year Diary gen, Blake's 7, cartoons 1990s
Adara gen anthology, fiction and non-fiction 1980s
Adventures in Time and Animal Husbandry gen, fanfic 1980s
The Adventure of the Blue Police Call Box slash, crossover, Sherlock, Wholock 2012
Adric's War novel 1992
Aggedor gen, fanfic 1980s?
Airs Above Ground 1991
Airwaves Doctor Who Special gen, fanfic 1993
Alien Corn gen, fanfic 1991
Alien Profile 1981-1982
allons-y gen 2010s
Another Life Crossover with Torchwood 2009
APC Net 1983-?
Apocrypha (Doctor Who zine) anthology 1993
Alpha Factor crossover with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1994
Amazing Journeys non-fiction 1979
Androzani gen, fiction/nonfiction? 1984-1985
The Animus fics, reviews 1980s
Another Time and Space: Doctor Who on New Zealand Television nonfiction
Antonine Killer gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1990s
Apocrypha gen 1993 (estimate)
Aukon gen, fanfic, fanart 1990s
Australian Whovian Fanzine nonfiction 1990s
Australian Whovian Newsletter newsletter 1990s
Autoguard content unknown mid-1980s
Auton gen, fanfic, fanart 1989-1998, 2010
Babelfish gen mid-1980s
Baby Roo
Bafflegab gen, fanfic, fanart 1985-1986
Baker's Dozen gen 1986
The Beacon club zine 1978-1980
Behind the Blue Door gen, Blake's 7 1988 (estimate)
Behind the Scenes gen 1994
The Belphegor Inheritance gen, fanfic 1994
Beyond the Sun non-fiction? ?-1989?
Black Light gen 1992-1998
Black Orchid nonfiction, possibly fanfic 1993
The Black Pyramid gen 1985 (estimate)
The Black Scrolls of Rassilon gen, nonfiction, possibly fanfic 1994-1995
Blinovitch (also B7) gen, Blake's 7, fanfic/nonfiction?
Blood Will Tell gen, vampires 1999
Blue Box articles, reviews, interviews, and fiction 2010-2011
The Blue Guardian het, adult, fanfic, fanart 1982
Blueworlds het anthology 1994
Blue Unicorn adult het 1992
Bog Off! gen 1983-1985
Bog Off 86.3% slash 1994
The Boot Cupboard club newsletter 1980s
Borusa's Trousers gen, fanfic 1995
Brave New World gen 1992
Broadsword gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1995-1998
The Burning Ground gen 1994
Burnt Toast gen, horror 1990-1992
Calipheron #1-6 gen, unknown content 1995-1997
Cameca gen, unknown content 1986
Campaign gen, fanfic 2000
The Candle That Burns Brightest and Other Stories anthology 2005
The Capitol newsletter 1986-1987
The Capitol Times newletter 1986
Capital Spires #1-9 gen, unknown content 1993-1996
Cassiopeia #1-3 gen, nonfiction 1983-1994
Castrovalva gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1985
The Cat Who Walked Through Time gen, fanfic, feline themes 2000
The Celestial Toyroom newsletter 1976-present
Chameleon Factor gen, unknown content 1980s-1990s
Chardisgarwin novelette
Children of Darkness novel 1988
Children of Zeos possible anthology 1985-1988
Cloister Bell gen, fiction, nonfiction 1982
Chromakey newsletter
Chronic Hysteresis gen, unknown content 1980s
Chronos gen, unknown content 1995-1996
Chronotis gen, nonfiction 1988-?
Circus gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1993-2003
City on the Edge of Nowhere gen, Star Trek TOS 1988
Club Tropicana #1-4 gen, fanfic
The Coatrack anthology, fiction and non-fiction 1980s
Companion (Doctor Who zine) 1981
The Companions (Doctor Who zine) anthology 1986-1992
The Concepts of Time Travel in Doctor Who non-fiction early 1990s
Constellation of Kasterborus club zine 1987
Continuing Mission: The New Adventure Fanzine 1990s
Conveyer Belt gen, het, adult 1985
Corridors of Time anthology 1986
Cosmic 1979
Cosmic Hobo #1-4 gen, fanfic 1983-1989
Cosmic Hobo Times newsletter
Cosmic Masque #1-18 gen, fanfic 1977-?
