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Title: Zygon
Editor(s): Doug Smith
Date(s): 1980s
Medium: print
Size: A5
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
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Zygon is a gen Doctor Who anthology edited by Doug Smith. There are at least four issues. A5 and stapled.

Issue 1

Zygon 1

Issue 2

cover of issue #2

Zygon 2 features an article written by John (K9) Leeson himself and also further contributions from Paul Cornell (again), David J Howe and virtually every other popular fan writer of the period.

Issue 3

Zygon 3 was published in 1985 and contains 24 pages.

cover of issue #3
With it's superb, stricking logo issue 3 was released during that turbulent period in Doctor Who history the 18 month hiatus. The editor Doug Smith comments on the hiatus encouraging the fanzine readers to "...write to the BBC in order to try and get the delay in season 23 lifted... if I thought it was going to get us anywhere. Unfortunately I think the BBC are too intransient to even consider a 'Dallas' style back down."

CLOTHES MAKETH THE MAN by Guy Clapperton looked at the costumes worn by the sixth Doctor and his companion Peri the latter coming in for a good dressing down by its author: "...Peri first donned the gear we all know and drool over because it is our Peri Postcard which the beeb has sent us. And a right old mess it looks...a companion showing plenty of leg and boob in a pink outfit evidently designed to woo the dads away from making the tea and getting the ratings up. Certainly it wasn't designed for interstellar fighting activities."

PRODUCTION VALUES examined certain aspects of production and assessed their importance on the series as a whole. "I say 'production' rather than 'story' because I think that the actual story need not be particularly good for a successful production" stated it's author Richard J Smith,"...and by 'production' I mean all the elements which go into making the set of episodes in question a success or a failure." Praise for Chris H. Bidmead's dialogue indicating FRONTIOS but not his plots and the opposite is said of Eric Saward's serial in this case RESURRECTION OF THE DALEKS.

Martin Richards examined THE WEEKDAY DOCTOR with a look at Peter Davison's tenear as the fifth Doctor, and the highs and lows of the weekday serial. The remainder of the fanzine looked at the 22nd Season of Doctor Who with reviews from a number of contributors including John Connors, Martin Day and Robert Franks amongst others. Each review was scattered throughout with an interview about the season with it's producer John Nathan-Turner, something of which I don't think I've seen anywhere else in a fanzine. Artwork by Robert Franks, Colin-John and Doug Smith.[1]

Issue 4

Zygon 4 was published in 1986 and contains 24 pages.


  1. ^ "The Fanzine Vault". Archived from the original on 2012-06-10.