Cosmic Relief gen, fanfic
Cosmos 1982-1989
Cottage Under Siege #1-3 gen, fanfic 1993-1994
The Console Room #1-11/12? gen, fanfic 1988-1993?
The Creator tribute zine
The Cricketer: Tales of the Fifth Doctor fanfic, other unknown content 1989-1992
Crossed Computers anthology, fanfic 1989-1991
Crossing Paths: Through the Gateway novel, crossover with Star Trek TNG 1995
The Crystal of Kronos 1988
The Curse 1996-?
Cyberdawn 1990s
Cybermag unknown content 1980s
The Dalek Illustrated Variants Manual non-fiction 1987
The Dalek Masterplan gen novel 1987
Dark Circus #1-2 nonfiction 1998
The Dark Midnight gen novel
Data Extract #1-140 newsletter 1980-1998
Davros Din-Dins' club newsletter
Death Trap novel 1981
The Definitive Article gen, fanfic 1985
The Derby Doctor Who Newsletter #1-8 newsletter 1989
The Derby Whotopian #1-6 newsletter 1990-1994
Desert Places gen, fanfic
Destiny #1-9/10 gen, fanfic, nonfiction
Deva Loka gen, unknown content 1983
The Devil Made Me Write This gen, unknown content
Dimension 4 #1-3 gen, fanfic, fanart 1984 (3rd issue)
Doc Follies fanfic and non-fiction 1981
The Doctor and the Suit gen novel 1986
The Doctor Huh Annual anthology 1982
The Doctor's Recorder #1-34 gen 1997-2003
Doctor Two Toons cartoons 1988
Doctor Who: Adventures Through Space and Time gen anthology around 1990
Doctor Who: An Adventure in Space & Time (later In-Vision) gen, non-fiction 1980-1988
Doctor Who and Shada gen, fanfic 1989, reprint 2006
Doctor Who and the City of Death gen, fanfic 1992 (1st ed)
The Doctor and the Enterprise gen, Star Trek: TOS 1981
Doctor Who - Gallifrey unknown content 1983-?
Doctor Who Gazette unknown content 1980-late 1981 or early 1982
Doctor Who and the City of Pentas gen novel 1985
Doctor Who and the Hodge-Podge gen, fanfic 1985
Doctor Who and the Pirate Planet gen, fanfic 1990 (1st ed)
Doctor Who and the Reluctant Companion #1-2 gen, Blake's 7 1991-1993
Doctor Who and the Revenge of Everyone novel 1980s
Doctor Who and the Shadow Lord gen novel 1984
Doctor Who Data File anthology
Doctor Who Fan Annual gen, unknown content 1980s
Doctor Who Fan Club Monthly club newsletter 1972
The Doctor Who Interviews of Joe Nazarro gen, nonfiction 1992
Doctor Who Junkie gen, anthology
The Doctor Who Listener 1989-1993
Doctor Who Magazine 1984
Doctor Who Oddball gen, parody 1989-
The Doctor Who Project gen, fanfic 1999
The Doctor Who Project Season 30 Omnibus gen, fanfic 2002
The Doctor Who Review gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1980-?
Doctor Who: The Next Generation gen, fanfic
Doctor Whom #1-10 gen, unknown content 1990s
Dodecahedron apazine 1986-1987
Doesn't This Outfit Just Scream for Accessories... costuming 1980
Doppelganger (Doctor Who zine) 1990s
Double Talk #1-4 newsletter
Dreams by Day and Night gen 1992
Dreams Incorporated gen, fanfic
Dr. Who and the Hodge-Podge crossovers with many media properties 1986
Dwarf Star gen, fiction, nonfiction 1987
EFG fandom parody 1996
Encyclopaedia Gallifreiica resource zine 1980s
Encyclopedia Gallifrey 2013
Enlightenment newsletter 2010s
Enlightenment and Persuasion newsletter 1980s
The Epic of Doctor Who 1982
Eternity (previously "Tardis") #1-10 gen, Red Dwarf, Star Trek TOS 1990s
The Experiential Grid 1987-1988
The Exploits of Dokter Ooh! anthology 1991
The Eye of Harmony #1-4 gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1979-1980
Eye of Horus #1-10 gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1983-1985
Eyepiece (Doctor Who zine) 2004-2005
The Faces of Time #1-4 gen, fanfic 1981-1984
Faithful Friends/Agreeable Companions fanfic 1991
Fanboy fanfic 1993
Fan Mail #1-4 nonfiction, cartoons 1990 (4th issue)
Far Horizons gen, fiction, comics 1994
Faze anthology ?
The First Doctor (Doctor Who zine)
Five Hundred Eyes gen 1990s
Fish Fingers and Custard anthology 2010-current
Flight Through Eternity nonfiction mid-1980s
The Fluid Link gen anthology
The Fowling Piece: Made in Birmingham gen, fanfic
Four Hundred Dawns anthology 1991
The Frame non-fiction 1987-1993
The Friends of Doctor Who newsletter
From the Notebook of Sarah Jane gen 1983
Frontier Worlds #1-18 gen, Blake's 7
Frontios gen anthology 1991
Full Circle (Doctor Who zine) non-fiction 1984
Galacticamania gen, fanfic, Battlestar Galactica (1978) 1988
Galaxy Five gen anthology 1984
Galaxy Four 1978
The Gallifreyan Dispatches gen
The Gallifreyan Home Companion gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1986-1998, 2003
Gallifreyan Times 1980-1982
Gallifrey (Doctor Who zine) 1983
Gallifrey Chronicles #1-7 gen, fanfic, nonfiction
The Gallifrey Connection gen, fanfic, unknown content 1983
The Gallifrey Gazette #1-6 gen, newsletter 1978-?
Gallifrey: The Seat of Time gen
Gallifreyan Graffiti #1-127 gen, newsletter, fanfic, nonfiction ?-1997
Game of Rassilon 1980s
Gateway to Time #1-4 gen, Blake's 7 1985 (2nd issue) -1988
Genesis gen 1977
The Gilded Cage (Star Trek: TOS/Doctor Who zine) gen novel, crossover with Star Trek TOS 1981
Glory Daze anthology 1990s
Glory of the Daleks gen, fanfic 1992
Guardians of Gallifrey Yearbook 1988
Hand of Fear newsletter 1980s
Hand of Omega nonfiction 1980s
Happiness Patrol gen
The Hartnell Years 1980s
Hope Zine gen/charity zine 2021
The Hourly Press gen anthology
Hungryyy gen
The Hybrid het 2018
Images Blake's 7 1981
I'm Not Supposed to Get Involved
Inferno Fiction
The Inferno Magazine anthology 1981
Infinite Dreams #1-4 2002-2004
Inner Door gen anthology 1991
Intergalactic Enquirer
The Invengos Times 1982
Impressed 1984
Inter Vention role playing newsletter 1986
In the Vortex het anthology
In Tua Nua gen anthology 1996
Invasion club zine 1977
It's No Fun Being Adult If You Can't Be Childish Sometimes gen 1987
It's No Fun Being an Adult If You Can't Be Childish Sometimes gen anthology 1985
I've Got A Big Scarf, What About Me Hat? early 1980s
Jelly Baby Chronicles
Jovankan Liberators
Junkyard 1988-?
Kasterborian Nights
Kenowa club zine 1980s
The Key (Doctor Who zine) gen non-fiction 1988
The Keys of Chatelaine
The Keys of Time
The Key Presents gen non-fiction
Knight Progenitor 1991
Kolquilion Chronicles gen, fanfic, nonfiction mid 1980s
Krang 1980s
Land of Fiction
The Late Great Killer Cartoon Book 1984
The Legacy of Sion
Legion Lore
The Leisure Hive (Doctor Who zine)
The Lieutenant's Log gen anthology 1985-1988
The Light Is Just Now Reachin' Earth gen anthology 1987
Lock, Stock & Barrel art (comics) 1987
Luminous Force newsletter 1980s
The Magister unknown 1980s
Mandragora with Blake's 7 1983-1984
Mandragora Helix 1985-1986
Master Control 1990s
The Master's Daughter 1987
The Master Takes a Holiday gen novel 1988
Matrix Crown 1987-1988
The Matrix Printout 1986
The Maxil Chronicles anthology 1994
The Megara
Mentalis club newsletter 1983-1988
The Michaelmas Phantoms
Missing Pieces
Mistfall #1-24 (clubzine) 1990s
Moonbase reviews 1979
Morbius newsletter 1980s
Mounds of Time
my daleks are bigger than yours 1990s
Myth Makers
Myth Makers Presents
Necros 1980s
Nekros 1993
Nemesis (Doctor Who zine) 1991
Neutron Flow
The New Adventures Handbook 1996
News, Views, and Reviews non-fiction 1983
Never Steal a TARDIS You Can't Live With anthology 1984
Nightmare of Readin' gen 1987-?
Not So Much a Fanzine, More a Way of Life 1980s
The Novacastian Doctor Who Fan Club Newsletter club newsletter 1987
November Spawned a Monster 1996
Oddball 1989
Odyssey (Doctor Who zine) 1986
Of Babel Fish & Gumblejack newsletter 1987-?
Operation Golden Age nonfiction 1985
Orbital Vectors nonfiction, gen mid 1980s
Paisley Pattern (clubzine) 1989-195
Panic Moon gen anthology 2010s
Panopticon West Filk Booklet con zine 1983
Paradise Lost (Doctor Who fanzine) 1984
Paradox (Quantum Leap/Doctor Who zine) novel, crossover with Quantum Leap 1992
Passage Through Time
Past Tense, Future Perfect
The Pawn of Leptos 1981
Peking Homunculus
Peladon 1989-1991
Perfect Timing 1998-1999
Perigosto Stick 1991-1994
Pharos Project newsletter 1984
Pickled in Time Blake's 7 1994
Pieces of Fate
Pirate Planet 1988
Pirate Planet (Doctor Who zine) 1986
Pocket Notes newsletter 1984
Police Boxes newsletter 1985
The Pre-Trial Hearing of a Time Lord gen novel
Private Who
The Project gen fiction
Prydonian Excerpts: A Legend in His Own Mind novel early 1990s
Psycho-Daleks 1989-?
Purple Haze 1990-1993
The Prydonian Renegade newsletter 1984
Queen Bat anthology 1980
Qui to Time
Rassilon's Star
Rat's Tales
The Rebel, The Crystal and The Timelord multifandom
The Relative Times newsletter 1989-2004
A Renegade's Story gen novel 1990s
Requiem for a Time Lord gen novel 1980
Resurrection of the Daleks gen novel 2008
Revelation (Doctor Who zine) 1987-1988
Revelation of the Daleks gen novel 1992
Revelations (Doctor Who zine) gen anthology 1980s
Reverse the Polarity 1997-present
Revia (clubzine) 1993-1994
A Ripple in Time gen novel 1989
The Roving Reporter
Rumours (Doctor Who newsletter) newsletter 1990s
Salyavin nonfiction, meta, fanart mid 1985-1988
Savage Leela-centric meta and art 1980/1981
The Scrolls of Rassilon 1987-1988
The Seal of Rassilon 1985-1986
Scope meta, fanfiction, fan graphics 1978-early 1980s?
Second Dimension
Serendipitous Scenarios gen anthology 1990-1994
The Seventh Door 1988
Shada 1980s
Shada Comes of Age 18 nonfiction, gen fanworks 1984
Sidrat 1981-1982
Seeds of Death gen novel 1985
Shockeye's Kitchen non-fiction 1980s
Shooty Dog Thing gen e-zine 2007-2010
Silver Carrier
Sing Sweetly, Sing Strong 1989
Sir Janet's Newsletter 1984
Sir Janet's Stories 1984
The Sixth Doctor Who Dictionary 1989
Soft Targets 1992-1997
The Sonic Screwdriver (by Steven Grace) #1-11 gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1993-1996
The Sonic Screwdriver (multifandom) #1-8 gen, multifandom 1986-?
The Sonic Screwdriver (clubzine) #1-140 gen, fanfic, nonfiction 1980-present
Sonic Times newsletter 1984-96
The South Croydon LIStener newsletter 1990-20000
The Space Museum non-fiction 1980s
Space Rat gen anthology 1983
Spearhead from Space 1979
Spotlight on Who non-fiction anthology
Star Begotten 1986-1992
The Steel Sky
Storyzone 1997
Strange Matter #1-19 ?-1997
Stuck to the Floor newsletter 1980s
Summer Camp gen novel 2008
Supervoc club zine 1980
Tachatronic Crucible gen fic, poetry, fanart, fan comics ?1988
Tales of Rassilon newsletter 1990s
Tales of the Solar System 2000
TARDIS 1975-1998
The TARDIS at Pooh Corner 1983
Tardis Blue
Tardis Exchange 1994
The Tardis Tales Collection cartoons 1993
Tardis Time Lore
TARDIS Times 1986
Teddy Bear Times
Telos ?-1997/1998
Temporal Orbit 1990s
Terminus (Doctor Who zine) gen anthology 1980s
The Terrible Zodin gen e-zine 2008-2017
Thettie's Ditties filk zines 1985
The Tides of Time gen anthology 1990s
Time Bears needlepoint zine 1985
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Think Tank 1989
A Third of Infinity mid-1980s
Time Brains 2013
Time Distort (Blake's 7 and Doctor Who club zine) club zine 1987
Time Log
Time Loop (Doctor Who zine) newsletter 1981-1989
Time Lord Tales
The Time Meddler (Doctor Who zine published in Canada) 1981-1985
Time Meddler (Doctor Who zine published in Australia) club newsletter 1988-1989
Time Rotor 1988
Time Trap (Doctor Who zine) newsletter 1988-1989
Time Vwoorp! with other sci-fi fandoms 1987
The Timelord Times newsletter
The Time Rider
Time Space Visualiser
Timestreams 1990-1995
Time Table
Time Winds #1-20 gen 1983-1988
Times newsletter
Timelash 1983
Timetalk gen 1980s
Timewalker gen and multimedia 1986
Timing Malfunction 1990s
The Tomb 1987-1990
The Totally Tasteless Jokes of Rassilon 1985
Traken gen
Trenchcoat 1991-1996, 2003
Trials and Transmutations
Trion 1987
Triple Echo gen and multimedia 1980s
Twenty-Five Years of a Time Lord 1989
Twice Ten: An Odyssey In Time... and Space gen 1983
Update! newsletter 1985
The Universal Dreamer
The Unpaid Scientific Advisor anthology of articles, reviews and convention reports
The Veil
The Victorian Time Machine 1979-1980
Vipod Mor 1988
The Visitor, Who Else? crossover stories
Vortex (by Colin Jenkins) #1-18 gen, nonfiction 1983-1993
Vortex (by C.J.P. Rodgers) gen 1993
Vortex (by Paul Rowe) #1-4 gen, nonfiction 1996-1997
Walking in Eternity 2001
The Wall of Lies newsletter 1990s
Wall Scrawl 1989
Warcry of Hallatern
Warm Gallifreyan Nights
Well Met in Space and Time Battlestar Galactica
Wheel in Space articles, reviews, letters, fics 1984
Whirly Thing Alert newsletter, multifandom
Who and Crew cartoons 1980s
Who's Doodlebug? gen 1980
Who Else?
Who in Who unknown content 1993
Who Knows
Who-Rotica het
Wholook 1980s
Whovian Times
Whovita filksong opera
Zerinza newsletter 1976-1986
The Zero Room gen anthology 1987
Zeta Minor
Zigma 1983-1984